945 research outputs found

    Comunicación emocional en el trastorno del espectro autista : intervención en un alumno de 1º de Primaria

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    Hoy en día existen bastantes casos de alumnos con Trastorno del Espectro Autista (en adelante TEA) escolarizados en centros ordinarios, por ello es imprescindible conocer que entendemos por TEA, tal y como iremos analizando, haciendo un recorrido sobre la historia y estudios sobre el mismo. Observando las dificultades encontradas en dicho trastorno estudiamos la importancia de trabajar todo el ámbito comunicativo emocional pues, como podremos observar, es en donde estos alumnos presentan mayor dificultad. Para ver nuestra relación con el sistema educativo enlazamos dichos contenidos con la competencia clave: comunicación lingüística. Se intenta dar una visión de lo beneficioso que resulta para los alumnos con TEA realizar un trabajo de intervención concerniente a la comunicación emocional y la importancia de una coordinación con los diferentes entornos. Nos centramos para ello en un alumno con TEA llevando a cabo el proyecto en su centro escolar.Grado en Educación Primari

    "A punt". Anàlisi del relat televisiu de TV3 sobre la mobilització ciutadana de la Diada Nacional de Catalunya del 2016

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    The study analyzes the coverage that the Catalan television channel TV3 gave of the demonstration on 11 September 2016 in connection with the National Day of Catalonia. From 2012, this was the fifth demonstration to be held in demand of the independence of Catalonia and the first one after the Catalan regional election on 27 September 2015. The interest of this study is that Catalan media can have an influence on the discourse about the independence movement and, in consequence, on the public opinion. On the basis of the quantitative content analysis and generic frames analysis, it is possible to determine that TV3 news broadcasts highlighted the human interest of the conflict, attributed responsibility to certain persons and emphasized political disagreements.L'estudi analitza la cobertura que els informatius del canal televisiu TV3 van fer sobre la manifestació de l'11 de setembre de 2016 amb motiu de la Diada Nacional de Catalunya. Des del 2012, aquesta és la cinquena manifestació que hi ha hagut a favor de la independència de Catalunya i la primera just després de les eleccions catalanes del 27 de setembre de 2015. L'interès d'aquesta anàlisi rau en el fet que els mitjans de comunicació catalans poden tenir influència a l'hora de construir el relat del procés sobiranista i, en conseqüència, en l'opinió pública. A partir de l'anàlisi quantitativa de contingut i l'anàlisi d'enquadraments (frames) genèrics és possible determinar que els informatius de TV3 van emfatitzar l'interès humà del conflicte, van assenyalar-ne uns responsables i van ressaltar les desavinences polítiques

    Emociones: de lo social a lo individual. ¿Son las emociones naturales o históricas?

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    Esta Unidad Didáctica pretende analizar la creación histórica y occidental de normativas emocionales, con el fin de inferir que no es posible la comprensión de los procesos del mundo contemporáneo sin remontarse al análisis de sucesos pasados, así como que las emociones son modelos socioculturales compartidos sometidos a codificaciones y generadoras de estereotipos, prejuicios y desigualdades.This unit aims to analyse the historical and Western creation of the unwritten regulations, in order to infer that is impossible to understand the processes of the contemporary world without going back to the analysis of past events. In addition, it aims to show that the shared emotions are sociocultural models under encoding and generate stereotypes, prejudices and inequalities

    Heteròmers de receptors acoblats a proteïnes G: estructura quaternària i vies de senyalització (Seminaris de Recerca 2018)

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    Antioxidants versus Food Antioxidant Additives and Food Preservatives

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    Natural and processed foods are fragile and can become unpalatable and/or rotten. The processed food industry uses preservatives to enable distribution, even to different continents, and to extend the useful life of their products. Preservatives impede oxidation, a mandatory step in rotting, either by aerobic or anaerobic mechanisms. From a functional point of view, these compounds are antioxidants, and, therefore, a kind of contradiction exists when a preservative is considered 'bad' for human health while also thinking that antioxidants provide benefits. The basis of antioxidant action, the doses required for preservation, and the overall antioxidant action are revisited in this work. Finally, the bad and the good of food additives/preservatives are presented, taking into account the main mediator of antioxidant beneficial actions, namely the innate mechanisms of detoxification. Foods that strengthen such innate mechanisms are also presented. Keywords: REDOX reaction; food contamination; food decay; food rotting; human safety; sulfites; taste

    Lessons on differential neuronal-death-vulnerability from familial cases of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases

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    The main risk of Alzheimer's disease (AD) and Parkinson's disease (PD), the two most common neurodegenerative pathologies, is aging. In contrast to sporadic cases, whose symptoms appear at >60 years of age, familial PD or familial AD affects younger individuals. Finding early biological markers of these diseases as well as efficacious treatments for both symptom relief and delaying disease progression are of paramount relevance. Familial early-onset PD/AD are due to genetic factors, sometimes a single mutation in a given gene. Both diseases have neuronal loss and abnormal accumulations of specific proteins in common, but in different brain regions. Despite shared features, the mechanisms underlying the pathophysiological processes are not known. This review aims at finding, among the genetic-associated cases of PD and AD, common trends that could be of interest to discover reliable biomarkers and efficacious therapies, especially those aimed at affording neuroprotection, i.e., the prevention of neuronal death

    Dopamine in health and disease: much more than a neurotransmitter

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    Dopamine is derived from an amino acid, phenylalanine, which must be obtained through the diet. Dopamine, known primarily to be a neurotransmitter involved in almost any higher executive action, acts through five types of G-protein-coupled receptors. Dopamine has been studied extensively for its neuronal handling, synaptic actions, and in relation to Parkinson's disease. However, dopamine receptors can be found extra-synaptically and, in addition, they are not only expressed in neurons, but in many types of mammalian cells, inside and outside the central nervous system (CNS). Recent studies show a dopamine link between the gut and the CNS; the mechanisms are unknown, but they probably require cells to act as mediators and the involvement of the immune system. In fact, dopamine receptors are expressed in almost any cell of the immune system where dopamine regulates various processes, such as antigen presentation, T-cell activation, and inflammation. This likely immune cell-mediated linkage opens up a new perspective for the use of dopamine-related drugs, i.e., agonist

    Buenas prácticas ambientales para la adquisición o alquiler de vehículos

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    En la Guía se describen los principales aspectos ambientales derivados del uso y mantenimiento de vehículos a motor, así como los impactos ambientales asociados y se presentan las opciones más respetuosas con el medio ambiente. También se trata el mecanismo de gestión de este tipo de vehículos al final de su vida útilBellver Navarro, CG. (2015). Buenas prácticas ambientales para la adquisición o alquiler de vehículos. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/58228

    Buenas prácticas ambientales para el consumo de papel

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    Se describen someramente las características del proceso de fabricación del papel que tienen un impacto sobre el medio ambiente, así como la forma en la que se puede minimizar o mitigar ese impacto y las etiquetas ambientales que garantizan una fabricación sostenibleBellver Navarro, CG. (2013). Buenas prácticas ambientales para el consumo de papel. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/33734

    Drivers of and barriers to energy renovation in residential buildings in Spain—the challenge of next generation EU funds for existing buildings

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    The aim of this research was to analyze the drivers and barriers facing the agents involved in the energy renovation process and the effective use of existing subsidies for this purpose. The drive for energy renovation in buildings is undeniable. European policies aiming to completely decarbonize the economy by 2050 will give an important boost to the building sector in Europe by improving comfort conditions in renovated homes. In this study, a questionnaire was developed using the free software LimeSurvey, which was then evaluated by experts. The questionnaire included representative indicators of energy refurbishment and was segmented into the intervening groups to highlight their differences. The results were analyzed using the Mann–Whitney test for group comparisons and Pearson’s correlation coefficient to assess the relationships between the responses. This analysis reveals the complexity of a process, in which excessive bureaucratic requirements to obtain Next Generation EU funds, economic aspects (80%) and owners’ lack of awareness are the barriers that were most highlighted by those surveyed (77%). In terms of motivation, we found that, apart from economic savings (88%), the most valued aspect for users was noise insulation (93%), which is not directly related to energy improvement. This study highlights the lack of knowledge and information that the agents responsible for this change have about energy improvement and their differences in opinions on motivations and barriers.This research received no external funding
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