58 research outputs found

    Iterative H.264 Source and Channel Decoding Using Sphere Packing Modulation Aided Layered Steered Space-Time Codes

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    The conventional two-stage turbo-detection schemes generally suffer from a Bit Error Rate (BER) floor. In this paper we circumvent this deficiency by proposing a three-stage turbo detected Sphere Packing (SP) modulation aided Layered Steered Space-Time Coding (LSSTC) scheme for H.264 coded video transmission over correlated Rayleigh fading channels. The soft-bit assisted H.264 coded bit-stream is protected using low-complexity short-block codes (SBCs), combined with a rate-1 recursive inner precoder is employed as an intermediate code which has an infinite impulse response and hence beneficially spreads the extrinsic information across the constituent decoders. This allows us to avoid having a BER floor. Additionally, the convergence behaviour of this serially concatenated scheme is investigated with the aid of Extrinsic Information Transfer (EXIT) Charts. The proposed system exhibits an Eb/N0 gain of about 12 dB in comparison to the benchmark scheme carrying out iterative source-channel decoding as well as Layered Steered Space-Time Coding (LSSTC) aided Sphere Packing (SP)demodulation, but dispensing with the optimised SBCs

    Near-capacity H.264 multimedia communications using iterative joint source-channel decoding

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    In this tutorial, a unified treatment of the topic of near capacity multimedia communication systems is offered, where we focus our attention not only on source and channel coding but also on their iterative decoding and transmission schemes. There is a paucity of up-to-date surveys and review articles on the unified treatment of the topic of near capacity multimedia communication systems using iterative detection aided joint source-channel decoding employing sophisticated transmission techniques - even though there is a plethora of papers on both iterative detection and video telephony. Hence this paper aims to fill the related gap in the literature

    Self-concatenated coding and multi-functional MIMO aided H.264 video telephony

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    Abstract— Robust video transmission using iteratively detected Self-Concatenated Coding (SCC), multi-dimensional Sphere Packing (SP) modulation and Layered Steered Space-Time Coding (LSSTC) is proposed for H.264 coded video transmission over correlated Rayleigh fading channels. The self-concatenated convolutional coding (SECCC) scheme is composed of a Recursive Systematic Convolutional (RSC) code and an interleaver, which is used to randomise the extrinsic information exchanged between the self-concatenated constituent RSC codes. Additionally, a puncturer is employed for improving the achievable bandwidth efficiency. The convergence behaviour of the MIMO transceiver advocated is investigated with the aid of Extrinsic Information Transfer (EXIT) charts. The proposed system exhibits an Eb /N0 gain of about 9 dB at the PSNR degradation point of 1 dB in comparison to the identical-rate benchmarker scheme

    Hyperparameters analysis of long short-term memory architecture for crop classification

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    Deep learning (DL) has seen a massive rise in popularity for remote sensing (RS) based applications over the past few years. However, the performance of DL algorithms is dependent on the optimization of various hyperparameters since the hyperparameters have a huge impact on the performance of deep neural networks. The impact of hyperparameters on the accuracy and reliability of DL models is a significant area for investigation. In this study, the grid Search algorithm is used for hyperparameters optimization of long short-term memory (LSTM) network for the RS-based classification. The hyperparameters considered for this study are, optimizer, activation function, batch size, and the number of LSTM layers. In this study, over 1,000 hyperparameter sets are evaluated and the result of all the sets are analyzed to see the effects of various combinations of hyperparameters as well the individual parameter effect on the performance of the LSTM model. The performance of the LSTM model is evaluated using the performance metric of minimum loss and average loss and it was found that classification can be highly affected by the choice of optimizer; however, other parameters such as the number of LSTM layers have less influence

    Performance evaluation of transfer learning based deep convolutional neural network with limited fused spectro-temporal data for land cover classification

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    Deep learning (DL) techniques are effective in various applications, such as parameter estimation, image classification, recognition, and anomaly detection. They excel with abundant training data but struggle with limited data. To overcome this, transfer learning is commonly used, leveraging complex learning abilities, saving time, and handling limited labeled data. This study assesses a transfer learning (TL)-based pre-trained “deep convolutional neural network (DCNN)” for classifying land use land cover using a limited and imbalanced dataset of fused spectro-temporal data. It compares the performance of shallow artificial neural networks (ANNs) and deep convolutional neural networks, utilizing multi-spectral sentinel-2 and high-resolution planet scope data. Both machine learning and deep learning algorithms successfully classified the fused data, but the transfer learning-based deep convolutional neural network outperformed the artificial neural network. The evaluation considered a weighted average of F1-score and overall classification accuracy. The transfer learning-based convolutional neural network achieved a weighted average F1-score of 0.92 and a classification accuracy of 0.93, while the artificial neural network achieved a weighted average F1-score of 0.87 and a classification accuracy of 0.89. These results highlight the superior performance of the transfer learned convolutional neural network on a limited and imbalanced dataset compared to the traditional artificial neural network algorithm

    Multi-modal rigid image registration and segmentation using multi-stage forward path regenerative genetic algorithm

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    Medical image diagnosis and delineation of lesions in the human brain require information to combine from different imaging sensors. Image registration is considered to be an essential pre-processing technique of aligning images of different modalities. The brain is a naturally bilateral symmetrical organ, where the left half lobe resembles the right half lobe around the symmetrical axis. The identified symmetry axis in one MRI image can identify symmetry axes in multi-modal registered MRI images instantly. MRI sensors may induce different levels of noise and Intensity Non-Uniformity (INU) in images. These image degradations may cause difficulty in finding true transformation parameters for an optimization technique. We will be investigating the new variant of evolution strategy of genetic algorithm as an optimization technique that performs well even for the high level of noise and INU, compared to Nesterov, Limited-memory Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno algorithm (LBFGS), Simulated Annealing (SA), and Single-Stage Genetic Algorithm (SSGA). The proposed new multi-modal image registration technique based on a genetic algorithm with increasing precision levels and decreasing search spaces in successive stages is called the Multi-Stage Forward Path Regenerative Genetic Algorithm (MFRGA). Our proposed algorithm is better in terms of overall registration error as compared to the standard genetic algorithm. MFRGA results in a mean registration error of 0.492 in case of the same level of noise (1-9)% and INU (0-40)% in both reference and template image, and 0.317 in case of a noise-free template and reference with noise levels (1-9)% and INU (0-40)%. Accurate registration results in good segmentation, and we apply registration transformations to segment normal brain structures for evaluating registration accuracy. The brain segmentation via registration with our proposed algorithm is better even in cases of high levels of noise and INU as compared to GA and LBFGS. The mean dice similarity coefficient of brain structures CSF, GM, and WM is 0.701, 0.792, and 0.913, respectively.Web of Science148art. no. 150

    Internet-of-Video Things Based Real-Time Traffic Flow Characterization

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    Real-world traffic flow parameters are fundamental for devising smart mobility solutions. Though numerous solutions (intrusive and non-intrusive sensors) have been proposed, however, these have serious limitations under heterogeneous and congested traffic conditions. To overcome these limitations, a low-cost real-time Internet-of-Video-Things solution has been proposed. The sensor node (fabricated using Raspberry Pi 3B, Pi cameral and power bank) has the capability to stream 2 Mbps MJPEG video of 640x480 resolution and 20 frames per second (fps). The Camlytics traffic analysis software installed on a Dell desktop is employed for traffic flow characterization. The proposed solution was field-tested with vehicle detection rate of 85.3%. The novelty of the proposed system is that in addition to vehicle count, it has the capability to measure speed, density, time headway, time-space diagram and trajectories. Obtained results can be employed for road network planning, designing and management

    On the performance of video resolution, motion and dynamism in transmission using near-capacity transceiver for wireless communication

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    This article investigates the performance of various sophisticated channel coding and transmission schemes for achieving reliable transmission of a highly compressed video stream. Novel error protection schemes including Non-Convergent Coding (NCC) scheme, Non-Convergent Coding assisted with Differential Space Time Spreading (DSTS) and Sphere Packing (SP) modulation (NCDSTS-SP) scheme and Convergent Coding assisted with DSTS and SP modulation (CDSTS-SP) are analyzed using Bit Error Ratio (BER) and Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) performance metrics. Furthermore, error reduction is achieved using sophisticated transceiver comprising SP modulation technique assisted by Differential Space Time Spreading. The performance of the iterative Soft Bit Source Decoding (SBSD) in combination with channel codes is analyzed using various error protection setups by allocating consistent overall bit-rate budget. Additionally, the iterative behavior of SBSD assisted RSC decoder is analyzed with the aid of Extrinsic Information Transfer (EXIT) Chart in order to analyze the achievable turbo cliff of the iterative decoding process. The subjective and objective video quality performance of the proposed error protection schemes is analyzed while employing H.264 advanced video coding and H.265 high efficient video coding standards, while utilizing diverse video sequences having different resolution, motion and dynamism. It was observed that in the presence of noisy channel the low resolution videos outperforms its high resolution counterparts. Furthermore, it was observed that the performance of video sequence with low motion contents and dynamism outperforms relative to video sequence with high motion contents and dynamism. More specifically, it is observed that while utilizing H.265 video coding standard, the Non-Convergent Coding assisted with DSTS and SP modulation scheme with enhanced transmission mechanism results in Eb/N0 gain of 20 dB with reference to the Non-Convergent Coding and transmission mechanism at the objective PSNR value of 42 dB. It is important to mention that both the schemes have employed identical code rate. Furthermore, the Convergent Coding assisted with DSTS and SP modulation mechanism achieved superior performance with reference to the equivalent rate Non-Convergent Coding assisted with DSTS and SP modulation counterpart mechanism, with a performance gain of 16 dB at the objective PSNR grade of 42 dB. Moreover, it is observed that the maximum achievable PSNR gain through H.265 video coding standard is 45 dB, with a PSNR gain of 3 dB with reference to the identical code rate H.264 coding scheme.Web of Science235art. no. 56

    SP-DSTS-MIMO scheme-aided H.266 for reliable high data rate mobile video communication

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    With the ever growth of Internet users, video applications, and massive data traffic across the network, there is a higher need for reliable bandwidth-efficient multimedia communication. Versatile Video Coding (VVC/H.266) is finalized in September 2020 providing significantly greater compression efficiency compared to Highest Efficient Video Coding (HEVC) while providing versatile effective use for Ultra-High Definition (HD) videos. This article analyzes the quality performance of convolutional codes, turbo codes and self-concatenated convolutional (SCC) codes based on performance metrics for reliable future video communication. The advent of turbo codes was a significant achievement ever in the era of wireless communication approaching nearly the Shannon limit. Turbo codes are operated by the deployment of an interleaver between two Recursive Systematic Convolutional (RSC) encoders in a parallel fashion. Constituent RSC encoders may be operating on the same or different architectures and code rates. The proposed work utilizes the latest source compression standards H.266 and H.265 encoded standards and Sphere Packing modulation aided differential Space Time Spreading (SP-DSTS) for video transmission in order to provide bandwidth-efficient wireless video communication. Moreover, simulation results show that turbo codes defeat convolutional codes with an averaged E-b/N-0 gain of 1.5 dB while convolutional codes outperform compared to SCC codes with an E-b/N-0 gain of 3.5 dB at Bit Error Rate (BER) of 10(-4). The Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) results of convolutional codes with the latest source coding standard of H.266 is plotted against convolutional codes with H.265 and it was concluded H.266 outperform with about 6 dB PSNR gain at E-b/N-0 value of 4.5 dB.Web of Science741101099

    Performance analysis of sphere packed aided differential space-time spreading with iterative source-channel detection

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    The introduction of 5G with excessively high speeds and ever-advancing cellular device capabilities has increased the demand for high data rate wireless multimedia communication. Data compression, transmission robustness and error resilience are introduced to meet the increased demands of high data rates of today. An innovative approach is to come up with a unique setup of source bit codes (SBCs) that ensure the convergence and joint source-channel coding (JSCC) correspondingly results in lower bit error ratio (BER). The soft-bit assisted source and channel codes are optimized jointly for optimum convergence. Source bit codes assisted by iterative detection are used with a rate-1 precoder for performance evaluation of the above mentioned scheme of transmitting sata-partitioned (DP) H.264/AVC frames from source through a narrowband correlated Rayleigh fading channel. A novel approach of using sphere packing (SP) modulation aided differential space time spreading (DSTS) in combination with SBC is designed for the video transmission to cope with channel fading. Furthermore, the effects of SBC with different hamming distances d(H,min) but similar coding rates is explored on objective video quality such as peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) and also the overall bit error ratio (BER). EXtrinsic Information Transfer Charts (EXIT) are used for analysis of the convergence behavior of SBC and its iterative scheme. Specifically, the experiments exhibit that the proposed scheme of error protection of SBC d(H,min) = 6 outperforms the SBCs having same code rate, but with d(H,min) = 3 by 3 dB with PSNR degradation of 1 dB. Furthermore, simulation results show that a gain of 27 dB Eb/N0 is achieved with SBC having code rate 1/3 compared to the benchmark Rate-1 SBC codes.Web of Science2116art. no. 546