1,152 research outputs found

    Central Europe

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    Die Parlamentswahlen in Myanmar (Birma)

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    Nach 48 Jahren Herrschaft hat das Militär in Myanmar, dem ehemaligen Birma, für den 7. November 2010 Wahlen angekündigt. Sie werden weder frei noch fair sein. Generäle wollen in Zivil weiterregieren, sie sprechen von „Disziplin-Demokratie“. Die NLD-Partei von Aung San Suu Kyi boykottiert die Wahlen. Kleinere demokratische Parteien treten an. Nach einem ungenügenden Systemwechsel wollen sie den Machthabern im Laufe des Jahrzehnts schrittweise Demokratisierung abringen

    Das blaue Buch von Vaterland und Freiheit : Auszüge aus seinen Werken

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    Layoutgetreues Digitalisat der Ausg.: Königstein i.Ts. {[u.a.] : Langewiesche, 1913 Standort: Fachgebiet für Geschichte der Medizin (192) Signatur: 47/I Provenienz: Behring , Emil vo

    Central Europe

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    - Contents #21- Partnership in the war and its results #25- Of the previous history of Central Europe #59- Creeds and nationalities #87- The economic life of Central Europe #135- Joint problems in war economics #170- Our position in the world's economic system #203- Tariff problems #241- Constitutional problems #27

    Demokratie und Kaisertum : ein Handbuch für innere Politik

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    Layoutgetreues Digitalisat der Ausg.: Berlin-Schöneberg : Buchverl. der "Hilfe", 1900 Standort: Fachgebiet für Geschichte der Medizin (192) Signatur: 46/I Provenienz: Behring , Emil vo

    Policy Papers der Regionen : Mittel-, Südost- und Osteuropa,Südkaukasus und Zentralasien

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    Unsere Policy Papers bieten regionale Analysen zur politischen Situation ausgewählter Regionen, zur Lage der dortigen Wirtschaft und zur jeweiligen Sozialstruktur

    Policy Papers der Regionen : Mittel-, Südost- und Osteuropa,Südkaukasus und Zentralasien

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    Unsere Policy Papers bieten regionale Analysen zur politischen Situation ausgewählter Regionen, zur Lage der dortigen Wirtschaft und zur jeweiligen Sozialstruktur

    Evaluation of Human-Machine-Interfaces for Rail Signaler

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    The design of the human-machine interface (HMI) in socio-technical systems is important for the overall performance and safety of the socio-technical system. Poorly designed HMI can result in performance decrements, an increase in mental workload, and higher human error rates. In safety critical systems, such as the railway system, the performance of operators and the avoidance of errors – and, thus, the design of HMI – are especially important to avoid fatal consequences. One crucial operator for the safety of the railway system is the rail signaler. Rail signalers therefore need an HMI that optimally supports their tasks. Several generations of interlockings and HMI for interlockings are still in use in the German railway system. The newest HMI that is currently in use is the computer-based HMI for electronic interlockings. The HMI for electronic interlockings was developed in 1985 and implemented into active use in 2000. The layout and design of the HMI has hardly changed since then. In the past, HMI in the railway domain were designed with a focus on technical issues; usability and human factors were not considered in the design of most HMI. No studies have been published detailing if and how usability related criteria were integrated in the development of the HMI for electronic interlockings. Most importantly, the HMI for electronic interlockings has not been evaluated comprehensively with regard to human factors. There are no data regarding potential issues resulting from the design of the HMI apart from HMI-analyses in the aftermath of accidents. Therefore, a study was conducted aimed at evaluating the HMI for electronic interlockings regarding mental workload, subjective situation awareness, and usability. In addition, the HMI for electronic interlockings was compared to a new HMI developed in a user-centered design process. In a simulator study, rail signalers worked with both HMI during normal operations and a disruption. Findings showed that the HMI for electronic interlockings and the new HMI resulted in a similar mental workload and subjective situation awareness. However, the usability of the HMI for electronic interlockings was not acceptable. In contrast, the new HMI achieved significantly better and acceptable results for usability. These findings illustrate that the integration of human factors in the evaluation and development of HMI in the railway domain is of central importance. If HMI are designed with a focus on the technical side, this can lead to HMI with numerous human factors issues, as is illustrated by the inacceptable results for usability of the HMI for electronic interlockings found in this study. An HMI with an inacceptable usability can increase the danger of human error and can reduce productivity, which is undesirable especially in a safety critical system. This study showed that the early integration of user needs in the design process of a new HMI through a user-centered design process can improve the outcomes for usability in an HMI for the railway domain. Thus, the human as a factor should always be front and center in the development and evaluation of HMI in the railway domain

    In Situ Monitoring of the Catalytic Activity of Cytochrome c Oxidase in a Biomimetic Architecture

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    AbstractCytochrome c oxidase (CcO) from Paracoccus denitrificans was immobilized in a strict orientation via a his-tag attached to subunit I on a gold film and reconstituted in situ into a protein-tethered bilayer lipid membrane. In this orientation, the cytochrome c (cyt c) binding site is directed away from the electrode pointing to the outer side of the protein-tethered bilayer lipid membrane architecture. The CcO can thus be activated by cyt c under aerobic conditions. Catalytic activity was monitored by impedance spectroscopy, as well as cyclic voltammetry. Cathodic and anodic currents of the CcO with cyt c added to the bulk solution were shown to increase under aerobic compared to anaerobic conditions. Catalytic activity was considered in terms of repeated electrochemical oxidation/reduction of the CcO/cyt c complex in the presence of oxygen. The communication of cyt c bound to the CcO with the electrode is discussed in terms of a hopping mechanism through the redox sites of the enzyme. Simulations supporting this hypothesis are included

    Optical Anisotropy and Momentum-Dependent Excitons in Dibenzopentacene Single Crystals

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    High-quality single crystals of the organic semiconductor (1,2;8,9)-dibenzopentacene were grown via physical vapor transport. The crystal structure─unknown before─was determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction; polarization-dependent optical absorption measurements display a large anisotropy in the ac plane of the crystals. The overall Davydov splitting is ∼110 meV, which is slightly lower than that in the close relative pentacene (120 meV). Momentum-dependent electron energy-loss spectroscopy measurements show a clear exciton dispersion of the Davydov components. An analysis of the dispersion using a simple 1D model indicates smaller electron- and hole-transfer integrals in dibenzopentacene as compared to pentacene. The spectral weight distribution of the excitation spectra is strongly momentum-dependent and demonstrates a strong momentum-dependent admixture of Frenkel excitons, charge-transfer excitons, and vibrational modes