43 research outputs found

    Repression and Displacement of Main Character in Elizabeth Gilbert's Novel Eat, Pray, Love (a Psychological Analysis)

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    This study deals with Repression and Displacement of Main Character in Elizabeth Gilbert's Novel Eat, Pray, Love. The objectives of this study were to find out the causing of repression and the displacement in the novel. This study was limited to analyze Liz as the main character. This study applied descriptive qualitative method. The data were taken from Elizabeth Gilbert's novel Eat, Pray, Love. The findings indicated that Liz got repressions which are triggered by two factors; the crisis of self identity and marriage conflict. And then the displacement that occurred to the main character after getting repressions were losing faith about marriage, disorder eating habit, and converting new orientation of spiritual life. Keyword : repression, displacement, character, nove

    The Violating Maxims of Main Characters in the Hangover Movie's Script

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    The study deals with the types of maxims violation in The Hangover movie's script used by the main characters. The objectives of study were to describe the violation of maxim, to describe the dominant type of maxim violation and to elaborate the reason for the maxim violation. The data were the dialogue of main characters in The Hangover movie. This research was conducted by using descriptive qualitative and limited on the main characters. The data analysis findingsshowthat there are 22 violation of maxim of quality, 2 violation of maxim of quantity, 9 violation of maxim of relation, and 8 violation of maxim of manner.The reason of the violations areto give the lack of evidence, to lying to other speaker in hiding the truth, to save face the embarrassment, to present the strongest information, to represent what is in the speaker's mind, or to trick audience or listener for making a joke or not

    Bahasa Dan Pikiran

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    Bahasa merupakan sebuah struktur yang unik yang hanya dimiliki manusia dan binatang. Pikiran dan bahasa adalah satu dan bersifat nurani ; sudah ada didalam otak begitu manusia dilahirkan. Worf dan Sapir memaparkan keterkaitan antara bahasa dan pikiran dimungkinkan karena berpikir adalah upaya untuk mengasosiasikan kata atau konsep untuk mendapatkan satu kesimpulan melalui media bahasa. Kata-kata adalah bentuk pemberian pakaian pada realita faktual yang terjadi secara nyata. Bahasa yang diwujudkan dalam kata-kata adalah representasi realitas. Setiap budaya memiliki cara tersendiri dalam memilih satu wilayah tertentu dari keseluruhan realitas untuk diwujudkan dalam kata-kata. Ketika bahasa memproduksi satu perilaku tertentu, serta ketika perilaku tersebut diulang-ulang menjadi kebiasaan maka yang tercipta adalah keperibadian. Pada awalnya manusia membentuk kebiasaan, tetapi setelah itu kebiasaanlah yang membentuk manusia

    Analisis Determinan Perilaku Kerja Berinovasi

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    Knowledge collecting and donating can change old ideas about human resource management by providing new processes, disciplines and knowledge, resulting in organizational innovation, especially innovative work behavior. This study aims to examine the effect of knowledge collecting and donating on innovative work behavior. Quantitative methods are used to test knowledge collecting and donating on innovative work behavior. The research location is at Hasanuddin University, Makassar City. The population in this study were all employees at the Hasanuddin University Finance Bureau with status as state civil servants as many as 44 people. Withdrawal of the number of samples in this study using saturated sampling. Primary data collection by distributing questionnaires. The data analysis technique uses multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that knowledge collecting and knowledge donating had a positive and significant effect both partially and simultaneously on innovative work behavior.Knowledge collecting dan donating dapat mengubah ide-ide lama tentang pengelolaan sumber daya manusia dengan menyediakan proses baru, disiplin dan pengetahuan, sehingga menghasilkan inovasi organisasi khususnya perilaku kerja berinovasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh knowledge collecting dan donating terhadap perilaku kerja berinovasi. Metode kuantitatif digunakan untuk menguji knowledge collecting dan donating terhadap perilaku kerja berinovasi. Lokasi penelitian di Universitas Hasanuddin, Kota Makassar. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh pegawai pada Biro Keuangan Universitas Hasanuddin yang berstatus sebagai aparatur sipil negara sebanyak 44 orang. Penarikan jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan sampling jenuh. Pengumpulan data primer dengan menyebarkan kuesioner. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis regresi linear berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa knowledge collecting dan knowledge donating berpengaruh positif dan signifikan baik secara parsial maupun simultan terhadap perilaku kerja berinovasi

    Communal Conflict and the Resolution Efforts In Mataran City

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    The conflict can be occur vertically and communally, conflict can be conflict of business, riots, terrorism, racial, political, central conflict, region conflict. Mataram as the capital city of West Nusa Tenggara Province still frequent communal conflicts caused by racial, as is the case on 12 March 2012, the communal conflicts between the Salafi ideologies. Tuesday 25 June 2013, the conflict between Sindhu surroundings residents, North Chakra village, Cakranegara districts (Bali / Hindu with the Lekok surroundings Mayure villages, Cakranegara districts (Sasak / Islam). On June 16 Th, 2013 at 18:30 pm a fight was occurred among college students from Dompu and Bima in street Gunung Batur Mataram. On December 19, 2012, a fight was using a sharp weapon between Komang and Sulaiman that led Sulaiman into death, and extends into communal conflict on Thursday and Friday 14-15 February 2013, and occurred at 01:30 pm throwing the Hindus who live on the border Karang Mas-Mas environment. Saturday, February 16, 2013, at 2:30 pm Occurred 2 times Molotov throw bomb on the house of DIRGA. On 5-7 March 2013, Fighting between groups of youth lead Adi Suparte injured and Made Ardiana died. This study aims to determine whether the factors that led to communal conflict racial elements in Mataram and How resolution efforts by the Government, the Police and the Community. This research is emperis with socio-legal approach. In this study using primary data obtained directly in the form of interviews and field observations of the behavior of law enforcement officials, and the reaction of the public perception of communal conflict. Secondary data (secondary data) as a legal form of legislation, research, books and other literature “, then analyzed qualitatively, describing by the inductive framework. Keywords: conflict, communal, the resolution, in Matara

    Muzara'ah (Perjanjian Bercocok Tanam) Lahan Pertanian Menurut Kajian Hukum Islam

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    Di Desa Alur Nyamuk Kecamatan Birem Bayeun bahwa muzara’ah yang dilakukan antara pemilik tanah dan petani penggarap tidak sesuai dengan akad perjanjian. Dalam perjanjian sebelumnya pemilik tanah sudah membuat suatu perjanjian dengan petani penggarap, bahwa memelihara dan merawat kebun atau tanaman serta bibitnya itu ditanggung oleh petani penggarap. Sampai tiba saat panen atas tanaman, terjadilah ingkar janji atas bagi hasil yang sama yang bahwa lebih diuntungkan oleh pemilik tanah atas tanaman tersebut. Keuntungan pemilik tanah tersebut mencapai 60%-70% dan tidak berdasarkan atas pembagian hasil sama sebagaimana dalam perjanjian sebelumnya. Namun dengan demikian akad muzara’ah yang dilakukan antara pemilik tanah dan petani penggarap yang ada di Desa Alur Nyamuk Kecamatan Birem Bayeun tidak sesuai dengan syari’at Islam. Penulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sistem muzara’ah dalam hukum islam, muzara’ah lahan pertanian yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat Desa Alur Nyamuk Kecamatan Birem Bayeun, serta pelaksanaan muzara’ah di Desa Alur Nyamuk Kecamatan Birem Bayeun tidak sesuai dengan perjanjian

    Economic Dispatch Thermal Generator Using Modified Improved Particle Swarm Optimization

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    Fuel cost of a thermal generator is its own load functions. In this research, Modified Improved Particle Swarm Optimization (MIPSO) is applied to calculate economic dispatch. Constriction Factor Approach (CFA) is used to modify IPSO algorithm because of the advantage to improve the ability of global searching and to avoid local minimum, so that the time needed to converge become faster. Simulation results achieved by using  MIPSO method at the time of peak load of of 9602 MW, obtained generation cost is Rp 7,366,912,798,34 per hour, while generation cost of real system is Rp. 7,724,012,070.30 per hour. From the simulation result can be concluded that MIPSO can reduce the generation cost of  500 kV Jawa Bali transmission system of Rp 357,099,271.96 per hour or equal to 4,64%