18 research outputs found


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    Abstrak: Didalam era digital 4.0 sekarang ini terdapat banyak sekali perubahan-perubahan atau kemajuan dalam bidang teknologi terutama dalam kegiatan penanaman modal atau biasa disebut dengan berinvestasi. Para investor dapat melakukan penanaman modal dalam bentuk aset digital yaitu Virtual Currency, yang mana nantinya para investor berharap jika dikemudian hari harga dari Virtual Currency tersebut akan naik dan menguntungkan. Namun dalam melakukan penanaman modal di Virtual Currency ini masih terlihat cukup lemah dalam sisi hukumnya, karena dalam melakukan penanaman modal di Virtual Currency para investor tidak memiliki sebuah bukti riil ataupun surat-surat yang menjelaskan bahwa mereka adalah investor dari Virtual Currency tersebut dan nantinya jika terjadi sesuatu diluar dugaan maka para investor tidak memiliki perlindungan hukum. Dalam hal tersebut pemerintah untuk sekarang kurang pergarakannya dalam menentukan peraturanperaturan yang akan mengatur tentang investasi virtual. Padahal jika dikaji lebih dalam peminat dari Virtual Currency terlihat cukup banyak dan mayoritas generasi muda menganggap investasi tersebut sebagai cara investasi kekinian. Penelitian ini akan menerapkan metode penelitian normatif yang bermaksud untuk menjelaskan dan mengkaji berbagai literatur, aturan perundang-undangan, dan contoh kasus dari berita yang terkait dengan penelitian.


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     Ada 3 lembaga Negara di Indonesia, eksekutif, legislatif, dan yudikatif. Ketiganya memiliki keterkaitan satu dengan yang lain karena kedudukan dan fungsi masing-masing. Akan tetapi antar lembaga Negara tersebut memiliki hubungan yang perlu diketahui baik oleh warga Negara, dan juga antar lembaga Negara itu sendiri. Antar lembaga Negara mempunyai hubungan yang saling mengawasi dan mengontrol. problematika dalam penyelesaian sengketa kewenangan lembaga negara di Mahkamah Konstitusi. Sehingga dapat timbul terjadinya sengketa antar lembaga Negara, yang biasanya berkaitan dengan kewenangan konstitusional. Adanya perbedaan dalam mengartikan Peraturan Perundang-Undangan yang mengatur wewenang maupun fungsi suatu lembaga juga memicu terjadinya sengketa. Salah satu nya permasalahan sengketa antar lembaga Negara dalam divestasi Newmont. Dalam hal ini, antar lembaga Negara sama-sama merasa memiliki wewenang untuk menyelesaikan. Rumitnya kasus ini melibatkan banyak pihak, salah satunya DPR yang tidak menyetujui pembelian 7% saham PT. NNT dikarenakan pembelian saham tersebut harus melalui persetujuan DPR. Sehingga kasus ini diselesaikan dan diputus di Mahkamah Konstitusi dengan permasalahan sengketa kewenangan antar lembaga negara.  Maka dari itu, diperlukan adanya penjelasan mengenai batasan serta makna batasan lembaga Negara, sehingga dalam penyelesaian sengketa dapat berjalan secara efektif. (LEMBAGA yang berkaitan dengan kewenangan konstitusional)Kata-Kunci: Sengketa, Newmont, Divestasi, Lembaga Negara There are 3 state institutions in Indonesia, executive, legislative, and judicial. All three have a relationship with each other because of the position and function of each. However, between state institutions it has a relationship that needs to be known both by citizens, and also between state institutions themselves. Between state institutions have a relationship that oversees and controls each other. problems in dispute resolution authority of state institutions in the Constitutional Court. So that there can be disputes between state institutions, which are usually related to constitutional authority. The existence of differences in deciphering the laws and regulations governing the authority and function of an institution also triggers disputes. One of the problems of disputes between state institutions in the divestment of Newmont. In this case, between state institutions equally feel the authority to resolve. The complexity of this case involved many parties, one of which the DPR did not approve the purchase of 7% of PT. NNT because the purchase of these shares must be through the approval of the DPR. So that the case was resolved and decided in the Constitutional Court with the issue of authority disputes between state institutions.  Therefore, it is necessary to have an explanation of the limits and the meaning of the limits of state institutions, so that the settlement of disputes can run effectively. (Institutions relating to constitutional authority).Keywords: Dispute, Newmont, Divestment, State Institution


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    ABSTRACT       A funeral is a community need which is also the responsibility of the government because it considers Article 34 paragraph (3) of the 1945 Republic of Indonesia Constitution. . Researchers will use certain legal protection theories as a basis for analyzing them. The research method is normative juridical. This study uses 4 kinds of approaches, namely the statutory approach, the conceptual approach, and the case approach. This research is a descriptive analysis, descriptive means an attempt to express the symptoms in full in the aspects being investigated to make it clear the conditions and conditions. In the current situation of the COVID 19 pandemic, the family/heirs of the corpses of positive patients of COVID 19 who was denied his funeral could file a lawsuit in court with the demands of PMH (submit Onrechmatige Daad) and request for restitution in the Court that could detail the Immune losses suffered by the victim.Keywords: Funeral Rejection, Covid's Body 19.ABSTRAKPemakaman merupakan kebutuhan masyarakat yang juga menjadi tanggung jawab pemerintah, karena menimbang Pasal 34 ayat (3) Undang-Undang Dasar Negara RI Tahun 1945. Untuk menjamin terselenggaranya pelayanan umum dan pelayanan kesehatan maka disediakan pengadaan tempat (tanah) yang menjamin untuk pelaksanaan kepentingan umum tersebut. Peneliti akan mempergunakan teori perlindungan hukum tertentu sebagai landasan untuk menganalisanya. Metode penelitian bersifat yuridis normatif. Penelitian ini menggunakan 4 macam pendekatan, yakni pendekatan perundang-undangan (statute approach), pendekatan konseptual (conseptual approach), dan pendekatan kasus (case approach). Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif analisis, deskriptif berarti usaha mengemukakan gejala-gejala secara lengkap di dalam aspek yang diselidiki agar jelas keadaan dan kondisinya. Dalam situasi pandemi Covid 19 sekarang keluarga/ahli waris dari jenazah pasien positif Covid 19 yang ditolak pemakamannya dapat mengajukan gugatan di Pengadilan dengan tuntutan PMH (Onrechmatige Daad) dan pengajuan permohonan restitusi di Pengadilan yang bisa merinci kerugian Immateriil yang dialami korban.Kata Kunci : Penolakan Pemakaman, Jenazah Covid 19


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    Abstrak Mahkamah Konstitusi pada tahun 2016 menjatuhkan putusannya No. 20/PUU-XIV/2016 yang menyatakan bahwa Frasa “Informasi Elekronik dan/atau Dokumen Elektronik dalam Pasal 5 ayat (1) dan ayat (2) serta Pasal 44 huruf b UU ITE dan Pasal 26A UU Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Korupsi adalah bertentangan dengan UUD Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945 dan tidak mempunyai kekuatan hukum mengikat sepanjang tidak dimaknai sebagai alat bukti dilakukan dalam rangka penegakan hukum atas permintaan kepolisian, kejaksaan, dan atau/atau institusi penegak hukum lainnya yang ditetapkan berdasarkan undang-undang sebagaimana ditentukan dalam Pasal 31 ayat (3) UU ITE. Dengan diakuinya bukti informasi elektronik dan/atau dokumen elektronik dan/atau hasil cetaknya sebagai alat bukti yang sah di persidangan merupakan perluasan makna dari alat bukti yang sah sesuai dengan hukum acara yang berlaku di Indonesia, serta berdasarkan pemberian interprestasi oleh Mahkamah Konstitusi  untuk memberikan kepastian dan kejelasan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian hukum normatif  dengan menggunakan pendekatan konseptual, (conseptual approach), pendekatan ini dilakukan dengan menelaah peraturan perundang-undangan dan putusan pengadilan yang berkaitan dengan permasalahan. Sejak berlakunya Undang-Undang Nomor 11 Tahun 2008 tentang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik, maka Informasi elektronik dan/atau dokumen elektronik dan/atau hasil cetaknya diterima sebagai alat bukti dalam hukum acara yang berlaku. Ketentuan tersebut juga memperkuat pengaturan tentang alat bukti dalam bentuk digital yang sebelumnya telah diatur dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 1997 tentang Dokumen Perusahaan yang menyatakan bahwa; “Dokumen Perusahaan yang telah dimuat dalam mikrofilm atau media lainnya sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 12 ayat (1) atau hasil cetaknya merupakan alat bukti yang sah†dan memperkuat pengaturan tentang alat bukti dalam bentuk digital.    Kata Kunci : Pembuktian, alat bukti, Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi &nbsp


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     Benda asuransi erat hubungannya dengan teori kepentingan (interest theory) yang secara umum dikenal dalam hukum asuransi. Kepentingan itu harus sudah ada pada benda asuransi pada saat asuransi diadakan atau setidak-tidaknya pada saat terjadi peristiwa yang menimbulkan kerugian (evenemen). Problematika yuridis dalam penelitian ini adalah belum adanya penjelasan terkait asas kepentingan dalam Undang-Undang No. 14 Tahun 2014 tentang Perasuransian (kekosongan norma), sehingga tidak terdapat standarisasi tentang asas kepentingan beserta karakteristiknya. Untuk menemukan jawaban atas permasalahan dalam penelitian ini, maka peneliti akan mempergunakan teori-teori hukum tertentu sebagai landasan untuk menganalisanya. Teori itu meliputi; Teori Perlindungan Hukum, Teori Kepastian Hukum, Teori Investasi, dan Teori Asuransi. Metode pendekatan yang digunakan adalah bersifat yuridis normatif. Penelitian ini menggunakan 4 macam pendekatan, yakni pendekatan perundang-undangan (statute approach), pendekatan konseptual (conseptual approach), pendekatan kasus (case approach), dan pendekatan perbandingan (comparative approach). Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif analisis, deskriptif berarti usaha mengemukakan gejala-gejala secara lengkap di dalam aspek yang diselidiki agar jelas keadaan dan kondisinya. Menurut teori kepentingan (interest theory) pada benda asuransi melekat hak subjektif yang tidak berwujud. Kepentingan itu sifatnya absolut, artinya harus ada pada setiap objek asuransi dan mengikuti kemana saja benda asuransi itu berada. Kepentingan itu harus sudah ada pada benda asuransi pada saat asuransi diadakan atau setidak-tidaknya pada saat terjadi peristiwa yang menimbulkan kerugian (evenemen). Bagi tertanggung yang memiliki benda asuransi, kepentingannya melekat pada benda asuransinya.           Pada konteks perjanjian asuransi, maka dalam mencapai kepentingan berdasar keadilan dan kemanfaatan tidak dapat hanya berdasar keuntungan penanggung, melainkan kemanfaatan berupa kesempatan bagi pihak yang seharusnya bisa jadi tertanggung demi kesetaraan.Kata kunci: Asas Kepentingan, Karakteristik, Asuransi Object insurance is closely related to the theory of interest (interest theory) which is generally known in insurance law. The interest must already exist in the insurance object when the insurance is held or at least when the event that caused the loss (evenemen). Juridical problematic in this research is that there is no explanation related to the principle of interest in Law No. 14 of 2014 concerning Insurance (void norms), so there is no standardization of the principle of interests and their characteristics. To find answers to problems in this study, the researcher will use certain legal theories as a basis for analyzing them. The theory includes; Legal Protection Theory, Legal Certainty Theory, Investment Theory, and Insurance Theory. The approach method used is normative juridical. This study uses 4 kinds of approaches, namely the statute approach, conceptual approach, case approach, and comparative approach. This research is a descriptive analysis, descriptive means an attempt to express the symptoms in full in the aspects being investigated to make it clear the conditions and conditions. According to the theory of interest (interest theory) on insurance objects inherent in intangible subjective rights. The importance is absolute, meaning that it must exist in every insurance object and follow it wherever the insurance object is located. The interest must already exist in the insurance object when the insurance is held or at least when the event that caused the loss (evenemen). For the insured who has insurance objects, their interests are inherent in the insurance object. In the context of insurance agreements, in achieving interests based on justice and benefits, it cannot only be based on the profits of the guarantor, but rather benefits in the form of opportunities for those who should be insured for equality.Keywords: Principle of Interest, Characteristics, Insuranc


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    According to Law No. 22 of 2002 from the juridical aspect, BPKB can be reviewed formally and materially. Formally, the definition of BPKB is a decree made and issued by a public employee of a state institution, the Indonesian National Police. While the material understanding is to include the contents of the decree of the owner of the motor vehicle, so about what is written or explained in it. Juridical Review of BPKB in Civil Relations, from the existence of legal events in the community, is often found the problem of civil disputes originating from The Book of motor vehicle owners or abuse of rights. In the Civil Code, the issue of abuse of this right can be sued under Article 1365 of the Civil Code by looking at the provisions in Article 1365 of the Civil Code, namely “any act/act against the law which by mistake causes damage to compensate for the loss”. The purpose of this writing is to find out whether the BPKB that has been issued is an authentic deed or document that states as the highest thing on moving goods/Motor Vehicles, want to prove or test the legal force of BPKB as a valid evidence according to to the law. The methodology used in this writing is based on empirical jurisprudence and the basis of existing realities in society or practice. Often found the existence of ownership of motor vehicles without being equipped with BPKB or the existence of BPKB whose material is expressed in it is not the same as the physical vehicle. Juridical influence on the owner of a motor vehicle, namely in addition to the right to enjoy the object, some obligations must be fulfilled by the owner of a motor vehicle. 


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    Every country will certainly do everything possible to maintain the integrity and progress of the country. The nation's generation is the most valuable asset because every individual has the best potential and ability should be cared for and maintained by its potential by providing good education. Education is a program that moves to add scientific insight and has a huge influence for the progress of the times. Education is built from various schools of educational philosophy that apply from time to time. One of them is widely used today, namely the flow of progressivism philosophy. Progressivism has the idea that education should focus on the development of students, not on educators. The flow of progressivism education philosophy teaches independent learning so that students are able to survive and create solutions for all situations that may occur in the future. An educator is not only tasked with conveying the knowledge he has in the classroom but is also obliged to assist students in developing every best potential they have. This research was conducted by using a literature study. The approach used in this paper is a quantitative research approach with descriptive methods and comparative approaches. Academic freedom is an educational system that instills humanist and democratic education. Education based on academic freedom is carried out by means of mutual openness between educators and students. Academic freedom that departs from the flow of progressivism prohibits educators from demanding and limiting the thinking area of students. Educators and students have the same right to explore knowledge and express their opinions. In essence, educators are companions and facilitators for the learning process of students


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     Kawin sirri di Desa Kalisat Kecamatan Rembang-Pasuruan bukan lagi fenomena baru yang terjadi dalam masyarakat. Pada umumnya orang yang melakukan terdiri dari berbagai tingkatan sosial. Kawin sirri di Desa Kalisat menjadi hal yang wajar, namun dalam praktiknya terjadi oknum-oknum yang memanfaatkan kawin sirri, dalam hal ini adalah makelar. Makelar memiliki peran ganda dalam pelaksanaan kawin sirri yaitu sebagai tukang ojek (orang yang mengantar) dan/atau perantara perkawinan antara perempuan Desa Kalisat dengan calon mempelai laki-laki. Dampak negatif dari budaya kawin sirri di Desa Kalisat adalah mudahnya perceraian, tidak ada harta gono gini sebagai implikasi hukum dari perceraian, perdagangan perempuan, dan ironisnya lagi anak dari hasil kawin sirri tidak memiliki akta kelahiran sehingga terlantar. Selain permasalahan budaya kawin sirri, masalah berikutnya di Desa Kalisat adalah tingginya tingkat pengangguran, rendahnya tingkat pendidikan dan ekonomi. Metode yang digunakan dalam rangkaian Sepeda (Sekolah Pemberdayaan) ini yang dipandang menjadi alternatif terbaik untuk memecahkan masalah adalah menggunakan metode sebagai berikut: memberikan penyuluhan hukum agar perempuan di Desa Kalisat paham dan sadar hukum khususnya Hukum Perkawinan dan Keluarga; memberikan penyuluhan hukum tentang Pemberdayaan Perempuan; Mensosialisasikan bahwa Kawin sirri merupakan hal yang sangat merugikan perempuan meski kawin sirri tidak dilarang agama dan implikasi dari Perkawinan Dini; melatih perempuan di Desa Kalisat untuk bertahan hidup sehingga mampu secara ekonomi (tidak berada di garis kemiskinan); Penyebaran buku saku yang berkaitan dengan hukum perkawinan dan keluarga; Penyebaran buku saku yang pada intinya memuat materi yang berkaitan dengan hukum perkawinan dan keluarga.Kata Kunci: Pemberdayaan Perempuan, Sepeda (Sekolah Pemberdayaan),hukum Sirri marriage in Kalisat Village, Rembang-Pasuruan District is no longer a new phenomenon that occurs in society. In general, people who do consist of various social levels. Sirri marriage in Kalisat Village is a natural thing, but in practice there are people who take advantage of sirri marriage, in this case brokers. Brokers have a dual role in the implementation of sirri marriages, namely as motorcycle taxi drivers (people who deliver) and/or marriage intermediaries between Kalisat Village women and the prospective groom. The negative impact of the sirri marriage culture in Kalisat Village is the ease of divorce, there is no gono gini property as the legal implications of divorce, trafficking in women, and ironically again, children from sirri marriages do not have birth certificates so they are abandoned. In addition to the problem of sirri marriage culture, the next problem in Kalisat Village is the high unemployment rate, low level of education and the economy. The method used in this series of Bicycles (Empowerment Schools) which is seen as the best alternative to solve the problem is to use the following methods: providing legal counseling so that women in Kalisat Village understand and are aware of the law, especially Marriage and Family Law; provide legal counseling on Women's Empowerment; To socialize that unregistered marriage is very detrimental to women even though unregistered marriage is not prohibited by religion and the implications of early marriage; train women in Kalisat Village to survive so that they are economically capable (not in the poverty line); Dissemination of pocket books related to marriage and family law; Dissemination of pocket books which essentially contain material related to marriage and family law. Keywords: Women Empowerment, Bicycle (Empowerment School), Law

    Internal Legal Protection Provided for Investors Participating in Capital Investment from Political Risks

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    Capital investment is defined as direct investment not portfolio investment, where in the latter the capital investor only owns some stock invested in a company but is not directly involved or has no direct authorities in the management of the company. Capital investment is aimed to build the economy in Indonesia as intended in the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. It is obvious that investment is inextricable from risk, in which higher risk means higher potential profit. This law applies in developing economic markets including those in Indonesia. Any risk transfer taking place involves obligations given to the party that performs the transfer under a particular agreement. The agreement under which transferring or sharing risk is performed is commonly known as insurance agreement. It is, then, essential that internal protection be provided for capital investors. Some theories aimed to help find the solutions to the research problems involve particular legal theories on which the analysis of this research was based: theories of legal protection, legal certainty, investment, and insurance. The methods used in the research were categorised as normative juridical, supported by statute, conceptual, case, and comparative approaches. The analysis of this research is descriptive-based, in which observed phenomena are presented in relation to the aspects observed to profoundly discover the existing conditions. All investors always expect to live a more prosperous life in the future from what they have invested. When the money invested is not circulated without any further financial management, expenses made will just burn the money without a trace along with its value. People seek way to make the money to remain valuable by investing it. From investment, they expect for incremental figures to their invested money. Internal legal protection is provided for the agreement made by investors. Keywords: legal protection, internal, political risk DOI: 10.7176/RHSS/9-10-01 Publication date:May 31st 201