286 research outputs found

    Carrying across Language and Code

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    With reference to electronic literature translation projects in which we have been involved as translators or as authors of the source work, we argue that the process of translation can expose how language and computation interrelate in electronic literature. (Prepared for the Translating E-Literature Conference, Université Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis, June 12-14, 2012

    Creative Material Computing in a Laboratory Context

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    Principles for organizing a laboratory with material computing resources are articulated. This laboratory, the Trope Tank, is a facility for teaching, research, and creative collaboration and offers hardware (in working condition and set up for use) from the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s, including videogame systems, home computers, an arcade cabinet, and a workstation. Other resources include controllers, peripherals, manuals, books, and software on physical media. In reorganizing the space, we considered its primary purpose as a laboratory (rather than as a library or studio), organized materials by platform and intended use, and provided additional cues and textual information about the historical contexts of the available systems

    Native-speakerism: A Thorn in the Side of ELT

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    AbstractNative-speakerism, as Kumaravadivelu (2016, p. 82) famously noted, is a subject where “seldom in the annals of an academic discipline have so many toiled for so long and achieved so little”. There have been several suggestions for the reverse of this trend but none of them appear to have penetrated the mainstream industry. This article aims to reflect on this phenomenon by analysing the study of attitudes towards native-speakerism among students in Portugal and the UK with a particular emphasis on attitudes towards NS and NNS accents including features such as accuracy which included an evaluation of the students’ own accents in English and their goals for learning English in terms of acquisition/non-acquisition of a particular variety of English and attitudes towards English as a lingua franca. Overall, it was found that native-speakerism is widespread amongst students learning English, which corroborates other studies on this topic. Nevertheless, students in this study appear to show an interest in learning more about English varieties and World Englishes even though they are drawn to and hold the dominant standard - UK and American varieties - as the benchmark of acceptability and aspiration. By arguing that the frequently proposed measures cannot tackle native-speakerism on a truly global scale, this paper is meant to contribute to the body of research on native-speakerism and at the same time take a critical approach towards the perspectives of eliminating native-speakerism

    Impacts of Tropical Cyclones in the Northern Atlantic on Adverse Phenomena Formation in Northeastern Brazil

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    Tropical cyclone (TC) impacts on adverse phenomena in the tropical region of Northeastern Brazil (NEB) have been analyzed. TC influence on fog and rain formation was not described in the previous papers. The main goal of the chapter is to evaluate the existence of such influence and thus to improve the weather forecasting in this area. TC information from the NHC of the NOAA was used. METAR and SYNOP data were used for the adverse phenomena study. Analysis of the synoptic systems was based on different maps at the pattern levels and on satellite images. These maps were elaborated using reanalysis data from the ECMWF. Thermodynamic analysis was also used. Middle tropospheric cyclonic vortexes (MTCV) in the tropical region of the Southern Atlantic were described recently. Five from 10 MTCVs were associated with tropical cyclones and disturbances in the Northern Atlantic. Circulation patterns between TC and synoptic systems at the NEB are described. These circulations create sinking over the BNE and, as a result, form fog, mist and weak rain in the BNE during TC days. Mechanisms of TC influence on weather formation in the BNE are presented. This information is important for improving weather forecasting methods

    Estudos de Casos de Trovoadas com Descargas Elétricas em Alagoas

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    O aperfeiçoamento do método de previsão a curto prazo de trovoadas é de extrema importância para a segurança de toda a população no estado de Alagoas. O principal objetivo desse trabalho é contribuir no aperfeiçoamento da previsão de trovoadas, através da análise sinótica e termodinâmica de eventos já ocorridos. Para isso, foram utilizados dados do Departamento de Controle do Espaço Aéreo; Núcleo de Monitoramento de Descargas Atmosféricas do Grupo de Eletricidade Atmosférica do INPE; Reanálise do European Center for Medium range Weather Forecasting e modelo HYSPLIT. A análise foi feita para os anos de 2018 e 2019 e permitiram identificar quatro casos com duração superior a 3 horas. Os sistemas sinóticos que mais atuaram foram Correntes de Jato do Nordeste Brasileiro e Vórtice Ciclônico de Altos Níveis. O Perfil Simulado das temperaturas mostra que a energia CAPE e índice LI apresentam uma atmosfera propícia à existência de instabilidade moderada e possibilidade de trovadas. Em Alagoas o CAPE foi maior nas trovoadas de 18 UTC do que em horários anteriores. O Perfil Previsto em até 48 horas indicou a presença de chuva e trovoadas através dos índices LI e Showalter. Os índices K e TT apontaram resultados não satisfatórios. As descargas elétricas atingiram as regiões com aumento do relevo e maiores valores de precipitações. A análise de distribuição de descargas elétricas nos eventos de trovoadas é um resultado novo para a região do estudo

    LLMs Simulate Big Five Personality Traits: Further Evidence

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    An empirical investigation into the simulation of the Big Five personality traits by large language models (LLMs), namely Llama2, GPT4, and Mixtral, is presented. We analyze the personality traits simulated by these models and their stability. This contributes to the broader understanding of the capabilities of LLMs to simulate personality traits and the respective implications for personalized human-computer interaction

    Nostalgia for Soviet Estonia: Discursive Elements of Shared Memory in the Facebook Group “Sovetskaia Estoniia – Eesti NSV”

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    This paper explores the role of online platforms in shaping a nostalgic discourse around Estonia’s Soviet past, focusing on the Facebook group “Советская Эстония – Eesti NSV” (Soviet Estonia). Despite official condemnation of the Soviet legacy, this bilingual Russian-Estonian group fosters a positive representation of the era through shared photos and personal memories. Utilizing sociolinguistic methods, the study examines posts and comment threads, unveiling discursive mechanisms employed to reinforce group identity and leverage nostalgia. Members engage in discussions that not only counter the official narrative regarding the past but also extend to contemporary political issues. The research highlights the impact of digital tools and social media in facilitating the construction of collective memory and challenging dominant historical perspectives

    Innovative Approaches to Teaching Foreign Languages at the University

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    The article is concerned with the substantiation of innovative approaches to teaching foreign languages at the university. It is established that during the professional training of specialists at the university, the special emphasis should be given to the application of innovative forms and methods of training aimed at qualitative mastering of knowledge, abilities, and skills, developing students’ mental activities, identifying skills of critical addressing the problems, gaining experience of independent learning of training materials, conducting exploration work, and gaining qualities that will be useful in professional activities and later in life. It is proved that the effectiveness of teaching foreign languages at the university will depend on the desire and ability of teachers to take advantage of successful practices in the humanistic approach to teaching, understanding the need to abandon authoritarian and scholastic teaching methods

    Innovative Approaches to Teaching Foreign Languages at the University

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    The article is concerned with the substantiation of innovative approaches to teaching foreign languages at the university. It is established that during the professional training of specialists at the university, the special emphasis should be given to the application of innovative forms and methods of training aimed at qualitative mastering of knowledge, abilities, and skills, developing students’ mental activities, identifying skills of critical addressing the problems, gaining experience of independent learning of training materials, conducting exploration work, and gaining qualities that will be useful in professional activities and later in life. It is proved that the effectiveness of teaching foreign languages at the university will depend on the desire and ability of teachers to take advantage of successful practices in the humanistic approach to teaching, understanding the need to abandon authoritarian and scholastic teaching methods

    Innovative Approaches to Teaching Foreign Languages at the University

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    The article is concerned with the substantiation of innovative approaches to teaching foreign languages at the university. It is established that during the professional training of specialists at the university, the special emphasis should be given to the application of innovative forms and methods of training aimed at qualitative mastering of knowledge, abilities, and skills, developing students’ mental activities, identifying skills of critical addressing the problems, gaining experience of independent learning of training materials, conducting exploration work, and gaining qualities that will be useful in professional activities and later in life. It is proved that the effectiveness of teaching foreign languages at the university will depend on the desire and ability of teachers to take advantage of successful practices in the humanistic approach to teaching, understanding the need to abandon authoritarian and scholastic teaching methods