9 research outputs found

    Sickle Red Blood Cell-Derived Extracellular Vesicles Activate Endothelial Cells and Enhance Sickle Red Cell Adhesion Mediated by von Willebrand Factor

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    Endothelial activation and sickle red blood cell (RBC) adhesion are central to the pathogenesis of sickle cell disease (SCD). Quantitatively, RBC-derived extracellular vesicles (REVs) are more abundant from SS RBCs compared with healthy RBCs (AA RBCs). Sickle RBC-derived REVs (SS REVs) are known to promote endothelial cell (EC) activation through cell signalling and transcriptional regulation at longer terms. However, the SS REV-mediated short-term non-transcriptional response of EC is unclear. Here, we examined the impact of SS REVs on acute microvascular EC activation and RBC adhesion at 2 h. Compared with AA REVs, SS REVs promoted human pulmonary microvascular ECs (HPMEC) activation indicated by increased von Willebrand factor (VWF) expression. Under microfluidic conditions, we found abnormal SS RBC adhesion to HPMECs exposed to SS REVs. This enhanced SS RBC adhesion was reduced by haeme binding protein haemopexin or VWF cleaving protease ADAMTS13 to a level similar to HPMECs treated with AA REVs. Consistent with these observations, haemin- or SS REV-induced microvascular stasis in SS mice with implanted dorsal skin-fold chambers that was inhibited by ADAMTS13. The adhesion induced by SS REVs was variable and was higher with SS RBCs from patients with increased markers of haemolysis (lactate dehydrogenase and reticulocyte count) or a concomitant clinical diagnosis of deep vein thrombosis. Our results emphasise the critical contribution made by REVs to the pathophysiology of SCD by triggering acute microvascular EC activation and abnormal RBC adhesion. These findings may help to better understand acute pathophysiological mechanism of SCD and thereby the development of new treatment strategies using VWF as a potential target

    Cancer-selective antiproliferative activity is a general property of some G-rich oligodeoxynucleotides

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    Oligodeoxynucleotide libraries containing randomly incorporated bases are used to generate DNA aptamers by systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment (SELEX). We predicted that combinatorial libraries with alternative base compositions might have innate properties different from the standard library containing equimolar A + C + G + T bases. In particular, we hypothesized that G-rich libraries would contain a higher proportion of quadruplex-forming sequences, which may impart desirable qualities, such as increased nuclease resistance and enhanced cellular uptake. Here, we report on 11 synthetic oligodeoxynucleotide libraries of various base combinations and lengths, with regard to their circular dichroism, stability in serum-containing medium, cellular uptake, protein binding and antiproliferative activity. Unexpectedly, we found that some G-rich libraries (composed of G + T or G + C nucleotides) strongly inhibited cancer cell growth while sparing non-malignant cells. These libraries had spectral features consistent with G-quadruplex formation, were significantly more stable in serum than inactive libraries and showed enhanced cellular uptake. Active libraries generally had strong protein binding, while the pattern of protein binding suggested that G/T and G/C libraries have distinct mechanisms of action. In conclusion, cancer-selective antiproliferative activity may be a general feature of certain G-rich oligodeoxynucleotides and is associated with quadruplex formation, nuclease resistance, efficient cellular uptake and protein binding

    Large electromechanical strain and unconventionaldomain switching near phase convergencein a Pb-free ferroelectric

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    In many ferroelectrics, large electromechanical strains are observed near regions of com-position- or temperature- driven phase coexistence. Phenomenologically, this is attributed toeasy re-orientation of the polarization vector and/or phase transition, although their effectsare highly convoluted and difficult to distinguish experimentally. Here, we used synchrotronX-ray scattering and digital image correlation to differentiate between the microscopicmechanisms leading to large electrostrains in an exemplary Pb-free piezoceramic Sn-dopedbarium calcium zirconate titanate. Large electrostrains of ~0.2% measured at room-temperature are attributed to an unconventional effect, wherein polarization switching isaided by a reversible phase transition near the tetragonal-orthorhombic phase boundary.Additionally, electrostrains of ~0.1% or more could be maintained from room temperature to140 °C due to a succession of different microscopic mechanisms. In situ X-ray diffractionelucidates that while 90° domain reorientation is pertinent below the Curie temperature (TC),isotropic distortion of polar clusters is the dominant mechanism above TC