331 research outputs found

    5D Yang-Mills instantons from ABJM Monopoles

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    In the presence of a background supergravity flux, N M2-branes will expand via the Myers effect into M5-branes wrapped on a fuzzy three-sphere. In previous work the fluctuations of the M2-branes were shown to be described by the five-dimensional Yang-Mills gauge theory associated to D4-branes. We show that the ABJM prescription for eleven-dimensional momentum in terms of magnetic flux lifts to an instanton flux of the effective five-dimensional Yang-Mills theory on the sphere, giving an M-theory interpretation for these instantons.Comment: 29 pages, Latex; v2: added references and a comment on the graviphoton coupling in section 5; v3: typos corrected and references adde

    BPS Geometries and AdS Bubbles

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    Recently, 1/2-BPS AdS bubble solutions have been obtained by Lin, Lunin and Maldacena, which correspond to Fermi droplets in phase space in the dual CFT picture. They can be thought of as generalisations of 1/2-BPS AdS black hole solutions in five or seven dimensional gauged supergravity. In this paper, we extend these solutions by invoking additional gauge fields and scalar fields in the supergravity Lagrangians, thereby obtaining AdS bubble generalisations of the previously-known multi-charge AdS black solutions of gauged supergravity. We also obtain analogous AdS bubble solutions in four-dimensional gauged supergravity. Our solutions generically preserve supersymmetry fractions 1/4, 1/8 and 1/8 in seven, five and four dimensions respectively. They can be lifted to M-theory or type IIB string theory, using previously known formulae for the consistent Pauli sphere reductions that yield the gauged supergravities. We also find similar solutions in six-dimensional gauged supergravity, and discuss their lift to the massive type IIA theory.Comment: Latex, 11 page

    Geometry of The Embedding of Supergravity Scalar Manifolds in D=11 and D=10

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    Several recent papers have made considerable progress in proving the existence of remarkable consistent Kaluza-Klein sphere reductions of D=10 and D=11 supergravities, to give gauged supergravities in lower dimensions. A proof of the consistency of the full gauged SO(8) reduction on S^7 from D=11 was given many years ago, but from a practical viewpoint a reduction to a smaller subset of the fields can be more manageable, for the purposes of lifting lower-dimensional solutions back to the higher dimension. The major complexity of the spherical reduction Ansatze comes from the spin-0 fields, and of these, it is the pseudoscalars that are the most difficult to handle. In this paper we address this problem in two cases. One arises in a truncation of SO(8) gauged supergravity in four dimensions to U(1)^4, where there are three pairs of dilatons and axions in the scalar sector. The other example involves the truncation of SO(6) gauged supergravity in D=5 to a subsector containing a scalar and a pseudoscalar field, with a potential that admits a second supersymmetric vacuum aside from the maximally-supersymmetric one. We briefly discuss the use of these emdedding Ansatze for the lifting of solutions back to the higher dimension.Comment: Latex, 24 pages, typos correcte

    Consistent SO(6) Reduction Of Type IIB Supergravity on S^5

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    Type IIB supergravity can be consistently truncated to the metric and the self-dual 5-form. We obtain the complete non-linear Kaluza-Klein S^5 reduction Ansatz for this theory, giving rise to gravity coupled to the fifteen Yang-Mills gauge fields of SO(6) and the twenty scalars of the coset SL(6,R)/SO(6). This provides a consistent embedding of this subsector of N=8, D=5 gauged supergravity in type IIB in D=10. We demonstrate that the self-duality of the 5-form plays a crucial role in the consistency of the reduction. We also discuss certain necessary conditions for a theory of gravity and an antisymmetric tensor in an arbitrary dimension D to admit a consistent sphere reduction, keeping all the massless fields. We find that it is only possible for D=11, with a 4-form field, and D=10, with a 5-form. Furthermore, in D=11 the full bosonic structure of eleven-dimensional supergravity is required, while in D=10 the 5-form must be self-dual. It is remarkable that just from the consistency requirement alone one would discover D=11 and type IIB supergravities, and that D=11 is an upper bound on the dimension.Comment: Latex, 14 pages, typos corrected and comments adde

    Towards a Realization of the Condensed-Matter/Gravity Correspondence in String Theory via Consistent Abelian Truncation

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    We present an embedding of the 3-dimensional relativistic Landau-Ginzburg model for condensed matter systems in an N=6\mathcal{N}=6, U(N)×U(N)U(N)\times U(N) Chern-Simons-matter theory (the ABJM model) by consistently truncating the latter to an abelian effective field theory encoding the collective dynamics of O(N){\cal O}(N) of the O(N2){\cal O}(N^2) modes. In fact, depending on the VEV on one of the ABJM scalars, a mass deformation parameter μ\mu and the Chern-Simons level number kk, our abelianization prescription allows us to interpolate between the abelian Higgs model with its usual multi-vortex solutions and a ϕ4\phi^4 theory. We sketch a simple condensed matter model that reproduces all the salient features of the abelianization. In this context, the abelianization can be interpreted as giving a dimensional reduction from four dimensions.Comment: 4 pages, revtex; reference added, typo corrected; added clarifying paragraphs at end of introduction and on pages 3-4. Version accepted to PR

    Diffusion in an Expanding Plasma using AdS/CFT

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    We consider the diffusion of a non-relativistic heavy quark of fixed mass M, in a one-dimensionally expanding and strongly coupled plasma using the AdS/CFT duality. The Green's function constructed around a static string embedded in a background with a moving horizon, is identified with the noise correlation function in a Langevin approach. The (electric) noise decorrelation is of order 1/T(\tau) while the velocity de-correlation is of order MD(\tau)/T(\tau). For MD>1, the diffusion regime is segregated and the energy loss is Langevin-like. The time dependent diffusion constant D(\tau) asymptotes its adiabatic limit 2/\pi\sqrt{\lambda} T(\tau) when \tau/\tau_0=(1/3\eta_0\tau_0)^3 where \eta_0 is the drag coefficient at the initial proper time \tau_0.Comment: 19 pages, 2 figures, minor corrections, version to appear in JHE

    Correspondence principle for a brane in Minkowski space and vector mesons

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    We consider a 3-brane of positive cosmological constant (de Sitter) in D-dimensional Minkowski space. We show that the Poincare algebra in the bulk yields a SO(4,2) algebra when restricted to the brane. In the limit of zero cosmological constant (flat brane), this algebra turns into the conformal algebra on the brane. We derive a correspondence principle for Minkowski space analogous to the AdS/CFT correspondence. We discuss explicitly the cases of scalar and gravitational fields. For a 3-brane of finite thickness in the transverse directions, we obtain a spectrum for vector gravitational perturbations which correspond to vector mesons. The spectrum agrees with the one obtained in truncated AdS space by de Teramond and Brodsky provided D=10 and the bulk mass scale M is of order the geometric mean of the Planck mass (Mˉ\bar M) on the brane and ΛQCD\Lambda_{QCD} (M(MˉΛQCD)1/2109M \sim (\bar M \Lambda_{QCD})^{1/2} \sim 10^9 GeV).Comment: 8 pages in two-column ReVTeX

    Non-extremal Charged Rotating Black Holes in Seven-Dimensional Gauged Supergravity

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    We obtain the solution for non-extremal charged rotating black holes in seven-dimensional gauged supergravity, in the case where the three rotation parameters are set equal. There are two independent charges, corresponding to gauge fields in the U(1)xU(1) abelian subgroup of the SO(5) gauge group. A new feature in these solutions, not seen previously in lower-dimensional examples, is that the first-order "odd-dimensional self-duality" equation for the 4-form field strength plays a non-trivial role. We also study the BPS limit of our solutions where the black holes become supersymmetric. Our results are of significance for the AdS_7/CFT_6 correspondence in M-theory.Comment: Latex, 12 pages, typos corrected and a reference adde

    Abelian-Higgs and Vortices from ABJM: towards a string realization of AdS/CMT

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    We present ans\"{a}tze that reduce the mass-deformed ABJM model to gauged Abelian scalar theories, using the fuzzy sphere matrices GαG^\alpha. One such reduction gives a Toda system, for which we find a new type of nonabelian vortex. Another gives the standard Abelian-Higgs model, thereby allowing us to embed all the usual (multi-)vortex solutions of the latter into the ABJM model. By turning off the mass deformation at the level of the reduced model, we can also continuously deform to the massive ϕ4\phi^4 theory in the massless ABJM case. In this way we can embed the Landau-Ginzburg model into the AdS/CFT correspondence as a consistent truncation of ABJM. In this context, the mass deformation parameter μ\mu and a field VEV act as gg and gcg_c respectively, leading to a well-motivated AdS/CMT construction from string theory. To further this particular point, we propose a simple model for the condensed matter field theory that leads to an approximate description for the ABJM abelianization. Finally, we also find some BPS solutions to the mass-deformed ABJM model with a spacetime interpretation as an M2-brane ending on a spherical M5-brane.Comment: 43 pages, latex, explanations added in the introduction, end of section 4, and on page 2