9 research outputs found

    Professional Identity Representation in a Successful Intercultural Communication: A Socio-Cognitive Perspective

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    The aims of this research were to analyze the representation of professional identity through the language use in email correspondence, the way it was achieved, and its implication toward a successful intercultural communication. The model of analyzing the language usage in this research was based on Van Djik’s socio-cognitive perspective (2018) and the work of Patel, et. al (2011) in which they argue that the language usage is a results of mental processing. The mental processes in this research was specified into conclusion withdrawal about other culture which then used for an effective intercultural communication and intended to be a successful one. This research was qualitative in nature in which it was described descriptively. The source of the data in this research was the email correspondence conducted by the employees of Adventure Lombok tour and travel. The data were collected through observation and transcript analysis. The results of this research indicated that the employees of Adventure Lombok company were indeed represented their professional identity, this professional Identity was reflected and accomplished through a variety of ways which were consideration toward their customers preferences, a prompt and accommodating reply, providing honest suggestion, and service oriented which then lead to a successful intercultural communication that can be seen from the sells that the employees made. All of these were believed to be the result of previous ‘intercultural contact’ which were stored within the cognitive of the employees and retrieved for later use. This result is in line with Li and Patel (2011:22) in which they argued that “intercultural communication is influenced by the quality of the intercultural contact that we have in our personal and professional environments”

    Kreativitas Guru MI Nurul Hidayah dalam Meningkatkan Minat Belajar Siswa untuk Membentuk Siswa Berprestasi

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    ABSTRACT This study aims to increase the interest in learning by the creativity of teacher in 4th grade MI Nurul Hidayah Bogor in the academic year 2018/2019. This research was a qualitative descriptive method to approach case studies. Data retrieval techniques use interview, observation, documentation and questionnaire techniques. Creativity of teacher invented by researchers is like creativity found on how to teach in a fun way, planning field trip, and mentoring the contest in MI Nurul Hidayah of course increases the interest in students learning because when teachers teach with passion and creativity, such enthusiasm and creativity certainly spreads to student who can eventually develop the interest of student’s learning well. This thing, evidenced when a student study is done it shows love for the passage taught by the teachers of students with a high interest in learning, a boisterous class atmosphere is greatly implied when researchers observe in the classroom during the course of the period. The researchers came to see that with teacher creativity, a great atmosphere of learning is done well so that students can easily receive the lessons that are taught after students can easily receive the lessons. The student will be so pleased with the attainment that a high interest in learning will reemerge on a daily basis, as each student feels self-satisfaction with the result of research, the researchers can arrive at conclusions and implications that a teacher’s creativity could certainly increase the student in a way that would shape a student’s achievement.ABSTRACT Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan minat belajar melalui kreativitas yang dilakukan oleh guru di kelas IV MI Nurul Hidayah Bogor tahun akademik 2018/2019. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Teknik pengambilan data menggunakan teknik wawancara, observasi, dokumentasi dan kuesioner. Kreativitas guru yang ditemukan peneliti seperti kreativitas mengenai cara mengajar dengan cara menyenangkan, mengadakan kegiatan study tour, dan membimbing dalam kegiatan perlombaan di MI Nurul Hidayah tentunya dapat meningkatkan minat belajar siswa karena ketika guru mengajar dengan semangat dan kreatif maka rasa semangat itu pula tentu akan menular kepada siswa yang pada akhirnya dapat menumbuhkan minat belajar siswa dengan baik. Hal ini dibuktikan ketika dilakukan penelitian, siswa terlihat menyenangi pelajaran yang diajarkan oleh guru. Para siswa memiliki minat yang tinggi dalam belajar, suasana kelas yang riuh gembira amat tersirat ketika peneliti melakukan observasi di kelas ketika jam pelajaran berlangsung. Peneliti mendapatkan hasil bahwa dengan adanya kreativitas guru, maka suasana pembelajaran yang menyenangkan dapat terlaksana dengan baik sehingga membuat para siswa dapat dengan mudah menerima pelajaran yang diajarkan. Setelah para siswa dapat dengan mudah menerima pelajaran, siswa tersebut akan merasa senang dengan pencapaian yang dimiliki sehingga minat yang tinggi terhadap belajar pun akan muncul kembali di setiap harinya seiring dengan kepuasan diri masing-masing siswa. Dari hasil penelitian maka peneliti dapat mengambil kesimpulan dan implikasi bahwa kreativitas guru tentunya dapat meningkatkan minat belajar siswa sehingga membentuk siswa berprestasi

    Kepemimpinan yang efektif

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    xii, 233 p. : il.; 21 cm

    Instrumen penelitian bidang sosial

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    Bibliografi hlm. 224-227ix, 227 hlm. : il. ; 22 cm

    Halaqah: Keagamaan dan Moderasi Beragama

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    BUKU ini merupakan kumpulan tulisan pendek dari sejumlah penulis. Buku terdiri dari dua bagian sesuai dengan tahapan kegiatan focus group discussion yang melibatkan para penulis. Setiap penulis memperoleh giliran untuk memapar-kan tulisannya. Satu pertemuan membahas dua judul tulisan. Dengan demikian, setiap penulis memperoleh kesempatan memberi dan menerima masukan dari teman sejawat. Ini dimaksudkan agar semua tulisan berisi pesan yang seirama pada setiap tahapan diskusi

    Interobserver Variation in the Assessment of Immunohistochemistry Expression Levels in HER2-Negative Breast Cancer: Can We Improve the Identification of Low Levels of HER2 Expression by Adjusting the Criteria? An International Interobserver Study

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    The classification of human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) expression is optimized to detect HER2-amplified breast cancer (BC). However, novel HER2-targeting agents are also effective for BCs with low levels of HER2. This raises the question whether the current guidelines for HER2 testing are sufficiently reproducible to identify HER2-low BC. The aim of this multicenter international study was to assess the interobserver agreement of specific HER2 immunohistochemistry scores in cases with negative HER2 results (0, 1+, or 2+/in situ hybridization negative) according to the current American Society of Clinical Oncology/College of American Pathologists (ASCO/CAP) guidelines. Furthermore, we evaluated whether the agreement improved by redefining immunohistochemistry (IHC) scoring criteria or by adding fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH). We conducted a 2-round study of 105 nonamplified BCs. During the first assessment, 16 pathologists used the latest version of the ASCO/CAP guidelines. After a consensus meeting, the same pathologists scored the same digital slides using modified IHC scoring criteria based on the 2007 ASCO/CAP guidelines, and an extra "ultralow" category was added. Overall, the interobserver agreement was limited (4.7% of cases with 100% agreement) in the first round, but this was improved by clustering IHC categories. In the second round, the highest reproducibility was observed when comparing IHC 0 with the ultralow/1+/2+ grouped cluster (74.3% of cases with 100% agreement). The FISH results were not statistically different between HER2-0 and HER2-low cases, regardless of the IHC criteria used. In conclusion, our study suggests that the modified 2007 ASCO/CAP criteria were more reproducible in distinguishing HER2-0 from HER2-low cases than the 2018 ASCO/CAP criteria. However, the reproducibility was still moderate, which was not improved by adding FISH. This could lead to a suboptimal selection of patients eligible for novel HER2-targeting agents. If the threshold between HER2 IHC 0 and 1+ is to be clinically actionable, there is a need for clearer, more reproducible IHC definitions, training, and/or development of more accurate methods to detect this subtle difference in protein expression levels

    Overview of the current status of familial hypercholesterolaemia care in over 60 countries - The EAS Familial Hypercholesterolaemia Studies Collaboration (FHSC)

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    Background and aims: Management of familial hypercholesterolaemia (FH) may vary across different settings due to factors related to population characteristics, practice, resources and/or policies. We conducted a survey among the worldwide network of EAS FHSC Lead Investigators to provide an overview of FH status in different countries. Methods: Lead Investigators from countries formally involved in the EAS FHSC by mid-May 2018 were invited to provide a brief report on FH status in their countries, including available information, programmes, initiatives, and management. Results: 63 countries provided reports. Data on FH prevalence are lacking in most countries. Where available, data tend to align with recent estimates, suggesting a higher frequency than that traditionally considered. Low rates of FH detection are reported across all regions. National registries and education programmes to improve FH awareness/knowledge are a recognised priority, but funding is often lacking. In most countries, diagnosis primarily relies on the Dutch Lipid Clinics Network criteria. Although available in many countries, genetic testing is not widely implemented (frequent cost issues). There are only a few national official government programmes for FH. Under-treatment is an issue. FH therapy is not universally reimbursed. PCSK9-inhibitors are available in ∼2/3 countries. Lipoprotein-apheresis is offered in ∼60 countries, although access is limited. Conclusions: FH is a recognised public health concern. Management varies widely across countries, with overall suboptimal identification and under-treatment. Efforts and initiatives to improve FH knowledge and management are underway, including development of national registries, but support, particularly from health authorities, and better funding are greatly needed. © 2018 Elsevier B.V

    Overview of the current status of familial hypercholesterolaemia care in over 60 countries - The EAS Familial Hypercholesterolaemia Studies Collaboration (FHSC)

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    Background and aims: Management of familial hypercholesterolaemia (FH) may vary across different settings due to factors related to population characteristics, practice, resources and/or policies. We conducted a survey among the worldwide network of EAS FHSC Lead Investigators to provide an overview of FH status in different countries. Methods: Lead Investigators from countries formally involved in the EAS FHSC by mid-May 2018 were invited to provide a brief report on FH status in their countries, including available information, programmes, initiatives, and management. Results: 63 countries provided reports. Data on FH prevalence are lacking in most countries. Where available, data tend to align with recent estimates, suggesting a higher frequency than that traditionally considered. Low rates of FH detection are reported across all regions. National registries and education programmes to improve FH awareness/knowledge are a recognised priority, but funding is often lacking. In most countries, diagnosis primarily relies on the Dutch Lipid Clinics Network criteria. Although available in many countries, genetic testing is not widely implemented (frequent cost issues). There are only a few national official government programmes for FH. Under-treatment is an issue. FH therapy is not universally reimbursed. PCSK9-inhibitors are available in ∼2/3 countries. Lipoprotein-apheresis is offered in ∼60% countries, although access is limited. Conclusions: FH is a recognised public health concern. Management varies widely across countries, with overall suboptimal identification and under-treatment. Efforts and initiatives to improve FH knowledge and management are underway, including development of national registries, but support, particularly from health authorities, and better funding are greatly needed. © 2018 Elsevier B.V