4,472 research outputs found

    Representation of industrial products in the early stages of design: Drawing and artistic expression in industrial design

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    Comunicació presentada a ICERI 2018 11th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (Seville, Spain. 12-14 November, 2018)Hand drawing is a basic tool for industrial designers, as it allows them to represent and communicate concepts in an agile way during the initial design phase. Although we can find subjects related to drawing in the first years of all university degrees in industrial design, the way to implement the necessary activities is not always the most appropriate, and it may happen that, despite having practiced sketching, at the end of the course the students do not have the necessary skills to communicate their ideas effectively or adequately represent the reality that surrounds them. This paper proposes twelve groups of activities designed to help industrial design students acquire skills related to hand drawing. The activities were implemented during the second course of the Degree in Industrial Design and Product Development Engineering at Universitat Jaume I, improving those implemented during the last course. The paper analyzes and discusses the positive results of the innovations introduced, which improved the mean grade of the course by 4.48% with respect to the grade obtained the previous year

    Sea-level rise : which is the role of glaciers and polar ice sheets?

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    Sea-level has been rising at an accelerated rate during recent decades and is projected to continue increasing at an accelerated rate over the twenty-first century and beyond, mostly as a result of anthropogenic warming. A substantially raised sea level can have severe impacts on low-lying coastal areas, including coastal erosion and flooding of inhabited areas. Under continued climate warming, these impacts will be exacerbated by extreme meteorological events and extreme wave heights, posing severe risks to the human communities and coastal ecosystems. In this paper we review the recent advances on the contributions of glaciers and sheets to sea-level rise, in the light of the recently released IPCC Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate

    Problemática práctica de la traducción a través del "De rebus gestis Antonj Caraphaei" de G. Vico

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    En diversas ocasiones y lugares –artículos, trabajos, notas introductorias…– hemos tratado ya acerca de las claves, los criterios y las razones genéricas que nos han llevado a decantarnos por una particular forma de versión de un texto entre las diversas aparentes posibilidades a priori existentes. Intentamos ahora poner de manifiesto la muy amplia y compleja problemática (toponimia, onomástica en general, cronología, contraste de datos, estilística, erratas y lapsus, etc.) que ha de ser objeto de consideración, reflexión e investigación por parte del traductor de una obra, histórica en este caso, y que constituye parte esencial del texto vertido.In different occasions and places—papers, works, introductory notes…—we have already discussed the keys, criteria and generic reasons that brought us to favour some particular form of version of a text among the apparently different a priori extant possibilities. We now try to bring to light the very wide and complex set of problems (toponimy, onomastic in general, chronology, data contrast, stylistics, errata and lapses, etc.) that have to be the target of consideration, reflection and research by the part of the translator of a work, historical in this case, and which constitutes an essential part of the text produced

    Un Vico personale

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    Reseñamos a continuación las líneas conceptuales del pensamiento viquiano que, dentro de su obra latina, entendemos como más conspicuas globalmente consideradas y de mayor influjo entre nosotros.We outline below the conceptual lines of Viquian thought that, within his Latin work, we consider the more conspicuous ones, globally considered, and have had a greater influence on us.Esponiamo qui di seguito le linee concettuali del pensiero vichiano che, all'interno della sua opera latina, crediamo le più cospicue, globalmente considerate, e di maggiore influenza sulla nostra riflessione

    Las ventas de patrocinio no son solo un deporte, sino también un negocio institucional: evidencia de dos clubes de fútbol profesionales en américa latina

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    The purpose of this paper is to identify the impact of institutionalization, legitimacy, learning behaviors and other organizational characteristics on the efforts made by sport clubs signing sponsorship contracts. An exploratory comparison of two professional First Division football clubs of Costa Rica and Chile was performed. Using a narrative methodology, the Costa Rican team was analyzed through observations over a two-year collaboration period, and the Chilean team was analyzed through in-depth interviews and an analysis of historical literature. The analysis revealed that organizational behaviors impact the clubs’ amount of sponsorship and multi-season contracts. It also revealed that institutionalization and legitimacy work at a first level in the relationship and that, of themselves, should be considered marketing tools. It was also observed that although both learning behaviors and resource-seeking strategies contribute to successfully executing sponsorship contracts, a baseline level of legitimacy and institutionalization should nevertheless exist. Drawing on Institutional Theory, Ecology, and Organizational Learning, a clear role model was evidenced within the ecosystem of two professional football clubs, each in a different Latin American country. These behaviors which, to our knowledge, have never being analyzed before, yielded and sustained legitimacy, while exercising a direct effect on single-season and multi-season sponsorship contracts.El propósito del artículo es identificar el impacto que tiene la institucionalización, la legitimidad, los comportamientos de aprendizaje y otras características organizacionales, sobre los esfuerzos que realizan los clubes deportivos al intentar firmar contratos de patrocinio. Se realizó comparación exploratoria de dos clubes de fútbol profesional, uno chileno y el otro costarricense. Utilizando una metodología narrativa, el club costarricense fue analizado por observación, a lo largo de un período colaborativo de 2 años, mientras que el club chileno se analizó utilizando entrevistas a profundidad y una revisión de literatura histórica. El análisis reveló que los comportamientos organizacionales tienen un impacto en la cantidad de contratos de patrocinio, tanto de una temporada como de varias temporadas. Se devela que la institucionalización y la legitimidad son un primer paso en este tipo de relaciones, y que por sí solas, se consideran una herramienta de mercadeo. Adicionalmente, se observa que, tanto el aprendizaje organizacional, como las estrategias de consecución de recursos contribuyen en el proceso de firma de contratos de patrocinio, no obstante, debe existir un nivel básico de legitimidad e institucionalización. En concordancia con la Teoría Institucional, la Ecología y el Aprendizaje Organizacional, se evidencia un claro patrón de comportamiento de estos dos clubes profesionales, cada uno dentro de su entorno. Estos comportamientos, que hasta donde sabemos nunca se han analizado antes, produjeron y mantuvieron legitimidad, al tiempo que mostraron un efecto directo en la firma de contratos de patrocinio de una o varias temporadas