389 research outputs found

    How to teach fully illiterate adults to read.

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    About 750 million adults (15%) worldwide lack any literacy skills, most because they lack adequate learning opportunities (UNESCO, 2016). In this chapter, we discuss how to teach to read to such people. We first examine scientific evidence suggesting that literacy acquisition does not radically differ as a function of age of acquisition. We then discuss the data relevant for designing effective methods aimed at teaching literacy to fully illiterate adults. We argue that the available adult data confirm those relative to teaching methods and learning processes that have been gathered on literacy acquisition by children. On the basis of those works we propose principles that should underlie any method aiming at rapidly developing basic literacy skills. Lastly, we present evidence (Kolinsky, Leite, Carvalho, Franco, & Morais, submitted) suggesting that implementing these principles does indeed allow teaching illiterate adults to decode words and pseudo-words in a very short period of time

    Disastrous Measures: Conceptualizing and Measuring Disaster Risk Reduction

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    Despite the large amount of research into disaster risk reduction [DRR], there remain significant difficulties in attempting to measure the impact of these policies. In particular, an urgent priority is the need to produce a theoretical framework for researchers and practitioners to enable the comparative assessment of the success of DRR policies. The measurement of these policies is unsatisfactory, creating a situation where it is almost impossible to assess how well the resources committed to these policies translate to improving DRR in at-risk communities. This article proposes an innovative approach to the measurement of DRR through a minimal procedural operationalization of the concept. The paper illustrates the utility of the framework through presentation of original survey data about individual DRR among residents of California. The results indicate that although most people are aware of measures of individual DRR, they have not advanced beyond that stage to plan and implement those measures themselves. The article marks a critical step towards the better measurement of success of intractable policy initiatives through the introduction of a novel measure of DRR

    Designing a global mechanism for intergovernmental biodiversity financing

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    The Convention on Biological Diversity and the Nagoya Protocol display a broad international consensus for biodiversity conservation and equitable benefit sharing. Yet, the Aichi biodiversity targets show a lack of progress and thus indicate a need for additional action such as enhanced and better targeted financial resource mobilization. To date, no global financial burden-sharing instrument has been proposed. Developing a global-scale financial mechanism to support biodiversity conservation through intergovernmental transfers, we simulate three allocation designs: ecocentric, socioecological, and anthropocentric. We analyze the corresponding incentives needed to reach the Aichi target of terrestrial protected area coverage by 2020. Here we show that the socioecological design would provide the strongest median incentive for states which are farthest from achieving the target. Our proposal provides a novel concept for global biodiversity financing, which can serve as a starting point for more specific policy dialogues on intergovernmental burden and benefit-sharing mechanisms to halt biodiversity loss

    What determines women's participation in collective action? Evidence from a western Ugandan coffee cooperative

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    Women smallholders face greater constraints than men in accessing capital and commodity markets in Sub-Saharan Africa. Collective action has been promoted to remedy those disadvantages. Using survey data of 421 women members and 210 nonmembers of a coffee producer cooperative in Western Uganda, this study investigates the determinants of women's participation in cooperatives and women's intensity of participation. The results highlight the importance of access to and control over land for women to join the cooperative in the first place. Participation intensity is measured through women's participation in collective coffee marketing and share capital contributions. It is found that duration of membership, access to extension services, more equal intrahousehold power relations, and joint land ownership positively influence women's ability to commit to collective action. These findings demonstrate the embeddedness of collective action in gender relations and the positive value of women's active participation for agricultural-marketing cooperatives

    Corporate Security Responsibility: Towards a Conceptual Framework for a Comparative Research Agenda

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    The political debate about the role of business in armed conflicts has increasingly raised expectations as to governance contributions by private corporations in the fields of conflict prevention, peace-keeping and postconflict peace-building. This political agenda seems far ahead of the research agenda, in which the negative image of business in conflicts, seen as fuelling, prolonging and taking commercial advantage of violent conflicts,still prevails. So far the scientific community has been reluctant to extend the scope of research on ‘corporate social responsibility’ to the area of security in general and to intra-state armed conflicts in particular. As a consequence, there is no basis from which systematic knowledge can be generated about the conditions and the extent to which private corporations can fulfil the role expected of them in the political discourse. The research on positive contributions of private corporations to security amounts to unconnected in-depth case studies of specific corporations in specific conflict settings. Given this state of research, we develop a framework for a comparative research agenda to address the question: Under which circumstances and to what extent can private corporations be expected to contribute to public security

    The Organization of Agricultural Research in Western Developed Countries

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    This paper reviews agricultural research structural and organization changes in western developed countries, examines new financing prospects for agricultural research, and provides some tentative conclusions about which organizations are best positioned to provide services for the 21st century. Giventhat these countries faces many similar economic, political, scientific, andagroclimatic factors and fiscal issues, we canexpect a similar set of similar new developments thathave potentially important and widespread long-run implications. After three common developments are outlined, principles ofimpure public good financing are applied leading to the following agricultural science policy recommendations (i) new political jurisdictions should be formed to finance research, e.g., new alliances across countries and subregions within large countries, (ii) intellecmal property rights should be strengthened to increase the total amount and share oftotal (public and private) agricultural research that is privately financed and conducted, i.e., the private sector should find it profitable to undertake a large share ofapplied research but not be expected to finance public sector agriculmral research, (iii) the public sector should redirect its research efforts increasingly to areas that are socially worthwhile but not privately undertaken, e.g.,in the basic and pretechnology areas, on envkonmental, resources, food safety and human nutrition, and policy. Finally, large countries that have developed asystem ofshared public and private financmg and performance and decentralized public support ofagricultural research seem best position for meeting the needs ofthe 21st centur

    Growth aspirations and social capital:young firms in a post-conflict environment

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    This article explores the growth aspirations of owners and managers of young firms in a post-conflict economy by focusing on social capital. It treats social capital as a multidimensional, multilevel phenomenon, studying the effects of discussion network characteristics, trust in institutions, generalised trust in people and local ethnic pluralism. We argue that in a post-conflict country, ethnic pluralism is indicative of local norms of tolerance towards experimentation and risk taking which support growth aspirations. It also distinguishes between the aspirations of hired managers and owners-managers. The empirical counterpart and hypotheses testing rely on survey evidence drawn from young businesses in Bosnia and Herzegovina
