4,451 research outputs found

    Evidencias del incremento en la movilidad de dunas costeras en el último medio siglo como respuesta a la intervención humana

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    Given the risk of two roads being buried by the sand of two highly mobile coastal dunes (Valdevaqueros and Bolonia, SW Spain), several measures have been taken over the last half century in order to stabilize them or at least slow their progress: installation of several rows of 1-m-high concrete structures, planting of species such as Pinus pinea, Retama monosperma and Ammophila arenaria, wicker and wooden fencing, and sand mining (only performed on the Valdevaqueros dunefield). The evolution of the two dunes was investigated through the interpretation of intensive topographical monitoring and aerial photography. Average migration rates of approximately 10 m yr–1 were detected and the burial of anthropic structures has eventually occurred. This process has caused a serious regional problem, making dune management of these areas a difficult challenge. The comparison of the evolution of these two dunes has been of great importance in assessing the effect of historical human intervention and has provided a new perspective for future dune management strategies. The results obtained show that management measures based on sand removal have been proven to be unsustainable. Moreover, the monitoring methodology presented herein has proven very useful in predicting dune advance rates. For instance, the Bolonia dune could reach the nearest road in approximately 12 years.Se han tomado diferentes medidas a lo largo del último medio siglo tratando de estabilizar o al menos ralentizar el progreso de dos dunas costeras de alta movilidad (Valdevaqueros y Bolonia, SW España) dado el riesgo de enterramiento de sendas carreteras: Entre las medidas tomadas cabe destacar la instalación de filas de estructuras de hormigón de 1 m de altura, la plantación de diferentes especies (como el Pinus pinea, la Retama monosperma o la Ammophila arenaria), vallas de madera y brezo, y la extracción de arena (sólo en la duna de Valdevaqueros). La evolución de ambas dunas se ha investigado a través de la comparación de levantamientos topográficos y fotografías aéreas. Se han detectado tasas medias de avance de aproximadamente 10 m/año hasta que, finalmente, se han enterrado estructuras antrópicas. Este proceso ha causado graves problemas convirtiendo en un difícil reto la gestión de dunas de estas áreas. La comparación de la evolución de estas dos dunas ha resultado de gran importancia a la hora de evaluar el efecto de la intervención humana, y ha proporcionado una nueva perspectiva para las futuras estrategias de gestión. Entre los resultados obtenidos, debería destacarse el que la gestión basada en la retirada de arena ha resultado insostenible. Además, la metodología de seguimiento aquí presentada ha probado ser de gran utilidad al predecir las tasas de avance de las dunas. Por ejemplo, la duna de Bolonia podría alcanzar la carretera próxima en unos 12 años

    Evidence of coastal dune mobility increases over the last half century in response to historical human intervention

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    Given the risk of two roads being buried by the sand of two highly mobile coastal dunes (Valdevaqueros and Bolonia, SW Spain), several measures have been taken over the last half century in order to stabilize them or at least slow their progress: installation of several rows of 1-m-high concrete structures, planting of species such as Pinus pinea, Retama monosperma and Ammophila arenaria, wicker and wooden fencing, and sand mining (only performed on the Valdevaqueros dunefield). The evolution of the two dunes was investigated through the interpretation of intensive topographical monitoring and aerial photography. Average migration rates of approximately 10 m yr–1 were detected and the burial of anthropic structures has eventually occurred. This process has caused a serious regional problem, making dune management of these areas a difficult challenge. The comparison of the evolution of these two dunes has been of great importance in assessing the effect of historical human intervention and has provided a new perspective for future dune management strategies. The results obtained show that management measures based on sand removal have been proven to be unsustainable. Moreover, the monitoring methodology presented herein has proven very useful in predicting dune advance rates. For instance, the Bolonia dune could reach the nearest road in approximately 12 years

    Valoración de factores pronósticos en las lesiones de osteocondritis disecante de la rodilla del adulto

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es la valoración de la influencia de diferentes variables lesionales en los resultados terapéuticos obtenidos en pacientes adultos afectos de osteocondritis. Hemos realizado un estudio retrospectivo de 85 pacientes con diagnóstico artroscópico de osteocondritis disecante realizado en el periodo comprendido entre mayo de 1988 y mayo de 1997. Considerando los casos con afectación bilateral, 91 rodillas han sido intervenidas. A todos los pacientes se les realizó una valoración clínica preartroscópica y post-operatoria durante un año siguiendo la encuesta epidemiológica y exploratoria protocolarizada en nuestra unidad. Acompañando a esta valoración clínica se realizó una valoración de métodos complementarios de imagen. Se recogieron 14 variables según las diferentes características epidemiológicas y lesionales de cada paciente. Se realizó un análisis estadístico de la influencia de estas variables en los resultados funcionales, no obteniendo ningún resultado como significativo (p>0,05).The aim of this study is the valuation of the influence of different lesional variables in the clinical results obtained in adults affected of osteochondritis. We have studied retrospectivally 85 patients diagnosed of osteochondritis dissecans realized in the period of time between May 1988 and May 1997. Considering the cases with bilateral affectation, 91 knees have been operated. We realized a prearthroscopic clinical valuation of all patients and a post-operation valuation during one year using an epidemiological inquiry and a protocolarized examination. At the same time made an imagin study. There were 14 variables obtained using the different epidemiological and lesional characteristics of every patient. Statistical analysis of the influence of these variables in the functional results, showed no significant results (p>0,05)

    Coste de la limpieza “cotidiana” de playas

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    Más de 90.000 buques mercantes al año cruzan el Estrecho de Gibraltar de los que aproximadamente un 5% son petroleros. Ello, conjuntamente con la existencia de varios puertos con refinerías y polígonos industriales petroquímicos y la práctica del bunkering para aprovisionamiento de combustible, hace a la costa gaditana un punto de riesgo para la contaminación por hidrocarburos (Carmona et al., 2009). La Demarcación de Costas de Andalucía-Atlántico (DCAA), dependiente del Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente, ha realizado en numerosas ocasiones la limpieza de su litoral debido a la polución producida por ese tipo de vertidos (Carmona et al., 2012), existiendo ya alguna bibliografía sobre cómo abordar la retirada de alquitrán y otros derivados similares de las playas (e.g. DGC 2005, CEPRECO 2006a, CEPRECO 2006b). Sin embargo, además de la fracción no volátil de los hidrocarburos, existe otro tipo de desechos, naturales y/o antrópicos, que llegan a nuestras playas y que, debido sobre todo al carácter turístico de nuestro litoral, deben ser recogidos. Por ley, esta limpieza corresponde a las autoridades locales. No obstante, debido a la escasez de su presupuesto, los municipios suelen atender prioritariamente a la limpieza de las playas más urbanas y de máxima utilización. Es por este motivo que, dentro de un espíritu de colaboración entre Administraciones, la DCAA, mediante su partida de conservación y mantenimiento, ha apoyado las tareas de los Ayuntamientos, reforzando la labor municipal en las playas más concurridas y limpiando aquellas que son menos visitadas ya sea por su lejanía del casco urbano o por su escasez de servicios. En esta ponencia se presentarán los medios humanos y materiales con los que se cuenta para esta tarea, aportando cifras de toneladas de basura retiradas y coste del trabajo, junto con una comparación superficial con los datos de otros organismos y alguna sugerencia de posibles mejoras de la productividad

    Primary endometrial carcinoma with signet-ring cells. A case report and review of the literature

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    Endometrial adenocarcinoma with signet-ring cells is an infrequent histological type of carcinoma that usually corresponds to a metastasis of a primary carcinoma of another origin, mainly from the gastrointestinal tract or the breast. For this reason, in view of this histological finding, it is essential to carry out a thorough evaluation including mammography, gastroscopy, colonoscopy and thoracoabdominopelvic CT. To date, only six cases of primary endometrial carcinoma with signet-ring cells have been reported in the English literature. A 73-year-old patient was referred to the Gynecology Department with a 3-day history of postmenopausal bleeding. She was diagnosed with primary endometrial adenocarcinoma with signet-ring cells. The anatomopathological special features of the surgical specimen are presented, as well as the evolution of the patient, who remained asymptomatic and free of disease 28 months after surgery. A review of the literature is performed, emphasizing the peculiarities of this rare histological subtype. Despite the fact that primary endometrial carcinoma with signet-ring cells is an infrequent tumor, it must be considered in the differential diagnosis of malignant tumors of aforesaid origin. It is essential to carry out a correct and an extensive investigative study as well as an immunohistochemical analysis of the samples obtained for its confirmation diagnosis

    Design and characterization of Squalene-Gusperimus nanoparticles for modulation of innate immunity

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    Immunosuppressive drugs are widely used for the treatment of autoimmune diseases and to prevent rejection in organ transplantation. Gusperimus is a relatively safe immunosuppressive drug with low cytotoxicity and reversible side effects. It is highly hydrophilic and unstable. Therefore, it requires administration in high doses which increases its side effects. To overcome this, here we encapsulated gusperimus as squalene-gusperimus nanoparticles (Sq-GusNPs). These nanoparticles (NPs) were obtained from nanoassembly of the squalene gusperimus (Sq-Gus) bioconjugate in water, which was synthesized starting from squalene. The size, charge, and dispersity of the Sq-GusNPs were optimized using the response surface methodology (RSM). The colloidal stability of the Sq-GusNPs was tested using an experimental block design at different storage temperatures after preparing them at different pH conditions. Sq-GusNPs showed to be colloidally stable, non-cytotoxic, readily taken up by cells, and with an anti-inflammatory effect sustained over time. We demonstrate that gusperimus was stabilized through its conjugation with squalene and subsequent formation of NPs allowing its controlled release. Overall, the Sq-GusNPs have the potential to be used as an alternative in approaches for the treatment of different pathologies where a controlled release of gusperimus could be required

    Turbidity and Other Effects Resulting from Trafalgar Sandbank Dredging and Palmar Beach Nourishment

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    Beach-nourishment requirements on the southwestern Spanish coast have led to a significant increase in offshore dredging. Following a new research line, assessment of changes recorded in physicochemical and biological parameters due to dredging and dumping operations was performed at the Cape of Trafalgar and Palmar Beach during June and July 2008. Turbidity, salinity, pH, dissolved oxygen, temperature, and suspended-sediment data were collected at 10 stations. At the end of the study, a three-campaign monitoring program was implemented for 1 year to assess the possible effects on biological communities and sediment properties. The relevant results, such as the average extent of the sediment plume (< 400 m) and its persistence in the environment (< 10 min), are discussed in this paper. A precise correlation between turbidity and suspended sediments and the recovery time of ecological balance were also established. Furthermore, minimal and reversible effects caused by dredging and dumping operations in this type of marine environment were identified

    In Vitro Studies of Squalene-Gusperimus Nanoparticles in Islet-Containing Alginate Microcapsules to Regulate the Immune Response in the Immediate Posttransplant Period

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    Grafting of microencapsulated pancreatic islets has been proposed as an alternative to exogenous insulin for the treatment of type 1 diabetes mellitus. Microencapsulated islets are protected from direct contact with immune cells and larger immune‐active molecules such as immunoglobulins. Unfortunately, many islet cells in the microcapsules are lost in the immediate period after transplantation due to an early host immune response limiting long‐term function of the graft. Gusperimus has shown to reduce the inflammatory responses to grafted encapsulated islets, but it cannot be appropriately used because it is easily hydrolyzed leading to loss of activity. To temporarily modulate the inflammatory response directly after implantation and stabilize gusperimus, squalene‐gusperimus nanoparticles (Sq‐GusNPs) are developed and incorporated in human islets‐containing alginate‐based microcapsules. A prolonged and continuous release of gusperimus is achieved. This offers an anti‐inflammatory microenvironment in the vicinity of the microcapsules and a reduction of cytokine secretion by lipopolysaccharides‐activated human macrophages. Release of gusperimus from Sq‐GusNPs does not affect the in vitro viability or function of human pancreatic islets. The data illustrate that incorporation of Sq‐GusNPs in alginate microcapsules offers an opportunity to temporarily modulate the immediate immune response after the grafting procedure of encapsulated islets cells and reduce loss of islet cells

    In vitro determination of the immunosuppressive effect, internalization, and release mechanism of squalene-gusperimus nanoparticles for managing inflammatory responses

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    Gusperimus is an anti-inflammatory drug that has shown to be effective in managing autoimmunity and preventing graft rejection. This is unstable and easily broken down into cytotoxic components. We encapsulated gusperimus binding it covalently to squalene obtaining squalene-gusperimus nanoparticles (Sq-GusNPs). These nanoparticles enhanced the immunosuppressive effect of gusperimus in both mouse macrophages and T cells. The half-maximal inhibitory concentration in macrophages was 9-fold lower for Sq-GusNPs compared with the free drug. The anti-inflammatory effect of the Sq-GusNPs was maintained over time without cytotoxicity. By studying nanoparticles uptake by cells with flow cytometry, we demonstrated that Sq-GusNPs are endocytosed by macrophages after binding to low-density lipoprotein receptors (LDLR). In presence of cathepsin B or D release of gusperimus is increased demonstrating the participation of proteases in the release process. Our approach may allow the application of Sq-GusNPs for effective management of inflammatory disorders including autoimmunity and graft rejection

    Ascitis secundaria a chlamydia trachomatis tras procedimiento de reproducción asistida

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    El desarrollo de ascitis moderada o severa es infrecuente tras una enfermedad inflamatoria pélvica por Chlamydia trachomatis, una de las principales causas de infección de transmisión sexual a nivel mundial. Caso clínico: Paciente de 29 años que tras aborto diferido (gestación tras inseminación artificial) que inicia a las seis semanas con cuadro de dolor abdominal inespecífico y ascitis de predominio linfocitario. El diagnostico se realizo mediante PCR (Werfen®) tanto el liquido ascítico como en exudado endocervical. La paciente recibió tratamiento antibiótico con doxiciclina. Conclusión: Las enfermedades de transmisión sexual deben ser consideradas cuando se realiza un diagnóstico diferencial de una mujer sexualmente activa con dolor abdominal y ascitis, instaurar tratamiento antibiótico y evitar pruebas e intervenciones quirúrgicas innecesarias. The development of moderate or severe ascites is infrequent after a pelvic inflammatory disease from Chlamydia trachomatis, one of the main causes of sexually transmitted infection worldwide. Clinical case: A 29-year-old patient who, after a delayed abortion (gestation after artificial insemination), started at six weeks with symptoms of non-specific abdominal pain and predominantly lymphocytic ascites. The diagnosis is made by PCR (Werfen®) both the ascitic fluid and the endocervical exudate. The patient received antibiotic treatment with doxycycline. Conclusion: Sexually transmitted diseases should be considered when making a differential diagnosis of a sexually activated woman with abdominal pain and ascites. Establishing antibiotic treatment, and avoiding unnecessary tests and surgical treatments