154 research outputs found

    Fragilidade, ode ao corpo e derrota uma pesquisa sobre como a mulher no esporte e representada no jornal Correio Braziliense

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    A partir de levantamento realizado com o Correio Braziliense, o trabalho apresenta um estudo sobre a representação da mulher no esporte. O trabalho constata o preconceito sobre as atletas femininas. Os resultados quantitativos apresentados evidenciam que neste veículo, como em outros, elas continuam a serem pouco representadas pela mídia, apesar do crescente número de mulheres participando e sendo bem-sucedidas no esporte

    A integração sensorial na literatura nacional: revisão em periódicos no período de 2005 a 2017

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    A Teoria de Integração Sensorial desenvolvida por Ayres, em 1963, visava esclarecer a relação entre o aprendizado com o funcionamento neural e o comportamento sensório-motor. Partindo do pressuposto que a aprendizagem está relacionada com a capacidade de interpretar as informações dos estímulos sensoriais e formular respostas adequadas. Ayres definiu a Integração sensorial como processo, no qual o cérebro organiza as informações e sensações recebidas do ambiente possibilitando a organização do comportamento e o uso eficiente do corpo nas ações e atividades que realizamos rotineiramente. A Terapia de Integração Sensorial elucidada por Ayres, a partir da Teoria de Integração Sensorial, é um tratamento que atua sobre as falhas do processamento sensorial, visando o desenvolvimento do Sistema Nervoso Central para uma resposta mais adequada aos estímulos. A Terapia de Integração Sensorial encontra-se em expansão em nosso país, a partir dos cursos de certificação internacional e dos resultados positivos que tem apresentado no tratamento das alterações do processamento sensorial. Como objetivo desse trabalho pretende-se conhecer as publicações em língua nacional sobre a Integração Sensorial, tendo como pergunta norteadora “o que vem sendo publicado sobre a Integração Sensorial no Brasil”. Por meio de revisão bibliográfica, exploratória de natureza qualitativa. As buscas eletrônicas foram realizadas em bases específicas da Terapia Ocupacional: e em bibliotecas virtuais Portal Capes, Bireme e Scielo utilizando as palavras chaves: Integração Sensorial e Processamento Sensorial. Foram identificados 113 artigos e devido aos critérios de inclusão 16 foram selecionados para a leitura na íntegra e a partir desta, foram selecionados 9 artigos para análise. Percebeu-se uma recente busca pelo melhor entendimento da Integração Sensorial, com aumento das publicações nos últimos cinco anos, prevalecendo estudos com relação ao perfil sensorial, realizados por terapeutas ocupacionais


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    A gestão e manejo inapropriados de resíduos sólidos urbanos são muito comuns no Brasil. Esta é uma das dificuldades que o município de Paço do Lumiar, Maranhão, tem enfrentado atualmente. Em virtude disso, fez-se uma pesquisa bibliográfica e documental aliada a pesquisas de campo, objetivando compreender o andamento da Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos no Brasil (PNRS), Lei Federal nº 12.305 de 2010, em Paço do Lumiar nos últimos 7 anos. Neste contexto, verificou-se que o município, mesmo utilizando o sistema de gestão de resíduos sólidos convencional, possui dificuldade referente ao seu manejo e a falta de plano de gestão em conformidade com a PNRS contribui para isso. Assim, Paço do Lumiar tem dificuldade em elaborar um planejamento coerente com a realidade local e que contemple os moldes da sustentabilidade previstos na PNRS, levando-se em consideração as suas diversas dimensões. No entanto, o manejo no município passou por um processo de mudanças em decorrência das atribuições da PNRS

    Review on the incorporation of phase change materials (PCM) into asphalt mixtures to mitigate urban heat Island

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    Serious environmental problems are attributed to the uncontrolled growth of cities. Usually, highly populated areas suffer from soil sealing caused by the construction of infrastructure, such as road pavements and buildings. Regarding the Transportation Engineering, the most common material applied in road pavements is bitumen as binder constituent. Usually dark-coloured, the surface temperature of asphalt pavements may reach values higher than 60 °C during summer. This fact can significantly contribute to the formation of thermal cracks and deformations in asphalt binders and, in large urban centres, promote the formation of warmer microclimates since all the accumulated heat is released to the surrounding environment. The formation of Urban Heat Islands (UHI), a type of microclimate that arises from the increase in temperature of a location that does not match the region, caused by anthropic changes, for some time now, is a problem that has attracted a range of research to minimise harmful effects caused to the environment. Some of the most promising studies to decrease the temperature of pavements are using Phase Change Materials (PCM). PCM are materials that can accumulate a large amount of thermal energy and are widely used in the textile industry, smart tissues, and construction, improving thermal comfort. PCM can minimise the problems arising from seasonal temperature variations when used in conjunction with asphalt materials. In this work, a review was made about which types of PCM are mainly used to achieve a significant decrease in pavement temperature—evaluating the material's thermal performance and the most used strategies to avoid its leakage. A systematic review of recent papers published in peer-reviewed journals (available in the Scopus database) involving asphalt mixtures with phase change materials revealed that the most used type of PCM is polyethylene glycol (PEG). Asphalt mixtures containing PCM generally have lower mechanical performance than conventional asphalt mixtures. There are problems related to leaking the material into the asphalt, sometimes reaching the soil and possibly causing contamination. On average, the temperature values decrease 4 °C, in some cases reaching 9 °C of difference, compared to conventional asphalt-based binders. To avoid leaking of this material, the most applied strategy is the PCM encapsulation within particles composed of silicon dioxide (SiO2) or polyacrylamide (PAM). According to the literature surveyed, it can be concluded that incorporating PCM into asphalt pavements can mitigate the formation of UHI acting as a thermoregulation factor, with acceptable mechanical and improved environmental performance

    Viscosupplementation in the treatment of articular temporomandibular disorders - Systematic review / Viscossuplementação no tratamento das desordens temporomandibulares articulares – Revisão sistemática

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    Vissupplementation is a minimally invasive and simple technique that replaces synovial fluid with intra-articular injection of hyaluronic acid (HA). This is a kind of treatment suitable for treating temporomandibular joint (TMD) diseases, such as osteoarthritis and disc displacement, with or without reduction.Aim: The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the use of viscossuplementation in the treatment of temporomandibular joint dysfunctions. Material and Methods: The literature, for this, was searched in PubMed and Scielo databases, from 2009 to 2019, using "Viscosuplementation", "Hyaluronic Acid", "Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunctions" and "Osteoarthritis". Exclusion criteria were those that tested on animals and were not related to the subject. Seven selected layouts.Results: From the reading of the studies, it is believed that hyaluronic acid is beneficial in reducing pain levels, improving the patient's quality of life and mandibular function, even being superior to placebo. However, there are still studies that point out the differences in relation to this technique, due to the question of the molecular weight of HA, the number of sessions performed. Conclusion: Therefore, the patients with temporomandibular joint disorders may improve their clinical setting with a viscossupplementation function, however, greater product standardization and new research studies are needed

    Study of the composition of coaxial microfibers with phase change materials under thermal analysis

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    Asphalt pavements cover a large area of urban centers and are directly related to Urban Heat Islands (UHI). These materials heat up by absorbing a large amount of solar energy and then slowly release it, generating environmental, economic and social impacts that directly harm the well-being of citizens. The use of Phase Change Materials (PCM) in asphalt mixtures is indicated in the literature as an efficient thermoregulation method to mitigate UHI. However, their direct incorporation in asphalt mixtures presents some disadvantages related to modifying the asphalt structure after PCM melting. The development of Coaxial Polymeric Fibers (CPF) emerges as an innovative alternative to incorporate PCM in asphalt mixtures. Thus, the research herein reported aims to produce and select the best composition of coaxial fibers composed of Polyethylene glycol (PEG) as PCM and core and cellulose acetate (Mn: 30,000 and 50,000) as sheath. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) were used for thermal characterization. TGA was used to analyse whether the materials could tolerate the mixing and compaction temperatures of the asphalt mixtures (up to about 200°C) without any mass loss, and DSC to assess the melting point for the CPF. Thereby it is possible to determine the effect of cellulose acetate molecular weight on the phase change temperature of PEG inside the CPF. This information will aid in deciding on suitable materials for asphalt concrete mixtures capable of withstanding asphalt mixing temperatures

    Reducing the effects of Low Albedo of asphalt materials incorporating Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) 1000, 2000 and 4000 as Phase Change Materials (PCM)

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    Albedo plays a vital role in urban microclimates. Civil engineering structures usually absorb a high amount of energy in form of heat, for example asphalt pavements, which have a low albedo, thus contributing to the Urban Heat Island (UHI) effects. Modifying the physical characteristics of asphalt pavements, including reflectance and thermal properties, can help mitigate UHI. The literature points out that one alternative to thermoregulating asphalt materials is the incorporation of phase change materials. Thus, the main goal of this research is to present a systematic review regarding the effectiveness of the incorporation of polyethylene glycol (PEG) 1000, 2000 and 4000 as Phase Change Material (PCM) in asphalt materials. The results showed that incorporating PEG into asphalt materials can regulate heat storage, promoting stability and reducing UHI effects. PEG2000 was more frequently used. PEGs can reduce between of 3.5 and 4.2ºC of the asphalt materials when compared to the conventional ones.This work was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) in the framework of the Strategic Funding UIDB/04650/2020 and the projectsMicroCoolPav project EXPL/EQU-EQU/1110/2021, and NanoAir project PTDC/FISMAC/6606/2020


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    O abastecimento de água possui sérios problemas de gestão no Brasil e no mundo. A prestação do serviço, quando de forma inadequada, gera impactos na área da saúde, economia e meio ambiente. Para uma melhor compreensão da situação do abastecimento de água tanto por gestores quanto por consumidores, foram criadas ferramentas com base das informações coletadas nas concessionárias, as quais visa o monitoramento da qualidade dos serviços prestados. Dentre os dados existentes para análise, alguns indicadores se destacam pela fácil interpretação e grande utilidade para a gestão pública, dentre eles: econômico-financeiros e administrativos, operacionais – água e de qualidade. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o sistema de abastecimento de água do estado do Maranhão a fim de criar subsídios técnicos para contribuir com a gestão do abastecimento de água através dos índices de Incidência das análises de cloro residual, Incidência das análises de turbidez e Incidência das análises de coliformes totais todos fora do padrão. Os dados utilizados como base para a avaliação foram disponibilizados pela Lei Federal Nº 11.445, SNIS e pela CAEMA cujo período de análise compreendeu informações de 2007 a 2017. Observou-se variações de seus índices nos 10 anos avaliados, concluindo-se que muito ainda deverá ser feito para que o estado do Maranhão atinja uma boa qualidade na universalização do serviço de abastecimento de água urbana. Verificou-se que são necessárias algumas melhorias, no que se refere à minimização desses três indicadores, principalmente por estarem diretamente relacionados a saúde e bem-estar da população

    Correlation between parafunctional habits and temporomandibular dysfunction: Systematic review / Correlção entre hábitos parafuncionais e disfunção temporomandibular: Revisão sistemática

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    Introduction: Temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD) is a term belonging to the orofacial pain group that affects the masticatory muscles, temporomandibular joint and adjacent structures. TMD can be triggered by parafunctional habits, which are actions performed without specific natural function of the human being, becoming risk factors. Objectives: To evaluate through a literature review the correlation between parafunctional habits and temporomandibular dysfunctions. Methods: The articles were researched in the PubMed and Scielo databases, from 2009 to 2019. As inclusion criteria: articles published in English and Portuguese with the key words "Temporomandibular Joint", "Parafunctional Habits" and "Temporomandibular Dysfunction". Themes that were not related to the theme were excluded. Results: Eight articles were selected, in which six of them correlated the parafunctional habits with the signs and symptoms of TMD. Through these studies, it was seen that people develop a painful symptomatology, affecting even quality of life. In parallel, through other articles, there is a possible relationship between the intensity of physical activity with the degree of TMD found, and also the emergence of certain habits after certain surgeries. Conclusion: It is remarkable the correlation between the various parafunctional habits and TMD. Thus, the dentist should be paid, during diagnosis, to their presence and consider, as part of the treatment, guidelines for the reduction of these habits, obtaining success in controlling dysfunction

    Coaxial fibres incorporated with phase change materials for thermoregulation applications

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    Nowadays, the growing concern about improving thermal comfort in different structures (textiles, buildings, and pavements, among others) has stimulated research into phase change materials (PCMs). The direct incorporation of PCMs into composite materials can cause mechanical impacts. Therefore, this study focuses on the design of phase change coaxial fibres (PCFs), using commercial cellulose acetate (CA) or recycled CA obtained from cotton fabrics (CAt) as the sheath and polyethylene glycol (PEG) 2000 as the core, via the wet spinning method; the fibres vary in molecular weight, concentration and ejection velocity. The fibres were assessed for their optical, chemical, thermal, and mechanical properties. The presence of PEG2000 is confirmed in the core of the fibres. Thermal analyses revealed a mass loss at high temperatures, attributable to the presence of PEG2000. Notably, the fibres with CA (Mn 30,000) showed superior thermal and mechanical performance. The melting point of PEG2000 incorporated into these PCFs coincided with the melting point of pure PEG2000 (about 55 °C), with a slight deviation, indicating that PCFs were obtained. Finally, the results point to the application of the fibres in civil engineering materials requiring a phase change between 50 and 60 °C, providing promising prospects for their use in applications requiring thermoregulatory properties.This research was funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the projects MicroCoolPav EXPL/EQUEQU/1110/2021 and NanoAir PTDC/FISMAC/6606/2020 (https://doi.org/10.54499/PTDC/FIS-MAC/6606/2020) and within the framework of Strategic Funding UIDB/04650/2020, UIDB/04029/2020 (https://doi.org/10.54499/UIDB/04029/2020) and UID/QUI/0686/2020. I.R.S. and H.P.F. would like to thank FCT for their funding contracts 2022.00763.CEECIND (https://doi.org/10.54499/2022.00763.CEECIND/CP1718/CT0006) and 2021.02720.CEECIND (https://doi.org/10.54499/DL57/2016/CP1377/CT0098)