11 research outputs found

    Facilitating and inhibiting factors related to treatment adherence in women with polycystic ovary syndrome: a qualitative study

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    Background: Adherence issues in PCOS patients have not been examined thoroughly. Patients report prolonged periods of treatment and side effects of drug as the most common reason for withdrawal from treatment. To improve the effective management of PCOS patients, it is fundamental to understand facilitating and inhibiting factors to treatment adherence. Objective: to explore facilitating /inhibiting factors related to treatment adherence among PCOS patients. Material and Methods: This was a qualitative study with a purposive sample of women with confirmed diagnosis of PCOS. The data were collected via 20 in-depth semi-structured interviews with women aged between 21 to 34. A qualitative content analysis was used to analyze the data. Results: Five themes were identified which described different types of facilitating /inhibiting factors to treatment adherence. Inhibiting factors included financial issues, patient-related, disease-related, health care provider-related factors; social factors were found to be both facilitating and inhibiting. Conclusion: The findings suggest that successful adherence to PCOS treatment is highly dependent on patients recognizing and adapting to financial, social, and health care related inhibiting factors. It is also crucial for clinicians and policy makers to recognize these key inhibiting factors in order to improve treatment outcomes Keywords: polycystic ovarian syndrome, adherence, qualitative researc

    Investigando o papel mediador da agilidade organizacional no efeito do capital intelectual sobre o desempenho do enfermeiro no Hospital Shahid Beheshti de Yasuj

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    Aim and literature: organizations face an environment which is characterized by increasing complexity and globalization and dynamism in the ultra-competitive era. So, the main aim of the present study is analyzing the effect of intellectual capital on nurses' job performance by considering the mediating role of organizational agility.The present research is an applied, descriptive, survey and correlative research in terms of its aim and methodology which was conducted in 2017 periodically. The statistical population of this study included the nurses of Shahid Beheshti Hospital of Yasuj. They were 320 persons at the time of study. The sample size was 174 persons which were selected by a stratified- randomized method. The standard questionnaire was used for gathering information. The validity and reliability of this questionnaire was confirmed. Pearson correlation test, structural equations modeling and bootstrap test were used for analyzing the relationship between variables, measuring the fit of the research model and testing the hypotheses by SPSS and Smart Pls software respectively. Results suggested that the proposed model of research has a good fit and these results are in accordance with positive and significant effect of intellectual capital on nurses' job performance. Findings of this research also showed that intellectual capital has a direct, positive and significant effect on nurses' job performance with the moderating role of agility. The results showed that hospital agility can be an important factor in improving the nurses' job performance and thus strengthening the intellectual capital of the hospital.Objetivo y literatura: las organizaciones se enfrentan a un entorno caracterizado por el aumento de la complejidad y la globalización y el dinamismo en la era ultracompetitiva. Por lo tanto, el objetivo principal del presente estudio es analizar el efecto del capital intelectual en el desempeño laboral de las enfermeras al considerar el papel mediador de la agilidad organizacional.  La presente investigación es una investigación aplicada, descriptiva, encuesta y correlativa en términos de su objetivo y metodología que se llevó a cabo en 2017 periódicamente. La población estadística de este estudio incluyó a las enfermeras del Hospital Shahid Beheshti de Yasuj. Eran 320 personas en el momento del estudio. El tamaño de la muestra fue de 174 personas que fueron seleccionadas por un método estratificado y aleatorizado. El cuestionario estándar se usó para recopilar información. La validez y fiabilidad de este cuestionario fue confirmada. La prueba de correlación de Pearson, el modelado de ecuaciones estructurales y la prueba de arranque se usaron para analizar la relación entre variables, medir el ajuste del modelo de investigación y probar las hipótesis mediante el software SPSS y Smart Pls, respectivamente. los resultados sugirieron que el modelo propuesto de investigación encaja bien y estos resultados están de acuerdo con el efecto positivo y significativo del capital intelectual en el desempeño laboral de las enfermeras. Los resultados de esta investigación también mostraron que el capital intelectual tiene un efecto directo, positivo y significativo en el desempeño laboral de las enfermeras con el papel moderador de la agilidad. Los resultados mostraron que la agilidad hospitalaria puede ser un factor importante para mejorar el desempeño laboral de las enfermeras y así fortalecer el capital intelectual del hospital.O objetivo principal do presente estudo é avaliar o comprometimento organizacional de professores do ensino médio baseado na teoria de Herzberg sobre a motivação dos fatores. Um método de pesquisa descritiva é usado neste estudo. A população estatística deste estudo inclui os professores da escola secundária da administração educacional da cidade de Jahrom. Havia 330 pessoas no momento do estudo. O tamanho da amostra foi de 178 pessoas, de acordo com a tabela de Kerjesi-Morgan, e a amostragem foi realizada por método estratificado e randomizado. Dois problemas de comprometimento organizacional (Allen e Meyer) e motivação foram utilizados pelas razões dos fatores (expectativa de trabalho) (Lussier) para coletar informações. A validade e confiabilidade dos questionários foram confirmadas. indicadores SIRS como média e desvio padrão, amostra teste t, coeficiente de correlação de Pearson, t-teste em amostras independentes, análise de regressão multivariada e análise de variância através das partes de estatística descritiva e estatística inferencial para analisar os dados respectivamente. Os resultados dos dados analisados mostraram que existe uma relação significativa entre fatores de higiene motivacional e comprometimento organizacional. Não há diferença significativa entre os fatores de higiene de professores do sexo masculino e feminino, mas a taxa de fatores de higiene das professoras é maior do que a dos professores do sexo masculino. Tampouco há uma diferença significativa entre o comprometimento da organização do professor, mas a taxa de professores com mais do que a categoria de professores com bacharelado e mestrado em artes

    Comparando inteligência espiritual e inteligência emocional de enfermeiros gerentes com o comprometimento de enfermeiros da Universidade Yasuj de ciências médicas

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    Aim and literature: Nowadays, nursing is considered as one of the important occupations in the field of healthcare which also includes an important and great part of the population who are working in the field of treatment apart from its key importance. Therefore, the main aim of the present study is comparing spiritual intelligence and emotional intelligence of nurse managers with commitment of nurses of Yasuj University of Medical Sciences.The present study is an applied and analytical research that was conducted in 1396 periodically. The statistical population of this study included the nurses of hospitals of Yasuj University of Medical Sciences. They were 740 persons at the time of study. The sample size was 253 persons which were selected by a stratified- randomized method and Cochran formula. The standard questionnaire was used for gathering information. The validity and reliability of this questionnaire was confirmed. Indexes such as mean and standard deviation, Multivariable Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) Pearson correlative coefficient and hierarchical analysis regression using SPSS 22.0 software of two parts of descriptive statistics and inferential statistics were used for analyzing the data.results showed that emotional intelligence is prioritized while comparing spiritual intelligence and emotional intelligence of nurse managers and there is a significant difference between the control component of emotions and feelings. The results also show that spiritual intelligence and emotional intelligence have a positive and significant effect on nursing commitment.The results showed that spiritual and emotional intelligence could be an important factor in increasing nurses' commitment and increasing their job satisfaction consequently which necessitates nurses to be in a care and healthy environment.Objetivo y literatura: Hoy en día, la enfermería se considera una de las ocupaciones importantes en el campo de la salud, que también incluye a una parte importante y grande de la población que trabaja en el campo del tratamiento, además de su importancia clave. Por lo tanto, el objetivo principal del presente estudio es comparar la inteligencia espiritual y la inteligencia emocional de los gerentes de enfermería con el compromiso de las enfermeras de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas Yasuj.El presente estudio es una investigación aplicada y analítica que se realizó en 1396 periódicamente. La población estadística de este estudio incluyó a las enfermeras de los hospitales de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas Yasuj. Eran 740 personas en el momento del estudio. El tamaño de la muestra fue de 253 personas, que se seleccionaron mediante un método estratificado aleatorizado y fórmula de Cochran. El cuestionario estándar se usó para recopilar información. La validez y fiabilidad de este cuestionario fue confirmada. Índices tales como media y desviación estándar, Análisis de varianza multivariable (MANOVA), coeficiente correlativo de Pearson y regresión de análisis jerárquico utilizando el software SPSS 22.0 de dos partes de estadística descriptiva y estadística inferencial se utilizaron para analizar los datos.los resultados mostraron que se prioriza la inteligencia emocional al comparar la inteligencia espiritual y la inteligencia emocional de los gerentes de enfermería, y existe una diferencia significativa entre el componente de control de las emociones y los sentimientos. Los resultados también muestran que la inteligencia espiritual y la inteligencia emocional tienen un efecto positivo y significativo en el compromiso de enfermería.Los resultados mostraron que la inteligencia espiritual y emocional podría ser un factor importante para aumentar el compromiso de las enfermeras y aumentar su satisfacción laboral, lo que exige que las enfermeras se encuentren en un entorno cuidado y saludable.Objectivo e literatura: Hoje, a enfermagem é considerada uma das principais ocupações no campo da saúde, que inclui também uma parte importante e grande da população que trabalha no campo do tratamento, além de sua importância fundamental. Portanto, o principal objetivo deste estudo é comparar a inteligência espiritual e inteligência emocional dos gerentes de enfermagem com o compromisso dos enfermeiros na Universidade de Ciências Médicas Yasuj.O presente estudo é uma pesquisa aplicada e analítico realizado regularmente em 1396. A população estatística deste estudo incluiu enfermeiros de hospitais de Ciências Médicas da Universidade Yasuj. Havia 740 pessoas no momento do estudo. O tamanho da amostra foi de 253 pessoas que foram escolhidos pelo método randomizado estratificada fórmula Cochran. O questionário padrão foi usado para coletar informações. A validade e confiabilidade deste questionário foram confirmadas. Índices, tais como média e desvio padrão, análise multivariada de variância (MANOVA), correlativo Pearson e regressão análise hierárquica utilizando SPSS 22.0 partes de duas estatística descritiva e estatística inferencial de software foram usadas para analisar os dados.Os resultados mostraram que a inteligência emocional quando se comparam inteligência espiritual e inteligência emocional dos gerentes de enfermagem é priorizada, e há uma diferença significativa entre o componente de emoções e sentimentos de controle. Os resultados também mostram que a inteligência espiritual e inteligência emocional têm um efeito positivo e significativo sobre o compromisso de enfermagem.Os resultados mostraram que a inteligência espiritual e emocional poderia ser um grande compromisso de aumentar enfermeiros e aumentar o seu fator de satisfação com o trabalho, o que exige que os enfermeiros estão em um ambiente de carinho e saudável

    Psychometrics properties of the Iranian version of fertility quality of life tool: a cross- sectional study

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    Background: Clinical measurement of quality of life for assessing reproductive problems should be considered as a standard investigation at the initial and continuing medical consultations with infertile people. Objective: The purpose of this study was comprehensive testing the psychometric properties of the Iranian version of fertility quality of life (FertiQol) as its use could be considerable due to the prevalence of infertility in Iran and the importance of evaluation of QoL in patients with infertility. Method and material: This was a psychometric properties study of 300 women referred to infertility clinic, Hormozgan, Iran. After linguistic validation of the Iranian version of MPCOSQ, a semi-structured interview was conducted to assess face validity. Consequently exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) were performed to indicate the scale constructs. Discriminant validity was assessed using the known groups comparison. Convergent validity was evaluated by assessing the correlation between similar content on the 12-Item Short Form Health Survey, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale and FertiQol. In addition, reliability analysis was carried out with internal consistency. Results: The reliability of the Iranian version of the FertiQol questionnaire was satisfactory in all dimensions (Cronbach’s alpha ranging from 0.77 to 0.83 ). Six factors (emotional, mind/body, relational, social, environmental and tolerability) were extracted from the results of EFA with factor loading of the more than 0.3. Discrimination validity showed that FertiQol can differentiate between female patients with differing duration of infertility and number of children; this indicates favorable discrimination validity. Moreover, the results of convergent validity showed a favorable correlation between the related dimensions of 12-Item Short Form Health Survey (correlation ranging from 0.43 to 0.68 ), Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale(correlation ranging from 0.47 to 0.52 ) and FertiQol. Conclusion: The Iranian version of FertiQol is valid and reliable for assessing infertility problems and the effects of treatment on quality of life of infertile patients referred for diagnosis and treatment at an Iranian infertility clinic. The clinical use of this measure is recommended for Iranian infertility clinics

    Health-related quality of life in Iranian women with polycystic ovary syndrome: a qualitative study

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    Background Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is associated with a range of challenging symptoms which impact patient’s lives. Iranian women with PCOS are likely to face a number of unique difficulties given particular societal and cultural norms for women. Understanding health-related quality of life (HRQoL) from a patients’perspective is critical to developing the appropriate support interventions. The present study aimed to generate an in-depthunderstanding of HRQoL Iranian women with PCOS. Methods Twenty Iranian women were interviewed and data was subjected to thematic analysis. Results Women reported substantial effects of PCOS on their quality of life, Themes generated from the data related to sexual - physical problems (An unsexualised self: loss, change and pain; and Being pained and painful); exposure and nvasion: the rejecting and invading social world (Concealing and Avoiding and Public property: public scrutiny), diminished self and diminished life (Infertile as inferior and Exhausted mind andbody) respectively. Conclusion PCOS is a physical - sexual, psychological and social syndrome; therefore, it is necessary to taking a more holistic approach to patient care beyond treating physical symptoms

    Determining the disease management process for epileptic patients: A qualitative study

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    Background: Epilepsy exposes patients to many physical, social, and emotional challenges. Thus, it seems to portray a complex picture and needs holistic care. Medical treatment and psychosocial part of epilepsy remain central to managing and improving the patient's qualify of life through team efforts. Some studies have shown the dimensions of self-management, but its management process of epilepsy patients, especially in Iran, is not clear. This study aimed to determine the disease management process in patients with epilepsy in Iran. Materials and Methods: This qualitative approach and grounded theory study was conducted from January 2009 to February 2012 in Isfahan city (Iran). Thirty-two participants were recruited by the goal-oriented, and snowball sample selection and theoretical sampling methods. After conducting a total of 43 in-depth interviews with the participants, the researchers reached data saturation. Data were analyzed using Strauss and Corbin method. Results: With a focus on disease management process, researchers found three main themes and seven sub-themes as a psychosocial process (PSP). The main themes were: perception of threat to self-identity, effort to preserve self-identity, and burn out. The psychosocial aspect of the disease generated one main variable “the perception of identity loss” and one central variable “searching for self-identity.” Conclusions: Participants attributed threat to self-identity and burn out to the way their disease was managed requiring efforts to preserve their identity. Recommendations consist of support programs and strategies to improve the public perception of epilepsy in Iran, help patients accept their condition and preserve self-identity, and most importantly, enhance medical management of epilepsy

    Effect of Leventhal’s self-regulatory intervention on the hypertensive patients’ illness perception and lifestyle: a randomized controlled trial

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    Abstract Background The perception of illness may lead to improving the hypertensive patients’ lifestyle, but no study was found in this regard. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the effect of intervention based on Leventhal’s self-regulatory model on the illness perception and lifestyle of patients with hypertension. Methods In the present randomized controlled trial study, ninety eligible patients with primary hypertension were randomly assigned to one of the two groups of intervention and control. Patients in the intervention group received five sessions of Leventhal’s self-regulatory intervention, each of 60 min and weekly. However the control group received routine care. The outcomes were illness perception and lifestyle of the patients with hypertension. The Revised Illness Perception Questionnaire and the Lifestyle Questionnaire were administered to assess illness perception and lifestyle before the treatment to establish a baseline and subsequently 12 weeks after the intervention. The collected data were analyzed using statistical IMB SPSS software, version 21. Qualitative data were analyzed using Chi-Square test or Fisher’s Exact test, and the Independent Sample t- test and Paired Sample t- test were used for analyzing quantitative data. Results Leventhal’s self-regulatory intervention improved subscales of illness perception (p < 0.05) except for emotional representations and consequences. The global mean scores of the hypertensive patients ̓ lifestyle in the intervention group significantly increased from 102.8 ± 2.3 at the baseline to 112.1 ± 3 post-intervention. Conclusions Interventions based on Leventhal’s self-regulatory model could improve the illness perception and lifestyle of patients with hypertension. Trial registration The present randomized controlled trial study was registered on the Iranian Registry of Clinical Trials Website (IRCT); ID: IRCT20141222020401N6 on 8/5/2019

    Effect of chamomile aromatherapy with and without oxygen on pain of women in post cesarean section with spinal anesthesia: A randomized clinical trial

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    Background: Pain is the most common side effect in cesarean section with spinal anesthesia. It seems that oxygen therapy and chamomile aromatherapy may diminish pain. The present study was conducted to examine and compare the effect of chamomile aromatherapy with and without oxygen on the severity of pain of women following cesarean section surgery with spinal anesthesia. Methods: The present randomized clinical trial study was carried out on 136 women undergoing cesarean section surgery with spinal anesthesia at Imam Sajad Hospital, Yasuj, Iran in 2020. The eligible women were assigned into four 34-member groups including oxygen therapy plus aromatherapy, oxygen therapy, aromatherapy, and control via block randomization. Each of these interventions were performed 6, 6.30 and 7 h post operation. In the first intervention group, one drop of chamomile essential oil with distilled water was poured into a small nebulizer using a simple mask connected to 6 L of oxygen. The second intervention group received oxygen without chamomile aromatherapy at similar times, and the third intervention group received chamomile aromatherapy without oxygen. The control group received only routine interventions. The instrument used in the research was visual analog scale which was completed by the researcher 6, 12, 18 h after cesarean section. The data were analyzed by the SPSS software version 20. Results: There was a significant difference in the intensity of pain of patients between the various groups of study following the interventions (P < 0.001). Pain intensity reduced significantly in the group receiving combined intervention of chamomile aromatherapy plus oxygen compared to the other three groups. Moreover, the pain intensity diminished more in the groups undergoing each of these interventions alone as compared to the control group (P < 0.05). Conclusions: The combined intervention of chamomile aromatherapy with oxygen was more effective than each of the chamomile aromatherapy and oxygen interventions alone in reducing the pain of cesarean section patients though each intervention alone was still effective in lowering pain post-operation

    Comparing the effects of self- care education by lecture and smartphone application on self-efficacy of patients with thalassemia

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    Abstract Background Patients with the thalassemia have a basic requirement for self-efficacy regarding their treatment procedure. The present study aimed to compare the effect of self-care education via a smartphone application and lectures on the self-efficacy of patients with thalassemia. Methods In the present quasi-experimental study, 99 patients with thalassemia at Shahid Beheshti Hospital in Yasuj, Iran, in 2019 who were eligible to enter the study, were selected. The block randomization was done with the block sizes of 3, 6, and 9, and participants were randomly assigned to 3 groups: smartphone application (A), lecture intervention (B), and control (c). Smartphone application and lecture interventions were performed for intervention groups A and B, respectively, during 8 weeks. Scherer's self-efficacy measure was used to collect the data at baseline and eight weeks after the intervention. Data were analyzed by SPSS-version 25 software using Paired t-test, Wilcoxon and Kruskal–Wallis tests. Results Ninety-nine patients with thalassemia with a mean (SD) age of 25 (6) and 58 females (58.59%) participated in the present study. The results indicated a significant difference in self-efficacy among 3 groups after intervention (P = 0.001). However, self-care education with smartphone application revealed a significant increase in the mean (SD) of self-efficacy of the patients with thalassemia 68.36(8.45) compared to the lecture method 62.55 (7.3) (P = 0.003) and control 62.09 (6.7) (P = 0.001). There were no significant differences among the self-efficacy scores of the patients in lecture intervention and control groups. Conclusions The results revealed that smartphone application was a suitable educational software to promote self-efficacy in patients with thalassemia. It is recommended to use smartphone application methods to improve the self-efficacy levels of patients with thalassemia