925 research outputs found

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    Latent Neural Differential Equations for Video Generation

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    Generative Adversarial Networks have recently shown promise for video generation, building off of the success of image generation while also addressing a new challenge: time. Although time was analyzed in some early work, the literature has not adequately grown with temporal modeling developments. We propose studying the effects of Neural Differential Equations to model the temporal dynamics of video generation. The paradigm of Neural Differential Equations presents many theoretical strengths including the first continuous representation of time within video generation. In order to address the effects of Neural Differential Equations, we will investigate how changes in temporal models affect generated video quality

    Improving the Accuracy of Juror Self-Reports of Bias During Rehabilitative \u3ci\u3eVoir Dire\u3c/i\u3e

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    The courts have long acknowledged pretrial publicity (PTP) as a source of juror bias. To safeguard defendants due process rights, jurors who harbor bias are frequently asked during voir dire if they can set aside their bias and be fair and impartial. Yet, jurors’ self-reports of their ability to be fair and impartial are largely inaccurate. For example, regardless of their level of exposure to PTP, jurors typically report an ability to be fair and impartial. Therefore, this method of so-called “juror rehabilitation” is ineffective. This project examines conformity pressures that may be inhibiting accurate self-reporting during juror rehabilitation and tests the effectiveness of a novel intervention for increasing the accuracy of jurors’ self-reports. Jurors overwhelmingly reported an ability be impartial even when they were exposed to PTP but still demonstrated bias from PTP in their verdict decisions. Efforts to minimize conformity pressures and lessen PTP bias were ineffective. It is therefore critical that the courts reconsider this practice of juror rehabilitation and explore more appropriate measures for evaluating juror bias

    Job satisfaction and working practices of South Africa dental therapists and oral hygienists

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    To determine the job satisfaction and working practices of oral hygienists and dental therapists. This was a descriptive cross sectional study of registered oral hygienists (N=960) and dental therapists (N=440) registered with the HPCSA in 2010. Data was collected by means of a self-administered questionnaire posted to respondent

    The psychosocial effect of the COVID-19 national lockdown on Dentistry and Oral Hygiene students

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    The COVID-19 lockdown has had a psychological and social impact on dental students globally. To determine the psychosocial effect on students enrolled in dentistry and oral hygiene courses at UWC. To determine the psychosocial effects (living conditions, levels of anxiety, fear of COVID-19, and food security levels) experienced by students during the lockdown. A descriptive, cross-sectional study using a quantitative approach was used. Methods: A randomised sample (n=250), stratified by sex and academic year group, comprising undergraduate oral hygiene BOH total students = 90 and dentistry BDS total students = 450 (UWC, 2020) was used. Data was gathered via an online survey, (Google Forms). Survey questions included the GAD-7, FCV-19S questionnaire, and Food Security scales. The data were analysed using Epi Info 7. The response rate was 36% (n=90); 69.67% were female; the mean age was 22.34 (SD = 2.66); 91% lived with their parents during lockdown. Students’ main sources of funding were parents (47%), NSFAS or bursary (42%) and self-funded (11%). Substantial psychosocial effects with high anxiety (33%), fear of COVID-19 (47.3 %), and a lesser effect for food insecurity (FI) (5.49%) was reported. The study showed that the COVID-19 pandemic has contributed to psychosocial effects in a discipline that under ‘normal” conditions is experienced as stressful. This requires educational institutions to develop a targeted approach through relevant support systems that would identify vulnerable students at critical times

    Being and becoming a university teacher

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    This study examined how one academic framed the enablements and constraints to her project of being and becoming an academic. Complexity facilitated reflection in that it provided a visual representation of data, which was used to generate a concept map, which represented as equal all the component parts of her landscape. Five spaces with emancipatory potential to assist the academic in her professional development emerged, namely: communities of practice, academic freedom, position statements, development opportunities and a supportive environment. Rather than suggesting any generalisability in the findings, the authors argue that the significance of this study is theoretical and methodological. Complexity theory has the potential to help academic development practitioners understand the landscapes in which their academics operate, and guide appropriate development opportunities

    Mapping an appropriate health promotion approach for crèches in an informal settlement

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    People living in informal settlements in South Africa experience the double burden of poverty and ill health. Wallacedene, an informal settlement was highlighted in the media as being a socially and otherwise deprived community, with many accompanying health problems. Aim: It was against this background that this study was conducted to gain a better understanding of the health and oral health status of children attending crèches in Wallacedene

    Frailsafe: from conception to national breakthrough collaborative

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    The number of people aged over 60 years worldwide is projected to rise from 605 million in 2000 to almost 2 billion by 2050, while those over 80 years will quadruple to 395 million. Two-thirds of UK acute hospital admissions are over 65, the highest consultation rate in general practice is in those aged 85-89 and the average age of elective surgical patients is increasing. Adjusting medical systems to meet the demographic imperative has been recognised by the World Health Organisation to be the next global healthcare priority and is a key feature of discussions on policy, health services structures, workforce reconfiguration and frontline care delivery

    Entry Into Romantic Partnership Is Associated With Obesity

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    Body mass index is highly correlated between spouses; however, less is understood about the underlying mechanism(s) by which the development of obesity in one individual increases the risk of obesity in his/her spouse. The objective of this study is to investigate whether romantic partnership and duration of cohabitation are related to incident obesity and obesity-promoting behaviors. We used two datasets from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health: 1) 6,949 U.S. adolescents (wave II, 1996) followed into adulthood (wave III, 2001−02) and 2) 1,293 dating, cohabiting, and married romantic couples from wave III, including measured anthropometry and self-report behavior data. In the longitudinal cohort, we used sex-stratified logistic regression models to examine the risk of incident obesity by longitudinal romantic relationship status and duration of time spent living with a romantic partner. In the Couples Sample, we used multinomial logistic regression to predict concordance in outcomes: obesity, moderate-to-vigorous physical activity, and screen time by romantic partnership and duration of time living with a romantic partner. Individuals who transitioned from single/dating to cohabiting or married were more likely to become obese than those who were dating at both waves. Partner concordance for negative, obesity-related behaviors was strongest for married couples and couples who lived together ≥2 years. The shared household environment may increase the likelihood of becoming obese and influence partner concordance and may be an important target for obesity intervention
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