19 research outputs found

    Formation of a stable deacagonal quasicrystalline Al-Pd-Mn surface layer

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    We report the in situ formation of an ordered equilibrium decagonal Al-Pd-Mn quasicrystal overlayer on the 5-fold symmetric surface of an icosahedral Al-Pd-Mn monograin. The decagonal structure of the epilayer is evidenced by x-ray photoelectron diffraction, low-energy electron diffraction and electron backscatter diffraction. This overlayer is also characterized by a reduced density of states near the Fermi edge as expected for quasicrystals. This is the first time that a millimeter-size surface of the stable decagonal Al-Pd-Mn is obtained, studied and compared to its icosahedral counterpart.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Ref. Lett. (18 July 2001

    Screening registry in organized cervical cancer screening program in the Republic of Serbia

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    Ciljevi ove studije su bili: analiza stopa obolevanja (u periodu od 2000. do 2011) u centralnoj Srbiji i stopa umiranja (u periodu od 1991. do 2011) od karcinoma grlića materice u Republici Srbiji; identifikovanje postojećih snaga i mogućnosti, kao i slabosti i prepreka uvoĊenju registracije – skrining registra (SR) u program organizovanog skrininga raka grlića materice. TakoĊe, raĊena je i analiza rezultata procesnih indikatora, kao i rezultata dobijenih kao izvod iz SR iz organizovanog skrininga raka grlića materice. Materijal i metode: Podaci o ţenama koje su obolele i umrle od raka grlića materice (RGM) kao i podaci o populaciji, dobijeni su iz nepublikovanog i publikovanog materijala Republiĉkog zavoda za statistiku prema odgovarajućim šiframa MeĊunarodne klasifikacije bolesti (IX i X revizija). Statistiĉka analiza je obuhvatila izraĉunavanje uzrasno-specifiĉnih i standardizovanih stopa incidencije i mortaliteta od RGM. Standardizovane stope su raĉunate metodom direktne standardizacije, a kao standard je korišćena populacija sveta metodologijom po Segiju. Za analizu trenda stopa incidencije i mortaliteta korišćena je joinpoint regresiona analiza. TakoĊe, korišćena je metoda regresije za dobijanje i upotrebu jednaĉina za predikciju visine stopa incidencije i mortaliteta u 2030. godini. SWOT/TOWS analiza je bila upotrebljena za analiziranje spoljašnjih i unutrašnjih faktora primene SR, kao novog naĉina za prikupljanje podataka u programu organizovanog skrininga raka grlića materice (OSRGM) u Republici Srbiji. Ova analiza je raĊena u pet koraka. Prvi korak je podrazumevao odabir fokus grupe, drugi korak – metodu „vrtloga ideja‖ (engl. brainstorming), naĉin kojim su se prikupljali faktori za svaku od 4 kategorije (snage, slabosti, mogućnosti i prepreke). U trećem koraku je raĊena evaluacija prikupljenih faktora i njihovo pravilno svrstavanje po kategorijama. Ĉetvrti korak je podrazumevao formiranje i sprovoĊenje Upitnika za procenu vaţnosti nabrojanih faktora. Peti korak je podrazumevao ukrštanje izdvojenih faktora spoljašnjeg i unutrašnjeg okruţenja radi dobijanja strategija i dobijanje strategija za odrţivost i razvoj SR...The first objective of this study was to analyze the incidence of cervical cancer (period between 2000 and 2011) and mortality (period between 1991 and 2011) rates in the Republic of Serbia. The second objective was to identify the existing strengths and weaknesses, as well as opportunities and threats to introduction of registration – Screening Registry (SR) in organized cervical cancer screening program. Analysis of performance indicators and the results obtained from the organized cervical cancer screening program (OCCSP) was also performed as the third objective of this study. Methods: Data on new cases of cervical cancer (CC) and deaths from CC, as well as population data were obtained from published and unpublished material of the Republic Institute for Statistics under the relevant codes of the International Classification of Diseases (revisions 9 and 10). Statistical analysis included the calculation of age-specific and standardized CC incidence and mortality rates. Standardized rates were calculated by direct method of standardization (by Segi). For the statistical analysis of CC incidence and mortality rates joinpoint regression analysis was used. Also, we used the regression method for obtaining equations for prediction of the height of incidence and mortality rates in 2030. SWOT/TOWS analysis was used to analyze internal and external factors of SR, as a new way for collection of the data in an organized cervical cancer program in the Republic of Serbia. This analysis was done in five steps. The first step involved the selection of a focus group, the second – brainstorming – for collecting factors in each of the 4 categories (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats). In the third step-evaluation of collected factors and their proper classification in categories was conducted. The fourth step involved the creation of the questionnaire for assessing the importance of the collected factors. On that way, we got the most important factors, indifferently. The fifth step involved crossing of isolated factors from external and internal SR environment to obtain strategies intended for maintenance of sustainability and development of the SR..

    Energetic and spatial bonding properties from angular distributions of ultraviolet photoelectrons: application to the GaAs(110) surface

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    Angle-resolved ultraviolet photoemission spectra are interpreted by combining the energetics and spatial properties of the contributing states. One-step calculations are in excellent agreement with new azimuthal experimental data for GaAs(110). Strong variations caused by the dispersion of the surface bands permit an accurate mapping of the electronic structure. The delocalization of the valence states is discussed analogous to photoelectron diffraction. The spatial origin of the electrons is determined, and found to be strongly energy dependent, with uv excitation probing the bonding region.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, submitted for publicatio

    Screening registry in organized cervical cancer screening program in the Republic of Serbia

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    Ciljevi ove studije su bili: analiza stopa obolevanja (u periodu od 2000. do 2011) u centralnoj Srbiji i stopa umiranja (u periodu od 1991. do 2011) od karcinoma grlića materice u Republici Srbiji; identifikovanje postojećih snaga i mogućnosti, kao i slabosti i prepreka uvoĊenju registracije – skrining registra (SR) u program organizovanog skrininga raka grlića materice. TakoĊe, raĊena je i analiza rezultata procesnih indikatora, kao i rezultata dobijenih kao izvod iz SR iz organizovanog skrininga raka grlića materice. Materijal i metode: Podaci o ţenama koje su obolele i umrle od raka grlića materice (RGM) kao i podaci o populaciji, dobijeni su iz nepublikovanog i publikovanog materijala Republiĉkog zavoda za statistiku prema odgovarajućim šiframa MeĊunarodne klasifikacije bolesti (IX i X revizija). Statistiĉka analiza je obuhvatila izraĉunavanje uzrasno-specifiĉnih i standardizovanih stopa incidencije i mortaliteta od RGM. Standardizovane stope su raĉunate metodom direktne standardizacije, a kao standard je korišćena populacija sveta metodologijom po Segiju. Za analizu trenda stopa incidencije i mortaliteta korišćena je joinpoint regresiona analiza. TakoĊe, korišćena je metoda regresije za dobijanje i upotrebu jednaĉina za predikciju visine stopa incidencije i mortaliteta u 2030. godini. SWOT/TOWS analiza je bila upotrebljena za analiziranje spoljašnjih i unutrašnjih faktora primene SR, kao novog naĉina za prikupljanje podataka u programu organizovanog skrininga raka grlića materice (OSRGM) u Republici Srbiji. Ova analiza je raĊena u pet koraka. Prvi korak je podrazumevao odabir fokus grupe, drugi korak – metodu „vrtloga ideja‖ (engl. brainstorming), naĉin kojim su se prikupljali faktori za svaku od 4 kategorije (snage, slabosti, mogućnosti i prepreke). U trećem koraku je raĊena evaluacija prikupljenih faktora i njihovo pravilno svrstavanje po kategorijama. Ĉetvrti korak je podrazumevao formiranje i sprovoĊenje Upitnika za procenu vaţnosti nabrojanih faktora. Peti korak je podrazumevao ukrštanje izdvojenih faktora spoljašnjeg i unutrašnjeg okruţenja radi dobijanja strategija i dobijanje strategija za odrţivost i razvoj SR...The first objective of this study was to analyze the incidence of cervical cancer (period between 2000 and 2011) and mortality (period between 1991 and 2011) rates in the Republic of Serbia. The second objective was to identify the existing strengths and weaknesses, as well as opportunities and threats to introduction of registration – Screening Registry (SR) in organized cervical cancer screening program. Analysis of performance indicators and the results obtained from the organized cervical cancer screening program (OCCSP) was also performed as the third objective of this study. Methods: Data on new cases of cervical cancer (CC) and deaths from CC, as well as population data were obtained from published and unpublished material of the Republic Institute for Statistics under the relevant codes of the International Classification of Diseases (revisions 9 and 10). Statistical analysis included the calculation of age-specific and standardized CC incidence and mortality rates. Standardized rates were calculated by direct method of standardization (by Segi). For the statistical analysis of CC incidence and mortality rates joinpoint regression analysis was used. Also, we used the regression method for obtaining equations for prediction of the height of incidence and mortality rates in 2030. SWOT/TOWS analysis was used to analyze internal and external factors of SR, as a new way for collection of the data in an organized cervical cancer program in the Republic of Serbia. This analysis was done in five steps. The first step involved the selection of a focus group, the second – brainstorming – for collecting factors in each of the 4 categories (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats). In the third step-evaluation of collected factors and their proper classification in categories was conducted. The fourth step involved the creation of the questionnaire for assessing the importance of the collected factors. On that way, we got the most important factors, indifferently. The fifth step involved crossing of isolated factors from external and internal SR environment to obtain strategies intended for maintenance of sustainability and development of the SR..

    Potential Influence of Tubular Dysfunction on the Difference Between Estimated and Measured Glomerular Filtration Rate After Kidney Transplantation

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    Purpose. Because no consensus exists regarding the most accurate calculation to estimate glomerular filtration rate (GFR) based on serum creatinine concentrations (sCr) after kidney transplantation, this study sought to assess the potential role of tubular dysfunction on GFR estimates using various equations as well as the effect of pharmacologic blockades on tubular secretion of creatinine on creatinine clearance (ClCr). Methods. Iohexol GFR (mGFR) was performed in 17 stable kidney transplant recipients(R) at >24 months post-transplantation. Their mean age was 48.3 +/- 11.3 years. All R were treated with a calcineurin inhibitor (CNI). At the time of study we measured sCr, 24 hour-ClCr, cystatin C, 24-hour proteinuria, microalbuminuria, FE Na, alfa1-microglobulinuria (alfa1-MG), and CNI concentrations. To block tubular secretion of Cr, recipients were prescribed cimetidine (2400 mg) 2 days before the sCr measurement. Additionally, to exclude dietary influences on sCr, R did not eat meat for 2 days before testing. GFR was estimated using the Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD), Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration (CKD-EPI), Cockroft-Gault (C&G), and Cystatin C (Cyst C) GFR equations. Mean kidney graft function over the previous 6 months was used as the contra. Pearson correlation was determined between the differences between mGFR and estimatedGFR: Iohexol minus MDRD, EPI, Cyst C or C&G GFR for paired estimates. The diagnostic accuracy of the eGFRs to detect an mGFR of 60 mL/min/1.73 m(2) was examined by receiver operating characteristic curves. Results. Mean mGFR was 75.2 +/- 35.8 mL/min/1.73 m2. The sCr increased but the 24-hour ClCr, MDRD, EPI, and C&G decreased after vs before cimetidine. The difference was significant for sCr (F = 12.933; P = .002) and MDRD GFR (F = 15.750; P = .001). mGFR was not significantly higher than all pair values of eGFRs, and not significantly lower than 24-hour ClCr before and after cimetidine. However, in comparison to all eGFRs, ClCr after cimetidine most approached mGFR. A significant positive correlation was observed between alfa1-MG and the difference between mGFR and MDRD (before, r = .543 [P = .045]; after cimeticline, 0.568 [P = .034]), EPI (before, r = 0.516 [P = .050]; after cimetidine, r = 0.562 [P = .0361), and ClCr (r = 0.633; P = .016), C&G (P = .581; P = .029) before cimetidine. Accuracy of eGFRs to detect mGFR of 60 mL/min/1.73 m(2) showed EPI GFR before cimetidine to show diagnostic accuracy for patients with GFR >60 mL/min/1.73 m(2) with a sensitivity of 81.8% and a specificity of 71.4%

    The Rise of Nationalism: From Dissidence to Power 1980–90

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    Acute Renal Failure - A Serious Complication in Patients After Kidney Transplantation

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    Free radical-mediated injury releases proinflammatory cytokines and activates innate immunity. It has been suggested that the early innate response and the ischemic tissue damage play roles in the development of adaptive responses, which may lead to acute kidney rejection. Various durations of hypothermic kidney storage before transplantation add to ischemic tissue damage. The final stage of ischemic injury occurs during reperfusion that develops hours or days after the initial insult. Repair and regeneration processes occur together with cellular apoptosis, autophagy and necrosis and a favorable outcome is expected if regeneration prevails. Along the entire transplantation time course, there is a great demand for novel immune and nonimmune injury biomarkers. The use of these markers can be of great help in the monitoring of kidney injury in potential kidney donors, where acute kidney damage can be overlooked, in predicting acute transplant dysfunction during the early post-transplant periods, or in predicting chronic changes in long term followup. Numerous investigations have demonstrated that biomarkers that have the highest predictive value in acute kidney injury include NGAL, Cystatin C, KIM-1, IL-18, and L-FABP. Most investigations show that the ideal biomarker to fulfill all the needs in renal transplant has not been identified yet. Although, in many animal models, new biomarkers are emerging for predicting acute and chronic allograft damage, in human allograft analysis they are still not routinely accepted and renal biopsy still remains the gold standard