28 research outputs found

    Solvent-Induced Reversal of Activities between Two Closely Related Heterogeneous Catalysts in the Aldol Reaction

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    The relative rates of the aldol reaction catalyzed by supported primary and secondary amines can be inverted by 2 orders of magnitude, depending on the use of hexane or water as a solvent. Our analyses suggest that this dramatic shift in the catalytic behavior of the supported amines does not involve differences in reaction mechanism, but is caused by activation of imine to enamine equilibria and stabilization of iminium species. The effects of solvent polarity and acidity were found to be important to the performance of the catalytic reaction. This study highlights the critical role of solvent in multicomponent heterogeneous catalytic processes

    Application de la RMN Ă  l’étude des rĂ©actions du formaldĂ©hyde avec les fonctions aminĂ©es de l’alanine et de la lysine en fonction du pH du milieu

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    Les rĂ©actions du formaldĂ©hyde avec les fonctions aminĂ©es de l’alanine et de la lysine ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©es Ă  l’aide de la RMN du carbone et du proton.La rĂ©action d’addition initiale, qui conduit Ă  des dĂ©rivĂ©s N-monohydroxymĂ©thylĂ©s, se fait suivant un mĂ©canisme Ă©quilibrĂ© dont le calcul des constantes montre la rĂ©activitĂ© accrue de la forme non protonĂ©e des fonctions amines par rapport Ă  la forme protonĂ©e. Cette addition est plus importante sur la fonction Ă„ aminĂ©e de la lysine que sur la fonction a aminĂ©e.Dans le cas des composĂ©s comportant une seule fonction rĂ©active (alanine, Na-acĂ©tyllysine), on observe uniquement les dĂ©rivĂ©s monohydroxymĂ©thylĂ©s. En milieu acide, la lysine donne principalement les dĂ©rivĂ©s N-monohydroxymĂ©thylĂ©s, par contre pour des pH compris entre 5 et 10, ceux-ci sont susceptibles de se condenser entre eux pour former une liaison dimĂ©thylĂšne Ă©ther.Dans tous les cas les hydroxymĂ©thyles peuvent ĂȘtre rĂ©duits en monomĂ©thyles. De plus, la Ne-mĂ©thyllysine peut subir une nouvelle hydroxymĂ©thylation dont la rĂ©duction conduit Ă  la Ne-dimĂ©thyllysine

    Decarbonation and preservation method for the analysis of organic C and N contents and stable isotope ratios of low-carbonated suspended particulate material

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    The aim of this study was to determine a simple routine procedure to preserve, decarbonate and analyse low-carbonated filters of suspended particulate organic matter (POM) for particulate organic carbon and nitrogen content, ή13C and ή15N. Our goal was to analyse these four parameters from a single and entire filter of POM without altering the organic material. First, freezing (−20 °C) versus oven-drying (60 °C) were compared as the initial preservation step. Afterwards, non-acidified samples were compared to acid-treated samples using 0.12N HCl (diluted HCl rinsing at the end of the filtration) or 12N HCl (filters exposed to HCl fumes for 4 h in a dessicator). Regarding the preservation methods, our results indicate that freezing increases the uncertainty of ή15N measurements and, in combination with concentrated HCl treatment, leads to a loss of particulate nitrogen and an alteration of the ή15N signature. Consequently, we recommend drying to preserve filter samples. Regarding acid treatments, we found that (i) diluted HCl would not be sufficient to fully remove the carbonate from our samples, (ii) in contrast, a 4 h exposure of the filters to the HCl fumes was enough to remove all the inorganic carbon, and (iii) the concentrated HCl treatment did not alter the nitrogen measurements (only when drying without freezing is used to preserve the filters). Consequently, we propose that low-carbonated POM filters are preserved by drying and carbonates are removed by exposing the filters to HCl fumes (4 h) for the analysis of particulate organic C and N content and isotope ratios

    Dynamics of particulate organic matter d15N and d13C during spring phytoplankton blooms in a macrotidal ecosystem (Bay of Seine, France)

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    International audienceTwo cruises (April and June 1997) were carried out in the Bay of Seine, a nitrate- and ammonium-enriched ecosystem of Western Europe, to identify the major mechanisms that control ÎŽ15N and ÎŽ13C in spring particulate organic matter (POM). Particulate organic nitrogen (PON) ÎŽ15N ranged between 0.8 and 5.2‰ in April and between 2.2 and 6.2‰ in June, while particulate organic carbon (POC) ÎŽ13C ranged between -24.3 and -19.7‰, and between -20.0 and -16.2‰ during the same periods. During spring 1997, POM was highly dominated by autochthonous phytoplankton. It is shown that the variation of PON ÎŽ15N is due to both nitrate mixing between river and marine waters and fractionation of N stable isotopes during nitrate utilization by phytoplankton. Therefore, similarly to what was previously shown for open ocean, ÎŽ15N can be used as a proxy of spring fractional nitrate utilization in coastal ecosystems. It is also shown that POC ÎŽ13C in spring is controlled by POC concentration and C:N ratio (in addition to ƒtemperature effectsÂč), which are considered here as indicators of primary production and phytoplankton degradation, respectively. The co-variation of ÎŽ13C and ÎŽ15N describes the spring phytoplankton dynamics: at the start of phytoplankton development, nitrate concentration is high (low ÎŽ15N) and phytoplankton production is low (low ÎŽ13C); then primary production increases (ÎŽ13C becomes higher) and the nitrate pool diminishes (ÎŽ15N becomes higher); at a later stage, the nitrate pool is depleted (high ÎŽ15N), part of the phytoplankton becomes degraded and production is still high (high ÎŽ13C)

    Dynamics of particulate organic matter d<sup>15</sup>N and d<sup>13</sup>C during spring phytoplankton blooms in a macrotidal ecosystem (Bay of Seine, France)

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    Two cruises (April and June 1997) were carried out in the Bay of Seine, a nitrate- and ammonium-enriched ecosystem of Western Europe, to identify the major mechanisms that control d15N and d13C in spring particulate organic matter (POM). Particulate organic nitrogen (PON) d15N ranged between 0.8 and 5.2‰ in April and between 2.2 and 6.2‰ in June, while particulate organic carbon (POC) d13C ranged between –24.3 and –19.7‰, and between –20.0 and –16.2‰ during the same periods. During spring 1997, POM was highly dominated by autochthonous phytoplankton. It is shown that the variation of PON d15N is due to both nitrate mixing between river and marine waters and fractionation of N stable isotopes during nitrate utilization by phytoplankton. Therefore, similarly to what was previously shown for open ocean, d15N can be used as a proxy of spring fractional nitrate utilization in coastal ecosystems. It is also shown that POC d13C in spring is controlled by POC concentration and C:N ratio (in addition to ‘temperature effects’), which are considered here as indicators of primary production and phytoplankton degradation, respectively. The co-variation of d13C and d15N describes the spring phytoplankton dynamics: at the start of phytoplankton development, nitrate concentration is high (low d15N) and phytoplankton production is low (low d13C); then primary production increases (d13C becomes higher) and the nitrate pool diminishes (d15N becomes higher); at a later stage, the nitrate pool is depleted (high d15N), part of the phytoplankton becomes degraded and production is still high (high d13C)