50 research outputs found

    Statistical experiment analysis of wear and mechanical behaviour of abaca/sisal fiber-based hybrid composites under liquid nitrogen environment

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    Ice accretion on various onshore and offshore infrastructures imparts hazardous effects sometimes beyond repair, which may be life-threatening. Therefore, it has become necessary to look for ways to detect and mitigate ice. Some ice mitigation techniques have been tested or in use in aviation and railway sectors, however, their applicability to other sectors/systems is still in the research phase. To make such systems autonomous, ice protection systems need to be accompanied by reliable ice detection systems, which include electronic, mechatronics, mechanical, and optical techniques. Comparing the benefits and limitations of all available methodologies, Infrared Thermography (IRT) appears to be one of the useful, non-destructive, and emerging techniques as it offers wide area monitoring instead of just point-based ice monitoring. This paper reviews the applications of IRT in the field of icing on various subject areas to provide valuable insights into the existing development of an intelligent and autonomous ice mitigation system for general applications

    Enhancing mechanical performance of TiO2 filler with Kevlar/epoxy-based hybrid composites in a cryogenic environment: a statistical optimization study using RSM and ANN methods

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    This research aims to investigate the mechanical performance of the different weight proportions of nano-TiO2 combined with Kevlar fiber-based hybrid composites under cryogenic conditions. The following parameters were thus considered: (i) Kevlar fiber mat type (100 and 200 gsm); (ii) weight proportions of TiO2 nanofiller (2 and 6 wt%); and (iii) cryogenic processing time (10–30 min at −196°C). The composites were fabricated through compression molding techniques. After fabrication, the mechanical characteristics of the prepared nanocomposites—such as tensile, bending, and impact properties—were evaluated. The optimal mechanical strength of nanofiller-based composites was analyzed using response surface methodology (RSM) and artificial neural networks (ANNs). Compositions, such as four weight percentages of nano-TiO2 filler, 200 gsm of the Kevlar fiber mat, and 20 min of cryogenic treatment, were shown to produce the maximum mechanical strength (65.47 MPa of tensile, 97.34 MPa of flexural, and 52.82 J/m2 of impact). This is because residual strains are produced at low temperatures (cryogenic treatment) due to unstable matrices and fiber contraction. This interfacial stress helps maintain a relationship between the reinforcement and resin and improves adhesion, leading to improved results. Based on statistical evaluation, the ratio of correlation (R2), mean square deviation, and average error function of the experimental and validation data sets of the experimental models were analyzed. The ANN displays 0.9864 values for impact, 0.9842 for flexural, and 0.9764 for tensile. ANN and RSM models were used to forecast the mechanical efficiency of the suggested nanocomposites with up to 95% reliability

    Statistical experiment analysis of wear and mechanical behaviour of abaca/sisal fiber-based hybrid composites under liquid nitrogen environment

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    Composite materials are increasingly replacing synthetic fiber combinations in various applications. However, certain extreme environments on Earth and in space require structures to operate under low temperatures, specifically cryogenic conditions, which can significantly affect material reactions. Therefore, the main focus of this study is to develop and evaluate hybridized biocomposites, specifically assessing their tensile, bending, and impact strengths in a controlled liquid nitrogen environment (77 K). Utilizing the Taguchi optimization method, the statistical analysis of wearing characteristics was carried out utilizing cryogenic treatment hours, load, sliding distance, and weight percentage of abaca and sisal fibers. When 20 percent abaca and sisal were mixed, tensile performance increased from 28.96 to 36.58 MPa. Likewise, the same mixture increased bending strength from 59.63 to 75.68 MPa, and impact strength improved from 59.36 to 71.25 J/m. The cryogenic treatment of composite materials for 15–30 min improved the mechanical characteristics of the materials by enhancing the binding between reinforcements and substrate. The Taguchi 27 test outcomes showed a decreased friction coefficient of 7.79 × 105 mm3/Nm in the 10th trial with 30 min of cold working, 10% hybrid fibers, 600 m slide distance, and a 4 N load combination. Frictional coefficient data indicated the lowest rate during the third experiment with 15 min of cryogenic treatment, 10% hybrid fibers, 1,500 m slide length, and a 12 N load combination. The microstructural analysis of the fractured specimen was evaluated by scanning electron microscopy. Finally, such composite materials are employed in liquid propellant tanks, satellites, spaceships, rocket constructions, aeroplane components at cruising altitudes, and other applications

    Systematic review on nine hallmarks of neurodegenerative disease

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    249-257Alzheimer's disease (AD) and Parkinson's disease (PD) are the primary diseases in neurodegenerative diseases. Nowadays, AD is common in one of the ten individuals whose age is more than 65, and its prevalence is kept on increasing with aging. Very few treatments and no effective treatments are available for curing neurodegenerative diseases. Pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and their association with the nine hallmarks of aging were clearly described in this review. Instability in genomic, attrition in telomere, alterations in epigenetics, proteostasis loss, dysfunction in mitochondria, senescence in cells, sensing of deregulated nutrition, exhaustion of stem cells, and alterations in intercellular communication are the nine biological hallmarks of Aging. Improving the medical facilities for neurodegenerative diseases is very much essential. Doctors and researchers are doing surplus research to overcome the unavailability of proper treatments for such neurodegenerative diseases. Reason and the causes behind the diseases and their effects are explained in this review to enhance the further research to help the society

    Progress and future challenges in gene vectors, gene therapy systems and gene expressions

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    Genetic engineering has made sizeable contributions to technical innovation, agriculture, and the development of pharmaceuticals. Various approaches were evolved to control the genetic cloth of cells using both viral and nonviral vector architectures. Gene therapy aims to reverse pathological traits with the aid of the use of viral and nonviral gene shipping mechanisms. Gene transfer motors have made massive strides in becoming more environmentally pleasant, much less risky, and nonimmunogenic, as well as making an allowance for lengthy-time period transgene expression. One of the most tough components of correctly enforcing gene healing treatments in the clinical putting is adjusting gene expression extremely tightly and constantly as and while it's required. This research work will cognizance on using viral vectors for gene concentrated on biological applications with various gene expressions. Due to improvements in viral vector engineering and superior gene regulatory systems to permit and adjust tightly therapeutic gene expression, the technology for using genes to offer a preferred treatment has confirmed to be an effective approac

    Fabrication and optimization of hybrid AA-6082-T6 alloy/8%Al 2

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    Конструкція та аналіз вузлів з'єднувальних тяг для застосування в автомобілебудуванні

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    The tie rod end is one of the most elementary parts of a steering mechanism, which has direct and crucial importance in terms of driving safety. The tie rod end is used to ensure that the wheels are aligned. It provides the adjustment for the wheel to align and keeps the tires free from wearing out on the inner as well as outer edges. Hence the functioning of the tie rod is crucial for steering as well as suspension performance of the vehicle. Today’s world is competitive. Market demands the advanced technology at a lower price. This reflects in making the technology cheaper. Hence every industry determined for the cost-effective product at a lower price and within minimum period for ‘time to market. This puts a lot of pressure on engineers to consistently strive to design the more effective products at the lower price. The work is focused on the functioning of the tie rod. Generally, tractor connecting tie rod gets failed due to the overload applications. This paper focuses on modifying the old tie rod design and material. Finally, analysis the load causes of existing and modified design using ANSYS software. This modelling approach, the stress variations and deformation characteristics of each component are investigated for high operational loading conditions.Кінцева тяга є однією з найпростіших частин рульового механізму, що має безпосереднє і найважливіше значення з точки зору безпеки руху. Кінцевий штифт використовується для того, щоб колеса були вирівняні. Ця стаття зосереджена на модифікацію традиційної конструкції тяги. Наведено аналіз причин завантаження існуючої та модифікованої конструкцій за допомогою програмного забезпечення ANSYS. Цей підхід грунтується на дослідженні навантажень і деформацій кожного компонента для високих експлуатаційних умов навантаження

    Effectiveness of Nanosilica on Enhancing the Mechanical and Microstructure Properties of Kenaf/Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Epoxy-Based Nanocomposites

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    With an ultrasonic frequency of 15 kHz and an 850 W power capacity, the effects of nanosilica particle inclusion on the tensile, flexural, and impact properties of woven fiber-reinforced kenaf/carbon fiber/epoxy hybrid composites were explored experimentally. The nanoparticles were dispersed uniformly in the epoxy using an ultrasonic probe. Test samples were made according to ASTM requirements for three distinct weight compositions of nanosilica particles (1, 1.5, and 2 wt%). The composites were made utilizing the compression moulding process with the following parameters: (i) weight ratio of nanosilica, (ii) length of kenaf fibers, and (iii) number of carbon fiber layers to achieve the objectives above. According to unmodified samples, with a nanosilica concentration of 1.5 wt%, tensile strength improved by 31%, flexural strength increased by 42.36%, and impact strength increased by 22.65%. It was established that the interaction of micro silica particles with epoxy and fiber, which improved interfacial tension, had a substantial impact on mechanical and water retention capabilities. The 1.5 wt% nanosilica inclusion absorbs less moisture than the 1 and 2 wt% silica composites. A scanning electron microscope was used to examine the fractured surface of the tested nanocomposites

    Statistical Analysis on Interlaminar Shear Strength of Nanosilica Addition with Woven Dharbai/Epoxy Hybrid Nanocomposites under Cryogenic Environment by Taguchi Technique

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    Biocomposites are becoming more popular due to their capacity to replace artificial materials at a lower cost while enhancing environmental responsibility. In contrast, biocomposites have poor mechanical and interface properties. This research is aimed at determining the interlaminar shear strength of composite materials reinforced with Dharbai fibre and nanosilicon powder. The composites were made using a hand lay-up method with the following conditions: (i) weight % of nanosilica filler, (ii) thickness of fibre mat, and (iii) cryogenic treatment period, each at three different levels, to meet the goals mentioned above. The composites were laminated using a traditional hand lay-up method, and their interlaminar shear strength was determined using the ASTM standard. According to a recent study, nanocomposites containing 4% nanoscale silicon and 300 grammes per square metre of woven Dharbai fibre showed the highest interlaminar shear strength after 15 minutes of cryogenic treatment. Fibre content increased the mechanical properties of pure epoxy in general. As the fibre and filler concentrations grew, more energy was required to break the fibre bundles between the matrix and its resin. According to the ANOVA, the cryogenic treatment was the most significant factor, contributing up to 59.58%, followed by woven Dharbai mate, contributing 22.11%, and nanosilicon at 18.30%. SEM is used to investigate the cracked composites’ fractographic examination