31 research outputs found

    Genetically modified parthenocarpic eggplants: improved fruit productivity under both greenhouse and open field cultivation.

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    BACKGROUND: Parthenocarpy, or fruit development in the absence of fertilization, has been genetically engineered in eggplant and in other horticultural species by using the DefH9-iaaM gene. The iaaM gene codes for tryptophan monoxygenase and confers auxin synthesis, while the DefH9 controlling regions drive expression of the gene specifically in the ovules and placenta. A previous greenhouse trial for winter production of genetically engineered (GM) parthenocarpic eggplants demonstrated a significant increase (an average of 33% increase) in fruit production concomitant with a reduction in cultivation costs. RESULTS: GM parthenocarpic eggplants have been evaluated in three field trials. Two greenhouse spring trials have shown that these plants outyielded the corresponding untransformed genotypes, while a summer trial has shown that improved fruit productivity in GM eggplants can also be achieved in open field cultivation. Since the fruits were always seedless, the quality of GM eggplant fruits was improved as well. RT-PCR analysis demonstrated that the DefH9-iaaM gene is expressed during late stages of fruit development. CONCLUSIONS: The DefH9-iaaM parthenocarpic gene is a biotechnological tool that enhances the agronomic value of all eggplant genotypes tested. The main advantages of DefH9-iaaM eggplants are: i) improved fruit productivity (at least 30–35%) under both greenhouse and open field cultivation; ii) production of good quality (marketable) fruits during different types of cultivation; iii) seedless fruit with improved quality. Such advantages have been achieved without the use of either male or female sterility genes

    Multi-Parental Advances Generation Inter-CrossPopulation, to Develop Organic Tomato Genotypes by Participatory Plant Breeding

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    A Multi-parent Advanced Generation Intercross (MAGIC) tomato population was developed by crossing eight founder lines chosen to include a wide range of variability. The lines were previously genotyped by a genotyping by sequencing approach. The MAGIC population was used to develop genotypes with important agronomic traits and to perform the Participatory Plant Breeding (PPB). Among the 400 plants of generation 4 (G4) of the MAGIC population cultivated in an organic field experiment, 22 individuals were phenotypically selected and a molecular analysis was done for both presence of resistance genes and fruit shape (marker assisted selection) on G5 seedlings. Three selected plants showed both the pyramiding gene of resistance to the main diseases and the ovate gene for pear shape typology. The 400 G10 stable lines that obtained from single seed descent will represent an important genetic resource for the tomato scientific community. The MAGIC population G4 was also cultivated in three organic farms located in North, Central and South Italy to carry out the PPB. The plants showed significant phenotypic differences in development, productivity and fruit color. This variability was used to select families of tomato adapted to low input crop management, different environments, agricultural practices and market condition

    Mapping quantitative trait loci affecting biochemical and morphological fruit properties in eggplant (Solanum melongena L.)

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    Eggplant berries are a source of health-promoting metabolites including antioxidant and nutraceutical compounds, mainly anthocyanins and chlorogenic acid; however, they also contain some anti-nutritional compounds such as steroidal glycoalkaloids (SGA) and saponins, which are responsible for the bitter taste of the flesh and with potential toxic effects on humans. Up to now, Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) for the metabolic content are far from being characterized in eggplant, thus hampering the application of breeding programs aimed at improving its fruit quality. Here we report on the identification of some QTL for the fruit metabolic content in an F2 intraspecific mapping population of 156 individuals, obtained by crossing the eggplant breeding lines ‘305E40’ x ‘67/3’. The same population was previously employed for the development of a RAD-tag based linkage map and the identification of QTL associated to morphological and physiological traits. The mapping population was biochemically characterized for both fruit basic qualitative data, like dry matter, °Brix, sugars and organic acids, as well as for health-related compounds such chlorogenic acid, (the main flesh monomeric phenol), the two peel anthocyanins (i.e. delphinidin-3-rutinoside (D3R) and delphinidin-3-(p-coumaroylrutinoside)-5-glucoside (nasunin)) and the two main steroidal glycoalkaloids, solasonine and solamargine. For most of the traits, one major QTL (PVE ≥ 10%) was spotted and putative orthologies with other Solanaceae crops are discussed. The present results supply valuable information to eggplant breeders on the inheritance of key fruit quality traits, thus providing potential tools to assist future breeding programs

    Antioxidant and antiproliferative activities of different varieties of cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis) after cooking processes.

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    Cauliflowers are well-known for their health benefits and they are becoming increasingly popular as a fresh vegetable significant source of nutritional antioxidants, such as vitamins and carotenoids, or biologically active dietary components, such as the polyphenols and glucosinolates [1]. Cauliflowers are also a rich source of nutrients such as calcium, zeaxanthin and lutein which have a protective action in eye health and they can also help in the prevention of cancer through the flavonoids known as quercetin or phytonutrient as sulforaphane [2]. Cultivation of coloured cauliflowers (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis) is spreading in Italy and this is also a consequence of the significant genetic improvement on the white type “Tardivo di Fano”, the green types “Verde di Macerata” and the violet type “Violetto di Catania” [3]. Recently, in the framework of a genetic improvement programme, pure lines of “orange type” were obtained [4]. Cooking as a domestic processing method has a great impact on food nutrients. Most vegetables are mainly consumed after being cooked, and cooking considerably affects their health-promoting compounds (glucosinolates, phenolic compounds, phytochemicals, and vitamin C). The cooking process is more important also to determine the quality and recovery of biological active components that characterized the different variety of cauliflowers selected. The aim of this work was to study the influence of these conditions during boiling water and microwave cooking on some properties of coloured cauliflowers. Total polyphenols, antioxidant activity, and antiproliferative activity on human breast adenocarcinoma cell line MDA-MB 231 were evaluated after cooking processes. The results showed that the antioxidant activity, tested using ABTS assay, was reduced during the cooking in all cauliflower varieties. An increase of antioxidant activity in orange and violet varieties was observed when tested with DPPH and FRAP assays. Furthermore, the phenolic substances increase in methanol extracts after cooking processes, especially with microwave treatment. The antiproliferative activity on MDA-MB 231 tumour cell line shows an increase in orange and violet cauliflower aqueous extracts cooked with microwave. In conclusion, the change of properties results lower for orange and violet cauliflowers respect to white or green varieties after cooking processes. In some case the cooking processes increase the antioxidant and antiproliferative activity. The best cooking method that preserves the healthy properties of all varieties of cauliflower is the microwave treatment. [1] Raiola A, Errico A, Petruk G, Monti DM, Barone A, Rigano MM. Bioactive Compounds In Brassicaceae Vegetables With A Role In The Prevention Of Chronic Diseases. Molecules. 2017;23(1), pii: E15. [2] Rosa EAS, Heaney RK, Fenwick GR, Portas CAM. Glucosinolates in Crop Plants, in Horticultural Reviews, Volume 19 (ed J. Janick), 2010, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Oxford, UK. [3] Acciarri N, Sabatini E, Rotino GL, Ciriaci T, Pulcini L, Della Campa M, Maestrelli A. Breeding In Progress In New Typologies Of Orange Cauliflowers (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis) Proceedings of 5th International Symposium on Brassicas and the 16th Crucifer genetic Workshop. Lillehammer, Norway. 8-12 September 2008. [4] Lu S,Van Eck J, Zhou X, Lopez AB, O’Halloran DM, Cosman KM, Conlin BJ, Paolillo DJ, Garvin DF, Vrebalov J, Kochian, LV, Kupper H, Earle ED, Cao J, Lia L. The Cauliflower Or Gene Encodes A Dnaj Cysteine-Rich Domain-Containing Protein That Mediates High Levels Of β-Carotene Accumulation. Plant Cell 2006;18:3594-3605

    Breeding for Nutritional and Organoleptic Quality in Vegetable Crops: The Case of Tomato and Cauliflower

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    Due to novel and more demanding consumers’ requirements, breeding of vegetable crops confronts new challenges to improve the nutritional level and overall appearance of produce. Such objectives are not easy to achieve considering the complex genetic and physiological bases. Overtime, plant breeders relied on a number of technologies and methods to achieve ever changing targets. F1 hybrid seed production allowed the exploitation of heterosis and facilitated the combination of resistance and other useful genes in a uniform outperforming variety. Mutagenesis and tissue culture techniques permitted to induce novel variation, overcome crossing barriers, and speed up the achievement of true-breeding lines. Marker-assisted selection was one of the milestones in fastening selection, starting from the early ’90s in almost all seed companies. Only recently, however, are novel omics tools and genome editing being used as cutting-edge techniques to face old and new challenges in vegetable crops, with the potential to increase the qualitative value of crop cultivation and solve malnutrition in 10 billion people over the next 30 years. In this manuscript, the evolution of breeding approaches in vegetable crops for quality is reviewed, reporting case studies in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) and cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis L.) as model systems for fleshy fruit and floral edible parts, respectively

    Physiological and Biochemical Characterization of a Red Escarole Obtained from an Interspecies Crossing

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    Escarole (Cichorium endivia L.) and radicchio (Cichorium intybus L.) are two important leafy vegetables appreciated by consumers for their sensory attributes, and at the same time, they can be considered a good source of health-promoting secondary metabolites, including polyphenols, flavonoids, and anthocyanins. The aim of this work is the characterization of a new variety of red escarole obtained after a long-term breeding program involving the interspecies crossing between red radicchio and green escarole. Our multidisciplinary approach of investigation allowed us to study the effects of the crossing on several aspects, including the accumulation of phenolic compounds and anthocyanins, the expression pattern of some of the key genes in the phenylpropanoid pathway, and the sensory profiling of the new variety obtained. Given the results, it is possible to conclude that the new variety of red escarole presents traits deriving from both radicchio and escarole. The sensory profile and the preliminary data on yield, suggests that red escarole has interesting characteristics that could be successfully introduced into the market of leafy crops

    SNP mapping and identification of QTL for horticultural key breeding traits in eggplant (Solanum melongena L.)

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    Eggplant genome is relatively unexplored, especially compared to those of the other major Solanaceae crops tomato, pepper and potato. We recently combined the developed Restriction-site Associated DNA (RAD) approach with Illumina DNA sequencing to effect the rapid and mass discovery of both SNP and SSR markers in eggplant for mapping as well as QTL analysis. A subset of 384 SNPs was used to genotype an F2 intraspecific mapping population and integrated into a previously developed genetic linkage map encompassing a total of 415 markers. The framework map includes 12 linkage groups spanning 1,390 cM with an average map distance of 3.8 cM. The newly developed map was used for identifying quantitative trait loci (QTL) for the traits fruit weight, maximum fruit diameter, fruit shape (length max/diameter max) and adaxial leaf lamina anthocyanin in two locations. On the whole 18 and 17 QTLs were identified in both environments, and at least one major QTL for each trait was identified on the basis of both LOD threshold and coefficient of determination (R2) values

    QTL Mapping in Eggplant Reveals Clusters of Yield-Related Loci and Orthology with the Tomato Genome

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    <div><p>In spite of its widespread cultivation and nutritional and economic importance, the eggplant (<i>Solanum melongena</i> L.) genome has not been extensively explored. A lack of knowledge of the patterns of inheritance of key agronomic traits has hindered the exploitation of marker technologies to accelerate its genetic improvement. An already established F<sub>2</sub> intraspecific population of eggplant bred from the cross ‘305E40’ x ‘67/3’ was phenotyped for 20 agronomically relevant traits at two sites. Up to seven quantitative trait loci (QTL) per trait were identified and the percentage of the phenotypic variance (PV) explained per QTL ranged from 4 to 93%. Not all the QTL were detectable at both sites, but for each trait at least one major QTL (PV explained ≥10%) was identified. Although no detectable QTL x environment interaction was found, some QTL identified were location-specific. Many of the fruit-related QTL clustered within specific chromosomal regions, reflecting either linkage and/or pleiotropy. Evidence for putative tomato orthologous QTL/genes was obtained for several of the eggplant QTL. Information regarding the inheritance of key agronomic traits was obtained. Some of the QTL, along with their respective linked markers, may be useful in the context of marker-assisted breeding.</p></div