3,631 research outputs found

    Testing Supergravity Grand Unification at Future Accelerator and Underground Experiments

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    The full parameter space of supergravity grand unified theory with SU(5)SU(5) type pνˉKp \rightarrow \bar{\nu} K proton decay is analysed using renormalization group induced electroweak symmetry breaking under the restrictions that the universal scalar mass mom_o and gluino mass are 1\leq 1 TeV (no extreme fine tuning) and the Higgs triplet mass obeys MH3/MG<10M_{H_3}/M_G < 10. Future proton decay experiments at SuperKamiokande or ICARUS can reach a sensitivity for the νˉK\bar{\nu} K mode of (25)×1033(2-5) \times 10^{33} yr allowing a number of predictions concerning the SUSY mass spectrum. Thus either the pνˉKp \rightarrow\bar{\nu} K decay mode will be seen at these experiments or a chargino of mass mW~<100m_{\tilde{W}} < 100 GeV will exist and hence be observable at LEP2. Further, if (pνˉK)>1.5×1033(p \rightarrow \bar{\nu} K) > 1.5 \times 10^{33} yr, then either the light Higgs has mass mh95m_h \leq 95 GeV or mW~100m_{\tilde{W}} \leq 100 GeV i.e. either the light Higgs or the light chargino (or both) would be observable at LEP2. Thus, the combination of future accelerator and future underground experiments allow for strong experimental tests of this theory.Comment: 7 figures available upon request, CTP-TAMU-32/93, NUB-TH-3066/93 and SSCL-Preprint-44

    Electronic structure and magnetism of the diluted magnetic semiconductor Fe-doped ZnO nano-particles

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    We have studied the electronic structure of Zn0.9_{0.9}Fe0.1_{0.1}O nano-particles, which have been reported to show ferromagnetism at room temperature, by x-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS), resonant photoemission spectroscopy (RPES), x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and x-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD). From the experimental and cluster-model calculation results, we find that Fe atoms are predominantly in the Fe3+^{3+} ionic state with mixture of a small amount of Fe2+^{2+} and that Fe3+^{3+} ions are dominant in the surface region of the nano-particles. It is shown that the room temperature ferromagnetism in the Zn0.9_{0.9}Fe0.1_{0.1}O nano-particles is primarily originated from the antiferromagnetic coupling between unequal amounts of Fe3+^{3+} ions occupying two sets of nonequivalent positions in the region of the XMCD probing depth of \sim 2-3 nm.Comment: Single column, 12 pages, 8 figures, 1 tabl

    Effects of CP Violation on Event Rates in the Direct Detection of Dark Matter

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    A full analytic analysis of the effects of CP violating phases on the event rates in the direct detection of dark matter in the scattering of neutralinos from nuclear targets is given. The analysis includes CP violating phases in softly broken supersymmetry in the framework of the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM) when generational mixings are ignored. A numerical analysis shows that large CP violating phases including the constraints from the experimental limits on the neutron and the electron electric dipole moment (EDM) can produce substantial effects on the event rates in dark matter detectors.Comment: 17 pages, LaTex, including 2 figures; revised version to appear in the Physical Review

    A framework for distributed managing uncertain data in RFID traceability networks

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    The ability to track and trace individual items, especially through large-scale and distributed networks, is the key to realizing many important business applications such as supply chain management, asset tracking, and counterfeit detection. Networked RFID (radio frequency identification), which uses the Internet to connect otherwise isolated RFID systems and software, is an emerging technology to support traceability applications. Despite its promising benefits, there remains many challenges to be overcome before these benefits can be realized. One significant challenge centers around dealing with uncertainty of raw RFID data. In this paper, we propose a novel framework to effectively manage the uncertainty of RFID data in large scale traceability networks. The framework consists of a global object tracking model and a local RFID data cleaning model. In particular, we propose a Markov-based model for tracking objects globally and a particle filter based approach for processing noisy, low-level RFID data locally. Our implementation validates the proposed approach and the experimental results show its effectiveness.Jiangang Ma, Quan Z. Sheng, Damith Ranasinghe, Jen Min Chuah and Yanbo W

    Constraints on the minimal supergravity model from the b->s+\gamma decay

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    The constraints on the minimal supergravity model from the b->s+\gamma decay are studied. A large domain in the parameter space for the model satisfies the CLEO bound, BR(b->s+\gamma)<5.4X10^{-4}. However, the allowed domain is expected to diminish significantly with an improved bound on this decay. The dependence of the b->s+\gamma branching ratio on various parameters is studied in detail. It is found that, for A_t<0 and the top quark mass within the vicinity of the center of the CDF value, m_t^{pole}=174\pm17 GeV, there exists only a small allowed domain because the light stop is tachyonic for most of the parameter space. A similar phenomenon exists for a lighter top and A_t negative when the GUT coupling constant is slightly reduced. For A_t>0, however, the branching ratio is much less sensitive to small changes in m_t, and \alpha_G.Comment: 12 pages, plain tex file, three figures avaliable upon request, CTP-TAMU-03/94, NUB-TH.7316/94, and CERN-TH.3092/9

    Magnetic model for A2CuP2O7 (A = Na, Li) revisited: 1D versus 2D behavior

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    We report magnetization measurements, full-potential band structure calculations, and microscopic modeling for the spin-1/2 Heisenberg magnets A2CuP2O7 (A = Na, Li). Based on a quantitative evaluation of the leading exchange integrals and the subsequent quantum Monte-Carlo simulations, we propose a quasi-one-dimensional magnetic model for both compounds, in contrast to earlier studies that conjectured on the two-dimensional scenario. The one-dimensional nature of A2CuP2O7 is unambiguously verified by magnetization isotherms measured in fields up to 50 T. The saturation fields of about 40 T for both Li and Na compounds are in excellent agreement with the intrachain exchange J1 ~ 27 K extracted from the magnetic susceptibility data. The proposed magnetic structure entails spin chains with the dominating antiferromagnetic nearest-neighbor interaction J1 and two inequivalent, nonfrustrated antiferromagnetic interchain couplings of about 0.01*J1 each. A possible long-range magnetic ordering is discussed in comparison with the available experimental information.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables: published versio

    CP violating asymmetries in single top quark production at the Tevatron p pbar collider

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    Analytic expressions for the angular distributions of the bb-quarks associated with single tt-quark production in ppˉWtbˉbbˉWp \bar p \to W^* \to t \bar b \to b \bar b W and of the leptons from the subsequent decay WlνW \to l\nu are obtained in the laboratory system. CP violation in the tt-production vertex is assumed. Different angular and total cross section CP violating asymmetries are considered. Relations testing CP violation solely in the tt-decay vertex are also obtained. A numerical analysis is performed in the MSSM with a CP violating phase of the trilinear coupling At~A_{\tilde t}. The asymmetries are typically of the order 10310^{-3} - 10410^{-4}.Comment: The numerical results are corrected and some changes that meet the requirements of Phys. Rev. D are mad

    R-parity Conservation via the Stueckelberg Mechanism: LHC and Dark Matter Signals

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    We investigate the connection between the conservation of R-parity in supersymmetry and the Stueckelberg mechanism for the mass generation of the B-L vector gauge boson. It is shown that with universal boundary conditions for soft terms of sfermions in each family at the high scale and with the Stueckelberg mechanism for generating mass for the B-L gauge boson present in the theory, electric charge conservation guarantees the conservation of R-parity in the minimal B-L extended supersymmetric standard model. We also discuss non-minimal extensions. This includes extensions where the gauge symmetries arise with an additional U(1)_{B-L} x U(1)_X, where U(1)_X is a hidden sector gauge group. In this case the presence of the additional U(1)_X allows for a Z' gauge boson mass with B-L interactions to lie in the sub-TeV region overcoming the multi-TeV LEP constraints. The possible tests of the models at colliders and in dark matter experiments are analyzed including signals of a low mass Z' resonance and the production of spin zero bosons and their decays into two photons. In this model two types of dark matter candidates emerge which are Majorana and Dirac particles. Predictions are made for a possible simultaneous observation of new physics events in dark matter experiments and at the LHC.Comment: 38 pages, 7 fig

    Not Even Decoupling Can Save Minimal Supersymmetric SU(5)

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    We make explicit the statement that Minimal Supersymmetric SU(5) has been excluded by the Super-Kamiokande search for the process pK+νp \to K^{+} \overline{\nu}. This exclusion is made by first placing limits on the colored Higgs triplet mass, by forcing the gauge couplings to unify. We also show that taking the superpartners of the first two generations to be very heavy in order to avoid flavor changing neutral currents, the so-called ``decoupling'' idea, is insufficient to resurrect the Minimal SUSY SU(5). We comment on various mechanisms to further suppress proton decay in SUSY SU(5). Finally, we address the contributions to proton decay from gauge boson exchange in the Minimal SUSY SU(5) and flipped SU(5) models.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    The effect of supersymmetric CP phases on Chargino-Pair Production via Drell-Yan Process at the LHC

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    We compute the rates for pp annihilation into chargino-pairs via Drell-Yan process taking into account the effects of supersymmetric soft phases, at proton-proton collider. In particular, the phase of the mu parameter gains direct accessibility via the production of dissimilar charginos. The phases of the trilinear soft masses do not have a significant effect on the cross sections.Comment: 24 pages, 7 figure