20 research outputs found

    Ancestral Queendom: Reflections on the Prison Records of the Rebel Queens of the 1878 Fireburn in St. Croix, USVI (formerly the Danish West Indies)

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    This article is written in what can be described as the “post-centennial” era, post 2017, the year marked by the 100th anniversary of the sale and transfer of the Virgin Islands from Denmark to the United States. 2017 marked a shift in the conversation around and between Denmark and its former colonies in the Caribbean, most notably the increasing access of Virgin Islanders to the millions of archival records that remain stored in Denmark as they began to emerge in online databases and temporarily in exhibitions. That year the Virgin Islands Studies Collective, a group of four women (La Vaughn Belle, Tami Navarro, Hadiya Sewer and Tiphanie Yanique) from the Virgin Islands and from various disciplinary backgrounds, also emerged with an intention to center not only the archive, but also archival access and the nuances of archival interpretation and intervention. This collaborative essay, Ancestral Queendom: Reflections on the Prison Records of the Rebel Queens of the 1878 Fireburn in St. Croix, USVI (formerly the Danish West Indies), is a direct engagement with the archives and archival production. Each member responds to one of the prison records of the four women taken to Denmark for their participation in the largest labor revolt in Danish colonial history. Their reflections combine elements of speculation, fiction, black feminitist theory and critique as modes of responding to the gaps and silences in the archive, as well as finding new questions to be asked

    Valoración económica del medio ambiente a través del método contingente: caso parte baja de la cuenca Jicamarca (quebrada Huaycoloro)

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    Ciclo Optativo de Especialización y Profesionalización en Gestión de Calidad y Auditoría AmbientalEl presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo estimar el valor económico de los servicios ecosistémicos del recurso hídrico dado por los pobladores de la parte baja de la cuenca Jicamarca para la implementación del “Proyecto de Recuperación de la cuenca Rímac”. Para ello, fue necesario estimar la Disposición a Pagar (DAP) e identificar las variables socioeconómicas y sociodemográficas de los pobladores que viven en la zona de estudio. Se aplicó una encuesta utilizando la metodología de Valoración Contingente, donde se les planteó un caso hipotético, una parte del proyecto sería financiado por el gobierno y otra por los habitantes, y como beneficio se obtendría la mejora de la calidad del río Huaycoloro (Cuenca baja Jicamarca) y por ende un incremento en el nivel de bienestar de los pobladores. El modelo que se utilizó para calcular DAP de la población fue el modelo de Regresión Probit de respuestas dicotómicas, para relacionar las respuestas de los precios ofrecidos con las diversas variables analizadas en el Programa STATA/SE 13. Finalmente las variables independientes socioeconómicas y sociodemográficas más significativas que incidieron en el modelo fueron el precio hipotético, ingreso promedio, edad, número de niños en los hogares, distancia relativa y calidad del agua; y el importe promedio de la disposición a pagar de los pobladores de la parte baja de la Cuenda Jicamarca para mejorar la calidad del río fue de S/. 31.37 soles, donde el valor económico de los servicios ecosistémicos del recurso hídrico para la implementación del Proyecto de Recuperación de la cuenca es de S/. 57, 055,284.72 soles.This study aimed to estimate the economic value of ecosystem services of water resources given by the inhabitants of the lower part of the basin Jicamarca for the implementation of "Project Recovery Rimac basin". To do this, it was necessary to estimate the willingness to pay (WTP) and identify the socioeconomic and demographic of the people living in the study area variables. a survey using the methodology of contingent valuation, where they raised a hypothetical case, a part of the project would be financed by the government and another by the people, and as a benefit improving the quality of Huaycoloro river (low Cuenca would get applied Jicamarca) and therefore an increase in the level of welfare of the people. The model was used to calculate population DAP was the Probit regression model dichotomous responses, to relate the prices offered responses to the various variables analyzed in the STATA / SE 13. Finally Program socioeconomic and sociodemographic independent variables more significant that affected the hypothetical model were the price, average income, age, number of children in households, relative distance and water quality; and the average amount available to pay for the inhabitants of the lower part of the Jicamarca Cuenda to improve the quality of the river was S /. 31.37 soles, where the economic value of ecosystem services of water resources for the implementation of Project Recovery basin is S /. 57, 055,284.72 soles.Tesi

    ICAR: endoscopic skull‐base surgery

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    Venezuela's humanitarian crisis, resurgence of vector-borne diseases, and implications for spillover in the region.

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    In the past 5-10 years, Venezuela has faced a severe economic crisis, precipitated by political instability and declining oil revenue. Public health provision has been affected particularly. In this Review, we assess the impact of Venezuela's health-care crisis on vector-borne diseases, and the spillover into neighbouring countries. Between 2000 and 2015, Venezuela witnessed a 359% increase in malaria cases, followed by a 71% increase in 2017 (411 586 cases) compared with 2016 (240 613). Neighbouring countries, such as Brazil, have reported an escalating trend of imported malaria cases from Venezuela, from 1538 in 2014 to 3129 in 2017. In Venezuela, active Chagas disease transmission has been reported, with seroprevalence in children (<10 years), estimated to be as high as 12·5% in one community tested (n=64). Dengue incidence increased by more than four times between 1990 and 2016. The estimated incidence of chikungunya during its epidemic peak is 6975 cases per 100 000 people and that of Zika virus is 2057 cases per 100 000 people. The re-emergence of many vector-borne diseases represents a public health crisis in Venezuela and has the possibility of severely undermining regional disease elimination efforts. National, regional, and global authorities must take action to address these worsening epidemics and prevent their expansion beyond Venezuelan borders

    Valoración económica del medio ambiente a través del método contingente: caso parte baja de la cuenca Jicamarca (quebrada Huaycoloro)

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    El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo estimar el valor económico de los servicios ecosistémicos del recurso hídrico dado por los pobladores de la parte baja de la cuenca Jicamarca para la implementación del “Proyecto de Recuperación de la cuenca Rímac”. Para ello, fue necesario estimar la Disposición a Pagar (DAP) e identificar las variables socioeconómicas y sociodemográficas de los pobladores que viven en la zona de estudio. Se aplicó una encuesta utilizando la metodología de Valoración Contingente, donde se les planteó un caso hipotético, una parte del proyecto sería financiado por el gobierno y otra por los habitantes, y como beneficio se obtendría la mejora de la calidad del río Huaycoloro (Cuenca baja Jicamarca) y por ende un incremento en el nivel de bienestar de los pobladores. El modelo que se utilizó para calcular DAP de la población fue el modelo de Regresión Probit de respuestas dicotómicas, para relacionar las respuestas de los precios ofrecidos con las diversas variables analizadas en el Programa STATA/SE 13. Finalmente las variables independientes socioeconómicas y sociodemográficas más significativas que incidieron en el modelo fueron el precio hipotético, ingreso promedio, edad, número de niños en los hogares, distancia relativa y calidad del agua; y el importe promedio de la disposición a pagar de los pobladores de la parte baja de la Cuenda Jicamarca para mejorar la calidad del río fue de S/. 31.37 soles, donde el valor económico de los servicios ecosistémicos del recurso hídrico para la implementación del Proyecto de Recuperación de la cuenca es de S/. 57, 055,284.72 soles.This study aimed to estimate the economic value of ecosystem services of water resources given by the inhabitants of the lower part of the basin Jicamarca for the implementation of "Project Recovery Rimac basin". To do this, it was necessary to estimate the willingness to pay (WTP) and identify the socioeconomic and demographic of the people living in the study area variables. a survey using the methodology of contingent valuation, where they raised a hypothetical case, a part of the project would be financed by the government and another by the people, and as a benefit improving the quality of Huaycoloro river (low Cuenca would get applied Jicamarca) and therefore an increase in the level of welfare of the people. The model was used to calculate population DAP was the Probit regression model dichotomous responses, to relate the prices offered responses to the various variables analyzed in the STATA / SE 13. Finally Program socioeconomic and sociodemographic independent variables more significant that affected the hypothetical model were the price, average income, age, number of children in households, relative distance and water quality; and the average amount available to pay for the inhabitants of the lower part of the Jicamarca Cuenda to improve the quality of the river was S /. 31.37 soles, where the economic value of ecosystem services of water resources for the implementation of Project Recovery basin is S /. 57, 055,284.72 soles.TesisCiclo Optativo de Especialización y Profesionalización en Gestión de Calidad y Auditoría Ambienta

    Delay spread control hiding first hit objects

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    This paper proposes a methodology for the prediction and eventual cancellation of the main scatterer effects on broadcast radio channels. We assume the possibility of using absorbing material or paint to reduce the reflectivity of some surfaces and virtually 'hide' the scatterer, so as to control the maximum Delay Spread in terrestrial Digital Video Broadcasting systems. A desirable condition for the DVB-T2 operators is to limit the Delay Spread of radio channel in conditions where it is not possible to change the location or the orientation of the transmitting antenna; moreover, this can be useful to limit the Inter-Symbol Interference (ISI) and to improve the balance between the interleaving time and the channel capacity. In order to prove the applicability of object hiding, we used ray-tracing 3D techniques to identify the objects that can be hidden or camouflaged, and calculating the effect of objects on parameters of the DVB channel, in this case the delay spread. The results of the simulation applying physical hiding of object shown a expected reduction of Delay Spread. © 2013 EurAAP

    Heuristic UTD coefficients for radiowave coverage prediction in a urban scenario

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    This paper presents a comparison of three heuristic coefficients for the Uniform Theory of Diffraction (UTD), used to characterize the radiowave scattering in typical urban scenarios. The coefficients were implemented in a propagation model based on ray-tracing techniques based in image theory. In order to evaluate each coefficient we analyze the statistical behavior of the mean and standard deviation of the absolute errors between the estimated values and the measured data of path loss in a large number of receptor points provided in the literature. Finally, we show the path loss prediction for each UTD coefficients proposed

    Heuristic UTD coefficients applied for the channel characterization in an andean scenario

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    This paper presents a comparison of three heuristic coefficients for the Uniform Theory of Diffraction (UTD), used to characterize the radiowave scattering in typical urban scenarios. The coefficients were implemented in a propagation model based on 3D ray-tracing techniques in an andean scenario. In order to evaluate each coefficient we analyze the statistical behavior of the mean and standard deviation of the absolute errors between the estimated values and the measured data of path loss in a large number of receptor points. Finally, we show the path loss prediction for each heuristic UTD coefficients proposed

    Comparison of heuristic UTD coefficients in an outdoor scenario

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    This paper presents a comparison of three heuristic coefficients for the Uniform Theory of Diffraction (UTD), used to characterize the radiowave scattering in typical urban scenarios. The coefficients were implemented in a propagation model based on 3D ray-tracing techniques for a Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) service. In order to evaluate each coefficient we analyze the statistical behavior of the mean and standard deviation of the absolute errors between the estimated values and the measured data of path loss in a large number of receptor points in an outdoor scenario