42 research outputs found

    Urban Heat Island (Uhi) Effect: The Rise of Land Surface Temperature in Cebu City, Philippines

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    Temperature differences between the urban and surrounding areas have resulted from rapid urbanization. This study tries to systematically understand the urban heat island phenomenon in Cebu City by determining the land surface temperature using satellite images in 2010 and 2018. Land Surface Temperature (LST) was determined using the Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land (SEBAL) approach. The results were correlated to spatial metrics to identify its influence on the spatial variation of LST in Cebu City. Results indicated that the mean LST in Cebu City increased from 220C to 250C from 2010 to 2018.  In 2018, the built-up area contributed the most LST, followed by forest and bare land, with 28.40 0C, 26.25 0C, and 25.85 0C, respectively. The results indicated that the landscape metrics are highly negatively correlated to LST, mainly attributed to the increase in forest area in Cebu City

    Assessment of Carbon Stock and Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Selected Coffee-Based Agroforestry Farms in Timor Leste

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    Agroforestry is an important carbon sequestration strategy because of carbon storage potential in its multiple plant species and soil as well as its applicability in agricultural lands and in reforestation.  The study was conducted in selected coffee-based agroforestry farms in Gleno, Ermera District, Timor Leste to determine the amount of carbon stocks and greenhouse gas emissions in the management of coffee-based agroforestry farms. Results reveal that agroforestry coffee cropping pattern had a carbon stock composed of 6.425 Mg ha-1 biomass, 2.01 Mg ha-1 necromass, and 157.17 Mg ha-1 soil organic carbon. For the carbon stock stored in the monoculture coffee cropping pattern, a biomass of 5.321 Mg ha-1, necromass of 1.32 Mg ha-1, and soil organic carbon of 128.74. Mg ha-1 were recorded while for the pruned coffee cropping pattern, biomass of 2.771 Mg ha-1, necromass of 1.82 Mg ha-1, and soil organic carbon of 69.29 Mg ha-1 were found.  Moreover, the greenhouse gas emission CO2 absorbed by coffee plants across cropping patterns were the following: agroforestry coffee, 24.156 t/ha-1, monoculture coffee, 19.520 t/ha-1 and pruned coffee, 10.177 t/ha-1.  Abovementioned results reveal that coffee-based agroforestry system a coffee-based agroforestry is considered as an effective solution in combatting heightened atmospheric GHGs concentration and climate change while at the same time addressing concerns on socio-economic stability

    Effect of Organic Matter on Growth of Arabica Coffe (Coffea Arabica) Variety

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    The research was conducted in Maliana, Bobonaro District, Timor Lest to evaluate the effect of using organic matter on the growth of Arabica coffee varieties. The experiment was laid out in a completely randomized design (CRD) with four treatments and three replications. The variables observed were the height of the plant, diameter of the stem, number of leaves, length of root, weight of fresh biological yield, and weight of dry biological yield. The results showed significant differences in agronomic traits in plant height, stem diameter, fresh weight of biological yield and root length. However, we did not detect any difference in the number of leaves or the dry biological yield. The addition of cow manure gave higher yields than ground coffee and wood powder and did not provide organic matter. The application of cow manure resulted in higher yields than the other treatments for all variables, successively plant height (24.63 cm), stem diameter (0.34 cm), number of leaves (12.45 sheet), fresh weight of biological yield (24.36 gr), dry weight of biological yield (12.67 gr) and root length (22.95 cm)


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    A velocidade de trabalho é um dos fatores que pode influenciar a distribuição longitudinal de plântulas, o estande final e a produtividade da lavoura.  Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar, em condições de campo, o desempenho de uma semeadora-adubadora no estabelecimento inicial da cultura do milho, em quatro velocidades de trabalho e dois mecanismos sulcadores por meio de dois métodos de medição entre plântulas. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições, combinando velocidades de trabalho e mecanismos sulcadores para deposição das sementes. A avaliação da distribuição longitudinal de plântulas se deu por dois métodos, manual e imagens captadas por aeronave remotamente pilotada. O aumento da velocidade de trabalho influenciou o percentual de espaçamento aceitáveis entre plântulas na velocidade de 6 km h-1 para a deposição da semente pelo sulcador de disco, método manual de avaliação. As variáveis relacionadas ao espaçamento entre plântulas não diferiram com o aumento da velocidade de trabalho do conjunto mecanizado e nem com a variação do sulcador pelo método de avaliação por imagem. A velocidade de trabalho não influenciou o índice de velocidade de emergência de plântulas, sendo este maior com o uso da haste. Palavras-chave: velocidade de trabalho; mecanismo sulcador; semeadora.   Methods of evaluation longitudinal distribution of seedlings in the initial establishment of maize crops   ABSTRACT: The working speed is one of the factors that can influence the longitudinal distribution of seedlings, the final stand and the productivity of the crop. The aim of the current study is to assess, under field conditions, the performance of a seed drill/fertilizer machine in the initial establishment of maize crops, according to four working speeds and two furrowing mechanism  using two seedlings measurement methods. The experiment followed a randomized block design with four repetitions; it combined working speeds and furrowing mechanisms for seed deposition. The evaluation longitudinal distribution of seedlings of two methods, manual and images obtained with unmanned aerial vehicle. The increase in the working speed influenced the percentage of acceptable spacing between seedlings at the speed of 6 km h-1 for the deposition of the seed by the mismatched double disk-type furrow, manual method of evaluation. The variables related to spacing between seedlings did not differ with the increase in the working speed of the mechanized set without variation of the furrow by the image evaluation method. The working speed did not influence the seedling emergence speed index, being higher with furrow blade. Keywords: working speed; furrow mechanism; seeder

    Monitoring renal function : measured and estimated glomerular filtration rates : a review

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    Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a world-wide public health problem, with adverse outcomes of kidney failure, cardiovascular disease, and premature death. This finding has led to the hypothesis that earlier recognition of kidney disease and successful intervention may improve outcome. The National Kidney Foundation, through its Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative (K/DOQI), and other National institutions recommend glomerular filtration rate (GFR) for the definition, classification, screening, and monitoring of CKD. Blood creatinine clearance, the most widely used clinical marker of kidney function, is now recognized as an unreliable measure of GFR because serum creatinine is affected by age, weight, muscle mass, race, various medications, and extra-glomerular elimination. Cystatin C concentration is a new and promising marker for kidney dysfunction in both native and transplanted kidneys. Because of its low molecular weight, cystatin C is freely filtered at the glomerulus and is almost completely reabsorbed and catabolized, but not secreted, by tubular cells. Given these characteristics, cystatin C concentration may be superior to creatinine concentration in detecting chronic kidney disease. This review aims to evaluate from recent literature the clinical efficiency and relevance of these GFR markers in terms of screening CKD


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    Neste estudo foi avaliado o potencial do bagaço de cevada (Hordeum distichum) na adsorção de íons Pb (II) em sistemas aquosos. Parâmetros de adsorção, tais como solução pH, massa do adsorvente e tempo de contato foram estudados utilizando um planejamento fatorial 23. Chumbo foi detectado por espectrometria de absorção atômica com chama (FAAS). Os resultados mostraram que os efeitos principais do pH e massa adsorvente foram estatisticamente significativos, bem como a interação entre essas variáveis, indicando que uma avaliação individual dos parâmetros não seria apropriada, pois não forneceria informação sobre as interações. O efeito principal para o tempo de contato não apresentou significância estatística no sistema. Os resultados preditos usando modelo de regressão fatorial mostrou altos valores de coeficientes de regressão, indicando boa concordância com dados experimentais. Sob as condições otimizadas foi obtida uma capacidade máxima de adsorção de 14,68 mg g-1 com a eficiência de remoção de Pb (II) de 90%

    Influência da atividade física e hábitos alimentares na função cognitiva em idosos

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    A tendência de inversão da pirâmide etária traz importante preocupação na incidência de doenças em idosos, destacando-se o comprometimento cognitivo relacionado às síndromes demenciais. Diversos fatores de risco estão associados ao declínio cognitivo nesta população.  Dentre os modificáveis, a prática de atividade física e hábitos alimentares saudáveis configuram-se importantes medidas potencialmente protetoras à saúde mental. Avaliar a influência da atividade física e hábitos alimentares sobre a função cognitiva em idosos.  Revisão integrativa feita a partir de buscas na literatura nas bases de dados “PubMed” e “Scielo”. 20 trabalhos foram incluídos a partir de uma avaliação criteriosa relacionada ao tema proposto. Os trabalhos mostraram uma tendência de melhora da cognição em idosos a partir da prática de atividades físicas, utilizando como comparação diferentes escalas, como o MoCa, MEEM e o ADAS-Cog. No que tange a alimentação, também foi observada uma tendência de melhora de testes cognitivos a partir de hábitos alimentares específicos. Em ambos os fatores analisados, alguns trabalhos não obtiveram diferenças significativas na análise comparativa (p>0,05). A influência da atividade física no funcionamento cognitivo dos idosos foi testada por meio de exercícios de força, aeróbicos e de flexibilidade, com diferentes frequências e intensidades, o que dificultou o efeito comparativo. Porém, foram descobertos achados interessantes sobre o efeito de redução do declínio cognitivo e melhora de diversos índices - como memória, atenção, habilidades visuais e espaciais - desse grupo ao realizar as atividades.   Ademais, os artigos analisados apresentam que o padrão dietético com maior qualidade nutricional, aliada a hábitos de vida saudáveis, favorece a prevenção de doenças e comprometimento da funcionalidade e dos domínios cognitivos. Entre os limitantes dessas análises está o curto período de acompanhamento, desconsiderar a heterogeneidade dos padrões alimentares  e a falta de quantificação da influência isolada da alimentação na promoção desses benefícios   Os estudos analisados mostraram uma tendência de efeito protetor da atividade física e adoção de alimentação saudável sobre a função cognitiva em idosos, sendo Importante destacar os diferentes fatores limitantes dos trabalhos observados

    Parasite Fauna of Lutjanus synagris Commercialized in the Fish Market from Bragança-PA, Brazil

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    Studies about the parasite fauna of marine fish highlights as an important problem for public health with zoonotic parasites or affecting the fish quality. Thus, this study evaluated the parasite fauna of Lutjanus synagris commercialized in the fish market from Bragança-PA. In laboratory, 58 fish were measured, weighted and conducted to parasitological analysis to determine parasitological indexes and relative dominance. Every parasite was fixed and identified until to the lowest taxonomic level. Through the parasitological analysis, it found Cymothoidae, Digenea, Cucullanus sp. and Procamallanus (Spirocamallanus) sp., with total prevalence 67.24%. Digenea showed the highest prevalence and mean intensity values. For nematode, Cucullanus sp. obtained the greater prevalence and relative dominance, while Procamallanus (Spirocamallanus) sp. showed the greater mean intensity and abundance. Cymothoidae showed the lowest prevalence and mean intensity values. As conclusion, the parasite fauna of L. synagris has been noted with low diversity, reporting the nematode occurrence Procamallanus (Spirocamallanus)

    Improving 3-PG calibration and parameterization using artificial neural networks

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    Understanding how the physiological processes of trees are affected by the environment or silvicultural practices is important for forest management, which requires process-based models. It enables the evaluation of the growth of a forest under different scenarios. The 3-PG model has been widely used all over the world, justified by its simplicity and efficiency, as it uses a more accessible language and fewer parameters than other process-based models. It is a model of greatest interest for forest management because it enables the use of allometric equations to calculate variables of interest in this area, such as the average diameter at 1.30 m height (DBH), total height and stand volume. The 3-PG parameterization is essential to guarantee the model's good performance; however, in some cases, when observed data are not available, values from the literature is used or calibration is performed. In general, there is a mixture of these alternatives in the same parameterization, but some of the parameters generate greater sensitivity in some outputs or change according to site characteristics. In the present work, we analyzed the efficiency of artificial neural networks to predict some of the parameters pointed out in the literature as being of the greatest importance for 3-PG using climate and process variables as inputs. For this, a simulated database was generated, using 16 parameterizations of 3-PG, for different regions of Brazil. The parameters values of the DBH function (as and ns), minimum and maximum fraction of biomass allocated to the root (ηRn and ηRx), and age at full canopy cover (tc) were associated with this database. The Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) were trained using the database with parameter repetition over time and with the average condition of each site. In the second case, training was performed using 100% of the data, and validation was performed using a simulated database. The efficiency of neural networks has been proven in predicting the parameters as, ns and ηRx, with validation root mean squared error (RMSE) of 6.9%, 6.9% and 4.8%, in the first training approach, respectively. For training based on sites average condition RMSE was 20.7%, 3.0% and 8.8%, for as, ns and ηRx, respectively. The study showed the need for more scientific investigation for the other parameters, including information and input variables such as soil characteristics. As demonstrated in this study, the possibility of parameterizing 3-PG with ANNs or any machine learning technique may contribute to the broader use of this process-based model. In addition, artificial neural networks have great potential to assist in the calibration process of the 3-PG model, making this process more efficient by integrating environmental conditions and allowing the association between parameters. It is recommended to apply these ANNs for the conditions tested here