77 research outputs found


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    The institutional management is the key to ensure quality teaching. Teaching isdestined to encourage learning through instruction and motivation. Theperquisites for quality teaching are competent, knowledgeable and dedicatedfaculty, availability and use of latest instructional technology, congenial andpsychological environment and committed students. The nature of the study wasdescriptive and the population of the study consisted of all academicians ofacademic faculties, deans, chairmen/chairpersons and directors of local fouruniversities. Hundred institutional management such as all deans, directors andchairmen and hundred academicians were included in sample. Data werecollected through questionnaire and for analyzing the data mean score wasapplied. Hence, overall study concluded that higher the quality of instructionalmanagement the higher the quality of teaching

    Predicting the Role of Study habits in Academic achievement: A study of university students in Punjab

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    The present study was designed to predict the role of study habits in academic achievement and to identify the study patterns and environment for studying of high, average and low achievers at University level. This was a survey study based on data from 1334 student from government universities of Punjab include same departments. Students were chosen proportionately, according to the existed total number of the students in the department. Data was collected through a self-developed questionnaire. Semester GPAs were taken to divide students’ in. high, average and low achievers. Reliability coefficient of study habits questionnaire was .866. The findings revealed that all university students like to study silently but percentage of high achievers is comparative elevated in this pattern. As far as environment for studying is concerned it was found that preferred environment of low and high students was studying in bedroom and study in T.V lounge is commonly used by low and average students. Result showed that the study habits play positive role in the improvement of academic results in university scholars in Punjab.

    La actitud de los estudiantes hacia la biología en las escuelas secundarias de Islamabad, Pakistán

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    In this age of science and technology, the world is facing geographical challenges, whereasthe future nation builders are losing their interest even in science subjects, especially, inbiology. There are numerous factors that contributed towards students’ success in a particularsubject but the most important one is their attitude towards that subject. The focus of thepresent study was to investigate the attitude of students towards Biology in SecondarySchools in Islamabad. The population of this study comprised all 10th grade Biology studentsin different institutions in Islamabad. Owing to the shortage of time, the researcher selected506 students (from six public and four private schools) as a convenience sample for this study.These students were administered through a valid and reliable instrument known as “BiologyAttitude Scale” (BAS) developed by the researcher. The study used a 5-point Likert type scaleto measure students’ attitude towards Biology on seven dimensions: “Interest in Biology”,“Career in Biology”, “Importance of Biology”, “Biology Teacher”, “Difficulty in Biology”,“Equipment use in Biology” and “Methodology of Biology”. Students’ attitude toward Biologywas analyzed by using the mean score of an individual statement. The findings of the studyrevealed that overall students showed a positive attitude towards Biology. Female studentsexhibited a positive attitude as compared to male students. Similarly, students in publicschools showed a positive attitude toward students of private schools.En esta era de la ciencia y la tecnología, el mundo enfrenta desafíos geográficos, mientras que los futuros constructores de naciones están perdiendo su interés incluso en temas de ciencias, especialmente en biología. Existen numerosos factores que contribuyeron al éxito de los estudiantes en un tema en particular, pero el más importante es su actitud hacia ese tema. El objetivo del presente estudio fue investigar la actitud de los estudiantes hacia la biología en las escuelas secundarias de Islamabad. La población de este estudio comprendió a todos los estudiantes de biología de 10º grado en diferentes instituciones en Islamabad. Debido a la escasez de tiempo, el investigador seleccionó a 506 estudiantes (de seis escuelas públicas y cuatro privadas) como muestra de conveniencia para este estudio. Estos estudiantes fueron administrados a través de un instrumento válido y confiable conocido como "Biology Attitude Scale" (BAS) desarrollado por el investigador. El estudio utilizó una escala tipo Likert de 5 puntos para medir la actitud de los estudiantes hacia la biología en siete dimensiones: "Interés en biología", "Carrera en biología", "Importancia de la biología", "Profesor de biología", "Dificultad en biología", "Uso de equipos en biología" y "Metodología de la biología". La actitud de los estudiantes hacia la biología se analizó utilizando el puntaje promedio de una declaración individual. Los resultados del estudio revelaron que los estudiantes en general mostraron una actitud positiva hacia la biología. Las estudiantes exhibieron una actitud positiva en comparación con los estudiantes varones. Del mismo modo, los estudiantes en las escuelas públicas mostraron una actitud positiva hacia los estudiantes de las escuelas privadas

    Metacognitive Instruction and Students’ Achievement in Solving Mathematical Word Problems

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    Mathematics is considered as an important subject of elementary curriculum throughout the world due to its use in different fields of life. The compulsory component of mathematics is mathematical word problems. Word problems are considered as the difficult part of mathematics not only by students but mathematics teachers as well. Special teaching strategies are required to teach mathematical word problems to cope with the recent educational standards. Metacognitive instruction for teaching word problems has been proved affective by different educationists and researchers of world. Metacognitive instruction uses the hypothetical definition of metacognition, metacognitive knowledge and metacognitive skills and practicing of self addressed questions. Students are practiced to ask a series of self addressed questions while solving word problems about: understanding, connection, strategies, and reflection. The present study was an attempt to experiment metacognitive instruction for teaching mathematical word problems on sixth class students at Govt. High School Abbottabad and to check its effectiveness as compared to traditional method of teaching. The study used true experimental research design; specifically the pretest-posttest control group design with 80 subjects (40 + 40) and data was collected and analyzed by t-test and descriptive analysis. The finding of study proved metacognitive instruction as an effective method for teaching mathematical word problems at elementary level

    Relationship of Risk Premium with Expected Volatility and Unexpected Volatility in Developing and Developed Economies

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    After application of ARIMA model to monthly risk premium and Threshold GARCH-In-Mean (TGARCH-M) models to daily risk premium of developed economies i.e. USA, UK, Germany, France and Canada and developing economies i.e. Pakistan, India, Malaysia and China over a period from January 2000 to December 2014, this study reported that in monthly data relationship between risk premium and expected volatility is negative in Pakistan: positive in Indonesia and Canada while insignificant in all other countries. The relationship between risk premium and unexpected volatility is negative in all the countries except Pakistan and China where it is insignificant while positive in USA. By the application of asymmetric volatility model on daily data for the same span, the relationship between risk premium and expected volatility is negative and significant in UK and France while this relationship is insignificant in all other countries. The study also indicates that the arrival of bad news has a greater impact on conditional volatility than the arrival of good news in all the economies whether developing or developed

    Clinicopathological Study of Patients Presenting with Adnexal Masses

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    Background: To assess the clinicopathological outcome of women with adnexal masses . Method: In this observational study patients with a diagnosis of adnexal mass, who underwent laparotomy, were included. All the patients were evaluated by a complete history, general abdominal and pelvic examination, followed by ultrasonography. Their preoperative findings are then correlated with surgical findings and histopathological diagnosis. Descriptive statistics are applied and results shown in the form of frequencies and percentages. Result: In 50 patients commonest presenting symptom was pain abdomen followed by mass abdomen. Ultrasound features correlate well with histopathological features. Majority (94.6%) patients had benign adnexal pathology and 5.4% had malignant pathology. Most common neoplasms were surface epithelial tumours followed by dermoid cyst. Conclusion:Demographic detail, ultrasonography and CA-125 are good preoperative indicators of malignant nature or benign nature of adnexal masses. Most common adnexal tumours are surface epithelial tumours followed by dermoid cysts and malignant tumours are common in postmenopausal group

    Diversity Of Desired And Observed Levels Of Qualities Among Teacher Candidates Perceived By Private School Management

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    The trend of enrolment in private schools is growing rapidly. The criteria of quality for teacher candidates is complex one, great value is placed for oral interviews along with other formal techniques of selection process. The present study focused to investigate the desired and observed levels of qualities for teacher candidates perceived by their employers at private educational institutions in Pakistan. Interviews of personnel involved in selection process, a focus group discussion and a survey were used as the research method. After semi-structured interview with 20 employers the initial three levels of dimensions of qualities for teacher candidates i.e. dimensions of educational and professional knowledge; dimensions of teaching and professional skills; and dimensions of values and attitudes were developed and kept for  focus group discussion. In this way six qualities for each dimension were finalized and the survey was conducted to rate the desired and observed levels of 18 items. A total number of 139 responses were available through this survey. The mean of desired and observed responses for each item was calculated. The difference between means, standard deviations and t-values were also calculated. The differences in mean values for desired and observed levels for all three categories indicate that employers of private schools are not satisfied with the output of teachers training programs

    The Higher The Quality Of Teaching The Higher The Quality Of Education

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    The higher education plays as leadership role in the system of education. Quality education can ensure security, welfare and prosperity of a nation. The key factors influencing the quality of higher education is the quality of faculty, curriculum standards, technological infrastructure available, research environment, accreditation regime, administrative policies, financing, evaluation and good governance. The main objectives of the study were (1) To evaluate the indicators of good teaching. (2) To examine the institutional policies for valuing the teaching. (3) To examine the contribution of teaching towards professional development of teachers. (4) To find out institutional efforts for enhancing the professional development of teachers. For study purposes five federal universities of Islamabad were taken and their faculties were included in the population. Twenty teachers of each university were taken as the sample of the study. This sample was selected with the help of the students from each department. As students are considered tougher evaluators of the teachers so the selection of the good teachers was completed on the basis of the five common competencies such as competencies related to subject and subject area teaching, competencies related to teaching and learning, competencies in research work and competencies related to professional behaviour .This survey type study was conducted through a questionnaire. The study concluded that good teaching does not pay any benefit to teachers except self-satisfaction and also finding that the requirements for quality teaching are not available in universities. The present study recommends the higher quality of teaching may be ranked and recognized at local, national and international level


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    Medicinal plants, since times immemorial, have been used in virtually all cultures for therapeutic purposes. The widespread use of herbal remedies and healthcare preparations obtained from commonly used traditional herbs and medicinal plants have been traced to the occurrence of natural products with medicinal properties. In the present review, an attempt has been made to collect the botanical, phytochemical, ethnomedicinal, pharmacological and toxicological information on Melia azedarach L. which is used traditionally as an anthelmintic, diuretic, emmenagouge, expectorant, vermifuge, used in piles, used as astringent, used in hysteria, leprosy, and in scrofula. Medicinally it has been shown to possess various pharmacological activities like antifungal, anti-malarial, antibacterial, hepatoprotective, anti-oxidant, anti-fertility, anthelmintic, antipyretic and cytotoxic activities. The available literature on the M. azedarach L. revealed that this plant contains many phytochemical constituents including alkaloids, terpenoids, saponins, glycosides, phenolic compounds, flavonoids and rutins. The aim of this article is to review those medicinal and pharmacological properties of M. azedarach which have been or still are being learned. The present review is therefore, an effort to give a detailed survey of the literature on its traditional, phytochemical and pharmacological properties
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