5 research outputs found

    Diversifikasi Produk Olahan Ikan Wader dan Manajemen Usaha Berbasis Marketing Online di BUMDes Margosari, Kulon Progo

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    Margosari village has the Serang River which is a source of income for the community. The catched fish is sold in the form of fresh wader fish at a price of Rp. 7,000.00 to Rp. 9,000.00 / Kg. Selling price and storage capacity of wader fish are very low, so it needs to be increased by diversifying the process into krispi wader as one of the business opportunities. The problems faced by partners are: 1) Limited knowledge and skills regarding the diversification process of wader fish; 2) Packaging method is still simple and does not meet standards; and 3) Marketing process is still carried out by direct selling and has not used online marketing method. This community service program aims to increase knowledge and skills regarding the diversification process of wader fish into krispi wader, packaging technology and online marketing. The methods used in conducting this program were in the form of counseling and training as well as assistance to 20 BUMDes members. Counseling and training activities include: 1) Counseling and training on the diversification of processed wader fish into krispi wader fish; 2) Counseling and packaging training was held to know how to pack and making packaging labels; 3) Marketing training based on online marketing. The benchmarks for the success of this service activity can be seen from the increasing of knowledge and skills regarding the diversification of wader krispi process, knowledge of labels and packaging as well as knowledge of online marketing for members of the Margosari BUMDes group based on pretest and posttest analysis of service activities. The conclusion of this service activity is that the counseling method followed by training methods are effective for members of the Margosari BUMDes group in diversifying their wader fish, labeling and packaging as well as online marketing.Margosari village has the Serang River which is a source of income for the community. The catched fish is sold in the form of fresh wader fish at a price of Rp. 7,000.00 to Rp. 9,000.00 / Kg. Selling price and storage capacity of wader fish are very low, so it needs to be increased by diversifying the process into krispi wader as one of the business opportunities. The problems faced by partners are: 1) Limited knowledge and skills regarding the diversification process of wader fish; 2) Packaging method is still simple and does not meet standards; and 3) Marketing process is still carried out by direct selling and has not used online marketing method. This community service program aims to increase knowledge and skills regarding the diversification process of wader fish into krispi wader, packaging technology and online marketing. The methods used in conducting this program were in the form of counseling and training as well as assistance to 20 BUMDes members. Counseling and training activities include: 1) Counseling and training on the diversification of processed wader fish into krispi wader fish; 2) Counseling and packaging training was held to know how to pack and making packaging labels; 3) Marketing training based on online marketing. The benchmarks for the success of this service activity can be seen from the increasing of knowledge and skills regarding the diversification of wader krispi process, knowledge of labels and packaging as well as knowledge of online marketing for members of the Margosari BUMDes group based on pretest and posttest analysis of service activities. The conclusion of this service activity is that the counseling method followed by training methods are effective for members of the Margosari BUMDes group in diversifying their wader fish, labeling and packaging as well as online marketing. &nbsp


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    This paper attempts to reveal how the local media, Kedaulatan Rakyat, produces discourse on the Yogyakarta palace’s internal conflict involving Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X and his siblings. The Special Region of Yogyakarta as a province in Indonesia has a special government system that is different from other regions. The governor of Yogyakarta is not elected by the people like in other regions in Indonesia but is determined by the DPRD based on who serves as the King of the Yogyakarta Palace. This phenomenon becomes interesting when there are differences of opinion among the people and within the Yogyakarta Palace regarding the acceptance of women leaders. The conflict began to arise when Sultan Hamengku Buwono X issued the Sabda Tama and Sabda Raja (Sabda Raja) which were interpreted as the Sultan’s way to pave the way for his daughter to become heir to the throne. The Sultan’s younger siblings opposed the female king to rule in Yogyakarta, so an internal conflict arose. The research method used is a qualitative method with a critical discourse analysis approach using the Norman Fairclough model to analyze news texts related to the Yogyakarta Palace’s internal conflict from the Kedaulatan Rakyat Daily. From the results of the research, it was found that the Kedaulatan Rakyat Daily produced discourses on internal conflict in the Yogyakarta palace by representing the ideology and interests of Sultan HB X’s younger siblings. This local daily newspaper also commodified internal conflict in the Yogyakarta palace as events that were produced and disseminated to the public for the benefits media economy

    Exploring Indonesia government outbreak response: Misinformation of public officials in handling of Covid-19 Pandemic

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    The Covid-19 outbreak started in March 2020, and the Indonesian government has taken a long time to respond to it. With different ambiguous statements, public leaders contributed to the disruption of knowledge concerning the Covid-19 pandemic. Therefore, the study aims to investigate the communication strategy of Indonesia’s government in response to the early Covid-19 pandemic in March 2020. This study uses a qualitative method that analyzes news text from online media. The data collection technique in this research is a literature study. The source of this research data comes from statements by four Indonesian ministers regarding the Covid-19 outbreak from online media. The goal of this study is to understand the narrative in online media concerning Indonesian public officials' response to COVID-19 by analyzing the word frequency using NVIVO 12 Plus software. Findings from this study indicate that numerous issues with the utilization and dissemination of information about the COVID-19 pandemic demonstrate a lack of maturity and caution on the part of the government and media. Indonesia’s government could not provide excellent and precise information that followed the community's expectations regarding the pandemic. Indonesian public officials contributed to misinformation regarding the Covid-19 epidemic when dealing with the pandemic by providing ambiguous, incorrect, and misleading information

    Pengembangan Learning Card untuk Meningkatkan Kerja Sama Tim dan Pengetahuan Mahasiswa: A Literature Review

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      The use of pictorial Learning Cards aims to make it easier for students to provide associations with concepts and materials so that the images that students get can generate creative ideas. The pictorial kick card is expected to improve students' spatial and visual abilities. The purpose of this Literature Review is to review articles that examine Learning Card Development towards Improving Student Teamwork and Knowledge. The data used comes from journals that contain the concepts under study. The data collection process was carried out by filtering from 17,071 literary sources to 7 literatures based on the criteria determined by the author of each journal taken. The criteria referred to include the year the literature sources were taken from 2016 to 2019, the suitability of writing keywords, the relationship between the results of writing and discussion. Strategies in collecting journals for various literatures using accredited journal sites such as Google Scholar, Science Direct and BMC Medical Education. An effective way of writing for journal settings is by entering keywords according to the writing title such as "Learning Card AND Teamwork AND Knowledge. On the Learning card is a card that contains keywords in learning that are used by students in preparing solutions, concepts and problem solving both sequentially and systematically

    Contribution of Halal Certification to Industrial Development in Indonesia

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    Isu halal telah menjadi tren global yang ditandai oleh pertumbuhan industri halal yang terus meningkat dari tahun ke tahun. Artikel ini bertujuan mengeksplorasi implikasi adanya sertifikasi halal terhadap industri di Indonesia khususnya halal food dan halal cosmetics. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif yang didukung oleh data literatur yang diperoleh dari jurnal, buku, majalah, ataupun media elektronik seperti website resmi Lembaga Pengkajian Pangan, Obat-obatan, dan Kosmetika Majelis Ulama Indonesia. Selain itu, data yang dijadikan bahan analisis diperoleh melalui wawancara dengan beberapa narasumber yang memiliki keterkaitan dengan industri halal. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sertifikasi halal memiliki implikasi yang positif dalam meningkatkan perkembangan industri halal di Indonesia. Demikian pula, sertifikasi halal membawa keuntungan khususnya bagi konsumen, pelaku usaha/produsen, dan pemerintah. Artikel ini menegaskan bahwa dengan adanya sertifikasi halal atas produk-produk yang beredar mampu meningkatkan permintaan pasar sehingga membawa industri halal unggul di dunia global. Keterbatasan artikel ini terletak pada objek yang dipilih yaitu halal food dan halal cosmetic sehingga masih dibutuhkan studi yang melihat objek industri halal secara lebih luas