40 research outputs found

    Hukum Safar Wanita Tanpa Mahram Menurut Pandangan Para Ulama

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    Every Islamic law must aim to bring benefits and reject harm. In one of the rules of the Shari'a, Allah Ta'ala provides a rule for traveling specifically for women, which is to be with a mahram when traveling. However, seeing the times and conditions today which are different from the past, many women are still in a dilemma of doubts about the legal status of women traveling without a mahram. For this reason, the scholars have different opinions regarding 'illah, the prohibition of women traveling without a mahram. This research is a type of library research, with a descriptive-analytical approach. As for the results of this study, the scholars are divided into two views regarding the law of women having a non-mahram character; some argue that 'illah is traveling without a mahram itself. Consequently, traveling is illegitimate for women without a mahram, whether in conditions of wajib, sunnah or mubah travel. Meanwhile, some others argue that 'illah, the prohibition of traveling for women without a mahram is safety for traveling. This has consequences on the permissibility of traveling either in conditions of wajib, sunnah or mubah travel. As for traveling for the purpose of haram, then it is clear that the law is haram

    Online communication and sustainability reporting: the managerial issues

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    The use of online communication to disclose sustainability efforts is becoming widespread especially in the technological advancement era. It involves communicating any sustainability related information via the internet, particularly on websites. There are managerial issues associated with the initiative use of online communication for sustainability reporting, even though it brings many benefits to companies in terms of increased transparency, reputation, trust, information accuracy, faster information dissemination and many more. In addition to this, the level of sustainability reporting via online communication is found to be low, which means that this communication method is not well utilized. Therefore, this study aims to uncover the opinions of managers towards using online communication to report sustainability efforts and the managerial issues associated to it. As sustainability reporting is common among public listed companies, 10 semi-structured interviews were conducted with managers of various backgrounds from these companies. The results revealed that the fostering of sustainability reporting via online communication was viewed as a positive effort from the perspective of respondents; however, there were some managerial issues. These issues are categorized as leader’s confidence, personal constraints and external factors. Most reporting and disclosure studies focus on performance metrics and other data driven factors, whereas this study took a different leap in focusing on managers, who are also the corporate players. Hence this study provides a new insight on online communication, focusing on how organizational leaders can have an impact on the setting of sustainability reporting and the dilemmas they are facing

    Bibliometric Analysis of Cyber Threat and Cyber Attack Literature: Exploring the Higher Education Context

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    In nearly all procedures involving students and faculty, higher education organizations make substantial use of computers and the internet. Little is known on the progress and development of literature on cyber threats and cyber attacks in this sector. This chapter fills this gap by examining the trends of literature on cyber threats and cyber attacks focusing on the higher education. Bibliometric analysis through Scopus database was employed to offer research ideas and trigger debates. Analyzed parameters include the number of document types, publications, authorship, citation, and subject areas, as well as the topographical dispersion of published research. The earliest publication could be seen in the year 2003, and since then 606 papers were published. The majority of publications were conference papers but merely 8.42% of those were open access. The results indicate that publications hit a plateau in 2018, with English becoming the main publication language. The most prominent country that has contributed to the literature is the United States. Nonetheless, the majority of the publications were contained by the subject area of Computer Science, hence it is relatively challenging to trace the progress in education context. This chapter presents a groundwork providing insights for others to probe into the topic further

    Optimization of Biodiesel Production from Castor Oil by Transesterification Process

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    The scarcity of fossil fuels, environmental pollution and food crisis are the world’s major issues in current era. Biodiesel is an alternative to fuel, is environmental friendly and biodegradable and can be produced from both edible and non-edible oils. In this work, a non-edible oil, castor oil is used for the production of biodiesel.The biodiesel production is a two-step process, the first step is acid esterification to reduce the free fatty acid (FFA) amount in the oil and the second step is base transesterification to convert the oil completely to biodiesel. Response Surface Methodology is used to optimize the conditions for biodiesel production from castor oil by using a homogeneous catalyst, potassium hydroxide through transesterification process. A quadratic polynomial equation is obtained for biodiesel yield. The studied variables are oil to methanol ratio, catalyst concentration, temperature and time. Results from the optimization are that oil to methanol ratio is 9, 0.5% catalyst, 45oC temperature and 90 minutes. This gives a yield of 83.57% of biodiesel. These parameters is then used for conducting a transesterification process with heterogeneous catalyst, sodium titanate. The results between homogeneous and heterogeneous catalyst is the compared by comparing their density, viscosity and others. The biodiesel’s conversion and its composition are also determined by using the Gas Chromatography Flame Ionization Detector (GC FID) unit

    An Investigation into the Factors Influencing Unethical Consumer Behavior in Selangor

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    This study investigates consumers' motivation for behaving unethically and to understand the factors influencing it. As there are less research and reports on factors influencing the unethical consumer behaviors in Malaysia, thus study on this issue is important. Respondents from Selangor, which is from one of the states in Malaysia was chosen as the sample for this study. A purposive sampling technique was implemented in selecting the respondents aged between 19 to 35 years old. The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) model is applied to reveal the secret behind it. It is found that the potential factors of consumers behaving unethically are attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control and habit. Given the complexity of this integrated model and simultaneous involvement of many factors, the SEM is used and a multivariate analysis technique is adopted. It shows that the revised model for Selangor consumers produced no significant direct impact. It is also identified that those factors; attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control and habit are insignificant to the relationship between those factors and the intention to behave unethically. It is found for the sample that there are mediating effects of intention in two relationships; intention mediates the relationship between subjective norms and behavior and intention mediates the relationship between habit and behavior

    Peran Kebersyukuran Sebagai Moderator Pada Pengaruh Religiusitas Terhadap Altruisme Musyrif dan Musyrifah Pusat Ma’had Al Jami’ah Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

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    INDONESIA: Perilaku altruisme merupakan tindakan untuk memberikan bantuan kepada orang lain dengan tanpa pamrih. Perilaku inilah yang ditunjukkan oleh Musyrif dan Musyrifah Pusat Ma’had Al Jami’ah Universitas Islam Negeri Malang. Dengan adanya program Ma’had di Universitas Islam Negeri Malang yang diperuntukkan untuk mahasiswa baru, Musyrif dan Musyrifah mampu membantu program tersebut dengan mendampingi mahasiswa baru baik dalam kegiatan taklim ma’had maupun kegiatan-kegiatan ma’had lainnya. Perilaku altruisme tersebut dipengaruhi oleh beberapa hal, diantaranya adalah tingkat religiusitas seseorang. Adapun perilaku altruisme dan tingkat religiusitas seseorang ini juga berhubungan dengan rasa syukur yang dimiliki orang tersebut. Jadi, ketika seseorang memiliki keyakinan agama yang tinggi, rasa syukur yang dimiliki pun juga tinggi kemudian berpengaruh terhadap perilaku altruisme yang dimunculkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan mendeskripsikan peran kebersyukuran sebagai moderator pada pengaruh religiusitas terhadap altruisme Musyrif dan Musyrifah Pusat Ma’had Al Jamiah Universitas Islam Negeri Malang. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif degan metode analisis MRA (Moderate Regression Analysis). Subjek yang diteliti berjumlah 163 orang dari populasi sebanyak 274 orang. Dalam pengumpulan data peneliti menggunakan Instrument Self Report Altrusim (SRA), Skala religiusitas yang diadopsi dari skala religiusitas untuk subyek muslim oleh Prof. Dr. Yulmaida Amir yang di publikasikan pada Indonesian Journal for The Psychology of Religion pada tahun 2021 dan skala kebersyukuran yang diadopsi dari Munajjid (2006) yaitu mengenal nikmat, menerima nikmat dan memuji Allah atas nikmat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat religiusitas, altrusime dan kebersyukuran Musyrif dan Musyrifah Pusat Ma’had Al Jami’ah Universitas Islam Negeri Malang cenderung sedang. Kebersyukuran mampu berperan menjadi moderator dalam pengaruh religiusitas terhadap altruisme. Pengaruh religiusitas terhadap altruisme Musyrif dan Musyrifah awalnya sebesar 15,8 % kemudian dengan adanya kebersyukuran sebagai moderator maka naik menjadi 17,9 %. Artinya kebersyukuran mampu memperkuat pengaruh religiusitas terhadap altruisme Musyrif dan Musyrifah. ENGLISH: Altruism is an act of giving help to others selflessly. This behavior is shown in the Musyrif dan Musyrifah Ma'had Al Jami'ah Center of Universitas Islam Negeri Malang. With the existence of the Ma'had program at Universitas Islam Negeri Malang which is intended for new students, Musyrif dan Musyrifah is able to assist the program with accompanying new students both in ma'had taklim activities and other ma'had activities. The altruistic behavior is influenced by several things, including the level of one's religiosity. As for altruistic behavior and the level of one's religiosity, this is also related to the gratitude that that person has. So, when a person has high religious beliefs, the gratitude he has is also high and then influences the altruistic behavior that is raised. This study aims to determine the role of gratitude as a moderator on the influence of religiosity on the altruism of Musyrif dan Musyrifah Ma'had Al Jamiah Center Universitas Islam Negeri Malang. This research method uses a quantitative approach with the MRA (Moderated Regression Analysis) method of analysis. The subjects studied amounted to 163 people from a population of 274 people. In collecting data, researchers used the Altrusim Instrument Self Report (SRA), a religiosity scale adopted from the religiosity scale for Muslim subjects by Prof. Dr. Yulmaida Amir which was published in the Indonesian Journal for The Psychology of Religion in 2021 and the gratitude scale adopted from Munajjid (2006), namely knowing favors, receiving favors and praising Allah for favors. The results showed that the level of religiosity, altruism and gratitude for the Ma'had Al Jami'ah Center of Universitas Islam Negeri Malang tends to be moderate. Gratitude can act as a moderator in the influence of religiosity on altruism. The influence of religiosity on the altruism of Musyrif dan Musyrifah initially was 15.8% then with gratitude as a moderator it rose to 17.9%. This means that gratitude is able to strengthen the influence of religiosity on Musyrif'ah altruism. ARABIC: الإيثار هو عمل يقدم المساعدة للآخرين بنكران الذات. يظهر هذا السلوك من قبل . مع وجود برنامج معهد في معهد الجامعة مولانا مالك إبرهيم مالنج الذي يخصص للطلاب الجدد ، فإن المشرفين قادرة على مساعدة البرنامج من خلال مرافقة الطلاب الجدد في كل من أنشطة معهد تكليم وأنشطة المدارس الأخرى. يتأثر سلوك الإيثار بعدة أشياء ، بما في ذلك مستوى تدين الفرد. أما فيما يتعلق بالسلوك الإيثاري ومستوى التدين ، فإن هذا يرتبط أيضًا بالامتنان الذي يتمتع به هذا الشخص. لذلك ، عندما يكون لدى الشخص معتقدات دينية عالية ، يكون الامتنان الذي يتمتع به مرتفعًا أيضًا ثم يؤثر على السلوك الإيثاري الذي يتم تربيته. تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى تحديد دور الامتنان كوسيط في تأثير التدين على إيثار المشرفين في معهد الجامعة مولانا مالك إبرهيم الحكومية الإسلامية مالنج. تستخدم طريقة البحث هذه نهجًا كميًا مع طريقة تحليل الانحدار المتوسط (MRA). وبلغت الموضوعات التي تمت دراستها 163 شخصًا من عدد سكان يبلغ 274 شخصًا. في جمع البيانات ، استخدم الباحثون التقرير الذاتي لآلة التروسيم (SRA) ، وهو مقياس تدين تم اعتماده من مقياس التدين للمسلمين من قبل البروفيسور ك. دكتور. يولمايدا أمير الذي نشر في المجلة الإندونيسية لعلم نفس الدين عام 2021 ومقياس الامتنان المعتمد من منجد (2006) ، وهو معرفة النعم ، وتلقي النعم ، وحمد الله على النعم. أظهرت النتائج أن مستوى التدين والإيثار والشكر في معهد الجامعة مولانا مالك إبرهيم الحكومية الإسلامية مالنج يميل إلى أن يكون معتدلاً. يمكن أن يكون الامتنان بمثابة وسيط في تأثير التدين على الإيثار. في البداية ، كان تأثير التدين على إيثار مصريف / أهه 15.8٪ ثم مع الامتنان بصفته وسيطًا ارتفع إلى 17.9٪. وهذا يعني أن الامتنان قادر على تقوية تأثير التدين على إيثار المسيرة. الكلمات الأساسية: التدين ، الإيثار ، الامتنان ، الوسي

    Supply Chain Strategy in Initial Public Offering in Malaysia: A Review of Long-Run Share Price Performance

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    Abstract- The paper examined the current status of research regarding the long-run share price performance of initial public offerings (IPO) in Malaysia. The review on previous ‎studies was divided into the followings: underwriter reputation, earnings management, and board variables‎. The paper found that ‎there was a noticeable poor long-run performance, and Malaysian IPOs were lesser than others from developed nations. The evidences of the long-run performance were inconsistent. This paper pinpointed significant factors that could ‎influence the ‎‎long-run share price performance in the Malaysian IPO market. New areas for future research were also suggested

    Between Prohibition and Permissibility of Islamic Art: An Application of Ma’na-Cum-Maghza Approach on Hadiths of Music, Painting and Dance

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    The problem of music, painting (drawing), and dance in Islam still has differences of opinion regarding the banning of the three. This variety of opinions arises based on verses from the Qur`an and hadith to strengthen their respective arguments. This study reveals how the hadiths about art could be understood and contextualized using the Ma’na-Cum-Maghza Sahiron approach, as well as their relevance in the study of hadith. This qualitative study uses sociological and historical approaches, and the data obtained are analyzed using explanatory analysis techniques. There are two findings in this study: first, in the hadiths of music, painting (drawing) and dance, there is no message that implies a prohibition on these three arts. The hadiths appeared and only took effect at that time or according to the context of certain events behind the emergence of these hadiths. Second, in the current context, the meaning and application of these hadiths must be relevant to the times by paying attention to human interests and needs. If these arts turn out to have a positive impact on human life, then it is possible that these arts can be applied. In the context of hadith studies, the combination of studies of discussions related to art and the application of Ma’na-Cum-Maghza approach is useful for understanding all three in one study so that the understanding of them becomes more integral-comprehensive

    Perception of safety, physical working conditions and stress between Malaysia and United Kingdom

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    21st century businesses operate faster and with more complexity and uncertainty than ever before, and therefore industrial accidents and diseases become more prolific, bringing a serious and costly burden to all countries. For the majority of the world’s workforce, a working environment does not meet the minimum standards and guiding principle predetermined by the international bureaus. This has called for occupational safety and health to be implemented and enforced. Different laws and regulations have been introduced by most of the developed countries meant for the prevention of industrial accidents and occupational diseases and the statistics of occupational accidents is being kept updated. Differences of behavioral patterns in organizations are attributed to beliefs, norms and values amongst employees from different parts of the world. Therefore, the health and safety of employees becomes a vital aspect of the work of human resource management teams. This study compared the perception of employees towards health and safety in workplaces in Malaysia and the United Kingdom (UK). Malaysia is a developing country whereas the UK is a developed country. Investigating their perceptions would provide insights for different points of view on occupational health and safety from a developing country and a developed country