31 research outputs found

    Cordycepin in Schizosaccharomyces pombe: effects on the wild type and phenotypes of mutants resistant to the drug

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    The adenosine analogue cordycepin (3′-deoxyadenosine) inhibits growth and causes aberrant cell morphology in the fission yeast, Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Exogenously added thiamine, the pyrimidine moiety of the thiamine molecule, and adenine alleviate its growth-disturbing effect. At concentrations that do not inhibit growth, the drug reduces mating and sporulation and causes a decrease in the mRNA level of gene ste11 and the ste11-dependent gene, mei2. The mating- and sporulation-inhibiting effect of cordycepin is overcome by adenine. A mutant disrupted for the ado1 gene encoding adenosine kinase exhibits a cordycepin-resistant and methionine-sensitive phenotype, excretes adenosine into the medium and mates and sporulates poorly in the presence of adenine. A S. pombe mutant containing a frameshift mutation at the beginning of the carboxy-terminal half of gene ufd1 (the Saccharomyces cerevisiae UFD1 homologue) is cordycepin-resistant and sterile. Strains disrupted for the ufd1 gene only form microcolonie

    The Use of Orthologous Sequences to Predict the Impact of Amino Acid Substitutions on Protein Function

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    Computational predictions of the functional impact of genetic variation play a critical role in human genetics research. For nonsynonymous coding variants, most prediction algorithms make use of patterns of amino acid substitutions observed among homologous proteins at a given site. In particular, substitutions observed in orthologous proteins from other species are often assumed to be tolerated in the human protein as well. We examined this assumption by evaluating a panel of nonsynonymous mutants of a prototypical human enzyme, methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR), in a yeast cell-based functional assay. As expected, substitutions in human MTHFR at sites that are well-conserved across distant orthologs result in an impaired enzyme, while substitutions present in recently diverged sequences (including a 9-site mutant that “resurrects” the human-macaque ancestor) result in a functional enzyme. We also interrogated 30 sites with varying degrees of conservation by creating substitutions in the human enzyme that are accepted in at least one ortholog of MTHFR. Quite surprisingly, most of these substitutions were deleterious to the human enzyme. The results suggest that selective constraints vary between phylogenetic lineages such that inclusion of distant orthologs to infer selective pressures on the human enzyme may be misleading. We propose that homologous proteins are best used to reconstruct ancestral sequences and infer amino acid conservation among only direct lineal ancestors of a particular protein. We show that such an “ancestral site preservation” measure outperforms other prediction methods, not only in our selected set for MTHFR, but also in an exhaustive set of E. coli LacI mutants

    Machine Learning Methods for Prediction of CDK-Inhibitors

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    Progression through the cell cycle involves the coordinated activities of a suite of cyclin/cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) complexes. The activities of the complexes are regulated by CDK inhibitors (CDKIs). Apart from its role as cell cycle regulators, CDKIs are involved in apoptosis, transcriptional regulation, cell fate determination, cell migration and cytoskeletal dynamics. As the complexes perform crucial and diverse functions, these are important drug targets for tumour and stem cell therapeutic interventions. However, CDKIs are represented by proteins with considerable sequence heterogeneity and may fail to be identified by simple similarity search methods. In this work we have evaluated and developed machine learning methods for identification of CDKIs. We used different compositional features and evolutionary information in the form of PSSMs, from CDKIs and non-CDKIs for generating SVM and ANN classifiers. In the first stage, both the ANN and SVM models were evaluated using Leave-One-Out Cross-Validation and in the second stage these were tested on independent data sets. The PSSM-based SVM model emerged as the best classifier in both the stages and is publicly available through a user-friendly web interface at http://bioinfo.icgeb.res.in/cdkipred

    The Aurora Kinase in Trypanosoma brucei Plays Distinctive Roles in Metaphase-Anaphase Transition and Cytokinetic Initiation

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    Aurora B kinase is an essential regulator of chromosome segregation with the action well characterized in eukaryotes. It is also implicated in cytokinesis, but the detailed mechanism remains less clear, partly due to the difficulty in separating the latter from the former function in a growing cell. A chemical genetic approach with an inhibitor of the enzyme added to a synchronized cell population at different stages of the cell cycle would probably solve this problem. In the deeply branched parasitic protozoan Trypanosoma brucei, an Aurora B homolog, TbAUK1, was found to control both chromosome segregation and cytokinetic initiation by evidence from RNAi and dominant negative mutation. To clearly separate these two functions, VX-680, an inhibitor of TbAUK1, was added to a synchronized T. brucei procyclic cell population at different cell cycle stages. The unique trans-localization pattern of the chromosomal passenger complex (CPC), consisting of TbAUK1 and two novel proteins TbCPC1 and TbCPC2, was monitored during mitosis and cytokinesis by following the migration of the proteins tagged with enhanced yellow fluorescence protein in live cells with time-lapse video microscopy. Inhibition of TbAUK1 function in S-phase, prophase or metaphase invariably arrests the cells in the metaphase, suggesting an action of TbAUK1 in promoting metaphase-anaphase transition. TbAUK1 inhibition in anaphase does not affect mitotic exit, but prevents trans-localization of the CPC from the spindle midzone to the anterior tip of the new flagellum attachment zone for cytokinetic initiation. The CPC in the midzone is dispersed back to the two segregated nuclei, while cytokinesis is inhibited. In and beyond telophase, TbAUK1 inhibition has no effect on the progression of cytokinesis or the subsequent G1, S and G2 phases until a new metaphase is attained. There are thus two clearly distinct points of TbAUK1 action in T. brucei: the metaphase-anaphase transition and cytokinetic initiation. This is the first time to our knowledge that the dual functions of an Aurora B homolog is dissected and separated into two clearly distinct time frames in a cell cycle

    Plasmodial sugar transporters as anti-malarial drug targets and comparisons with other protozoa

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    Glucose is the primary source of energy and a key substrate for most cells. Inhibition of cellular glucose uptake (the first step in its utilization) has, therefore, received attention as a potential therapeutic strategy to treat various unrelated diseases including malaria and cancers. For malaria, blood forms of parasites rely almost entirely on glycolysis for energy production and, without energy stores, they are dependent on the constant uptake of glucose. Plasmodium falciparum is the most dangerous human malarial parasite and its hexose transporter has been identified as being the major glucose transporter. In this review, recent progress regarding the validation and development of the P. falciparum hexose transporter as a drug target is described, highlighting the importance of robust target validation through both chemical and genetic methods. Therapeutic targeting potential of hexose transporters of other protozoan pathogens is also reviewed and discussed

    Eukaryotic Protein Kinases (ePKs) of the Helminth Parasite Schistosoma mansoni

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Schistosomiasis remains an important parasitic disease and a major economic problem in many countries. The <it>Schistosoma mansoni </it>genome and predicted proteome sequences were recently published providing the opportunity to identify new drug candidates. Eukaryotic protein kinases (ePKs) play a central role in mediating signal transduction through complex networks and are considered druggable targets from the medical and chemical viewpoints. Our work aimed at analyzing the <it>S. mansoni </it>predicted proteome in order to identify and classify all ePKs of this parasite through combined computational approaches. Functional annotation was performed mainly to yield insights into the parasite signaling processes relevant to its complex lifestyle and to select some ePKs as potential drug targets.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We have identified 252 ePKs, which corresponds to 1.9% of the <it>S. mansoni </it>predicted proteome, through sequence similarity searches using HMMs (Hidden Markov Models). Amino acid sequences corresponding to the conserved catalytic domain of ePKs were aligned by MAFFT and further used in distance-based phylogenetic analysis as implemented in PHYLIP. Our analysis also included the ePK homologs from six other eukaryotes. The results show that <it>S. mansoni </it>has proteins in all ePK groups. Most of them are clearly clustered with known ePKs in other eukaryotes according to the phylogenetic analysis. None of the ePKs are exclusively found in <it>S. mansoni </it>or belong to an expanded family in this parasite. Only 16 <it>S. mansoni </it>ePKs were experimentally studied, 12 proteins are predicted to be catalytically inactive and approximately 2% of the parasite ePKs remain unclassified. Some proteins were mentioned as good target for drug development since they have a predicted essential function for the parasite.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our approach has improved the functional annotation of 40% of <it>S. mansoni </it>ePKs through combined similarity and phylogenetic-based approaches. As we continue this work, we will highlight the biochemical and physiological adaptations of <it>S. mansoni </it>in response to diverse environments during the parasite development, vector interaction, and host infection.</p

    Disclosing Ribose-5-Phosphate Isomerase B Essentiality in Trypanosomatids.

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    Ribose-5-phosphate isomerase (RPI) belongs to the non-oxidative branch of the pentose phosphate pathway, catalysing the inter-conversion of D-ribose-5-phosphate and D-ribulose-5-phosphate. Trypanosomatids encode a type B RPI, whereas humans have a structurally unrelated type A, making RPIB worthy of exploration as a potential drug target. Null mutant generation in Leishmania infantum was only possible when an episomal copy of RPIB gene was provided, and the latter was retained both in vitro and in vivo in the absence of drug pressure. This suggests the gene is essential for parasite survival. Importantly, the inability to remove the second allele of RPIB gene in sKO mutants complemented with an episomal copy of RPIB carrying a mutation that abolishes isomerase activity suggests the essentiality is due to its metabolic function. In vitro, sKO promastigotes exhibited no defect in growth, metacyclogenesis or macrophage infection, however, an impairment in intracellular amastigotes' replication was observed. Additionally, mice infected with sKO mutants rescued by RPIB complementation had a reduced parasite burden in the liver. Likewise, Trypanosoma brucei is resistant to complete RPIB gene removal and mice infected with sKO mutants showed prolonged survival upon infection. Taken together our results genetically validate RPIB as a potential drug target in trypanosomatids.We would like to thank Professor Ana Tomás from the Institute for Molecular and Cell Biology, University of Porto, Portugal, for providing LimTXNPx antibody; Dr. Paul Michels from Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium, for providing Tbenolase antibody; Professor Graham Coombs, Strathclyde University, Glasgow, for LmCS antibody; Professor Buddy Ullman, School of Medicine, Oregan Health and Science University, USA, for LdHGPRT antibody; Dr. Christine Clayton, Zentrum fur Molekulare Biologie der Universitat Heidelberg, Germany, for TbAldolase antibody. We would also like to thank Professor Jeremy Mottram, University of Glasgow, for pGL345HYG and Professor Marc Ouellette, Centre de Recherche en Infectiologie, of Laval University, Canada, for pSPαNEOα and pSPαBLASTα. We would also like to thank Dr. Jane MacDougall from Photeomix, France, for proofreading the English of the manuscript. The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme under grant agreement No. 602773 (Project KINDRED).’ The COST Action CM1307: Targeted chemotherapy towards diseases caused by endoparasites has also contributed for this work. We would like to acknowledge Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FTC) for supporting Joana Faria (SFRH/BD/79712/2011) and Inês Loureiro (SFRH/BD/64528/2009). Inês Loureiro was also supported by the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (KINDRED-PR300102-BD). JT is an Investigator FCT funded by National funds through FCT and co-funded through European Social Fund within the Human Potential Operating Programme. Nuno Santarem and Pedro Cecílio are supported by fellowships from the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme under grant agreements No. 602773 (Project KINDRED) and No. 603181 (Project MuLeVaClin), respectively

    4to. Congreso Internacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación para la Sociedad. Memoria académica

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    Este volumen acoge la memoria académica de la Cuarta edición del Congreso Internacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación para la Sociedad, CITIS 2017, desarrollado entre el 29 de noviembre y el 1 de diciembre de 2017 y organizado por la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana (UPS) en su sede de Guayaquil. El Congreso ofreció un espacio para la presentación, difusión e intercambio de importantes investigaciones nacionales e internacionales ante la comunidad universitaria que se dio cita en el encuentro. El uso de herramientas tecnológicas para la gestión de los trabajos de investigación como la plataforma Open Conference Systems y la web de presentación del Congreso http://citis.blog.ups.edu.ec/, hicieron de CITIS 2017 un verdadero referente entre los congresos que se desarrollaron en el país. La preocupación de nuestra Universidad, de presentar espacios que ayuden a generar nuevos y mejores cambios en la dimensión humana y social de nuestro entorno, hace que se persiga en cada edición del evento la presentación de trabajos con calidad creciente en cuanto a su producción científica. Quienes estuvimos al frente de la organización, dejamos plasmado en estas memorias académicas el intenso y prolífico trabajo de los días de realización del Congreso Internacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación para la Sociedad al alcance de todos y todas