13 research outputs found

    Methodological vector of professional training development of foreign language teachers

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    Until recently, the question of the methodological role in the professional activity of a teacher, depending on the peculiarities of the performed functions, has remained unexplored. Also, a number of urgent problems have not been fully studied. What is the actual connection between teaching methodology and methodology? What is the influence of methodology on teaching methodology? How can methodology help teachers while implementing their multifunctional professional tasks? This study can be divided into several stages: identification of the connection between the general methodology of teaching foreign languages and methodology (the first stage of the research); clarification of the main directions of the methodological function implementation of the theory of teaching foreign languages (second stage of the research); specifying the conditions of the successful implementation of the methodological function of teaching foreign languages theory (third stage of the research). The study not only reveals the connections between teaching methodology with methodology, but also identifies the prospects for the development of methodological thought in relation to the professional training of foreign language teachers. This prospect is closely related to the methodological function of teaching methodology. The implementation of the present function is aimed at the research, reconstruction and description of certain methods and value-based objects of language education as well as methodological reflection of scientific research conducted within the framework of the given study and the educational activity. The consideration of the teaching methodology from the point of view of methodology allows us to reveal the content and direction of the methodological function realisation within the given science as well as to provide arguments for the significance of the inclusion into the scientific vocabulary of such categories as ‘methodological consciousness’ and ‘methodological culture’

    The fungal literature-based occurrence database in southern West Siberia (Russia)

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    The abstract presents the initiative to develop the Fungal Literature-based Occurrence Database for Southern West Siberia (FuSWS), which mobilizes occurrences of fungi from published literature (literature-based occurrences, Darwin Core MaterialCitation). The FuSWS database includes 28 fields describing species name, publication source, herbarium number (if exists), date of sampling or observation, locality information, vegetation, substrate, and others. The initiative on digitization of literature-based occurrence data started in the northern part of Western Siberia two years ago (Filippova et al. 2021a). The present project extends the initiative to the south and includes eight administrative regions (Sverdlovsk, Omsk, Kurgan, Tomsk, Novosibirsk, Kemerovo, Altay, and Gorny Altay). The area occupies the central to southern part of the West Siberian Plain. It extends for about 1.5 thousand km from the west to the east from the eastern slopes of the Ural Mountains to Yenisey River, and from north to south—about 1.3 thousand km. The total area equals about 1.2 million km2.Currently, the project is actively growing in spatial, collaboration and data accumulation terms. The working group of about 30 mycologists from 16 organizations dedicated to the digitization initiative was created as part of the Siberian Mycological Society (informal organization since 2019). They have created the most complete bibliographic list of mycology-related papers for the Southern West Siberia, including over 800 publications for the last two centuries (the earliest dated 1800). At abstract submission, the database had been populated with a total of about 10K records from about 100 sources. The dataset is uploaded to GBIF, where it is available for online search of species occurrences and/or download (Filippova et al. 2021b) Fig. 1. The project's page with the introduction, templates, bibliography list, video-presentations and written instructions is available at the website of the Siberian Mycological Society (https://sibmyco.org/literaturedatabase).The following protocol describes the digitization workflow in detail:The bibliography of related publications is compiled using Zotero bibliographic manager. Only published works (peer-reviewed papers, conference proceedings, PhD theses, monographs or book chapters) are selected. If possible, the sources are digitized and added to the library as PDF files. The template of the FuSWS database is made with Google Sheets, which allows simultaneous use by several specialists, in a common data format provided. The simple Microsoft Excel template is also available for the offline databasing. The Darwin Core standard is applied to the database field structure to accommodate the relevant information extracted from the publications.From the available bibliography of publications related to the region, only works with species occurrences are selected for the databasing purpose. The main source of occurrences is annotated species lists with exact localities of the records. However, different sorts of other species citations are also extracted, provided that they had the connection to any geography. All occurrences are georeferenced, either from the coordinates provided in the paper, or from the verbatim description of the field work locality. The georeferencing of the verbatim descriptions is made using Yandex or Google map services. Depending on the quality of georeference provided in publications, the uncertainty is estimated as follows: 1) the coordinate of a fruiting structure or a plot provided in the publication gives the uncertainty about 3-30 meters; 2) the coordinate of the field work locality provided in publication gives the uncertainty about 500 m to 5 km; 3) the report of the species presence in a particular region gives the centroid of the area with the uncertainty radius to include its borders.The locality names reported in Russian are translated to English and written in the «locality» field. Russian descriptions are reserved in the field «verbatimLocality» for accuracy.When possible, the «eventDate» is extracted from the annotation data. Whenever this information is absent, the date of the publication is used instead with the remarks in the «verbatimEventDate» field.The ecological features, habitat and substrate preferences are written in the «habitat» field and reserved in Russian.The original scientific names reported in publications are filled in the «originalNameUsage» field. Correction of spelling errors is made using the GBIF Species Matching tool. This tool is also used to create the additional fields of taxonomic hierarchy from species to kingdom, to fill in the «taxonRank» field and to synonymize according to the GBIF Backbone Taxonomy.To track the digitization process, a worksheet is maintained. Each bibliographic record has a series of fields to describe the digitization process and its results: the total number of extracted occurrence records, general description of the occurrence quality, presence of the observation date, details of georeferencing and the name of a person responsible for the digitization

    The fungal literature-based occurrence database for southern West Siberia (Russia)

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    The paper presents the initiative on literature-based occurrence data mobilisation of fungi and fungi-related organisms (literature-based occurrences, Darwin Core MaterialCitation) to develop the Fungal literature-based occurrence database for the southern West Siberia (FuSWS). The initiative on mobilisation of literature-based occurrence data started in the northern part of West Siberia in 2016. The present project extends the initiative to the southern regions and includes ten administrative territories (Tyumen Region, Sverdlovsk Region, Chelyabinsk Region, Omsk Region, Kurgan Region, Tomsk Region, Novosibirsk Region, Kemerovo Region, Altai Territory and Republic of Altai). The area occupies the central to southern part of the West Siberian Plain and extends for about 1.5 K km from the west to the east from the eastern slopes of the Ural Mountains to Yenisey River and from north to south—about 1.3 K km. The total area equals about 1.4 million km . The initiative is actively growing in spatial, collaboration and data accumulation terms. The working group of about 30 mycologists from eight organisations dedicated to the data mobilisation was created as part of the Siberian Mycological Society (informal organisation since 2019). They have compiled the almost complete bibliographic list of mycology-related papers for the southern West Siberia, including over 900 publications for the last two centuries (the earliest dated 1800). All literature sources were digitised and an online library was created to integrate bibliography metadata and digitised papers using Zotero bibliography manager. The analysis of published sources showed that about two-thirds of works contain occurrences of fungi for the scope of mobilisation. At the time of the paper submission, the database had been populated with a total of about 8 K records from 93 sources. The dataset is uploaded to GBIF, where it is available for online search of species occurrences and/or download. The project's page with the introduction, templates, bibliography list, video-presentations and written instructions is available (in Russian) at the web site of the Siberian Mycological Society. The initiative will be continued in the following years to extract the records from all published sources. New information The paper presents the first project with the aim of literature-based occurrence data mobilisation of fungi and fungi-related organisms in the southern West Siberia. The full bibliography and a digital library of all regional mycological publications created for the first time includes about 900 published works. By the time of paper submission, nearly 8 K occurrence records were extracted from about 90 literature sources and integrated into the FuSWS database published in GBIF

    Russisch-nordkoreanische Beziehungen - eine Inhaltsanalyse auf Basis der Berichterstattung der Zentralen Koreanischen Nachrichtenagentur im Zeitraum vom 01.01.2016 bis 10.05.2019

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    In den letzten Jahren stieg die Häufigkeit der Atom- und Raketentests der DVRK, was eine weitere Verschärfung von wirtschaftlichen Sanktionen gegen die DVRK in der Weltgemeinschaft zur Folge hatte. Die Sanktionen wirkten sich negativ auf die bilaterale Zusammenarbeit zwischen der DVRK und der Russischen Föderation aus, sodass viele gemeinsame Projekte eingestellt wurden. Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit der Geschichte der russisch-nordkoreanischen Beziehungen und konzentriert sich auf die Analyse der auf der Webseite der KCNA im Zeitraum vom 01.01.2016 bis 10.05.2019 veröffentlichten Artikel, die die offizielle Haltung der Russischen Föderation gegenüber dem Atomproblem auf der koreanischen Halbinsel, den gegen die DVRK verhängten Sanktionen und gegenüber der sich daraus ergebenden Situation beschreiben. Die Analyse geht der Frage nach, welche Bestandteile und Besonderheiten der offiziellen Meinung der Russischen Föderation in der medialen Berichterstattung der KCNA erkennbar sind. Des Weiteren wird festgestellt, ob die Russische Föderation in der DVRK positiv, negativ oder neutral dargestellt wird. Im Zuge der Arbeit werden anhand der qualitativen Inhaltsanalyse nach Mayring die folgenden Erkenntnisse gewonnen: In der Veröffentlichung der russischen offiziellen Meinung legte die KCNA ihren Schwerpunkt auf die Kritik der Russischen Föderation an den gegen die DVRK verhängten Sanktionen, den USA sowie den Maßnahmen der USA und ihrer Verbündeter gegen die DVRK und auf die Stützung der nordkoreanischen Position. In der Berichterstattung der KCNA gibt es keine Informationen von Seiten der Russischen Föderation, die gegenüber der DVRK negativ ausgelegt werden könnten. Mittels der gewonnenen Erkenntnisse ergibt sich, dass die nordkoreanische Regierung eine freundliche Position gegenüber der Russischen Föderation einnimmt. Die Russische Föderation pflegt trotz ihrer Besorgnis über die nordkoreanische Atompolitik und ihrer damit verbundenen Kritik an dem nordkoreanischen Atomprogramm ebenso gute Beziehungen zu der DVRK, indem sie mit der DVRK interagiert und als ständiges Mitglied des UN-Sicherheitsrates versucht, den Sanktionsdruck auf die DVRK zu verringern


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    The Arctic coasts in permafrost regions are currently quickly retreating, being extremely vulnerable to the ongoing environmental changes. While the spatial variability of their retreat rates is determined by local geomorphological and cryolithological aspects, their temporal evolution is governed mainly by hydrometeorological factors, namely, wave action coupled to thermoabrasion (thermodenudation), are active during ice- free period. We define the combined wave and thermal action as “hydrometeorological stress”, and analyze its components and evolution, confirming it by known natural and remote sensing observations of coastal retreat rates. We estimated changes in the main hydrometeorological factors in the XX and XXI centuries for several sites on the coasts of the Kara andBarentsSeasbasing on observation and ERA reanalysis data. The term of hydrometeorological forcing is intended as an increment of the hydrometeorological stress, occurring because of changes of the hydrometeorological factors. Our results show that the current thermodenudation forcing amounts 15-50% of the 1979-1988 mean level and thermoabrasion forcing is equal to 35-130%. We detected 1989 (1993) – 1997 and 2005 – 2013 as periods of extreme hydrometeorological stress, as far as both thermodenudation and thermoabrasion were in a positive phase. It was also revealed that the hydrometeorological stress of the recent 10 years was apparently unprecedentedly high at the Barents-Kara region: the previous Arctic warming of the 1930-40s caused high thermoabrasion rates due to longer ice-free period despite cold summer temperatures, while, the latest ongoing warming shows previously unseen simultaneous increase in both thermodenudation and thermoabrasion

    Investigation of multiphase equilibria in the subsolidus of BaO–CoO–Fe2O3–Al2O3 system

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    One of the most important problems related to the development of new nonmetal materials and their performance characteristics is to predict the phase composition. The most comprehensive information on phase interactions and the thermodynamic stability of phase combinations is given by the state diagrams. The materials synthesized in the system subsolidus domain can be predicted the most accurately, because their sintering occurs without participation of the melt. Due to the above fact, the studies of the subsolidus structure of BaO – CoO – Fe2O3 – Al2O3 system are of great interest, because on the basis of this system we can obtain a huge amount of nonmetal materials with prescribed properties, for example ferrimagnetic materials to protect from electromagnetic radiation, because the system compounds have cementing, refractory and ferrimagnetic properties. To study the structure of BaO – CoO – Fe2O3 – Al2O3 system in detail the authors summed up already known data on the thermodynamic constants of system compounds. This allowed us to do the thermodynamic analysis of multiphase equilibrium processes that occur in the subsolidus of BaO – CoO – Fe2O3 – Al2O3 system that was used as a basis for the plotting of the state diagram for the subsolidus domain of the system. A promising field for the application of obtained data is the cement production technology. The produced cement can be used independently and as a binding material to produce special cements and materials that retain their properties when exposed to the action of high-frequency electromagnetic radiation

    Investigation of multiphase equilibria in the subsolidus of BaO–CoO–Fe

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    One of the most important problems related to the development of new nonmetal materials and their performance characteristics is to predict the phase composition. The most comprehensive information on phase interactions and the thermodynamic stability of phase combinations is given by the state diagrams. The materials synthesized in the system subsolidus domain can be predicted the most accurately, because their sintering occurs without participation of the melt. Due to the above fact, the studies of the subsolidus structure of BaO – CoO – Fe2O3 – Al2O3 system are of great interest, because on the basis of this system we can obtain a huge amount of nonmetal materials with prescribed properties, for example ferrimagnetic materials to protect from electromagnetic radiation, because the system compounds have cementing, refractory and ferrimagnetic properties. To study the structure of BaO – CoO – Fe2O3 – Al2O3 system in detail the authors summed up already known data on the thermodynamic constants of system compounds. This allowed us to do the thermodynamic analysis of multiphase equilibrium processes that occur in the subsolidus of BaO – CoO – Fe2O3 – Al2O3 system that was used as a basis for the plotting of the state diagram for the subsolidus domain of the system. A promising field for the application of obtained data is the cement production technology. The produced cement can be used independently and as a binding material to produce special cements and materials that retain their properties when exposed to the action of high-frequency electromagnetic radiation

    Management of changes in the insurance industry in the conditions of climate crisis

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    The insurance industry is rather effective in overcoming consequences of natural disasters. Insurance companies play a key role in financing natural disasters consequences, at the same time they sustain record losses and are in difficult financial conditions. Taking into account the above said, the issues of management of insurers risks is up-today and is connected with climate change. In article the content of “climate risk” as risk is specified, the emergence of which is caused by human activity, which leads to pollution, resulting from industrial activity and other sources that greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide) which are capable to absorb a range of infrared radiation generate and, as a result, predetermine warming of the global atmosphere that brings to change of structure of the world atmosphere and adds natural climate instability during the certain periods of time. The most destructive dangers threatening to mankind owing to global warming are systematized. Types of risks and their sphere of manifestation in Ukraine are outlined. The directions of adaptation of the insurance industry to changes, caused by climatic crisis are defined. Due to results of the research, the theoretical generalization and author’s solutions of a scientific task are offered, which appear in the development of scientific and methodical approaches and justification of practical recommendations about modernization of activity of insurance companies and reinsurers in the conditions of risks, generated by global climate changes. Scientific novelty of the research: specifying the role of the insurance industry regarding the prevention of risks connected with global warming

    Permafrost Degradation within Eastern Chukotka CALM Sites in the 21st Century Based on CMIP5 Climate Models

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    Permafrost degradation caused by contemporary climate change significantly affects arctic regions. Active layer thickening combined with the thaw subsidence of ice-rich sediments leads to irreversible transformation of permafrost conditions and activation of exogenous processes, such as active layer detachment, thermokarst and thermal erosion. Climatic and permafrost models combined with a field monitoring dataset enable the provision of predicted estimations of the active layer and permafrost characteristics. In this paper, we present the projections of active layer thickness and thaw subsidence values for two Circumpolar Active Layer Monitoring (CALM) sites of Eastern Chukotka coastal plains. The calculated parameters were used for estimation of permafrost degradation rates in this region for the 21st century under various IPCC climate change scenarios. According to the studies, by the end of the century, the active layer will be 6−13% thicker than current values under the RCP (Representative Concentration Pathway) 2.6 climate scenario and 43−87% under RCP 8.5. This process will be accompanied by thaw subsidence with the rates of 0.4−3.7 cm∙a−1. Summarized surface level lowering will have reached up to 5 times more than current active layer thickness. Total permafrost table lowering by the end of the century will be from 150 to 310 cm; however, it will not lead to non-merging permafrost formation

    Development of ecological thinking of students-designers with the help of project activity

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    Эффективное формирование экологического мышления студентов-дизайнеров в ландшафтном проектировании обеспечивается включением в учебный процесс инновационных методов . Effective development of ecological thinking of students-designers in landscape design is provided with the help of innovative methods of training in educational process