268 research outputs found

    Communication Models in Contemporary Art

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    The object of research is the communication features of contemporary art. The aim is to reveal these features based on a review of the literature. The paper discusses the concept of communication in contemporary art; describes the characteristics of contemporary art as a medium; defines communication models in contemporary art. Communication and its features are manifested in many fields, one of which is art. To discuss the concept of communication in contemporary art, the levels of verbal and nonverbal communication are distinguished. Image forms, colours, lighting, lines, motifs, body language, sound, as well as the written or unwritten language of verbal communication about a work of art, can serve to recognise the communicative properties of a work of art. Types of intrapersonal and public and mass communication are applied, communication process models are based

    A Communication Model of Art Information Accessibility for People with Disabilities

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    People with disabilities still face barriers to participation in society, face freedom of choice, lack of opportunities to act independently, discrimination, accessibility issues, and equal rights. Only the physical accessibility of the environment is emphasized, but social activity is strongly influenced by the availability of information. Access to culture/art is physical and informational. Cultural organisations should integrate marketing tools into their activities through the communication process and the presentation of art products and services.Scientific problem – What integrated marketing communication tools do increase the information accessibility of art for people with disabilities?The object of the work is integrated marketing communication tools that increase the information accessibility of art for people with disabilities. The aim of the work is to develop an empirically based theoretical model of integrated marketing communication tools that increase the information accessibility of art for people with disabilities

    Statistinių metodų taikymas vertinant Klaipėdos miesto butų kainas

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    The paper analyses the use of a nonlinear regression model, generalised linear model and generalised additive model(semi-parametric regression model) for creating real estate valuation models. These models are applied to data on transactions inKlaipeda city apartments. The aim is to create real estate valuation regression models applying various statistical methods and tocompare them with each other. The practical aspects of creating regression models are analysed and conclusions are presented in thepaper.Straipsnyje nagrinėjamas netiesinės regresijos modelis, apibendrintasis tiesinis modelis ir apibendrintasis adityvus modelis (pusiau parametrinis regresijos modelis), sudarant nekilnojamojo turto vertinimo modelį. Šie modeliai pritaikyti Klaipėdos miesto butų pirkimo ir pardavimo sandorių duomenims. Tyrimo tikslas – sudaryti nekilnojamojo turto verčių regresijos modelius, taikant įvairius statistinius metodus, ir palyginti gautus modelius tarpusavyje. Šiame straipsnyje išnagrinėti praktiniai regresijos modelių sudarymo aspektai bei pateikiamos tyrimo išvados

    Apie laiką ir kalbą

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    The paper presents the former etymologies of the heterosemantic cognates Lith. valanda and La. valoda with a special focus on their relation and origin from the motion verbs described by Edīte Hauzenberga-Šturma. On the basis of the old writings and corpora we provide additional arguments to show that both time and language can be conceptualized as (cyclically) moving phenomena.Straipsnyje aptariamos anksčiau pasiūlytos lietuvių ir latvių kalbų heterosemantizmų valanda ir valoda etimologijos, pabrėžiant ir išplėtojant latvių kalbininkės Edītės Hauzenbergos-Šturmos aprašytą minėtųjų leksemų tarpusavio ryšį bei jų kilmę iš judėjimą reiškusių veiksmažodžių. Remiantis abiejų kalbų senųjų raštų ir tekstynų duomenimis, pateikiama papildomų argumentų, rodančių, kad tiek laiką, tiek kalbą galima suvokti kaip (cikliškai) judančius reiškinius

    Autonomy, Collaboration and Competition: The Impact of Education Management Reforms which Aim to Increase School Autonomy on Relations between Schools

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    In recent decades, the neoliberal education policy has been implemented in many countries, by reducing the state’s role in education management. Lithuania is one of the countries which aft er the restoration of Independence in 1991 and collapse of the Soviet Union has decentralized its education management system by giving more autonomy to schools and local authorities. Education-management reforms, which have already been implemented or are currently being implemented in response to social, economic and political changes in the country, have an impact on relationships between schools. Purpose: Th is article reports the fi ndings of a study which reviewed education management reforms aimed at increasing school autonomy and their impact on inter-school collaboration and competition. Research Method: Th is study employs a qualitative research design with semi-structured interviews. Twenty-four elementary and secondary school principals from diff erent regions of Lithuania were interviewed. Findings: Th e results reveal that a signifi cant infl uence on relations between schools comes from government decisions which relate to school autonomy, school choice, allocation of funds, school ranking, and the like. Implications: Th is study generates discussions on the impact of the education management reforms which aim to enhance school autonomy on inter-school relationships. In order to answer that question, a theoretical model of research was developed, including the theoretical basis of school autonomy, collaboration and competition, as well as the characteristics of Lithuanian education governance

    Mokyklos vadovo lyderystė vykstančių švietimo pokyčių kontekste

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    The article deals with the phenomenon of school head’s leadership, based on the transformational leadership theory. Based on scientific literature analysis and empirical research, it examines whether a school head should be a school community leader in the context of ongoing changes in the education system and how teachers express the school head’s transformational leadership in Lithuanian general education schools. The three parts of the article address the research problem: the introduction offers the characteristics of a school head’s transformational leadership, based on scientific literature analysis; the second part describes the empirical research methodology; the third part presents the empirical research results, revealing three transformational leadership characteristics.According to the survey results:• school head leadership is a necessary prerequisite for the effective management of a modern school;• in the context of ongoing education reforms, a school leader can act as a transformational leader by setting the direction of school activities, engaging the school community and sharing their leadership;• the head of the school as a transformational leader, by setting the direction of school activities, expresses the belief in the importance of school vision, but in the development of the school’s vision not always involves others members of the school community or accepts the diversity of opinions;• the head of the school as a transformational leader, by enabling the school community, personally strives for success in school, but lacks the capacity to mobilize the school community in the overall planning and co-operation;• the head of the school as a transformational leader, by sharing leadership, encourages the professional development of the school community, but shares leadership very timidly with others and does not always pay attention to growing new leaders in the school.Socialinių mokslų (edukologija) doktorantėKauno technologijos universiteto Ugdymo sistemų katedraK. Donelaičio g. 73, LT-44239 KaunasEl. paštas: [email protected] nagrinėjamas mokyklos vadovo lyderystės fenomenas, grindžiamas transformacinės lyderystės teorija. Remiantis mokslinės literatūros analize ir atliktu empiriniu tyrimu analizuojama, ar mokyklos vadovui yra būtina būti mokyklos bendruomenės lyderiu vykstančių švietimo pokyčių kontekste. Taip pat siekiama atskleisti, kaip, mokytojų nuomone, reiškiasi mokyklos vadovo transformacinė lyderystė Lietuvos bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose: ar savo bendruomenėje mokyklos vadovas gali būti transformaciniu lyderiu ir kokios jo transformacinės lyderystės apraiškos pasireiškia stipriausiai

    Piezoelectric actuator for micro robot used in nanosatellite

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    The nanosatellites of the CubeSat standard (10×10×10 cm and with mass 1-10 kg) was designed to reduce cost and development time and to maximize science return. However, the small size of the spacecraft imposes substantial mass, volume, and power constraints. The challenge remains to be the miniaturization of the various robots for the manipulation of functional objects, such as cameras, laser sources, mirrors and other used in nanosatellites. Therefore in particular, precision positioning of the manipulated object is important task for robots used in nanosatellites as well. In this paper authors present the design of robot driven by the piezoelectric actuators. Investigations of the robot are presented and they prove ability to improve the accuracy of the movement for the robot arm using two bending bimorph type piezoelectric actuators and 3DOF rotary piezoelectric motor

    Privačių asmenų teisė tiesiogiai remtis Europos Sąjungos pagrindinių teisių chartijos nuostatomis

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    Priėmus Europos Sąjungos pagrindinių teisių chartiją, įtvirtintas Europos Sąjungoje garantuojamų pagrindinių teisių rinkinys, o šalia nacionalinių valstybių narių Konstitucijų ir Europos žmogaus teisių konvencijos atsirado dar vienas individualių teisių apsaugos instrumentas. ES teisės ypatybės neišvengiamai lemia tai, kad Chartijos veiksmingumas priklauso nuo jos nuostatų tiesioginio horizontalaus veikimo galimybės. Atsižvelgiant į tai, straipsnyje analizuojama naujausia Europos Sąjungos Teisingumo Teismo praktika, kurioje, praėjus beveik dešimtmečiui po Chartijos priėmimo, Teismas galiausiai pagrindė privačių asmenų teisę tarpusavio ginčuose Chartijos nuostatomis remtis tiesiogiai