16 research outputs found


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    The Electrical Installation Training and counseling activity in the Bonto Matene Village aims to provide a basicunderstanding of local residents, especially young people and productive age, about residential electricity installations. Inaddition, this activity is also intended to provide basic training in the use of installation equipment and how to install it.The method used in this activity includes lectures on basic understanding of electrical installations, introduction ofelectrical installation equipment, as well as training in residential electrical installation. Participants included in thisactivity came from members of the youth organization in Bonto Matene Village, Marusu District, Maros Regency. Theresults obtained by the participants of the electrical installation and training activities are in the form of the ability to usea variety of simple electrical installation equipment, the ability to install residential electrical installations, as well as theability to check trouble shooting from a residential electrical installation


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    Penelitian ini adalah jenis penelitian deskriptif yang menggunakan metode kuasi eksperimen, rancangan penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui; Apakah ada pengaruh weight terhadap peningkatan kondisi fisik atlet tim bayangan PON XIX Sulawesi Selatan. Populasinya adalah seluruh atlet tim bayangan PON Sulawesi-Selatan. Sampel yang digunakan adalah sampeI populasi jenuh yaitu atlet cabang olahraga permainan yang terdiri dari olahraga basket 24 orang, bulu tangkis 14 orang, sepak takraw 24 orang dan hokey 18 dengan total keseluruhan 80 orang atlet . Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa; Ada pengaruh yang signifikan weight tralnlng terhadap peningkatan kondisi fisik kekuatan, daya tahan terhadap tim bayangan PON pada cabang bola basket, bulu tangkis, sepak takraw dan hokey. Kata Kunci: Weight Trarning, Kondisi Fisik TIM PON XIX Sulawesi Selata

    Application of Smart Bats Algorithm for Optimal Design of Power Stabilizer System at Sengkang Power Plant

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    The problem of using Power System Stabilizer (PSS) in generator excitation is how to determine the optimal PSS parameter. To overcome these problems, the authors use a method of intelligent bats based algorithm to design PSS. Bat Algorithm is an algorithm that works based on bat behavior in search of food source. Correlation with this research is, food sources sought by bats represent as PSS parameters to be optimized. Bat's algorithm will work based on a specified destination function, namely Integral Time Absolute Error (ITAE). In this research will be seen the deviation of velocity and rotor angle of each generator, in case of disturbance in bakaru generator. The analysis results show that the uncontrolled system produces a large overshoot oscillation, and after the addition of PSS oscillation control equipment can be muted. So that the overshoot and settling time of each generator can be reduced and the generator can quickly go to steady state conditio

    Design of Wind Power Generator for Tambak Houses

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    Wind Power Generation (WPG) requires specific wind conditions to generate electrical energy. Indonesia's wind potential enables the development of small-scale power plants. Innovations in windmill technology need to be developed to ensure maximum results in low wind speed conditions. This research proposes the design and implementation of WPG using a vertical axis to provide lighting for pond houses. The goal is to benefit pond workers in coastal areas that lack electricity from the National Electric Company. The manufacturing stages include design and testing. Based on the design results, the dimensions of the propeller area are 0.393m, the frame height is 1.5m, and the wind turbine height is 0.75m. The performance test of the WPG yielded the highest turbine power value at 15.30 WITA, with a turbine power output of 25.38 Watts

    Evaluasi Pengaruh Tegangan Kerja Generator terhadap Kualitas Tegangan Jaringan pada PT.PLN (Persero) Area Luwuk

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    One of the service quality parameters is that the voltage supplied to consumers is always at the set value, which is 20 kV for medium voltage and 380/220 Volt for low voltage, many factors can affect the magnitude of the voltage starting when the voltage is generated by the generator, the process distribution to consumers by using a conductor and the amount of load that is on the feeder. This study aims to determine how much influence the generator output voltage has on changes in voltage in the medium voltage network and how much voltage drop occurs at the JTM until it reaches the consumer. The results show that the generator output voltage will affect the base voltage, the greater the generator output voltage, the greater the base voltage and operating voltage of the system. The voltage drop along the industrial feeder before the generator voltage is increased is 281,856 Volts or if it is used as a percentage of 1.441% but when the generator output voltage is increased the voltage drop in the industrial feeder decreases by 277.016 Volts or if it is used as a percentage of 1.392%

    Simulasi Pengaruh Variasi Konduktor Berkas Terhadap Gangguan Berisik Dan Radio Interferensi Pada Saluran Udara Tegangan Ekstra Tinggi 275kV

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    The use of extra-high voltage lines can increase efficiency and reduce voltage drop but cause corona generation. Corona that occurs increases channeling losses and causes disruption to the environment in the form of Audible Noise (AN) and Radio Interference (RI). Audible Noise (AN) and Radio Interference (RI) that are too large will disturb the community around the transmission line. The use of a bundle conductor is a way to reduce the risk of corona. This paper discusses the effect of variations in the bundle conductor on noise interference and radio interference in 275kV extra-high-voltage air lines (SUTET). The types of variations include variations in the number of beams, variations in the distance between sub-conductors, and variations in diameter of the conductor. Next, the Audible Noise (AN) and Radio interference (RI) values are calculated for the Latuppa (Palopo) - Pomana channel planning. The results of the calculation of AN and RI values on SUTET 275kV are still included as safe criteria because the value is still below the criteria limits of Perry and SPLN 46-1-1981 concerning the Noise Level Limitation Guidelines and the IEEE Radio Noise Design Guide about the maximum limit of RI

    Electrical Daily Load Forecasting In Ramadhan Using Type-2 Fuzzy Logic In Sulselrabar System

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    This study discusses the daily electricity load forecasting 24 hours on 150 kV electric power systems sulselrabar. Forecasting electrical load requires the accuracy of the results with a small error. Peak load forecasting methods used to use smart methods Interval Type-1 Fuzzy Logic (IT1FL) and Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Logic (IT2FL) to predict the needs of the electrical load 1 Ramadan 2016. As input data, it was used load data from 2012 through 2016 for the same day each 1st of Ramadan each year, and as comparative data, it was used actual load data 1, 2016. For the Ramadan input variable, it was used two of the data Variation Load Difference (VLD Max) 2015 as an input variable X, VLD Max 2016 as an input variable Y. From the simulation results obtained highly accurate results where each method produces a very small error, where for methods of using IT1FL of 1.607778264% while using IT2FL by, 1.344510913%

    Optimal Design of Power System Stabilizer In Bakaru Power Plant Using Bat Algorithm

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    Abstract - The problem of using Power System Stabilizer (PSS) in generator excitation is how to determine optimal PSS parameter. To overcome these problems, the authors use a method of intelligent bats based algorithm to design PSS. Bat Algorithm is an algorithm that works based on bat behavior in search of food source. Correlation with this research is, food sources sought by bats represent as PSS parameters to be optimized. Bat's algorithm will work based on a specified destination function, namely Integral Time Absolute Error (ITAE). In this research will be seen the deviation of velocity and rotor angle of each generator, in case of disturbance in bakaru generator. The analysis results show that the uncontrolled system produces a large overshoot oscillation, and after the addition of PSS oscillation control equipment can be muted. So that the overshoot and settling time of each generator can be reduced and the generator can quickly go to steady state condition