89 research outputs found

    Persepsi PPN Kecamatan Tegal Selatan Terhadap Peraturan Pemerintah(PP) Nomor 48 Tahun 2014 Tentang Biaya Pernikahan (Studi di KUA Tegal Selatan)

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    Kementerian Agama telah mengeluarkan peraturan yang secara resmi mengatur soal biaya nikah dan rujuk yang dilakukan di luar Kantor Urusan Agama (KUA). Hal itu tertuang di dalam Peraturan Menteri Agama Nomor 24 Tahun 2014 tentang Pengelolaan Penerimaan Negara Bukan Pajak (PNBP) atas Biaya Nikah dan Rujuk di Luar KUA Kecamatan. Pada prinsipnya, menikah itu gratis. Namun, setelah ditetapkannya peraturan pemerintah nomor 48 tahun 2014 tepatnya tanggal 10 Juli 2014 pencatatan nikah di luar KUA akan dikenai pungutan biaya Rp 600.000, Menteri Agama menuturkan, biaya nikah dan rujuk di luar KUA digunakan untuk biaya transportasi dan jasa profesi sebagai penerimaan dari kantor urusan Agama Kecamatan. Salah satu pertimbangan biaya nikah menjadi Rp 600.000, adalah untuk meningkatkan pelayanan pencatatan nikah atau rujuk. Masalah yang akan dibahas dalam penelitian ini adalah yang pertama bagaimanakah tanggapan dari PPN dan PPN sebagai pejabat fungsional terhadap PP No 48 tahun 2014, apakah biaya kenaikan tersebut memberatkan masyarakat, lantas standar/ kriteria memberatkan atau tidak memberatkannya apa?, yang kedua peningkatan apa saja baik pelaksanaan maupun pengaplikasian dalam pelayanan, pengawasan dan pembinaan pelaksaan pernikahan yang dilakukan oleh PPN maupun KUA setelah di tetapkan PP No 48 tahun 2014 ? Tujuan penelitian ini agar masyarakat mengetahui peningkatan kinerja PPN setelah diterbitkan PP No.48 Tahun 2014 serta tanggapan dari PPN terhadap peraturan pemerintah tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif, yakni pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara observasi, dokumentasi dan wawancara untuk dapat menganalisa peningkatan apa saja yang dilakukan oleh PPN. Data diperoleh melalui wawancara terhadap kepala PPN dan PPN sebagai pejabat fungsional. Adapun hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa tanggapan PPN terhadap PP No 48 tahun 2014 adalah senang dengan dikeluarkannya PP No 48 tetapi kurang setuju dengan besaran biaya yang ditetapkan karena bisa memberatkan catin. Kemudian peningkatan pelayanan kepada masyarakat yang dilakukan PPN di KUA Tegal Selatan adalah profesionalisme dan disiplin personil KUA, pembayaran biaya nikah/ rujuk lewat bank, PPN sebagai pejabat fungsional melakukan pekerjaan lebih tepat waktu (tidak menunda-nunda) serta melakukan pekerjaan dengan rasa lega dan akses internet dalam memberikan informasi sehingga masyarakat dapat mengetahui prosedur, standar pelayanan, alur pelayanan dan lain-lain


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    This research discusses the appropriateness between Maqasid Sharia aspects and the management of productive Waqf of Indonesian Muslim University's (UMI) Waqf  Foundation. The primary objective of this research was to investigate whether the management practices of the Waqf of UMI had contributed to the dharuriyah needs of society or not. In this case, the Waqf management is expected to have beneficial functions for the religion and society where the distribution of its properties and returns could be used for the community's welfare. The methodological approach in this research was qualitative phenomenological, where the phenomena related to Maqasid Sharia and productive Waqf management at UMI foundation were investigated and thoroughly discussed. Last but not least, the Waqf development is carried out by actively providing the community with religious, Business, and health facilities. Therefore, based on the management practices mentioned above, the management of productive Waqf at the UMI foundation was considered to follow the principle of Maqasid Sharia. The purpose of Maqasih Sharia was to create prosperity and welfare for communities. This purpose has been considered to be achieved by the UMI foundation

    Comparative Closed Vessel Firing-Ballistic Parameters Evaluation for Development of Base Bleed Composite Solid Propellant

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    Closed vessel test (CVT) is widely used for the measurement and comparison of ballistic and energetic properties of propellants by the ignition of a specific sample mass in a closed high-pressure vessel. In our research, comparative CVTs were performed in a vessel, where an internationally accepted composite propellant base bleed grain sample served as a reference (Ref) for recording the standard values of the under investigation propellant composition, in relation to which newly developed samples were characterized. These comparative CVT experiments were performed under chamber volume of 100cm3, sample mass of 10g for all samples and identical ignition system having 1.5g igniter bag of gunpowder. We used closed vessel with working pressure limit of 5000 bars for recording the ballistic parameters of various composite solid propellant samples with reference to a standard sample. It was found that the Ref sample at 50% propellant loading recorded mean maximum pressure (Pm) of 1040 bars in complete combustion time (tPm) of 120ms and vivacity of 0.038 (1/bar∙s). The measured mean Pm was taken as relative force (%) and measured mean vivacity was taken as relative vivacity (%). This data has been used to tune and study the ballistic parameters to develop Ammonium perchlorate (AP) and hydroxyl-terminated polybutadiene (HTPB) based composite solid propellant (CSP) base bleed grain for artillery projectile

    Impact of egg size on the quality of eggs, chicks, and post hatch overview of offspring during the mid stage of yield (45th week) in Hubbard broiler breeders

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    Background: Egg size is the most significant component in influencing the performance of the laying flock. Though commercial broiler farming is in operation, little is known about how breeder hatching egg size at mid (45 week) stage of production period affects on egg quality, chick quality and post-hatch Hubbard broiler performance.Methods: At the age of 45 weeks, hatching eggs (n=930) from a commercial broiler breeder flock were collected and classified into three egg weight categories: small (60.25±0.25g), medium (65.10 ± 0.31g), and large (70.07 ± 0.61g). These eggs more classified into 2 categories, eggs for quality parameters and eggs for incubation & posthatch performance parameters.Results: Eggs from the small egg group had a higher shell weight percentage. The shape index and specific gravity were impacted by egg size, with larger eggs having lower values. Both male and female chicks' weight and length were significantly influenced by egg size. Data of the body weight gain indicated that as broilers age, the influence of egg size on post-hatch performance of chicks’ decreases. Up until age 21, female chicks' body weight gain was highly influenced by egg size. The feed conversion ratio of female chicks at day 21 of life was considerably impacted by various egg-weight categories, while it had no effect on male and female chicks at day 35.Conclusion: Egg size favourably influenced the features of the chicks (weight and length) but had no impact on the broilers' final live body weight, feed conversion ratio, feed consumption, or mortality

    Impact of inputs costs on farm profitability: an evaluation of pearl millet production in north-western Nigeria

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    The current study was carried out to estimate cost, returns and the profitability level of pearl millet production in north-western Nigeria. The study made use of primary data collected from a cross section of 430 pearl millet farmers and analysed using descriptive statistics, budgetary technique, profitability ratio, and Ordinary Least Square regression analysis. The study reveals that an average gross margin and net farm income across all the sampled pearl millet farms were 233.89and233.89 and 200.89 respectively, while average total cost was 229.35percultivationseason.Theprofitabilityindex,rateofreturnoninvestmentandcapitalturnoverwere 229.35 per cultivation season. The profitability index, rate of return on investment and capital turnover were 0.43, 0.77 and $ 1.77, respectively. This is an indication that pearl millet production is profitable in the study area. It is also established that the coefficients of costs of renting land, fertilizer, labour, seed, agrochemicals and price of pearl millet output have significantly impact on gross margin of pearl millet production. Based on the above findings, the study concludes that profit level of the pearl millet can be significantly increased with policies that guarantee better farmer price and lower inputs costs

    Reproductive traits of rabbits fed Ipomea asarifolia Leaf Meal (IALM) levels in Semi-Arid Zone of Nigeria

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    Purpose: This study aimed to determine the reproductive traits of rabbit fed varying levels of Ipomea asarifolia leaf meal in the semi-arid zone of Nigeria. Research methodology: Fourty (40) nulliparous composite grower rabbits of 10 - 12 weeks with an average body weight of 1,320 g + 20 g were used for the study. The rabbits were allocated to five dietary treatments. The research used a Completely Randomized Design in allocating the experimental animals with eight rabbits in each treatment. Results: The results obtained in this study indicated that inclusion Ipomoea asarifolia leaf meal at 10% in rabbits' diet had a negative effect as it increased the gestation length. Rabbits fed a 7.5% IALM based diet yielded the best results on litter size (LS) and conception rate (CR). The post-partum performance revealed that kittens on treatment three (5% IALM) performed better in weight at day 7 (61.47 g) and day 21 (235.33 g), respectively. Whereas kittens in treatment five (10% IALM) were reported with the highest daily weight gain (10.09 g) and pre-weaning mortality (38.84%). Does fed 10% IALM based diet performed better (720.10 g) in milk yield. The results of the morphometric traits were mostly not affected by an increased level of MGLM except for tail length (TL), length of the front leg (LFL), and shoulder to tail drop (STT) that have the highest value in rabbits fed 5% MGLM based diet, and nose to shoulder (NTS) and length of the back leg (LBL) that had highest figures in rabbits fed 10% MGLM. Limitations: This research only focused on the effect of the test material on reproductive traits and body Morphometry, yet there might be an effect on blood parameters and serum hormones concentration. Contribution: This research will help the farmers involved in Animal production

    Influence of In-ovo Administration of Electrolyte on Eggs of Broiler Breeder During Perinatal Period and its Impact on Subsequent Broiler Performance

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    Background: The perinatal period (final some days of pre-hatch to initial some days of post-hatch) is mainly critical moment during the growth of hatchling because it is a evolutionary  time during which the hatchling undertakes catabolic, anabolic and physiological transfers from the consumption of egg components to external diet. Though, with the present endeavor of viable hatcheries as well as in view of instance to shift and release of hatchling to poultry farms, the hatchlings are unavoidably displayed to delay rationing from 48 to72 hrs. Consequently, tardy dieting, hatchling undergo deprivation as well as allocate the restricted deposits of nutrition food substances for maintenance of temperature modulation as well as anabolism & catabolism that hampers growth performance. In-ovo injection of nutrient (like, electrolytes) during last period of incubation can be applied as an approach to overcome above mentioned constraints.Methods: A total 240 broiler breeder (Ross-308) fertile eggs were set in incubator trays representing 60 eggs for each treatment. A 200-μL electrolyte mixture solution (comprising NaCl 3.5g, KCl1.5g, Na3C6H5O7 2.9g and dextrose 20g) with volumes of 100, 500 or 1000ml insertion treatment as well as non-injected control were incorporated during this trial. The mixtures of electrolytes solutions with different concentration is used in all treatments with dose of 200-μL into amniotic fluid of hatching eggs at day 18 in hatchery, and subsequent hatchability, blood profile and post-hatch performance were examined.Results: The results showed that none of the injections exhibited substantial (p > 0.05) influences on hatch rate or body weight (BW) at hatch, 3d as well as10d post hatch. Likewise, plasma refractive index (PRI), plasma triglyceride as well as glucose contents at d 3 & 10 were not influenced (p > 0.05) through any insertion treatments. Body weight gain (BWG), feed consumption and feed conversion ratio (FCR) throughout period at 0–32 weeks were also not influenced (p > 0.05) by in-ovo administration of the upgraded electrolyte mixture.Conclusion: This study envisaged that tested electrolyte mixture fluids were showed safe and sound for the incipient and hatchlings. It may be proposed that electrolyte mixtures possess ability intended for usage in blend with other electrolytes, nutrition food substances as well as encourages to the viable insertion of broiler hatching embryos for the advancement of incipient and initial post-hatch chick growth as well as advancement.Keywords: Electrolyte; In-ovo; Hatchability; Growth performanc

    Contributing factors and their association with blood pressure control amongst hypertensive patients

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    Objective: To assess contributing factors and their association with blood pressure control amongst hypertensive patients.Methodology: This cross sectional comparative study was conducted at OPD general medicine dept, Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences, from July to December 2018. Hypertensive patients of both genders, having age more than 18 years, and on antihypertensive medication form at least six months were included in the study. Optimally controlled BP was defined as an average systolic BP < 140 and diastolic BP < 90 mmHg if the patient is younger than 60 years, or an average systolic BP < 150 and diastolic BP < 90mmHg if patient was older than 60 years. Logistic regression was applied to assess the effect of different factors on blood pressure control of the hypertensive patients.Results: In the study sample majority 107 (55.4%) of the patients belonged to 41-60 years age group, and females 106 (54.9%) were predominant. Main bulk 155 (80.3%) of the patients was married and mostly 80 (41.5%) patients had monthly income in the range of 25000-50000. About half 89 (46.1%) of the patients enrolled for the study were doing adequate physical activity. Optimized blood pressure was found in 92 (47.67%) patients.Conclusion: The proportion of hypertensive patients whose blood pressure was optimally controlled was relatively low and less than half of patients had blood pressure in acceptable limits. Age group (41-60) years, routine use of vegetable on most days of week, physical activity, adherence to treatment and taking less than three drugs have a strong relationship with blood pressure to keep in optimized limits

    Clinical profile and outcome of COVID positive obstetric patients in a tertiary care hospital: a retrospective study

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    Background: To study clinical profile, maternal and fetal outcome in COVID positive pregnancies.Methods: A retrospective observational study was done at Lalla ded hospital, Kashmir, a tertiary care centre. 70 COVID positive pregnant women who were admitted from May 2020 to January 2021 were included in the study.Results: The incidence of COVID positive patients in our study was 11.47%. 60% of patients in our study belonged to 26-30 years age group. 50% patients were primigravida, 20% were second gravid. Among the study population, 31 (44.3%) patients were term while 22 (31.4%) were preterm. Most patients were asymptomatic (61.4%). Among symptomatic patients, maximum had fever (17.1%) followed by cough (10%) and shortness of breath (4.3%). Associated comorbidity was seen in 33 patients (47.1%). Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy were seen in majority i.e. 15.7%, followed by anaemia (11.4%), GDM (8.5%) and hypothyroidism (7.1%). Out of total study population of 70, emergency cesarean delivery (LSCS) was done in 29 patients (41.5%). 21 patients delivered vaginally (30%). Two post-LSCS patients were shifted to designated COVID Intensive care unit (ICU). One patient from the study group died. There were total of 50 deliveries, 10 babies had Neonatal ICU admission (20%), Low birth weight in 9 (18%). Low APGAR score was in 6 (12%). There were 2 stillbirths in the study population.Conclusions: COVID presents as milder disease in pregnancy, but it may be severe in those with associated comorbidities. More studies on susceptibility of pregnant women to infection by COVID-19 are required

    Implementation of Vocational College Lecturers Teaching Practice in Construction Technology Program

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    The research was conducted to identify practical teaching practices among lecturers of Construction Technology in Vocational College Malaysia. This research uses quantitative methods (questionnaires) and is supported by interview methods and observations for data collection and subsequently determines the answers to the identified research problems. There are three teaching practice components, namely pre-teaching practice, practice during teaching, and post-practice practice. The elements contained in the pre-teaching component of the lesson are the preparation of lesson plans, the provision of teaching aids and the preparation of lesson content. The current practice element of teaching is the teaching method and the element of post-practice practice is training and evaluation. The respondents involved were 46 Construction Technology lecturers at six Vocational College. The data obtained through pilot studies have been tested and demonstrated the reliability of Alpha Cronbach which is 0.819 high. An overview of the differences in pre-teaching practice, during teaching and post-lessons according to the experience and expertise category uses the T test with a significant level of 0.05. In overall, the findings show that all three components of pre-teaching practice, during teaching and post-teaching are at a high level. The findings also showed that there were no significant differences in pre-teaching practices, teaching and post-lectures based on the experience and expertise categories of lecturers.   &nbsp