50 research outputs found

    An Approach between Rational and Logical: An Analytical Study

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    The aim of this study is to bring the points of view between the logicians and the grammarians closer, but not as a way of reconciliation, as it aimed to clarify some of the conceptual limitations related to deduction and induction. The study was based on the descriptive analytical method, through the review and the analysis of the concept of syllogism as stated in the Aristotelian logic, in Arabic grammar and their respective applications. It has also been exposed to the views of the modern and the ancient scholars, especially with regard to the concepts of regularities and its irregularities and its relation to syllogism and hearing; One of the most important results of the study is that the analog that is found in the language is part of its nature and its tongue, and is not the type of syllogism that Aristotle did, and that even when this syllogism meet with the laws of Aristotelian logic, the Aristotelian logic is not related to the syllogism in Arabic language in any wa

    Novel double functional protection of cephalostatin analogues using a gas-free chlorination method

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    Herewith, we report on a method that allows to simultaneously protect both the ∆14,15 bond and the carbonyl group of the symmetrical bis-steroidal diketone 2. We found that environmentally friendly and gas-free chlorination is ideally suited to achieve this goal. This method was discovered during our efforts to methoxylate 2 in a solution of dichloromethane and basic methanol in the presence of diacetoxy iodobenzene. Unexpectedly, the ∆14,15 bonds were chlorinated once as well as twice in a statistical manner. Interestingly, the singly dichlorinated desymmetrized product is an ideal precursor for conduction a series of position selective transformations. Importantly, the carbonyl group present in the nonchlorinated hemisphere can be selectively reduced, olefinated or oximated, while the other carbonyl group stays unaltered. A structurally related “monomeric” steroid derivative undergoes ∆14,15 chlorination and 11-position methoxylation under same conditions. These findings represent a powerful entry for preparing new nonsymmetrical cephalostatin derivatives. © 201

    Ambition Level among Talented and Normal Students at Ajloun Area and the Relationship with Some Demographic Variables and Academic Achievement

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    هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى الكشف عن مستوى الطموح لدى عينة من الطلبة الموهوبين والطلبة العاديين في مدراس محافظة عجلون/ الأردن وعلاقته ببعض المتغيرات الديموغرافية (الجنس، الصف، والمستوى التعليمي للأب والأم، المستوى الاقتصادي للأسرة والتحصيل الأكاديمي. ولتحقيق أغراض الدراسة استخدم الباحثان اختبار الطموح الذي  طوره العيسوي (1987) وطبقه الشرعة (1998)، وتم إيجاد دلالات صدق وثبات هذا المقياس، وتكونت العينة من (87) من الطلبة الموهوبين، (158) من الطلبة العاديين، وتم اختيارهم بطريقة حصصية طبقية من الصفوف الأساسية العليا والثانوية، وتم تحليل البيانات من خلال إيجاد المتوسطات الحسابية، والانحرافات المعيارية، وتحليل التباين المتعدد، ومعاملات الارتباط. وأظهرت نتائج الدراسة أن مستوى الطموح بين الطلبة العاديين والموهوبين مرتفع، ولا توجد فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية عند مستوى دلالة (α≤ 0.05) في درجات الطموح الكلي بين الطلبة (الموهوبين والعاديين)، كما تبين عدم وجود فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية في درجات الطموح الكلي بين الطلبة الموهوبين تبعاً لمتغير الجنس، والصف، والمستوى التعليمي للأب والأم، والمستوى الاقتصادي للأسرة،كما تبين وجود فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية في مستوى الطموح بين الطلبة العاديين على متغيري الصف ولصالح الصف الأول ثانوي، ومتغير الجنس لصالح الإناث، في حين تبين عدم وجود فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية في درجات الطموح الكلي على متغير المستوى التعليمي للأب والأم، والمستوى الاقتصادي للأسرة، كما تبين وجود علاقة ارتباطيه إيجابية في مستوى الطموح الكلي بين الطلبة (العاديين) والتحصيل الأكاديمي، كما نوقشت النتائج في ضوء الأدب النظري والدراسات السابقة، وتم اقتراح بعض التوصيات بناءً على نتائج الدراسة. الكلمات المفتاحية: الطموح، الموهوبون، التحصيل الدراسي.The study aimed to disclose the ambition level among a sample of talented and normal students at schools in Ajloun area, Jordan, and its relationship with some demographic variables such as gender, class, educational level of parents, the economic level, and academic achievement. To achieve the study objectives, the researchers used the ambition test that was prepared by Al-Esaway and applied by Alshraa (1998). The validity and reliability of the test were acceptable. The sample consisted of (87) talented students, and (158) normal students. They were selected using the stratified quota sampling method from high basic and secondary schools. The arithmetic means, standard deviation, ANOVA and the correlation coefficients were used to analyze the data. The results showed that ambition level among the talented and normal students was high, and there were no statistically significant differences at (α≤ 0.05) of the total ambition level degrees among talented and normal students. There were no statistically significant differences at the total ambition level degrees among the talented students regarding gender, class, the educational level of parents and the economic level of the family. However, there were statistically significant differences (α≤0.05) at the total ambition level degrees among normal students regarding both variables: the class variable in favor of 1st secondary grade, and the gender variable in favor of females. Further, there were no statistically significant differences at the total ambition level degrees at the educational level of parents and the economic level of the family. There was a positive correlation coefficient of the total ambition level between the normal students and their academic achievement. The results were discussed in the light of the theoretical framework and previous studies. Based on the study results, a set of recommendations was proposed. Keywords: ambition level, talented students, academic achievement

    Predicting Factors in Academic Success for Learning Disabilities Students in Jordan العوامل المتنبّئة بالنّجاح الأكاديمي لدى عيّنة من الطّلبة ذوي صعوبات التّعلّم في محافظة اربد

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    Abstract: The current study aimed to identify the factors that predict in the academic success among students with learning disabilities in Jordan. The study adopted the correlational descriptive methodology to achieve the aims of the study. (150) male and female students from eleventh and twelfth grades in Irbid schools were selected, who had previously been diagnosed with learning disabilities and had received specialized programs in resource rooms earlier, and the following measures were used (self-awareness, proactivity, perseverance, goal setting, social support and emotional stability) with the academic success. The results showed a positive correlation between academic success and all of the following: self-awareness, proactivity, perseverance, goal setting, and social support and emotional stability, and the predictive ability for all variables (self-awareness, proactivity, perseverance, goal setting, and social support and emotional stability) in academic success. ملخص: هدفت الدّراسة الحالية إلى تحديد العوامل الأكثر تنبؤًا بالنّجاح الأكاديمي لدى الطّلبة ذوي صعوبات التّعلّم في الأردنّ، واعتمد المنهج الوصفي الارتباطي لتحقيق أهداف الدّراسة. تم اختيار (150) طالباً وطالبةً من الصفين الحادي عشر والثاني عشر في محافظة إربد بطريقة قصدية ممّن سبق تشخيصهم بصعوبات التّعلّم وتلقّوا برامج متخصّصة في غرف المصادر بوقت سابق، وتم استخدام المقاييس الآتية (الوعي الذّاتي، والمثابرة، والمبادرة، ووضع الأهداف، والدّعم الاجتماعي، والثبات الانفعالي) فضلاً عن النّجاح الأكاديمي، وأظهرت النتائج وجود علاقة ارتباطية طردية بين النّجاح الأكاديمي وكل ما يأتي: الوعي الذّاتي، والمثابرة، والمبادرة، ووضع الأهداف، والدّعم الاجتماعي، والثبات الانفعالي، ووجود مقدرة تنبؤية لجميع المتغيرات (الوعي الذّاتي، والمثابرة، والمبادرة، ووضع الأهداف، والدّعم الاجتماعي، والثبات الانفعالي) في النّجاح الأكاديمي

    Investigations of Jordanian industrial minerals

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    SIGLEAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre-DSC:DX213971 / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreGBUnited Kingdo

    When You Wish Upon a Character Banner: An Exploratory Discourse Analysis of a Genshin Impact Player Community

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    An exploratory discourse analysis was performed on a community of practice based on Discord, an instant messaging platform. The community of practice is a group of gamers (people who play video games), dedicated to the cross-platform free-to-play game Genshin Impact. A corpus of messages was gathered from the community’s public message logs, which spanned a period of three days during the release of Genshin Impact’s most financially lucrative character banner. From the corpus, numerous themes in players’ discussions have been observed; such as reactions to the gacha’s probability system, displays of problem gaming, sexualization of female characters, and opinions regarding monetization & the game’s developers. This study would be beneficial for future studies that pertain to player behavior and gamer culture that can also use communities of practice on platforms such as Discord, in order to gain insight into niche communities of engaged users.En utforskande diskursanalys utfördes på praxisgemenskapen baserad på Discord, en plattform för snabbmeddelanden. Praxisgemenskapen var en grupp spelare dedikerade till det plattformsoberoende gratisspelet Genshin Impact. En korpus av meddelanden samlades in från gemenskapens offentliga meddelandeloggar, som sträckte sig över en period av tre dagar under lanseringen av Genshin Impacts mest ekonomiskt lukrativa karaktärsbanner. Från korpusen har många teman i spelarnas diskussioner observerats; såsom reaktioner på gachas sannolikhetssystem, visningar av problemspelande, sexualisering av kvinnliga karaktärer och åsikter om intäktsgenerering samt spelets utvecklare. Framtida studier som avser spelarbeteende och gamerkultur kan också använda praxisgemenskaper på plattformar som Discord, för att få insikt i nischa gemenskaper av engagerade användare

    Social Intelligence among Gifted and Normal Achievers from Students at Ajloun Area ,and Its Relationship with Gender, Class and Academic Achievement

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    Abstract : This Study aimed at investigating the level of Social intelligence among gifted and normal achievers students in Ajloun area(Jordan),and its relationship with some demographical variables(gender and class) and academic achievement , and to examine if there are significant differences in Social intelligence between gifted and normal achievers students. To achieve the goals of the study, The researcher developed Social intelligence Scale depending on Sternberg theory , after ensuring validity and reliability. Then it was administrated to the study sample (n=272: 100 gifted and 172 normal achievers students) chosen from high basic classes and secondary classes. To analyze data The researcher used the arithmetic means ,standard deviation ,T.test ,ANOVA and correlation coefficient. The results revealed that Social intelligence level was high between gifted and normal achievers students, the results also revealed that there were significant differences at the level ( α≤ 0.05) in Total Social intelligence degrees and its dimensions according to class variable and in favor of seventh grade and there weren’t any significant differences in Total Social intelligence degrees and its dimensions according to gender variable. The results also revealed that there was a positive correlation relationship in Total Social intelligence degrees and its dimensions for students( gifted and normal) and academic achievement. And the results were discussed in light of previous studies. And some recommendations were suggested .    Key words: Social intelligence , Academic achievement, Multiple Intelligences, Gifted