19 research outputs found

    Evaluation of bronchoalveolar fluid of horses with inflammatory airway disease

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    Objetivou-se caracterizar o perfil citológico broncoalveoar de equinos de policiamento portadores assintomáticos de Doença Inflamatória de Vias Aéreas (DIVA). Utilizaram-se 17 equinos adultos, machos e fêmeas, com idade entre 11 e 24 anos. Os animais que constituíram o grupo controle (oito) apresentaram-se normais ao exame físico, à endoscopia e à mensuração da diferença máxima de pressão intrapleural. No lavado broncoalveolar a contagem deveria ser de até 4%, 0,7%, 3,3% para neutrófilos, eosinófilos e células epiteliais e entre 17,0 e 56,7%, 29 e 75,7%, 0,7 e 13,7% para linfócitos, macrófagos e mastócitos, respectivamente. O grupo considerado doente (nove animais) apresentou achados compatíveis com afecções do trato respiratório posterior, pelo menos à endoscopia, além de uma contagem de neutrófilos maior que 5% e menor que 25%. O quadro assintomático de doença inflamatória das vias aéreas caracterizou-se por infiltrado neutrofílico, discreta redução no número de macrófagos, aumento no número de macrófagos espumosos, discreto infiltrado eosinofílico e aumento marcante no número de células epiteliais. Em face do caráter assintomático dessa enfermidade nos equinos de policiamento, a utilização do LBA como método de diagnóstico e acompanhamento é fundamental, pois permite reconhecer, tratar e determinar uma utilização mais racional desses animais, de modo a melhorar a qualidade de vida e prolongar a utilização dos mesmos em serviço.The aim of this study was to characterize the cytology profile of bronchoalveolar lavage from police horses with asymptomatic Inflammatory Airway Disease (IAD). Seventeen adult horses, males and females, with ages ranging from 11 to 24 years old were utilized. The control group (eight horses) presented vital signs within the physiologic range, normal pulmonary percussion and auscultation, no abnormalities at respiratory endoscopy and at the measurement of the maximal intra-pleural pressure difference. The cell count of bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) should be up to 4%, 0.7%, 3.3% to neutrophil, eosinophil and epithelial cell, and ranging of 17.0 to 56.7%, 29 to 75.7%, 0.7 to 13.7% to lymphocytes, macrophages and mast cell, respectively. The diseased group (nine animals) presented findings compatible with lower airway disease, at least during endoscopy and showed a neutrophil counts above 5% and below 25%. Asymptomatic IAD was characterized by neutrophilic infiltrate, discrete reduction in macrophage count with increased number of foamy macrophages and discrete eosinophilic infiltrate and marked increase in the number of epithelial cells. Due to the asymptomatic character of IAD in police horses, BAL is the preferred diagnostic and follow-up method since it allows recognition of the disease, evaluation of treatment and helps the implementation of a graded and rational work regime that aims at improving welfare of those animals as well as extending their usage as patrolling horses

    Análise do líquido broncoalveolar de equinos portadores de doença inflamatória das vias aéreas

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    Objetivou-se caracterizar o perfil citológico broncoalveoar de equinos de policiamento portadores assintomáticos de Doença Inflamatória de Vias Aéreas (DIVA). Utilizaram-se 17 equinos adultos, machos e fêmeas, com idade entre 11 e 24 anos. Os animais que constituíram o grupo controle (oito) apresentaram-se normais ao exame físico, à endoscopia e à mensuração da diferença máxima de pressão intrapleural. No lavado broncoalveolar a contagem deveria ser de até 4%, 0,7%, 3,3% para neutrófilos, eosinófilos e células epiteliais e entre 17,0 e 56,7%, 29 e 75,7%, 0,7 e 13,7% para linfócitos, macrófagos e mastócitos, respectivamente. O grupo considerado doente (nove animais) apresentou achados compatíveis com afecções do trato respiratório posterior, pelo menos à endoscopia, além de uma contagem de neutrófilos maior que 5% e menor que 25%. O quadro assintomático de doença inflamatória das vias aéreas caracterizou-se por infiltrado neutrofílico, discreta redução no número de macrófagos, aumento no número de macrófagos espumosos, discreto infiltrado eosinofílico e aumento marcante no número de células epiteliais. Em face do caráter assintomático dessa enfermidade nos equinos de policiamento, a utilização do LBA como método de diagnóstico e acompanhamento é fundamental, pois permite reconhecer, tratar e determinar uma utilização mais racional desses animais, de modo a melhorar a qualidade de vida e prolongar a utilização dos mesmos em serviço

    Comparação entre as técnicas de esfregaço linear e citocentrifugação para avaliação citológica do lavado broncoalveolar equino

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    The bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) is a sensitive method to diagnose diseases of the distal portion of the lower respiratory tract and has been broadly used by numerous researchers. Cytocentrifugation is the choice cytological preparation technique, but demands specific and costly equipment. Therefore, the present paper intends to verify the applicability of the linear smear technique to evaluate BAL samples. For this, BAL samples of 30 equines were used and the cytological preparations were done by cytocentrifugation and linear smear techniques. All glass microscope slides were fixed and stained with Giemsa for the differential cell count. Regarding the effect of the preparation technique on differential counts, no significant difference in any cell type was found. The linear smear is a reliable alternative and can be recommended as a substitution to cytocentrifugation.O lavado broncoalveolar (LBA) é um método sensível para diagnosticar doenças do trato respiratório posterior e vem sendo utilizado por diversos esquisadores. A citocentrifugação, técnica de escolha para processar amostras citológicas de LBA, exige equipamentos específicos e caros. Por isso, este trabalho verificou a aplicabilidade da técnica de esfregaço linear para avaliação citológica do LBA. Foram utilizadas amostras de LBA de 30 equinos adultos. As preparações citológicas foram realizadas tanto por citocentrifugação quanto por esfregaço linear. Todas as lâminas foram fixadas e coradas com Giemsa para realização da contagem celular diferencial. Não foram encontradas alterações morfológicas significativas e nem diferenças estatísticas entre nenhum dos tipos celulares processados pelos dois métodos, o que permite afirmar que o método de esfregaço linear é uma alternativa segura para avaliação morfológica celular do LBA de equinos, podendo ser utilizado no lugar da citocentrifugação quando esta não estiver disponível

    Dosagem de tiroxina total (T4) sérica pelo método de quimioluminescência em gatos clinicamente sadios

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    A dosagem de tiroxina total sérica em gatos é o exame de escolha para o diagnóstico do hipertireoidismo que é considerada a doença endócrina mais comum em gatos domésticos. Fatores como luminosidade e temperatura já foram incriminados como causa de variação das concentrações de hormônios tireoidianos em cães. O objetivo do presente estudo foi determinar valores séricos de referência para a tiroxina total em gatos saudáveis pelo método de quimioluminescência no Rio de Janeiro; comparar estes valores aos atualmente utilizados por laboratórios no Brasil e no exterior; além de analisar o efeito da idade e do sexo sobre os valores de tiroxina sérica total nos animais avaliados. A tiroxina sérica foi dosada em 119 amostras por meio de ensaio imunoenzimático por quimioluminescência. A faixa etária dos 119 felinos incluídos neste estudo variou de cinco meses a 18 anos (média de 7,11 ± 3,64). O menor valor de concentração sérica de T4 encontrado foi de 0,44 µg/dL e o maior valor foi de 4,6 µg/dL. A faixa de referência para a tiroxina nesta população ficou entre 0,75 e 3,5 µg/dL. De acordo com as amostras coletadas neste estudo, os valores médios da concentração de T4 para gatos machos e fêmeas foram considerados os mesmos para um erro α = 0,05. A idade, no entanto, apresentou um efeito significativo na concentração de T4 (p &lt; 0,05) e correlação positiva.Measurement of serum total thyroxine is the standard method to diagnose feline hyperthyroidism which is now considered the most common endocrine disease in cats. Factors as luminosity and temperature were incriminated as causes for thyroid hormones variation in dogs. The present study aimed to determine reference values for serum total thyroxine in healthy cats in Rio de Janeiro; to compare these findings with values from laboratories inside and outside Brazil and finally, to analyze the effect of gender and age on serum total thyroxine concentration. One hundred nineteen healthy cats, living in Rio de Janeiro for at least five months, from both sex and different breeds were used in this study. Serum thyroxine was measured on 119 samples by Chemiluminescent Enzyme Immunoassay (CEIA) method. Cats aged between five months and 18 years (7.11 ± 3.64). The lowest and highest serum T4 concentration founded in the whole population was 0.44 µg/dL and 4.6 µg/dL respectively. The reference range for this population was 0.75 - 3.5 µg/dL. According to samples included in this study, there was no difference between males and females thyroxine values (&#945; = 0.05). However, age significantly influenced T4 concentrations with a positive correlation (p < 0.05)

    Pelger-Huёt Anomaly in a Bitch Basenji

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    Background: Pelger-Huët anomaly (PHA) is characterized by morphological changes in all granulocytes, being more evident in neutrophils. Granulocytic function in these animals remains unchanged. Hereditary form of PHA should be differentiated from pseudo-PHA,a condition acquired from infections and/or inflammation conditions. Recognition of PHA is important to avoid misleading leukogram interpretation, since hyposegmentation of neutrophils can be confused with left shift, making it necessary to carry out diagnostic tests and treatment for the disease that is generating the deviation. The objective of this case report was to demonstrate the importance of laboratory diagnosis in PHA. Case: A 11-month-old bitch Basenji, was presented to perform preoperative evaluation for elective ovariosalpingohisterectomy at Veterinary Hospital (HUVET) of the Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF). Tutor reported that animal was healthy, vaccination status was current, had deworming protocol applied and had not made use of medications recently. Animal presented normophagy, normodipsia, normuria and normochezia. Upon physical examination, animal was alert consciousness level, with adequate hydration, hyperemic oral mucosa, a less than 2 s capillary perfusion time, normal lymph nodes (submandibular, pre-scapular, inguinal and popliteal), rectal temperature of 39.2°C, heart rate of 160 beats per minute and respiratory rate of 60 movements per minute, possibly due to the animal’s agitated state. Abdominal palpation showed no changes. Physical examination presented no alterations. Preoperative exams included complete blood count (CBC) and biochemistry profile (ALT, AP, glucose, creatinine, urea, total proteins and fractions). Samples were sent to Hospital's Veterinary Clinical Pathology Laboratory (LABHUVET/UFF) for analysis. CBC was performed using automatic method. Blood smears were stained with hematological stain and then a cytomorphological evaluation was performed. The first CBC revealed 23% of neutrophils with nuclear hyposegmentation and 44% of neutrophils were bandsA follow up was performed after 9 months, and a Complete Blood Count was performed again in which 12% of neutrophils showed nuclear hyposegmentation with mature chromatin pattern, 40% of neutrophils were bands, 1% of meta-myelotcytes neutrophils, 1% of myelocytes neutrophils and, also, eosinophils with nuclear hyposegmentation. Animal was healthy, and had no alterations on physical examination suggesting a diagnosis of PHA. Discussion: Recognition of PHA is important to avoid misleading leukogram interpretation, since neutrophils hyposegmentation can be confused with left shift, which is considered severe with poor prognosis, making it necessary to carry out diagnostic tests and treatment for the disease that is generating the deviation. The diagnosis of PHA was considered by the shape of the leukocytes nuclei, without evidence of inflammatory disease, during the patient follow up. Therefore, this anomaly should be considered as a differential diagnosis of left shift, thus avoiding unnecessary clinical and therapeutic procedures. Guidance in face of this hereditary hematological syndrome is important. The responsible guardian of the animal must not allow it to act as a breeder in order to interrupt possible transmission of this anomaly to offspring, because there is a fatal form when it comes to homozygotes. Keywords: canine, dog, hereditary anomaly, WBC, nuclear hyposegmentation, neutrophils, left shift

    Pelger-Huёt Anomaly in a Bitch Basenji

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    Background: Pelger-Huët anomaly (PHA) is characterized by morphological changes in all granulocytes, being more evident in neutrophils. Granulocytic function in these animals remains unchanged. Hereditary form of PHA should be differentiated from pseudo-PHA,a condition acquired from infections and/or inflammation conditions. Recognition of PHA is important to avoid misleading leukogram interpretation, since hyposegmentation of neutrophils can be confused with left shift, making it necessary to carry out diagnostic tests and treatment for the disease that is generating the deviation. The objective of this case report was to demonstrate the importance of laboratory diagnosis in PHA. Case: A 11-month-old bitch Basenji, was presented to perform preoperative evaluation for elective ovariosalpingohisterectomy at Veterinary Hospital (HUVET) of the Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF). Tutor reported that animal was healthy, vaccination status was current, had deworming protocol applied and had not made use of medications recently. Animal presented normophagy, normodipsia, normuria and normochezia. Upon physical examination, animal was alert consciousness level, with adequate hydration, hyperemic oral mucosa, a less than 2 s capillary perfusion time, normal lymph nodes (submandibular, pre-scapular, inguinal and popliteal), rectal temperature of 39.2°C, heart rate of 160 beats per minute and respiratory rate of 60 movements per minute, possibly due to the animal’s agitated state. Abdominal palpation showed no changes. Physical examination presented no alterations. Preoperative exams included complete blood count (CBC) and biochemistry profile (ALT, AP, glucose, creatinine, urea, total proteins and fractions). Samples were sent to Hospital's Veterinary Clinical Pathology Laboratory (LABHUVET/UFF) for analysis. CBC was performed using automatic method. Blood smears were stained with hematological stain and then a cytomorphological evaluation was performed. The first CBC revealed 23% of neutrophils with nuclear hyposegmentation and 44% of neutrophils were bandsA follow up was performed after 9 months, and a Complete Blood Count was performed again in which 12% of neutrophils showed nuclear hyposegmentation with mature chromatin pattern, 40% of neutrophils were bands, 1% of meta-myelotcytes neutrophils, 1% of myelocytes neutrophils and, also, eosinophils with nuclear hyposegmentation. Animal was healthy, and had no alterations on physical examination suggesting a diagnosis of PHA. Discussion: Recognition of PHA is important to avoid misleading leukogram interpretation, since neutrophils hyposegmentation can be confused with left shift, which is considered severe with poor prognosis, making it necessary to carry out diagnostic tests and treatment for the disease that is generating the deviation. The diagnosis of PHA was considered by the shape of the leukocytes nuclei, without evidence of inflammatory disease, during the patient follow up. Therefore, this anomaly should be considered as a differential diagnosis of left shift, thus avoiding unnecessary clinical and therapeutic procedures. Guidance in face of this hereditary hematological syndrome is important. The responsible guardian of the animal must not allow it to act as a breeder in order to interrupt possible transmission of this anomaly to offspring, because there is a fatal form when it comes to homozygotes. Keywords: canine, dog, hereditary anomaly, WBC, nuclear hyposegmentation, neutrophils, left shift

    Pesquisa de hemoglobinopatias em cães da região metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro portadores de anemia crônica

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    RESUMO: Talassemias e hemoglobinopatias são condições hereditárias encontradas em humanos de todo o mundo. Em medicina veterinária, o polimorfismo de hemoglobinas tem sido estudado em animais de produção, mas não existem relatos de hemoglobinopatias em cães, e os estudos envolvendo o polimorfismo de hemoglobinas nesta espécie são escassos. Com o objetivo de pesquisar variantes da hemoglobina em cães, foram coletadas amostras de sangue de 202 caninos de variadas raças, sendo 130 portadores de anemia crônica (Grupo Experimental) e 72 animais clinicamente saudáveis (Grupo Controle). Estas amostras foram submetidas à eletroforese alcalina de hemoglobinas, que permitiu a separação e quantificação das frações de hemoglobina por densitometria, e posteriormente submetidas à eletroforese de hemoglobinas em meio ácido, técnica utilizada em medicina humana para a separação de frações de hemoglobinas variantes que não se diferenciam em meio alcalino. O eritrograma e índices hematimétricos foram obtidos concomitantemente. Os métodos utilizados demonstraram que a HbA é o maior componente da hemoglobina canina, e que uma pequena quantidade de HbA2 pode ser detectada em uma parcela dos animais avaliados, sendo que a maioria dos caninos apresentava exclusivamente HbA em sua composição. Concluiu-se que a presença ou ausência de HbA2 não interfere nos índices hematimétricos dos animais avaliados, e que quando comparadas as hemoglobinas dos grupos Experimental e Controle, não são observadas diferenças na distribuição das frações destas, além de não serem observadas hemoglobinas variantes nos caninos avaliados

    Equine Pasture Asthma in Brazil

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    Background: Summer Pasture Associated Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (SPAOPD), or Equine Pasture Asthma (EPA), as termed by Ferrari et al. [17], has been described as an environmentally-induced respiratory disease that occurs during the warmer and more humid months, leading to reversible airway obstruction, persistent and non-specific airway hyper-responsiveness, and chronic neutrophilic airway inflammation. Exacerbation of clinical signs vary according to warm seasons, and range from mild to severe episodes of wheezing, coughing, and laboured breathing in a chronic state that is debilitating for the equine [4]. This report describes two cases of Equine Pasture Asthma that show clinical and environmental similarities with Summer Pasture Associated Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.Case: The patients were crossbreed geldings that have never been stabled and were used for cattle management in a farm in southeastern Brazil. They presented poor performance and a persistent cough for over 3 years. Initially, the respiratory signs were only observed after exercise but, over the years, it gradually progressed to being observed when the horses were at rest. Both animals had a history of regular deworming and were previously treated by other veterinarians with antibiotics, clenbuterol, and mucokinetics. Little improvement was noticed by the owner and the signs returned over time as treatment was often discontinued. Clinical findings were compatible with the grade 3 mucus classification of Gerber et al. [18] as well as with score 2 for Severe Asthma of Davis and Sheats [13]. BALF cytology was done following the technique described by Couetil et al. [10]. Animal 1 presented slides with free yeast; macrophages and mucus with Curschmann’s spiral and counting of 29,7% of neutrophils (NE), 43,7% of lymphocytes (LP), 25,3% of macrophages (MC) and 1,3% of eosinophils (EO). Animal 2 presented slides with phagocytized yeast, mucus and counting of 27% of NE, 38,5% of LP, 33% of MC and 1,5% of EO.Discussion: Diagnostic findings fit the clinical score 2 (from 0 to 3) for Severe Asthma [13], where the animal presented frequent cough with periods of no coughing, nostrils flares in inspiration and exhalation, obvious abdominal flattening and “heave line”, pulmonary auscultation with crackles, and scarce mucous nasal discharge. The cytological findings of our reported cases also falls within the Severe Asthma classification [13], when the specific counting of 300 cells is equivalent to ≥20% of neutrophils on BALF analysis and the animal present increase in respiratory rate/effort at rest. Similar counts were found by Costa et al. [9] counting 200 cells, Rossi et al. [28] also counting 300 cells, and Couetil and Thompson [11] counting 5 fields (of at least 100 cells) on a cytocentrifuge smear. The present report took place in a region of the Rio de Janeiro State, southeastern Brazil, which shows predisposing climatic characteristics similar to those described in previous SPAOPD reports. Yet, this very climate remains somewhat constant throughout the year, as seasonality in the Rio de Janeiro State is not as marked as in the Northern Hemisphere. Given this contrasting aspect, we believe that the term Equine Pasture Asthma, instead of SPAOPD, is more appropriate to describe the cases presented here. Also, to the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the first documented description in Brazil of Equine Pasture Asthma in animals that were never stabled or fed with hay. This documented evidence of a chronic respiratory condition consistent with Equine Pasture Asthma but little related to seasonal changes presents as a warning to other possible cases that might be unnoticed in equine herds in Brazil and in similar climates