209 research outputs found

    Интеграция мигрантов второго поколения в Москве в возрасте 18—30 лет: первые результаты исследовательского проекта

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    В статье представлены результаты первого этапа исследовательского проекта, посвященного ин-теграционным траекториям мигрантов второго поколения в России в раннем взрослом возрасте. На основании серии глубинных интервью с молодыми взрослыми армянского и азербайджанского происхождения демонстрируются типичные паттерны структурного, социального, культурного и идентификационного аспекта интеграции, характерные для этой группы. Показано, что представители этой группы нацелены на получение высшего образования, а после окончания ВУЗа предпочитают искать работу на «общем» рынке труда. Вместе с этим они характеризуются сильной этнической самоидентификацией, а их нормативные установки зачастую носят маргинальный и внутренне неконсистентный характер

    Draft Genome Sequence of Frankia Strain G2, a Nitrogen-Fixing Actinobacterium Isolated from Casuarina equisetifolia and Able To Nodulate Actinorhizal Plants of the Order Rhamnales

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    Frankia sp. strain G2 was originally isolated from Casuarina equisetifolia and is characterized by its ability to nodulate actinorhizal plants of the Rhamnales order, but not its original host. It represents one of the largest Frankia genomes so far sequenced (9.5 Mbp)

    Draft genome sequence of Frankia sp. strain DC12, an atypical, noninfective, ineffective isolate from Datisca cannabina

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    Frankia sp. strain DC12, isolated from root nodules of Datisca cannabina, is a member of the fourth lineage of Frankia, which is unable to reinfect actinorhizal plants. Here, we report its 6.88-Mbp high-quality draft genome sequence, with a G+C content of 71.92% and 5,858 candidate protein-coding genes

    Permanent improved high-quality draft genome sequence of Nocardia casuarinae strain BMG51109, an endophyte ofactinorhizal root nodules of Casuarina glauca

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    Here, we report the first genome sequence of aNocardiaplant endophyte, N. casuarinaestrain BMG51109, isolated fromCasu-arina glaucaroot nodules. The improved high-quality draft genome sequence contains 8,787,999 bp with a 68.90% GC contentand 7,307 predicted protein-coding genes

    Permanent draft genome sequence of Nocardia sp. BMG111209, an actinobacterium isolated from nodules of Casuarina glauca

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    Nocardia sp. strain BMG111209 is a non-Frankia actinobacterium isolated from root nodules of Casuarina glauca in Tunisia. Here, we report the 9.1-Mbp draft genome sequence of Nocardia sp. strain BMG111209 with a G + C content of 69.19% and 8,122 candidate protein-encoding genes

    ProDeGe: a computational protocol for fully automated decontamination of genomes

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    Single amplified genomes and genomes assembled from metagenomes have enabled the exploration of uncultured microorganisms at an unprecedented scale. However, both these types of products are plagued by contamination. Since these genomes are now being generated in a high-throughput manner and sequences from them are propagating into public databases to drive novel scientific discoveries, rigorous quality controls and decontamination protocols are urgently needed. Here, we present ProDeGe (Protocol for fully automated Decontamination of Genomes), the first computational protocol for fully automated decontamination of draft genomes. ProDeGe classifies sequences into two classes—clean and contaminant—using a combination of homology and feature-based methodologies. On average, 84% of sequence from the non-target organism is removed from the data set (specificity) and 84% of the sequence from the target organism is retained (sensitivity). The procedure operates successfully at a rate of ~0.30 CPU core hours per megabase of sequence and can be applied to any type of genome sequence

    Revised sequence and annotation of the Rhodobacter sphaeroides 2.4.1 Genome

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    The DNA sequences of chromosomes I and II of Rhodobacter sphaeroides strain 2.4.1 have been revised, and the annotation of the entire genomic sequence, including both chromosomes and the five plasmids, has been updated. Errors in the originally published sequence have been corrected, and ∼11% of the coding regions in the original sequence have been affected by the revised annotation