207 research outputs found

    Harmonic Oscillator with a Step and Isospectrality

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    We investigate the one-dimensional Schr\"{o}dinger equation with a harmonic oscillator with a finite jump aa at the origin. The solution is constructed by employing the ordinary matching-of-wavefunctions technique. For the special choices of aa, a=4a=4\ell (=1,2,\ell=1,2,\ldots), the wavefunctions can be expressed by the Hermite polynomials. Moreover, we explore isospectral deformations of the potential via the Darboux transformation. In this context, infinitely many number of isospectral Hamiltonians to the ordinary harmonic oscillator are obtained.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figure

    Amplification profiles of the SSR markers in cultivars of hexaploid wheat and their relatives

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    Dissertação de Mestrado em Psicologia das Organizações e do Trabalho, apresentada à Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade de CoimbraEsta investigação insere-se na linha de investigação ligada à abordagem dos stakeholders e teve como principal objectivo estudar as relações existentes entre os padrões discursivos adoptados pela gestão (o discurso financeiro e económico, o discurso da responsabilidade social da empresa e o discurso dos stakeholders) e a saliência atribuída aos quatro tipos de stakeholders considerados neste estudo (sócios/accionistas, clientes, colaboradores e comunidade). Procurámos, ainda, analisar se determinadas características organizacionais e dos gestores influenciavam os seus discursos, e investigámos a possibilidade de haver um efeito moderador do Ciclo de Vida das Organizações (CVO) na relação entre os discursos adoptados pelos gestores e a saliência atribuída aos diferentes stakeholders organizacionais. Neste sentido, foi utilizada uma amostra de 111 gestores, provenientes de 50 empresas de várias dimensões e sectores, maioritariamente da zona centro do país, que responderam a três questionários: Questionário da Gestão de Stakeholders (GS) de Carvalho (2007); Questionário das Preocupações e Prioridades da Gestão de Carvalho (2007); e, Questionário do Ciclo de Vida Organizacional (CVO) de Carvalho (2001). Os resultados encontrados sugerem que, apesar de se verificarem algumas relações significativas entre estas três variáveis em estudo, não se verificou, tal como previsto, que a variável CVO moderasse a relação entre os discursos dos gestores e a saliência dos stakeholders. As implicações teóricas e práticas destes resultados serão alvo de análise e de discussão.This research falls in the line of research related to the stakeholder approach and had a main objective to study the relationship between the predominant speech patterns adopted by management (the financial and economic discourse, the discourse of corporate social responsibility and the discourse of stakeholders) and the salience attributed to four types of stakeholders considered in this study (partners / shareholders, clients, employees and community). We also tried to test whether certain organizational and managerial characteristics influenced their speeches, and investigated the possibility of a moderating effect of the CVO in the relationship between the organizational discourses adopted by managers and the salience attributed to the different stakeholders. In this sense, we used a sample of 111 managers, from 50 companies of various sizes and sectors, mostly in the center of the country who responded to three questionnaires: Questionnaire Stakeholder Management (GS) (Carvalho, 2007); Questionnaire Concerns and Priorities of Management (Carvalho, 2007); and Questionnaire Organizational Life Cycle (CVO) (Carvalho, 2001). The results suggest that, despite showing some significant relationships between these three variables studied, the variable CVO did not moderate the relationship between discourses of managers and stakeholders’ salience, as expected. The theoretical and practical implications of these results will be subject to analysis and discussion

    Experimental Studies on an Embedded Structure-Soil Interaction

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    This paper describes the results of experimental studies performed the evaluation of the embedment effects on the dynamic characteristics of the structure and the correlation anlayses between the test results and the calculated results. The vibration tests of large scale models constructed on actual soil are carried out with the purpose of obtaining the basic data for verification study on analysis codes. In the correlation analyses, the methods used here are the sway-rocking model and the axisymmetric finite element method. These methods are confirmed to be applicable to analyse the response or the embedded structures

    DArTseq-based analysis of genomic relationships among species of tribe Triticeae

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    Precise utilization of wild genetic resources to improve the resistance of their cultivated relatives to environmental growth limiting factors, such as salinity stress and diseases, requires a clear understanding of their genomic relationships. Although seriously criticized, analyzing these relationships in tribe Triticeae has largely been based on meiotic chromosome pairing in hybrids of wide crosses, a specialized and labourious strategy. In this study, DArTseq, an efficient genotyping-by-sequencing platform, was applied to analyze the genomes of 34 Triticeae species. We reconstructed the phylogenetic relationships among diploid and polyploid Aegilops and Triticum species, including hexaploid wheat. Tentatively, we have identified the diploid genomes that are likely to have been involved in the evolution of five polyploid species of Aegilops, which have remained unresolved for decades. Explanations which cast light on the progenitor of the A genomes and the complex genomic status of the B/G genomes of polyploid Triticum species in the Emmer and Timopheevi lineages of wheat have also been provided. This study has, therefore, demonstrated that DArTseq genotyping can be effectively applied to analyze the genomes of plants, especially where their genome sequence information are not available

    PCR-based Landmark Unique Gene (PLUG) markers are a useful tool for comparative genomic analysis and BAC clone screening in wheat

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Psicologia Clínica e Saúde (Psicopatologia e Psicoterapia Dinâmica), apresentada à Faculdade de Psicologia e Ciências da Educação da Universidade de CoimbraOs pacientes infetados pelo VIH têm sido objeto de interesse por parte dos profissionais de saúde mental pela dimensão do impacto psicológico do diagnóstico, evolução da infeção e a vulnerabilidade destes sujeitos. Seja como for, em traço de evolução da terapêutica, a infeção pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana (VIH) é, atualmente, uma doença tendencialmente crónica. Entre as perturbações mentais, a depressão é descrita como uma das comorbidades mais frequentes nos indivíduos com VIH e que muitas vezes passa despercebida. Acompanha-se de elevada morbilidade e apresenta um impacto sócio-económico, sendo uma das causas mais frequentes de suicídio. Para além da incapacidade que se vai instalando progressivamente, os indivíduos são confrontados com o estigma social, carência de apoio social e isolamento. Neste sentido, este estudo foi realizado com o intuito de chamar a atenção para a necessidade de intervenção psicoterapêutica com esta população, através da exploração dos sintomas psicopatológicos mais prevalentes (com especial destaque para a depressão e para a ideação suicida), tendo em consideração a progressão da doença e a as caraterísticas socio-demográficas.Patients infected with HIV have been the object of interest on the part of mental health professionals due to the dimension of the psychological impact of the diagnosis, the course of infection and the vulnerability of these subjects. Anyway, in trait evolution of therapy, infection by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is currently a chronic disease. Among mental disorders, depression is described as one of the most frequent comorbidities in individuals infected with HIV and which often goes unnoticed. It is accompanied by high morbidity and presents a socialeconomic impact, being one of the most frequent causes of suicide. Beyond the progressively established disability, individuals face social stigma, lack of social support and isolation. Thus, this study was conducted in order to draw attention to the need for psychotherapeutic intervention among this population, through the exploitation of the most prevalent psychopathological symptoms (with special emphasis on depression and suicidal ideation), taking into account the progression of this disease and the social-demographic characteristics

    Discovery of High-Confidence Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms from Large-Scale De Novo Analysis of Leaf Transcripts of Aegilops tauschii, A Wild Wheat Progenitor

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    Construction of high-resolution genetic maps is important for genetic and genomic research, as well as for molecular breeding. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are the,predominant class of genetic variation and can be used as molecular markers. Aegilops tauschii, the D-genome donor of common wheat, is considered a valuable genetic resource for wheat improvement. Our previous study implied that Ae. tauschii accessions can be genealogically divided into two major lineages. In this study, the transcriptome of two Ae. tauschii accessions from each lineage, lineage 1 (L1) and 2 (L2), was sequenced, yielding 9435 SNPs and 739 insertion/deletion polymorphisms (indels) after de novo assembly of the reads. Based on 36 contig sequences, 31 SNPs and six indels were validated on 20 diverse Ae. tauschii accessions. Because almost all of the SNP markers were polymorphic between L1 and L2, and the D-genome donor of common wheat is presumed to belong to L2, these markers are available for D-genome typing in crosses between common wheat varieties and L1-derived synthetic wheat. Due to the conserved synteny between wheat and barley chromosomes, the high-density expressed sequence tag barley map and the hypothetical gene order in barley can be applied to develop markers on target chromosomal regions in wheat