464 research outputs found

    Koulun toimenpiteet runsaasti poissaolevan oppilaan hyvinvoinnin tukemiseksi

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    Perusopetuslain ja perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelman perusteiden uudistamisen myötä koulun toimijoil-ta vaaditaan enemmän panostusta ennaltaehkäisevään ja oppilaiden hyvinvointia tukevaan työhön. Ope-tus- ja kulttuuriministeriö on myöntänyt valtakunnallisen Kelpo-hankkeen puitteissa avustusta kouluille uusia vaatimuksia vastaavien toimintojen kehitystyöhön. Tutkielma oli tapaustutkimus, joka tarkasteli erään Kelpo-hankkeeseen kuuluvan koulun interventiota runsaasti poissaolevan oppilaan tilanteeseen puututtaessa ja hyvinvointia tuettaessa. Tutkielmassa näkökulma hyvinvointiin oli positiivinen. Osaami-sen ja auttamisen taidon katsottiin löytyvän koulusta ja sen toimijoiden ammattitaidosta. Hyvinvoinnin tarkastelemiseksi luotiin eri tieteenalojen hyvinvointiteoreettisiin näkemyksiin pohjautuva analyyttinen viitekehys, oppilashyvinvointi. Oppilashyvinvointi kouluympäristössä sisältää sosiaalisten suhteiden, itsensä toteuttamisen ja koulun olosuhteiden ulottuvuudet. Poissaolojen katsotaan lisäävän oppilaan ongelmia ja kasautuessaan ne voivat aiheuttaa syrjäytymistä. Hyvinvointia tukemalla voidaan vähentää poissaoloja. Näin poissaolot valikoituivat tutkielmassa osoittimeksi, jonka perusteella tapaus valittiin. Tutkielman tapauksena oli yksi tietyssä toimintaympäristössä toteutettu interventio. Interventio syntyy sen osapuolten välisessä vuorovaikutuksessa. Siihen vaikuttavat sosiaalinen ja toiminnallinen konteksti sekä sille annetut merkitykset ja tulkinnat. Tutkielma tuottaa kuvailevaa tietoa intervention sisällöstä. Realistisen arvioinnin avulla tarkasteltiin interventiossa syntyneitä hyvinvointia tukevia mekanismeja eli muutoksen aikaansaavia tekijöitä. Mekanismeiksi muodostui oppilaan tavoitteellinen osallistaminen, ammatillinen positiivisuus ja yksilökohtainen jousto opetusjärjestelyissä. Nämä lisäsivät oppilaan mah-dollisuuksia saavuttaa koulutyölle asetettuja monitasoisia tavoitteita. Päämääränä oli tuottaa tietoa tavoit-teellisen ja suunnitelmallisen hyvinvointityön tueksi

    Aggregated mesoporous nanoparticles for high surface area light scattering layer TiO2 photoanodes in Dye-sensitized Solar Cells

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    Hierarchically structured aggregates, consisting of TiO2 nanoparticles were produced via one-step solvothermal syntheses with a mixed solvent system containing both acetic acid and ethanol. Two of the resulting structures, one ~700nm and the other ~300nm in diameter, were found to be comprised of 8.5nm and 10.5nm anatase crystals, and possess specifc surface areas of 138 and 106m2g−1 respectively. These particles were incorporated into Dye-sensitized Solar Cells (DSCs) as high surface area scattering layers, along with a layer of a transparent material. Solar-to-electric conversion efciencies (PCE) of 9.1% and 8.2% were recorded using these aggregated particles as compared to those of commonly used large particles scattering layer 7.4%

    A Curricular Reform Viewed Through Bolman and Deal’s Organizational Frames

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    Professions exist to serve the needs of society, communities and, in the case of the dental profession, patients. Academic dental institutions strive to help meet these needs by educating and developing future practitioners, educators, researchers, and citizen leaders who serve the community and shape the changing environment in which they practice and provide care. The American Dental Association Commission on Change and Innovation affirms, “If dental educators are to meet these purposes, change and innovation in dental education must be responsive to evolving societal needs, practice patterns, scientific developments, and economic conditions”(Haden, et al., 2006). Guiding any institution through such authentic reform requires a number of strategies. Lee Bolman and Terrance Deal suggest four organizational constructs, or frames, through which to view a complex organization: Structural, Human Resource, Political and Symbolic (Bolman and Deal, 1997).“Like maps, frames are both windows on a territory and tools for navigation” (Bolman and Deal, 1997). This reflective case study examines a major curricular reform initiative in a North American school of dentistry through Bolman and Deal’s organizational frames

    Ribbon: Visualizing complex genome alignments and structural variation

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    To the Editor Visualization has played an extremely important role in the current genomic revolution to inspect and understand variants, expression patterns, evolutionary changes, and a number of other relationships 1–3 . However, most of the information in read-to-reference or genome-genome alignments is lost for structural variations in the one-dimensional views of most genome browsers showing only reference coordinates. Instead, structural variations captured by long reads or assembled contigs often need more context to understand, including alignments and other genomic information from multiple chromosomes

    Increased upconversion performance for thin film solar cells: A trimolecular composition

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    Photochemical upconversion based on triplet-triplet annihilation (TTA-UC) is employed to enhance the short-circuit currents generated by two varieties of thin-film solar cells, a hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) solar cell and a dye-sensitized solar cell (DSC). TTA-UC is exploited to harvest transmitted sub-bandgap photons, combine their energies and re-radiate upconverted photons back towards the solar cells. In the present study we employ a dual-emitter TTA-UC system which allows for significantly improved UC quantum yields as compared to the previously used single-emitter TTA systems. In doing so we achieve record photo-current enhancement values for both the a-Si:H device and the DSC, surpassing 10-3 mA cm-2 sun-2 for the first time for a TTA-UC system and marking a record for upconversion-enhanced solar cells in general. We discuss pertinent challenges of the TTA-UC technology which need to be addressed in order to achieve its viable device application

    a trimolecular composition

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    Photochemical upconversion based on triplet–triplet annihilation (TTA-UC) is employed to enhance the short-circuit currents generated by two varieties of thin-film solar cells, a hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) solar cell and a dye-sensitized solar cell (DSC). TTA-UC is exploited to harvest transmitted sub-bandgap photons, combine their energies and re-radiate upconverted photons back towards the solar cells. In the present study we employ a dual-emitter TTA-UC system which allows for significantly improved UC quantum yields as compared to the previously used single-emitter TTA systems. In doing so we achieve record photo-current enhancement values for both the a-Si:H device and the DSC, surpassing 10−3 mA cm−2 sun−2 for the first time for a TTA-UC system and marking a record for upconversion-enhanced solar cells in general. We discuss pertinent challenges of the TTA-UC technology which need to be addressed in order to achieve its viable device application

    A Curricular reform viewed through Bolman and Deal’s organizational frames

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    Professions exist to serve the needs of society, communities and, in the case of the dental profession, patients.  Academic dental institutions strive to help meet these needs by educating and developing future practitioners, educators, researchers, and citizen leaders who serve the community and shape the changing environment in which they practice and provide care. The American Dental Association Commission on Change and Innovation affirms, “If dental educators are to meet these purposes, change and innovation in dental education must be responsive to evolving societal needs, practice patterns, scientific developments, and economic conditions”(Haden, et al., 2006). Guiding any institution through such authentic reform requires a number of strategies. Lee Bolman and Terrance Deal suggest four organizational constructs, or frames, through which to view a complex organization:  Structural, Human Resource, Political and Symbolic (Bolman and Deal, 1997).“Like maps, frames are both windows on a territory and tools for navigation” (Bolman and Deal, 1997). This reflective case study examines a major curricular reform initiative in a North American school of dentistry through Bolman and Deal’s organizational frames

    Photoelectrochemical properties of mesoporous NiOx deposited on technical FTO via nanopowder sintering in conventional and plasma atmospheres

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    Nanoporous nickel oxide (NiO x ) has been deposited with two different procedures of sintering (CS and RDS). Both samples display solid state oxidation at about 3.1 V vs Li+/Li. Upon sensitization of CS/RDS NiO x with erythrosine b (ERY), nickel oxide oxidation occurs at the same potential. Impedance spectroscopy revealed a higher charge transfer resistance for ERY-sensitized RDS NiO x with respect to sensitized CS NiO x . This was due to the chemisorption of a larger amount of ERY on RDS with respect to CS NiO x . Upon illumination the photoinduced charge transfer between ERY layer and NiO x could be observed only with oxidized CS. Photoelectrochemical effects of sensitized RDS NiO x were evidenced upon oxide reduction. With the addition of iodine RDS NiOx electrodes could give the reduction iodine → iodide in addition to the reduction of RDS NiO x . p-type dye sensitized solar cells were assembled with RDS NiO x photocathodes sensitized either by ERY or Fast Green. Resulting overall efficiencies ranged between 0.02 and 0.04 % upon irradiation with solar spectrum simulator (Iin : 0.1 W cm −2 )