1,100 research outputs found

    Effect of Acute Posttransplant Renal Failure on the Survival of Perfused Cadaver Kidneys

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    Between 7973 and 7977 we encountered 22 cases of acute renal failure after transplantation in 70 patients who received perfused cadaver kidneys. Nearly two-thirds of 76 nonfunctioning grafts were lost due to subsequent superimposed rejection, often undetected and, hence, untreated. Thirty-one percent of the 76 recovered function. The recovery rate, we believe, can be improved by earlier diagnosis and treatment of rejection and by avoiding invasive diagnostic procedures in the early postoperative period. If the oliguric period extends beyond two weeks, a closed percutaneous renal biopsy is justified. The diagnosis of rejection and/or other abnormality as well as subsequent treatment are very important in these patients

    Glioma-derived exosomes drive the differentiation of neural stem cells to astrocytes

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    Exosomes appear to be effective inter-cellular communicators delivering several types of molecules, such as proteins and RNAs, suggesting that they could influence neural stem cell (NSC) differentiation. Our RNA sequencing studies demonstrated that the RNAs related to cell proliferation and astrocyte differentiation were upregulated in human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSC) when co-cultured with exosomes obtained from the culture medium of human glioma cells (U87). Metallothionein 3 and elastin genes, which are related to cell proliferation, increased 10 and 7.2 fold, respectively. Expression of genes for astrocyte differentiation, such as tumor growth factor alpha, induced protein 3 of the NOTCH1 family, colony stimulating factor and interleukin 6 of the STAT3 family and Hes family bHLH transcription factor 1 also increased by 2.3, 10, 4.7 and 2.9 fold, respectively. We further examined the effects of these exosomes on rat fetal neural stem cell (rNSC) differentiation using the secreted exosomes from U87 glioma cells or exosomes from U87 cells that were stimulated with interleukin 1β (IL-1β). The rNSCs, extracted from rat brains at embryonic day 14 (E14), underwent a culture protocol that normally leads to predominant (∼90%) differentiation to ODCs. However, in the presence of the exosomes from untreated or IL-1β-treated U87 cells, significantly more cells differentiated into astrocytes, especially in the presence of exosomes obtained from the IL-1β-challenged glioma cells. Moreover, glioma-derived exosomes appeared to inhibit rNSC differentiation into ODCs or astrocytes as indicated by a significantly increased population of unlabeled cells. A portion of the resulting astrocytes coexpressed both CD133 and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) suggesting that exosomes from U87 cells could promote astrocytic differentiation of NSCs with features expected from a transformed cell. Our data clearly demonstrated that exosomes secreted by human glioma cells provide a strong driving force for rat neural stem cells to differentiate into astrocytes, uncovering potential pathways and therapeutic targets that might control this aggressive tumor type

    The Efficacy of Topical Hydrolyzed Psoralea corylifolia Extract in Treating Postinflammatory Hyperpigmentation

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    Background: Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) is common following resolution of acne. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to determine the treatment efficacy of Topical Hydrolyzed Psoralea Corylifolia extract (HPCE) on acne-induced PIH and TCA-induced PIH using a previously validated model.1Methods: A prospective, single-blinded, non-randomized study was conducted on 20 subjects with acne-induced PIH. Three acne-induced PIH areas on the face and three 35% TCA-induced PIH areas on the buttocks were analyzed. Subjects received topical HPCE [Unigen] and vehicle cream with instructions on twice daily application on two separate facial and gluteal lesions for 28 days; the third lesion served as a control. Clinical photography and Investigator Global Assessment (IGA) scores for hyperpigmentation were performed on days 0, 28, 35, 42, and 56 for all sites. Degree of improvement was defined as the change in the IGA score for hyperpigmentation between the first and last day of treatment. Results: For facial acne sites, one-way repeated measures ANOVA for degree of improvement as assessed by IGA analysis demonstrated a greater degree of improvement for product sites when compared to vehicle (1.9 times) and control (1.5 times); however, statistical significance was not reached. For TCA-induced PIH sites, there was a statistically significant degree of improvement for product treated sites compared to vehicle (9 times) and control (9 times). For both acne and TCA-induced PIH sites, Pearson correlation coefficient between time and IGA score for hyperpigmentation showed a strong and statistically significant (phttps://scholarlycommons.henryford.com/merf2019clinres/1010/thumbnail.jp

    Radio Astronomy

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    Contains reports on sixteen research projects.National Science Foundation (Grant AST81-21416)National Science Foundation (Grant AST80-22864)National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Contract S-10665-C)National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Contract NAGW373)National Science Foundation (Grant AST79-19553)National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (Grant 04-8-M01-1)National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Grant NAG5-10)National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Contract NAS5-22929)Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Contract MDA 903-82-K-0521)Intelsat (Contract Intel-188)Joint Services Electronics Program (Contract DAAG29-80-C-0104)Lockheed Missiles and Space Company (Contract LS90B4860F

    Radio Astronomy

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    Contains summary of research and reports on nine research projects.National Science Foundation (Grant AST81-21416)National Science Foundation (Grant AST82-14296)National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Grant S-10781-C)National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Grant NAGW-373)National Science Foundation (Grant AST79-19553)M.I.T. Sloan Fund for Basic ResearchNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (Grant 04-8-M01-1)National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Grant NAG5-10)National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Contract NAS5-22929)Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Contract MDA 903-82-K-0521)Center for Advanced Television Studie

    Radio Astronomy

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    Contains reports on eleven research projects.National Science Foundation (Grant AST79-25075)National Science Foundation (Grant AST79-20984)National Science Foundation (Grant AST79-19553)U.S. Navy - Office of Naval Research (Contract N00014-80-C-0348)National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Grant NAG2-50)MIT Sloan Fund for Basic ResearchJoint Services Electronics Program(Contract DAAG80-C-0104)Lockheed Aircraft Corporation (Contract LS90B4860F)National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Grant NAG5-10)National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Contract NAS5-22929)U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (Grant 04-8-MO1-1)California Institute of Technology Jet Propulsion Laboratory (Contract LZ-727891)California Institute of Technology Jet Propulsion Laboratory Subcontract 956059California Institute of Technology Jet Propulsion Laboratory Task Order RD-15

    Anti-Inflammatory Cytokines Predominate in Acute Human Plasmodium knowlesi Infections

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    Plasmodium knowlesi has entered the human population of Southeast Asia. Naturally acquired knowlesi malaria is newly described with relatively little available data, including data on the host response to infection. Therefore pre-treatment cytokine and chemokine profiles were determined for 94 P. knowlesi, and for comparison, 20, P. vivax and 22 P. falciparum, patients recruited in Malaysian Borneo. Nine, five and one patient with P. knowlesi, P. falciparum and P. vivax respectively had complicated malaria as defined by World Health Organisation. Patients with uncomplicated P. knowlesi had lower levels of the pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-8 and TNFα than those with complicated disease (both p<0.05, Dunn's post test, DPT). The anti-inflammatory cytokines IL-1ra and IL-10 were detected in all patients in the study. IL-1ra, the most abundant cytokine measured, correlated with parasitaemia in P. knowlesi (rs = 0.47, p =  <0.0001), P. vivax (rs = 0.61, p = 0.0042) and P. falciparum (rs = 0.57,p = 0.0054) malaria. IL-10 correlated with parasitaemia in both P. knowlesi (rs = 0.54, p =  <0.0001) and P. vivax (rs = 0.78, p =  <0.0001) infections. There were between group differences in soluble markers of macrophage activation (MIP-1β and MCP-1). P. knowlesi patients had significantly lower levels of MIP-1β than P. falciparum (DPT, p =  <0.01). Uncomplicated P. knowlesi patients had significantly lower levels of MCP-1 than uncomplicated P. falciparum patients (DPT, p =  <0.001). There was no significant difference between complicated and uncomplicated P. knowlesi infections. MCP-1, MIP-1β, IL-8 and TNFα increased in complicated P. knowlesi but decreased in complicated P. falciparum infections. Descriptions of human knowlesi malaria provide a comparative means to discover mediators of pathophysiology in severe P. knowlesi as well as P. falciparum malaria. Crucially, P. knowlesi may be the disease and experimental primate model for severe malaria
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