942 research outputs found


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    Tata naskah dinas adalah satu bentuk wacana produk hukum yang mengatur penulisan naskah kedinasan di lingkungan pemerintah di antaranya pemerintah daerah. Dalam penyuntingannya, adakalanya bahasa wacana itu sulit diperbaiki jika diarahkan kepada gramatika yang ideal. Alasan yang ditemukan untuk itu cukup absurd, yakni akan adanya penolakan atau tidak ditanggapinya konsep surat yang diajukan. Tampaknya, ada ideologi tertentu yang berpengaruh di sana. Dalam kajian teori kritis, pengaruh seperti itu tampak merupakan bagian dari topik hegemoni. Untuk itu, penelitian ini ditujukan untuk menggali realitas hegemoni itu melalui ancangan analisis wacana (kritis). Data penelitian ini diambil dari Permendagri No. 54 Tahun 2009 tentang Tata Naskah Dinas di Lingkungan Pemerintah Daerah. Data dibatasi pada bagian Ketentuan Umum yang memuat sejumlah konseptualisasi objek nota dinas. Teori yang akan digunakan dalam penelitian ini mengacu kepada teori kritis sejumlah ahli di antaranya, Michel Foucault, Norman Fairclough, dan Habermas. Alasan utamanya adalah bahwa teori kritik yang mereka ajukan mempunyai kesamaan dalam melihat bahasa sebagai wacana. Mereka sepakat bahwa bahasa adalah salah satu penanda praktik sosial yang memuat identitas, relasi sosial, dan sistem pengetahuan, serta keyakinan. Selain itu bahasa diakui memiliki fungsi ideasional dan interpersonal. Secara ideasional bahasa digunakan untuk membuat sistem pengetahuan. Sementara itu, secara interpersonal, konstruksi bahasa dibuat untuk menciptakan subjek-subjek dan identitas tertentu dalam menjalankan relasi satu sama lain. Foucault secara khusus menyatakan bahwa di dalam wacana terdapat relasi antara kuasa dan pengetahuan. Gagasan-gagasan itu pula yang cenderung tersembunyi dalam konseptualisasi objek naskah dinas. Data penelitian ini dianalisis dengan teknik rekonstruksi dan dekonstruksi terhadap konsep pada tataran struktur teks (mikroteks) untuk melihat pilahan unsur dalam bentuk subjek dan indentitas yang termaktub dalam konsep. Kewacanaan unsur itu dideskripsikan berdasarkan relasi antara fungsi dan identitasnya. Kemudian, posisi antarfungsi diuji dengan teknik pembandingan dan pembalikan unsur untuk melihat keberterimaannya secara semantik dan secara pragmatik (mesoteks dan makroteks). Dari analisis terlihat adanya 3 maujud konstruksi: 2 konstruksi yang relatif sistematis dan 1 yang relatif tidak sistematis. Dua konstruksi yang dimaksud mempunyai pola objek + verba kopula + konsep definisi (klausa tematik x dan y) masing-masing dapat diberik karakteristik direksional dan nondireksional. Sementara itu, konstruksi yang relative kurang jelas itu adalah bentuk tidak konsisten terhadap ciri konseptualnya. Kecenderungan yang terlihat ialah jika konsepnya bersifat direksional, strukturnya akan lebih mengedepankan klausa teks Sumber (pola SI) daripada klausa teks Isi (pola IS); sedangkan jika konsepnya bersifat nondireksional, strukturnya lebih mengedepankan klausa teks Isi (pola IS) daripada klausa teks Sumber (pola SI), tetapi tidak terlalu ketat. Pada struktur dan ciri SI itulah tersimpan pengetahuan yang absurd sekaligus menyebabkan ketidakkuasaan kelompok sosial tertentu untuk mengikuti bentuk tuturan (yang dianggap) ideal. Hal itu pula yang menjadi titik tolak pengaturan yang baku dan sistematis perihal pemosisian hegemoni dan kekuasaan dalam konsep objek naskah dinas

    Ion backflow studies with a triple-GEM stack with increasing hole pitch

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    Gas Electron Multipliers have undergone a very consistent development since their invention in 1997. Their production procedures have been tuned in such a way that nowadays it is possible to produce foils with areas of the order of the square meter that can operate at a reasonable gain, uniform over large areas and with a good stability in what concerns electrical discharges. For the third run of LHC, they will be included in the CMS and ALICE experiments after significant upgrades of the detectors, confirming that these structures are suitable for very large experiments. In the special case of Time Projection Chambers, the ion backflow and the energy resolution are sensitive issues that must be addressed and the GEM has shown to be able to deal with both of them. In this work, a stack of three GEMs with different pitches has been studied as a possible future approach for ion-backflow suppression to be used in TPCs and other detection concepts. With this approach, an ion backflow of 1 % with an energy resolution of 12 % at 5.9 keV has been achieved with the detector operating in an Ar/CO2 (90/10) mixture at a gain of ~ 2000.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figure


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    From a linguistic point of view, short stories are classified into the type of discourse. Therefore, the tracing of everything on the authors’ intentions can be done through linguistic approaches, among them through discourse and pragmatic analysis approaches. Furthermore, since short stories also classified as works of art (literature), so a semiotic approach can be relevant to support the approaches of discourse and pragmatics analysis. The data in this study comes from the text of a short story titled “Alun-Alun Seribu Patung” by Danarto.  The data was obtained by using observation method through recording technique as a basic technique and note-taking technique as an advanced technique.   Through text deconstruction, at least there are 16 derivative text constructions selected as the data which reflect the association of  the short story with the political reality at the reformation and post-reformation periods (1998—2006). The description of data becomes the clues that actually the author pragmatically did a number of actions, namely reflecting, associating, predicting, evaluating, and criticizing something related to the political and natural events during the reformation and post-reformation periods


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    Abstrak Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pengembangan sistem aplikasi penjadwalan mata kuliah dengan mengimplementasikan algoritma genetika. Sebagai ujicoba kemampuan sistem yang dikembangkan untuk pembuatan jadwal mata kuliah, digunakan datamata kuliah pada Fakultas Ilmu KomputerUniversitas Katolik Santo Thomas. Implementasi perangkat lunak yang dikembangkan, diujicobakan pada tiga kelompok data dengan jumlah mata kuliah setiap kelompok data berbeda-beda. Dari ujicoba ketiga kelompok data didapatkan hasil yakni, algoritma genetika cukup baik digunakan sebagai algoritma membuat jadwal mata kuliah, hal ini dapat dilihat dari hasil ujicoba I sampai dengan ujicoba III yang telah dilakukan. Keberhasilan ini dapat dilihat dari nilai fitness sama dengan nol yang dihasilkan setiap kali ujicoba, yang menandakan bahwa jadwal yang dihasilkan sudah tidak ada bentrok

    The human otitis media with effusion: a numerical-based study

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    Otitis media is a group of inflammatory diseases of the middle ear. Acute otitis media and otitis media with effusion (OME) are its two main types of manifestation. Otitis media is common in children and can result in structural alterations in the middle ear which will lead to hearing losses. This work studies the effects of an OME on the sound transmission from the external auditory meatus to the inner ear. The finite element method was applied on the present biomechanical study. The numerical model used in this work was built based on the geometrical information obtained from The visible ear project. The present work explains the mechanisms by which the presence of fluid in the middle ear affects hearing by calculating the magnitude, phase and reduction of the normalized umbo velocity and also the magnitude and phase of the normalized stapes velocity. A sound pressure level of 90 dB SPL was applied at the tympanic membrane. The harmonic analysis was performed with the auditory frequency varying from 100 Hz to 10 kHz. A decrease in the response of the normalized umbo and stapes velocity as the tympanic cavity was filled with fluid was obtained. The decrease was more accentuated at the umbo.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Karya Inovasi : Basis Data Basisdata Citra Aksara Arab Melayu

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    A biomechanical perspective on perineal injuries during childbirth

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    Background and objective: Childbirth trauma is a major health concern that affects millions of women worldwide. Severe degrees of perineal trauma, designated as obstetric anal sphincter injuries (OASIS), and levator ani muscle (LAM) injuries are associated with long-term morbidity. While significant research has been conducted on LAM avulsions, less attention has been given to perineal trauma and OASIS, which affect up to 90% and 11% of vaginal deliveries, respectively. Despite being widely discussed, childbirth trauma remains unpredictable. This work aims to enhance the modeling of the maternal musculature during childbirth, with a particular focus on understanding the mechanisms underlying the often overlooked perineal injuries. Methods: A geometrical model of the pelvic floor muscles (PFM) and perineum (including the perineal body, ischiocavernosus, bulbospongiosus, superficial and deep transverse perineal muscles) was created. The muscles were characterized by a transversely isotropic visco-hyperelastic constitutive model. Two simulations of vaginal delivery were conducted with the fetus in the vertex presentation and occipito-anterior position, with and without the perineum. Results: The simulation that considered the perineum exhibited higher stresses over an extended area of the PFM, which suggests that including additional structures can impact the obtained results. The maximum stretch of the urogenital hiatus was 2.94 and the maximum stress was 23.86 kPa. The perineal body reached a maximum stretch of 1.95, which was more pronounced near the urogenital hiatus, where perineal tears may occur. The external anal sphincter's transverse diameter decreased by 51% and the maximum principal stresses were observed in the area close to the perineal body, where OASIS can occur. Conclusions: The present study emphasizes the importance of including most structures involved in vaginal delivery in its biomechanical analysis and represents another step further in the understanding of perineal injuries and OASIS. The superior region of the perineal body and its connection to the urogenital hiatus and anal sphincter have been identified as the most critical regions, highly susceptible to injury

    Study of the middle ear behavior considering the presence of fluid

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a influĂȘncia de diferentes fluidos dentro e fora da cavidade timpĂąnica no comportamento biomecĂąnico do ouvido mĂ©dio. O modelo computacional 3 D da cadeia tĂ­mpano‐ossicular foi construĂ­do atravĂ©s de imagens de tomografia axial computorizada (TAC). ApĂłs a construção do modelo da cadeia tĂ­mpano‐ossicular, para a parte interna da membrana timpĂąnica foi criada a caixa timpĂąnica, que inclui toda a cadeia ossicular, e para a parte externa da membrana foi criada uma passagem, simulando o canal auditivo externo. A discretização do modelo foi feita utilizando o mĂ©todo dos elementos finitos, com base no software ABAQUS. As propriedades mecĂąnicas foram extraĂ­das de trabalhos anteriores. Foram obtidos os deslocamentos do umbo e de um ponto central da platina do estribo, para um nĂ­vel de pressĂŁo sonora de 105 dB aplicada na membrana timpĂąnica, comparando a cadeia tĂ­mpano‐ossicular e os diferentes nĂ­veis de pressĂŁo externa e interna do ouvido mĂ©dio (fluido lĂ­quido e fluido gasoso). Os resultados demonstram que o comportamento biomecĂąnico do ouvido mĂ©dio Ă© diferente para os diferentes nĂ­veis de pressĂ”es testadas neste modelo. Quando utilizada uma pressĂŁo de fluido lĂ­quido, os deslocamentos sĂŁo de amplitude inferior quando comparados com os resultados obtidos com pressĂŁo de ar.The objective of this work is to study the influence of different fluids of the tympanic cavity into the biomechanical behavior of the middle ear. The 3 D computer model of the tympanic ossicular chain was built using images from computed tomography (CT). After construction of the tympanic ossicular chain model, it was adapted the simulation by placing the passage to the external auditory canal and to the tympanic cavity. The discretization of the model was made using the finite element method based on ABAQUS software. The mechanical properties were extracted from previous works. The umbo and the stapes footplate displacements, for a sound pressure level of 105 dB applied in tympanic membrane were obtained, comparing the tympanic ossicular chain and the different levels of external and internal pressure in the middle ear (liquid and air). The results demonstrate that the biomechanical behavior of the middle ear is different for different levels of pressure tested in this model. When using liquid, displacements are of lower amplitude when compared with the results obtained with air.Peer Reviewe

    The proinflammatory mediator CD40 ligand is increased in the metabolic syndrome and modulated by adiponectin

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    OBJECTIVES: We hypothesized that the CD40/CD40 ligand (CD40L) system is up-regulated in the metabolic syndrome (MS) and modulated by adiponectin (AN). The objectives were: 1) to compare plasma and monocyte CD40L in patients with MS and controls and its association with clinical and biochemical parameters, 2) to investigate platelets as a source of soluble CD40L (sCD40L), and 3) to analyze the effects of AN on CD40/CD40L. METHODS: Plasma sCD40L and AN were measured in 246 controls and 128 patients with MS by ELISA. Monocyte CD40/CD40L expression and platelet CD40L content and release were compared in patients with MS and controls. Monocytes and endothelial cells were cultured with AN and CD40/CD40L expression determined by real-time RT-PCR and Western blotting. RESULTS: Patients with MS had higher sCD40L and lower AN levels than controls (0.89 +/- 0.1 vs. 0.76 +/- 0.07 ng/ml and 10.10 +/- 0.65 vs. 12.99 +/- 0.80 microg /ml, P < 0.05). Monocyte CD40/CD40L expression was higher (P < 0.05) in patients than controls (CD40: 1.31 +/- 0.31 vs. 0.80 +/- 0.14 arbitrary units; CD40L: 1.24 +/- 0.85 vs. 0.43 +/- 0.14 pg/microg protein). No differences were observed on CD40L content between resting platelets from patients with MS and controls (7.7 +/- 3.5 vs. 7.2 +/- 2.2 pg/microg protein). Stimulated platelets from patients with the MS released more (P < 0.05) sCD40L than controls (582 +/- 141 vs. 334 +/- 60% change vs. nonstimulated platelets). AN reduced CD40L mRNA and protein expression in monocytes from MS patients and endothelial cells. CONCLUSIONS: The enhanced sCD40L and cellular CD40L expression in the MS suggests that CD40L is of pathophysiological relevance in MS. Also, a new antiinflammatory effect of AN is described through the modulation of the CD40/CD40L system
