82 research outputs found

    Acute thermal tolerance of tropical estuarine fish occupying a man-made tidal lake, and increased exposure risk with climate change

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    Understanding acute hyperthermic exposure risk to animals, including fish in tropical estuaries, is increasingly necessary under future climate change. To examine this hypothesis, fish (upper water column species - glassfish, Ambassis vachellii; river mullet, Chelon subviridis; diamond scale mullet, Ellochelon vaigiensis; and ponyfish, Leiognathus equulus; and lower water bottom dwelling species – whiting Sillago analis) were caught in an artificial tidal lake in tropical north Queensland (Australia), and transported to a laboratory tank to acclimate (3wks). After acclimation, fish (between 10 and 17 individuals each time) were transferred to a temperature ramping experimental tank, where a thermoline increased (2.5 °C/hr; which is the average summer water temperature increasing rate measured in the urban lakes) tank water temperature to establish threshold points where each fish species lost equilibrium (defined here as Acute Effect Temperature; AET). The coolest AET among all species was 33.1 °C (S. analis), while the highest was 39.9 °C (A. vachellii). High frequency loggers were deployed (November and March representing Austral summer) in the same urban lake where fish were sourced, to measure continuous (20min) surface (0.15 m) and bottom (0.1 m) temperature to derive thermal frequency curves to examine how often lake temperatures exceed AET thresholds. For most fish species examined, water temperature that could be lethal were exceeded at the surface, but rarely, if ever, at the bottom waters suggesting deep, cooler, water provides thermal refugia for fish. An energy-balance model was used to estimate daily mean lake water temperature with good accuracy (±1 °C; R² = 0.91, modelled vs lake measured temperature). The model was used to predict climate change effects on lake water temperature, and the exceedance of thermal threshold change. A 2.3 °C climate warming (based on 2100 local climate prediction) raised lake water temperature by 1.3 °C. However, small as this increase might seem, it led to a doubling of time that water temperatures were in excess of AET thresholds at the surface, but also the bottom waters that presently provide thermal refugia for fish

    Ecological impact assessment of climate change and habitat loss on wetland vertebrate assemblages of the Great Barrier Reef catchment and the influence of survey bias

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    Wetlands are among the most vulnerable ecosystems, stressed by habitat loss and degradation from expanding and intensifying agricultural and urban areas. Climate change will exacerbate the impacts of habitat loss by altering temperature and rainfall patterns. Wetlands within Australia's Great Barrier Reef (GBR) catchment are not different, stressed by extensive cropping, urban expansion, and alteration for grazing. Understanding how stressors affect wildlife is essential for the effective management of biodiversity values and minimizing unintended consequences when trading off the multiple values wetlands support. Impact assessment is difficult, often relying on an aggregation of ad hoc observations that are spatially biased toward easily accessible areas, rather than systematic and randomized surveys. Using a large aggregate database of ad hoc observations, this study aimed to examine the influence of urban proximity on machine‐learning models predicting taxonomic richness and assemblage turnover, relative to other habitat, landscape, and climate variables, for vertebrates dwelling in the wetlands of the GBR catchment. The distance from the nearest city was, by substantial margins, the most influential factor in predicting the richness and assemblage turnover of all vertebrate groups, except fish. Richness and assemblage turnover was predicted to be greatest nearest the main urban centers. The extent of various wetland habitats was highly influential in predicting the richness of all groups, while climate (predominately the rainfall in the wettest quarter) was highly influential in predicting assemblage turnover for all groups. Bias of survey records toward urban centers strongly influenced our ability to model wetland‐affiliated vertebrates and may obscure our understanding of how vertebrates respond to habitat loss and climate change. This reinforces the need for randomized and systematic surveys to supplement existing ad hoc surveys. We urge modelers in other jurisdictions to better portray the potential influence of survey biases when modeling species distributions

    Urban-industrial seascapes can be abundant and dynamic fish habitat

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    Urban-industrial seascapes are prevalent around the world, yet we lack a basic understanding of how the mosaic of different habitats in these areas are used by mobile marine fauna, including features such as industrial ports and marinas. Urbanised areas have been alternately characterised in scientific literature as degraded, depauperate, or in some cases diverse and abundant. To advance our spatial and temporal understanding of the community of mobile marine fauna in these areas, we used repeated sonar image sampling over large swathes of two urban-industrial seascapes, combined with underwater video. 2,341 sonar segments were captured across Mackay Harbour and the Pioneer River estuary (North Queensland, Australia). We used this information to generate a preliminary understanding of the ecology of these locations. We found that overall, urban-industrial seascapes can contain counts of mobile marine fauna similar to natural areas, and that these seascapes are characterised by dynamic diel shifts in the spatial arrangement of mobile marine fauna in the water column. At night, large fish are prevalent in the water column, while during the day, assemblages are dominated by small fish. Within these urban-industrial seascapes, deeper areas containing heavy infrastructure such as ports can harbour large densities of fish, including heavily targeted fisheries species. These areas deserve recognition as marine habitat, are of consequence to fisheries, and have the potential to influence surrounding ecosystems. Important research questions remain regarding their impact on food webs and animal movement at larger scales

    Semi-supervised and weakly-supervised deep neural networks and dataset for fish detection in turbid underwater videos

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    Fish are key members of marine ecosystems, and they have a significant share in the healthy human diet. Besides, fish abundance is an excellent indicator of water quality, as they have adapted to various levels of oxygen, turbidity, nutrients, and pH. To detect various fish in underwater videos, Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) can be of great assistance. However, training DNNs is highly dependent on large, labeled datasets, while labeling fish in turbid underwater video frames is a laborious and time-consuming task, hindering the development of accurate and efficient models for fish detection. To address this problem, firstly, we have collected a dataset called FishInTurbidWater, which consists of a collection of video footage gathered from turbid waters, and quickly and weakly (i.e., giving higher priority to speed over accuracy) labeled them in a 4-times fast-forwarding software. Next, we designed and implemented a semi-supervised contrastive learning fish detection model that is self-supervised using unlabeled data, and then fine-tuned with a small fraction (20%) of our weakly labeled FishInTurbidWater data. At the next step, we trained, using our weakly labeled data, a novel weakly-supervised ensemble DNN with transfer learning from ImageNet. The results show that our semi-supervised contrastive model leads to more than 20 times faster turnaround time between dataset collection and result generation, with reasonably high accuracy (89%). At the same time, the proposed weakly-supervised ensemble model can detect fish in turbid waters with high (94%) accuracy, while still cutting the development time by a factor of four, compared to fully-supervised models trained on carefully labeled datasets. Our dataset and code are publicly available at the hyperlink FishInTurbidWater

    Distributed Deep Learning in the Cloud and Energy-efficient Real-time Image Processing at the Edge for Fish Segmentation in Underwater Videos Segmentation in Underwater Videos

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    Using big marine data to train deep learning models is not efficient, or sometimes even possible, on local computers. In this paper, we show how distributed learning in the cloud can help more efficiently process big data and train more accurate deep learning models. In addition, marine big data is usually communicated over wired networks, which if possible to deploy in the first place, are costly to maintain. Therefore, wireless communications dominantly conducted by acoustic waves in underwater sensor networks, may be considered. However, wireless communication is not feasible for big marine data due to the narrow frequency bandwidth of acoustic waves and the ambient noise. To address this problem, we propose an optimized deep learning design for low-energy and real-time image processing at the underwater edge. This leads to trading the need to transmit the large image data, for transmitting only the low-volume results that can be sent over wireless sensor networks. To demonstrate the benefits of our approaches in a real-world application, we perform fish segmentation in underwater videos and draw comparisons against conventional techniques. We show that, when underwater captured images are processed at the collection edge, 4 times speedup can be achieved compared to using a landside server. Furthermore, we demonstrate that deploying a compressed DNN at the edge can save 60% of power compared to a full DNN model. These results promise improved applications of affordable deep learning in underwater exploration, monitoring, navigation, tracking, disaster prevention, and scientific data collection projects

    New Australian frontier in freshwater fish invasion via Torres Strait Islands

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    All continents, excluding Antarctica and the Artic, have been affected by incursion from alien freshwater fish species. Australia has not been spared. Four hundred and fifty species have now been declared on the ornamental importation list, making management a real challenge. With approximately 25 non-native species documented, Papua New Guinea (PNG) has likely some problems with invasive freshwater fish. Many of these species have been intentionally introduced to increase access to food as a protein source for remote communities or have spread naturally from western parts of Java and Indonesia, and now constitute a large biomass on some floodplain areas in PNG. The Torres Strait is located between PNG and northern Queensland and was previously a land bridge, though now under higher sea levels the region exists as a series of approximately 300 islands. The threat of further range extension of freshwater fish from PNG into northern Queensland via the Torres Strait Islands is significant, with two invasive fish species already recorded on northern islands of the Torres Strait (climbing perch, Anabas testudineus which has been continually recorded for the past decade; and recently the GIFT tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus). Here we present a case to control further spread of invasive freshwater fish species towards Australia, using a Land and Sea Ranger program, where Rangers are trained to be confident in the identification of pest fish species and to implement strategies to protect their borders from potential future incursions. The success of this program relies on Rangers to continue partaking in surveillance monitoring of coastal waters, checking and controlling for any new invasive species moving from PNG into Australian waters. We outline the biosecurity obligation under Article 14 of the Treaty between the two nations, which identifies the importance of conservation and protection of coastal floodplains from invasive species, and the spread between both nations

    Simple fence modification increases land movement prospects for freshwater turtles on floodplains

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    Installing conservation fences to prohibit feral animal access to wetlands can become a barrier for non-target species of interest. We collected 161 turtles (Chelodina rugosa, Emydura subglobosa worrelli, Myuchelys latisternum) from twenty floodplain and riverine wetlands during post-wet (June–August) and late-dry season (November–December) surveys (2015–2018) in northern Australia. Wetlands were fenced (150 × 150 mm square, 1.05 m high wire mesh) or unfenced around the wet perimeter. Ninety-seven percent of individuals caught in either fenced or unfenced wetlands had a shell carapace width greater than mesh width, of these 44 (46%) were captured inside fenced wetlands, while 50 were caught in unfenced wetlands. The remaining 35 turtles were smaller than 150 mm and would likely pass easily through fence mesh. Sixty-five turtles partook in a fencing manipulative experiment. Turtles with carapace widths wider than mesh often successfully escaped through fences by lifting one side of their shell and passing diagonally through the mesh. In a second experiment where a piece of vertical wire (1500 × 300 mm) was removed, turtles located ‘gates' after prospecting and fitting through meshing areas that were too small to pass. Ninety-two percent of turtles were able to locate and pass through gates, while 8% failed to locate a gate after 2 h. Gates applied every 4 m showed an 83% passage rate, every 2 m was 91%, and every 1 m was 100%. Combing field and manipulative experiments revealed that large turtles will prospect and move along a fence until they find suitable passage, which has important consequences when considering that gates could be easily retrofitted to existing sites, as well in new fencing programs, which has enormous positive conservation benefits for turtles in an already challenging and changing floodplain environment

    Patterns of fish utilisation in a tropical Indo-Pacific mangrove-coral seascape, New Caledonia

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    Mangrove forests are important habitats for fish. However, their utilisation by fish, and the specific values they confer, are still not fully understood. This study describes how fish use mangrove forests in an Indo-Pacific mangrove-coral reef seascape. Sampling was conducted using underwater video cameras (UVCs) to describe spatial and temporal variations in fish assemblages across a small-scale (∼ 2.5 km2) system, and over the tidal and lunar cycle. UVCs were deployed in the two main component habitats of mangrove forests: At the mangrove forest edge, and inside the forest (5 m from the forest edge), to establish patterns of utilisation of fish across the tidal and lunar cycle. Proximity to coral reefs had a strong influence on the mangrove fish community, as most fish recorded were reef-associated. Juveniles of 12 reef species were observed, including two species classified as vulnerable on the IUCN list, and one endemic species. Fish assemblages on the mangrove edge differed significantly from those inside the forest. Most fish utilised the forest edge, with few species making regular use of in-forest habitats, supporting the contention that most fish species remain on the edge and potentially retreat into the forest for opportunistic feeding, or when threatened by larger predators. Species-specific patterns of utilisation varied across the tidal and lunar cycle. Small differences in depth profiles and substrate across the smallscale system had a significant effect on fish assemblages, highlighting the importance of accounting for spatial heterogeneity in these factors. These data provide important information for managers to implement adequate conservation strategies that include broader interconnected habitat mosaics

    Tidal restoration to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from freshwater impounded coastal wetlands

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    Freshwater impounded wetlands are created by artificially restricting coastal wetlands connection to tides. The decrease in salinity and altered hydrology can significantly increase greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, specifically methane (CH4). Restoration of freshwater impounded wetlands through tidal reintroduction can potentially reduce GHG emissions; however, studies in tropical regions are scare. This study investigates the potential for tidal restoration of impounded freshwater coastal wetlands by comparing their GHG emissions with tidally connected mangrove and saltmarshes in the Burdekin catchment in Queensland, Australia. We found that freshwater impounded wetlands had significantly higher CH4 emissions (3,633  ± 812 μg CH4 m2 hour1) than mangroves (27 ± 8 μg CH4 m2 hour1 ) and saltmarsh (13  ± 8 μg CH4 m2 hour1 ). Soil redox, moisture, carbon, nitrogen, and bulk density were all significantly correlated to methane emissions. Conversely, freshwater impounded wetlands had significantly lower nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions (0.72  ± 0.18 μg N2O m2 hour1) than mangroves and saltmarsh (0.35  ± 0.29 and 1.32  ± 0.52 μg N2O m2 hour1 respectively). Nevertheless, when converting to CO2 equivalents (CO2-eq), freshwater impounded wetlands emitted 91  ± 20 g CO2-eq m2 hour1 , compared to the much lower 0.8  ± 0.2 and 0.7  ± 0.2 g CO2-eq m2 hour1 emission rates for mangroves and saltmarsh. In conclusion, restoration of freshwater impounded wetlands through tidal restoration is likely to result in reduced GHG emissions

    Hypoxia in mangroves: occurrence and impact on valuable tropical fish habitat

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    Intertidal mangrove forests are harsh environments that can naturally experience hypoxia in association with low tide. However, we know relatively little about dissolved oxygen (DO) fluctuations and DO-induced responses by fish, although DO is a fundamental water quality parameter. This study examines DO as a potential factor regulating the utilisation of intertidal mangrove forests by fish and consequently their widely recognised feeding, refuge and nursery values. We deployed underwater video cameras, coupled with DO and depth loggers, in a mangrove forest to record changes in fish assemblages in response to tidal variations in DO and other associated environmental parameters. Our results indicate that DO underwent extreme tidal fluctuations, reaching levels as low as 14% saturation. As DO was identified as a significant factor for explaining variability in fish assemblage composition, we further investigated fish responses to DO fluctuations. Higher taxonomic richness and frequencies of occurrence were observed once DO reached 70 %– 80%saturation. More detailed examination revealed speciesspecific responses. Three distinct patterns of mangrove utilisation in response to DO were identified, driven by apparent taxa’s behavioural DO avoidance thresholds. Most taxa did not display any behavioural avoidance, including presence at the lowest DO levels, while other taxa were not observed either below 50 %–60% saturation or below 70 %–80% saturation. This implies that tidal migrations, often observed in intertidal environments, could be the result of differential DO tolerances and are not simply initiated by changes in water depth. Taxa remaining in the mangrove forest even at low DO were on average more frequently observed than the other taxa and were mostly species commonly associated with mangrove habitats. This suggests that being adapted to withstand low DO might be an important condition for using mangrove habitats extensively. The need of being tolerant to low DO could constrain fish utilisation and explain the relatively low species richness often observed in other intertidal mangrove forests