736 research outputs found

    Biomechanics parameters in teenage cyclist – SUV accident and comparison with the pedestrian

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    The study of the injury caused by the vehicle-teenage cyclist crash is presented in this paper. The vehicle is a SUV, with high frontal part, in order to compare the results with those obtained previously in the sedan- teenage cyclist crash and begin a study of the influence of the frontal shape of the vehicle. No variation is executed on the model of the teenage cyclist and the bike. Three different positions are analyzed: front, rear and lateral position. The injury on the cyclist head is examined by HIC criterion, in the way indicated in the rules. Correlation HIC – AIS is used to calculate the lethality of the injuries. The principal conclusion is done that the injury of the head is more dangerous for the SUV impact than the sedan, but only at the maximum speed (50 km/h). The injury to the chest is analyzed by 3 ms criterion; the injury is greater for the SUV impact than the sedan, but the entity is strongly dependent on the cyclist position. A comparison is executed with both the teenage and adult pedestrian concluding that the pedestrian is subjected to greater injury, because the bike absorbs a part of the energy in the front and side crash. The more dangerous injury is the telescoping. A further comparison show that the shape of the bonnet and the height of the frontal part have to be studied in an accurate way to reduce the injury to pedestrians and cyclists

    Solar powered Stirling engines: a low cost possibility for village power, pumping and cooling

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    Avaliação funcional em pacientes com sequela pulmonar de tuberculose

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    ResumoIntroduçãoNa tuberculose pulmonar, a presença de lesões pulmonares residuais extensas pode ser um fator preditor de invalidez permanente por conta de insuficiência respiratória.ObjetivoComparar as alterações respiratórias e funcionais em pacientes com sequela pulmonar de tuberculose que finalizaram o tratamento.MétodoO estudo foi realizado no Ambulatório de Tisiologia do Hospital Sanatório Partenon. Foram incluídos no estudo pacientes que finalizaram único tratamento com 6 meses de duração (grupo I) e pacientes com tuberculose pulmonar multirresistente que finalizaram tratamento de maior duração após falência aos tratamentos iniciais (grupo II). Foram avaliadas a função pulmonar através da espirometria (ML 3500 Microlab, Microlab, EUA), a força dos músculos respiratórios através da manovacuometria e a distância percorrida no teste da caminhada dos 6 minutos (TC6M). Os dados foram analisados no programa SPSS versão 13.0, sendo utilizado o teste de qui-quadrado e o t para amostras independentes. O nível de significância adotado foi de 5%.ResultadosForam incluídos 27 pacientes sendo que 12 pertenciam ao grupo de tuberculose multirresistente. O distúrbio ventilatório mais prevalente no grupo de múltiplos tratamentos foi a obstrução grave, presente em 9 pacientes. O grupo que realizou múltiplos tratamentos (grupo II) apresentou redução significativa quando comparado ao grupo I nas variáveis CVF (72,06±14,95 vs. 43,58±16,03% predito), VEF1 (66,13±19,87 vs. 33,08±15,64% predito), PImax (68,40±22,78 vs. 49,58±12,55 cmH2O), PEmax (87,20±27,30 vs. 59,08±12,23 cmH2O) e distância percorrida no TC6M (484,21±74,01 vs. 334,75±104,07 metros).ConclusãoPacientes com tuberculose pulmonar multirresistente que realizaram múltiplos tratamentos apresentam comprometimentos respiratórios e funcionais maiores do que pacientes que realizaram único tratamento.AbstractIntroductionIn pulmonary tuberculosis, the presence of extensive residual lung lesions can be a predictor of permanent disability due to respiratory failure.ObjectiveTo compare functional and respiratory changes in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis sequel who have completed treatment.MethodThe study included patients who completed treatment within a period of 6 months (group I) and multidrug-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis patients who completed treatments of longer duration after the failure of the initial treatment (group II). We evaluated lung function by spirometry (Microlab ML 3500), the strength of respiratory muscles through the manovacuometry (MEP-maximal expiratory pressure and MIP- maximal inspiratory pressure) and the distance walked during the 6-minute walk (6MWT).Results27 patients were included, 12 of whom belonged to group II, multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDRTB). Severe combined respiratory disorder was the most prevalent problem in group II of MDRTB; it was present in 9 patients. The MDRTB group (group II) showed significantly lower values when compared to Group I in FVC (72.06±14.95 vs 43.58±16.03% predicted), FEV1 (66.13±19.87 vs 33.08±15.64% predicted), MIP (68.40±22.78 vs 49.58±12.55 cmH2O), MEP (87.20±27.30 vs 59.08±12.23 cmH2O) and distance covered in 6MWT (484.21±74.01 vs 334.75±104.07 meters).ConclusionPatients with multidrug resistant pulmonary tuberculosis who have undergone multiple treatments have more severe respiratory and functional impairment than patients who have had just a single treatment

    Statistical mechanics of Fofonoff flows in an oceanic basin

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    We study the minimization of potential enstrophy at fixed circulation and energy in an oceanic basin with arbitrary topography. For illustration, we consider a rectangular basin and a linear topography h=by which represents either a real bottom topography or the beta-effect appropriate to oceanic situations. Our minimum enstrophy principle is motivated by different arguments of statistical mechanics reviewed in the article. It leads to steady states of the quasigeostrophic (QG) equations characterized by a linear relationship between potential vorticity q and stream function psi. For low values of the energy, we recover Fofonoff flows [J. Mar. Res. 13, 254 (1954)] that display a strong westward jet. For large values of the energy, we obtain geometry induced phase transitions between monopoles and dipoles similar to those found by Chavanis and Sommeria [J. Fluid Mech. 314, 267 (1996)] in the absence of topography. In the presence of topography, we recover and confirm the results obtained by Venaille and Bouchet [Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 104501 (2009)] using a different formalism. In addition, we introduce relaxation equations towards minimum potential enstrophy states and perform numerical simulations to illustrate the phase transitions in a rectangular oceanic basin with linear topography (or beta-effect).Comment: 26 pages, 28 figure

    Design of polymer-based antimicrobial hydrogels through physico-chemical transition

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    The antimicrobial activity represents a cornerstone in the development of biomaterials: it is a leading request in many areas, including biology, medicine, environment and industry. Over the years, different polymeric scaffolds are proposed as solutions, based on the encapsulation of metal ions/particles, antibacterial agents or antibiotics. However, the compliance with the biocompatibility criteria and the concentration of the active principles to avoid under- and over-dosing are being debated. In this work, we propose the synthesis of a versatile hydrogel using branched polyacrylic acid (carbomer 974P) and aliphatic polyetherdiamine (elastamine\uae) through physico-chemical transition, able to show its ability to counteract the bacterial growth and infections thanks to the polymers used, that are not subjected to further chemical modifications. In particular, the antimicrobial activity is clearly demonstrated against Staphyloccoccus aureus and Candida albicans, two well-known opportunistic pathogens. Moreover, we discuss the hydrogel use as drug carrier to design a unique device able to combine the antibacterial/antimicrobial properties to the controlled drug delivery, as a promising tool for a wide range of biomedical applications

    Oxidative stress and DNA damage in agricultural workers after exposure to pesticides

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    Background: Recent epidemiological studies on workers describe that exposure to pesticides can induce oxidative stress by increased production of free radicals that can accumulate in the cell and damage biological macromolecules, for example, RNA, DNA, DNA repair proteins and other proteins and/or modify antioxidant defense mechanisms, as well as detoxification and scavenger enzymes. This study aimed to assess oxidative stress and DNA damage among workers exposed to pesticides. Methods: For this purpose, 52 pesticide exposed workers and 52 organic farmers were enrolled. They were assessed: the pesticide exposure, thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), total glutathione (TG), oxidized glutathione levels (GSSG), and 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2\u2032-deoxyguanosine (8-oxodG), levels. Results: Correlation between pesticide exposure was positively associated with high TBARS and 8-oxodG levels (p < 0.001). A negative association was founded with TG and GSSG and pesticide exposure. Conclusions: The present investigation results seem to indicate a mild augment in oxidative stress associated with pesticide exposure, followed by an adaptive response to increase the antioxidant defenses to prevent sustained oxidative adverse effects stress
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