162 research outputs found

    Аналіз динаміки ринків маркетингових сервісів в аспекті антикризового стратегічного управління

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    The aim of the study is to determine the basic modern marketing services according to the dynamics data of the media market of Ukraine. Thus, marketing services are considered as tools that provide crisis management in strategic business development perspective. Scientific and practical significance of the study lies in the results of trend analysis of the dynamics of the media market of Ukraine and its components, the results of which led to the conclusion about the importance of Internet advertising as a modern marketing tool in terms of anti-crisis policy. The study predicted the values of the obtained volumes and market share of Internet advertising in the media market structure in Ukraine for the next period.Метою проведеного дослідження є визначення основних сучасних маркетингових сервісів за даними динаміки медіа ринку України. Маркетингові сервіси при цьому розглядаються як інструменти, що забезпечують антикризове управління розвитком бізнесу в стратегічному аспекті. Науково-практична значущість дослідження полягає у результатах трендового аналізу динаміки медіа ринку України та його складових, результати якого дозволили зробити висновок про вагомість Інтернет-реклами як сучасного маркетингового інструмента в умовах антикризової політики. В результаті проведеного дослідження отримано прогнозні значення обсягів та частки ринку Інтернет-реклами в структурі медіа ринку України на наступний період


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    The article considers the common media of event and multiparadigmatic modelling, as applied to the modelling of the processes of medical institutions to serve the public. The possibilities of managing these processes and optimizing the use of available resources are considered. Formulated recommendations on the use of computer environments in the analysis of business processes and processes of care for the population


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    The article presents the psychological, pedagogical and methodical aspects of the development of students' creative activity. Examples of creative assignments when studying graphic editors in the sewing industry are presented

    Filling Gaps in Earthworm Digital Diversity in Northern Eurasia from Russian-language Literature

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    Data availability for certain groups of organisms (ecosystem engineers, invasive or protected species, etc.) is important for monitoring and making predictions in changing environments. One of the most promising directions for research on the impact of changes is species distribution modelling. Such technologies are highly dependent on occurrence data of high quality (Van Eupen et al. 2021). Earthworms (order Crassiclitellata) are a key group of organisms (Lavelle 2014), but their distribution around the globe is underrepresented in digital resources. Dozens of earthworm species, both widespread and endemic, inhabit the territory of Northern Eurasia (Perel 1979), but extremely poor data on them is available through global biodiversity repositories (Cameron 2018). There are two main obstacles to data mobilisation. Firstly, studies of the diversity of earthworms in Northen Eurasia have a long history (since the end of the nineteenth century) and were conducted by several generations of Soviet and Russian researchers. Most of the collected data have been published in "grey literature", now stored only in a few libraries. Until recently, most of these remained largely undigitised, and some are probably irretrievably lost. The second problem is the difference in the taxonomic checklists used by Soviet and European researchers. Not all species and synonyms are included in the GBIF (Global Biodiversity Information Facility) Backbone Taxonomy. As a result, existing earthworm species distribution models (Phillips 2019) potentially miss a significant amount of data and may underestimate biodiversity, and predict distributions inaccurately. To fill this gap, we collected occurrence data from the Russian language literature (published by Soviet and Russian researchers) and digitised species checklists, keeping the original scientific names.To find relevant literature, we conducted a keyword search for "earthworms" and "Lumbricidae" through the Russian national scientific online library eLibrary and screened reference lists from the monographs of leading Soviet and Russian soil zoologist Tamara Perel (Vsevolodova-Perel 1997, Perel 1979). As a result, about 1,000 references were collected, of which 330 papers had titles indicating the potential to contain data on earthworm occurrences. Among these, 219 were found as PDF files or printed papers. For dataset compilation, 159 papers were used; the others had no exact location data or duplicated data contained in other papers. Most of the sources were peer-reviewed articles (Table 1). A reference list is available through Zenodo (Ivanova et al. 2023).The earliest publication we could find dates back to 1899, by Wilhelm Michaelsen. The most recent publication is 2023. About a third of the sources were written by systematists Iosif Malevich and Tamara Perel. Occurrence data were extracted and structured according to the Darwin Core standard (Wieczorek et al. 2012). During the data digitisation process, we tried to include as much primary information as possible. Only one tenth of the literature occurrences contained the geographic coordinates of locations provided by the authors. The remaining occurrences were manually georeferenced using the point-radius method (Wieczorek et al. 2010).The resulting occurrence dataset Earthworm occurrences from Russian-language literature (Shashkov et al. 2023) was published through the Global Biodiversity Information Facility portal. It contains 5304 occurrences of 117 species from 27 countries (Fig. 1).To improve the GBIF Backbone Taxonomy, we digitised two catalogues of earthworm species published for the USSR (Perel 1979) and Russian Federation (Vsevolodova-Perel 1997) by Tamara Perel. Based on these monographs, three checklist datasets were published through GBIF (Shashkov 2023b, 124 records; Shashkov 2023c, 87 records; Shashkov 2023a, 95 records). Now we work towards including these names in the GBIF Backbone so that all species names can be matched and recorded exactly as mentioned in papers published by Soviet and Russian researchers

    Relationship between stand and regeneration of Picea obovata Ledeb. and Abies sibirica Ledeb. in the primary and secondary forests of the Southern Ural Mountains

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    The aim of the research is to reveal the relationship between the age and composition of the forest stand and the regeneration of Picea obovata Ledeb. and Abies sibirica Ledeb. Null hypothesis: we can estimate young generations of P. obovata and A. sibirica under the forest canopy based on the composition and age of the forest stand. The studies conducted in the most widespread forest type of the South Ural Mountains confirmed our null hypothesis about the possibility of modelling the regeneration of P. obovata and A. sibirica by the structure of the stand. The number of young generations of P. obovata and A. sibirica showed high sensitivity to the age and composition of the stand. The graphical models developed by us can be used to combine with forest management data in order to obtain large-scale data on the regeneration of woody plants in the primary spruce small-grass-green mossy forests and secondary birch and aspen forests of the South Ural Mountains. In order to expand the scope of application of the developed models, it is planned to conduct additional studies for other forest types of the Urals

    Семантический аспект формирования идентичностиархитектурно-пространственной среды новых городов-столиц

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    татья представлена в двух частях: в первой части раскрывается определяющая роль образа города-столицы в контексте формирования государственной и национальной идентичности, определяется связь понятий национальной и архитектурной идентичности; обосновывается целесообразность использования семантических подходов к анализу образа архитектурно-пространственной среды городов-столиц. Далее выявляются и рассматриваются особенности и закономерности формирования архитектурно-пространственной среды городов, получивших статус столицы (новые столицы) в период с начала XIX века по сегодняшний день. Приводятся примеры характерных моделей архитектурно-пространственной среды столиц, сформировавшихся на этапе Нового времени в период становления индустриального общества: Вашингтон, Канберра, Дели


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    The article is devoted to the analysis of the available mathematical models in epidemiology and the possibility of their modification. We note that the situation with the COVID-19 virus pandemic is characterized by several features not comprehensively studied in the existing models. For a rational response to existing challenges, it is necessary to have a predictive and analytical apparatus in the complex (national and regional scale) mathematical models with a planning horizon of 2 years (the expected period of mass production of vaccines). The article discusses the existing approaches to predicting the spread of the COVID-19 virus in Russia based on mathematical models of epidemics. The possibilities and limitations of the proposed approaches are considered. In the conditions of the Russian Federation, transport connectivity at the interregional and intraregional levels plays an important role, and for megalopolises - transport flows within large agglomerations and the age structure of the population. In contrast to previous pandemics and epidemics, public policy plays a significant role. The approach, which consist in building multi-agent models that combine the advantages of compartment models and models based on the Monte Carlo method (individually oriented) is proposed by the authors. It is planned to use compartment models to assess the dynamics of the process and individually-oriented models - at the level of individual territories and districts.

    Regeneration of Pinus sibirica Du Tour as a result of trophic relationships with the thin-billed nutcracker (Nucifraga caryocatactes macrorhynchos Brehm C L)

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    Identifying the patterns of dynamics of natural populations of woody plants at the stage of their renewal is one of the main problems of forest ecology. The reforestation process is determined by both the dynamics of seed production and the specificity of seed dispersal of forest tree species. The five-needled pine renewal the Cembrae subsection with wingless seeds depends on birds of the genus Nucifraga sp., which store and spread their seeds. The aim of this study is to determine the relationship between seed production and regeneration of Pinus sibirica Du Tour using the thin-billed nutcracker (Nucifraga caryocatactes macrorhynchos Brehm C. L.) as a mediator. Long-term studies of these relationships have been carried out in the Siberian pine forests of the North Ural Mountains. As a result, a paradoxical conclusion is made that the number of Nucifraga birds during the period of storing and spreading of seeds in the previous year is a key factor in the abundance of Pinus sibirica seedlings. In turn, the number of seeds, both from the previous year and the current year, affects the number of Nucifraga birds