78 research outputs found

    Entrepreneurial opportunities recognition in Sub-Saharan Africa: a proposed model for investigation

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    Earlier studies have predominantly investigated entrepreneurial opportunities recognition from either the discovery or creation perspectives in the developed economies of America and Europe respectively. These efforts have mostly generated contradictory theories or models, which are not suitable for universal investigation of entrepreneurial opportunities. This paper uses the principles of metatheory to integrate the two dominant theories of entrepreneurial opportunities to propose a Multiple Opportunities Recognition Universal Framework (MORUF), then used it to study entrepreneurial opportunities recognition process within an entirely new context of Sub-Saharan Africa. Qualitative data collected from 38 nascent entrepreneurs in Nigeria were used to test the model. Findings reveal that opportunity exists in more than one form, can transit from one state to another and be recognised either through the discovery or creation process. This paper offers an alternative framework to study multiple entrepreneurial opportunities and provides practical relevance for doing so, for practitioners

    Felicidad y globalización: un estudio en perspectiva global sobre el emprendimiento

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    The study is based on the conjecture that augmented happiness enhances the growth of entrepreneurship and happy nations have tendency to produce greater number of entrepreneurs. Apart from Happiness, this study also measures the effect of globalization on entrepreneurship. For this very purpose, happiness and globalization has been regressed with entrepreneurship. Desire Satisfaction theory has been used to explain the relationship of happiness, globalization and entrepreneurship. To verify stated assumptions, data from 125 countries from the world were tested. Data of Globalization Index (GI), Happiness Index (HI) and Global Entrepreneurship Index (GEI) were extracted from KOF Globalization Index 2017, World Happiness Report 2017 and Global Entrepreneurship index 2017 respectively. It was observed that countries with higher score in happiness and globalization also had higher score in GEI. The relationship is found to be highly significant and positive. It is suggested that countries who wish to promote entrepreneurial ventures should not focus only on conventional measures of growth like GDP but also focus for expansion through globalization and invest for the satisfaction and happiness of its people.El estudio se basa en la conjetura de que la felicidad aumentada mejora el crecimiento del espíritu empresarial y que las naciones felices tienden a producir un mayor número de empresarios. Además de la felicidad, este estudio también mide el efecto de la globalización en el emprendimiento. Para este mismo propósito, la felicidad y la globalización han retrocedido con el espíritu empresarial. La teoría de la satisfacción del deseo se ha utilizado para explicar la relación de felicidad, globalización y emprendimiento. Para verificar los supuestos establecidos, se probaron datos de 125 países del mundo. Los datos del Índice de globalización (IG), el Índice de felicidad (HI) y el Índice de emprendimiento global (GEI) se extrajeron del Índice de globalización KOF 2017, el Informe de felicidad mundial 2017 y el Índice de emprendimiento global 2017, respectivamente. Se observó que los países con puntaje más alto en felicidad y globalización también tenían puntaje más alto en GEI. Se encuentra que la relación es altamente significativa y positiva. Se sugiere que los países que deseen promover emprendimientos empresariales no se centren solo en medidas convencionales de crecimiento como el PIB, sino que también se enfoquen en la expansión a través de la globalización e inviertan para la satisfacción y la felicidad de su gente

    Catching up with the Danes – Why Denmark succeeds as a top entrepreneurial country and what we can learn from them

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    Denmark is frequently found at or near the top of the list of the most entrepreneurial countries in the world. This paper strives to identify Denmark’s key entrepreneurship success factors as a means of fostering greater entrepreneurship in other countries. The paper is based on a theoretical framework on national competitiveness, underpinned by research within the field of entrepreneurial studies, business development management, cultural studies as well as economic policy. Qualitative methods – analysis of interviews with five industry experts – were used to explore the theoretical framework. During the interviews, the managers discuss environmental aspects, which impact the start-up-business in Denmark in a positive way on a macro-economic perspective. In conclusion, comparisons are made among the findings of the interview data and current GEM, GEDI and OECD data on the Danish frame conditions of doing entrepreneurial business

    "Romanticizing Penniless Entrepreneurs?" The Relationship between Start-Ups and Human Wellbeing across Countries

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    We study the effect of entrepreneurship and its allocation between necessity and opportunity entrepreneurship on three indicators of countries' wellbeing: monetary wellbeing, non-monetary wellbeing and our own indicator of a country's ability to translate economic growth into non-monetary wellbeing. We take into consideration that there is a feedback effect from monetary and non-monetary wellbeing to entrepreneurial allocation. Using data from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor we establish that opportunity entrepreneurship may contribute towards national wellbeing and that better wellbeing in turn may stimulate opportunity entrepreneurship. Hence, entrepreneurship may contribute towards countries' wellbeing in a broad sense, and countries with higher levels of wellbeing may contribute towards opportunity entrepreneurship

    Factors that influence entrepreneurship activity by gender in the European Union

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    Mestrado APNORThis research work aims to discuss the gender issue concerning entrepreneurship in European Union countries in a period of nine years, from 2007 to 2015, identifying the factors which drive individuals to be entrepreneurs. The study mainly concentrates on identifying and quantifying the personal, social, political and economic features which are motivating individuals, especially women, to be entrepreneurs, as well as the main difficulties they feel during the process of business creation. In order to explore the entrepreneurial activity across a set of developed countries the econometric methodology of panel data (in particular the fixed effects and random effects models) is applied to a data set of entrepreneurial statistical indicators calculated and made available by the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor. The results show that the knowledge of other start-up entrepreneurs, a desired career choice, the governmental support and the existence of public policies that promote entrepreneurship (specially within the framework of small and medium sized firms) and the transfer of R&D are factors influencing negatively on the rate of female entrepreneurship. None of the observed variables are barriers for male entrepreneurs. The perceived capabilities and opportunities, the entrepreneurial intention, the policies to lower taxes and bureaucracy and the social and cultural norms are identified drives for women for engaging in a process of running their own ventures. These findings offer a set of valid knowledge to understand which measures could be implemented or should be changed and improved at a political and managerial level for stimulating entrepreneurship, especially for women.Este trabalho de investigação tem como principal objetivo discutir a questão de género em termos da atividade empresarial (empreendedorismo) nos países da União Europeia, num período de nove anos que decorre de 2007 a 2015, identificando os fatores que levam os indivíduos a tornar-se empreendedores. O estudo concentra-se, principalmente, na identificação e quantificação das características pessoais, sociais, políticas e económicas que motivam os indivíduos, especialmente as mulheres, a tornar-se empresários, bem como as principais dificuldades que sentem durante o processo de criação de empresas. Para explorar a atividade empreendedora num conjunto de países desenvolvidos, como são os países que compõem a União Europeia, a metodologia econométrica de dados em painel (em particular, os modelos de efeitos fixos e modelos de efeitos aleatórios) é aplicada a um conjunto de indicadores estatísticos calculadas e disponibilizadas pelo Global Entrepreneurship Monitor. Os resultados mostram que o conhecimento da existência de outros empresários em fase de arranque, uma escolha desejada de carreira, o apoio governamental e a existência de políticas públicas que promovam o espírito empresarial (especialmente no âmbito das pequenas e médias empresas) e a transferência de I&D são fatores que influenciam negativamente a taxa de empreendedorismo feminino. Nenhuma das variáveis mencionadas são barreiras para empreendedores do sexo masculino. As capacidades e oportunidades percebidas, a intenção empreendedora, as politícas que reduzem os impostos e a burocracia e as normas sociais e culturais são identificadas pelas mulheres como incentivos a que se envolvam num processo de criação de seus próprios negócios. Estes resultados oferecem um conjunto de conhecimentos válido para entender quais as medidas que podem e devem ser implementadas ou devem ser alteradas e melhoradas a um nível político e de gestão para estimular o empreendedorismo, especialmente entre as mulheres.Հետազոտական աշխատանքի նպատակն է քննարկել ձեռնարկատիրությունում առաջացող գենդերային խնդիրները (դիտարկելով Եվրոպական Միության երկրները 2007-2015 թթ․-ի ընթացքում), բացահայտել գործոնները, որոնք ազդում են անհատների վարքագծի վրա և խթանում նրանց մուտքը դեպի ձեռնարկատիրական գործունեություն։ Աշխատանքը հիմնականում կենտրոնանում է անձնական, սոցիալական, քաղաքական և տնտեսական հատկանիշների բացահայտման և գնահատման վրա, որոնք մոտիվացնում կամ խոչընդոտում են անհատներին, հատկապես կանանց, սկսել ձեռնարկատիրական գործունեություն։ Նպատակ ունենալով ուսումնասիրել ձեռնարկատիրական գործունեությունը մի շարք զարգացած երկրներում, տարբեր վիճակագրական ցուցանիշներ համար կիրառվել է պանելային տվյալների էկոնոմետրիկ մեթոդաբանությունը (մասնավորապես ֆիքված և պատահական ազդեցությունների մոդելները)։ Աշխատանքում դիտարկված ցուցանիշները հասանելի են Ձեռներեցության համաշխարհային մոնիտորի (ՁՀՄ) ինտերնետային կայքում։ Ինչպես ցույց են տալիս հետազոտության արդյունքները, այլ սկսնակ ձեռներեցների մասին տեղեկատվությունը, ցանկալի կարիերայի ընտրությունը, կառավարության աջակցությունը ու ձեռներեցությունը խթանող հանրային քաղաքականությունների առկայությունը (հատկապես փոքր և միջին ձեռնարկություններում) և R&D ոլորտի փոփոխությունը բնութագրող գործոնները բացասական են ազդում կին ձեռներեցների վրա, մինչդեռ դիտարկված գործոններից ոչ մեկը չի խոչընդոտում տղամարդկանց ձեռներեցության զարգացմանը։ Ընկալման կարողությունները և հնարավորությունները, ձեռնարկատիրական մտադրությունը, հարկերի ու բյուրոկրատիայի մեղմ քաղաքականությունը և սոցիալ-մշակութային նորմերը բացահայտվել են որպես կանանց ձեռներեցությունը խթանող գործոններ։ Այսպիսով, ստացված արդյունքները օգնում են հասկանալ, հետագա միջոցառումների իրականացման, փոփոխման կամ բարելավման անհրաժեշտությունը՝ նպատակ ունենալով խթանել ընդհանուր և հատկապես կանանց ձեռներեցությունը

    Entrepreneurship in Frontier Regions: Study of Four Municipalities from Beira Interior Norte

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    This study analyses and identifies new perspectives on renewal processes in peripheral regions or border regions. The study contributes to the literature by analysing the influence of regional factors in the formation of entrepreneurial intentions. The exploratory study focused on four municipalities of the North Beira Interior, which is in the interior of Portugal bordering Spain. The results suggest there are conditions to encourage entrepreneurship in border regions assumed with disadvantaged peripheral areas, given the context of existing socio-economic costs and dynamics. Furthermore, the research shows that a business environment in a peripheral region can promote and encourage entrepreneurship and ensure a stable population. The study also identifies three types of entrepreneurship in Portuguese border areas: entrepreneurial activity induced by opportunity; entrepreneurial activity motivated by necessity and mixed motives

    Género e empreendedorismo em Portugal

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    O empreendedorismo é um fenómeno que cria, inova, gera emprego e, consequentemente, crescimento económico. Em termos individuais surge como uma nova perspetiva de carreira tanto para homens como para mulheres. Em Portugal, a investigação relativa ao empreendedorismo feminino é relativamente escassa. Assim, este trabalho de investigação tem como objetivo quantificar o fenómeno do empreendedorismo, por género, em Portugal na primeira década deste século. Para atingir tal objetivo são aplicados a dados secundários do Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) modelos de regressão logística. Verifica-se que a atividade empreendedora em Portugal, é distinta consoante o género. Os homens empreendem muito mais que as mulheres tendo-se quantificado que a probabilidade de um homem se envolver em atividade em empreendedora é 2 vezes superior à das mulheres, no último ano em análise. Este valor já havia sido 3 vezes superior mostrando que as mulheres têm vindo a mostrar um interesse crescente pela atividade empreendedorainfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor United Kingdom 2008 Executive Report

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    This report compares Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) measures of entrepreneurial attitudes, activity and aspiration in the UK with participating G7 countries and the large industrialized or industrializing countries of Brazil, Russia, India and China ('BRIC'). It also summarizes entrepreneurial attitudes, activity and aspiration within Government Official Regions of the UK and, for the first time, demonstrates the pattern of entrepreneurial activity at the sub-regional (NUTS2) level


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    En la línea de investigación que relaciona la actividad emprendedora con el desarrollo económico, este trabajo explora las relaciones entre el entorno emprendedor en los países GEM  (Global Entrepreneurship Monitor) y su crecimiento económico según el Índice de Competitividad Global del WEF  (World Economic Forum) en cada fase de desarrollo. Para su realización se han utilizado los datos procedentes de la encuesta a los expertos (NES) del proyecto GEM de los 67 países que han participado en la edición de 2013. Los resultados obtenidos confirman la importancia del entorno emprendedor en la evolución de los países en sus etapas de desarrollo y la principal aportación es facilitar la categorización de los entornos emprendedores de los países utilizando las respuestas de los expertos del GEM en la identificación de facilitadores, obstáculos y recomendaciones de la actividad emprendedora. Además, la clasificación obtenida ha permitido establecer el patrón de condiciones del entorno de cada grupo de países según su etapa de desarrollo