1,624 research outputs found

    (11R)-13-[2-(4-Hydroxy­phen­yl)ethyl­amino]-4,5-ep­oxy-11,13-dihydro­costunolide monohydrate

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    The title compound (systematic name: 12-{[2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)ethyl]aminomethyl}-4,8-dimethyl-3,14-dioxatricyclo[,4]tetradec-7-en-13-one monohydrate), C23H31NO4·H2O, was obtained by the reaction of tyramine with parthenolide. The configuration of the new chiral center in the title compound is R, establishing the stereospecificity of the amination reaction. The water molecule is disordered over three positions; the site occupancy factors are 0.45, 0.40 and 0.15


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    The title compound [systematic name: (12R)-4,8-dimethyl-12-[(1′R)-1′,2′,3′,4′-tetrahydro-1′-naphthyl)aminomethyl]-3,14-dioxatricyclo[,4]tetradec-7-en-13-one}, C25H33NO3, was formed from the reaction of (1R)-1-amino­tetra­lin with parthenolide in methano­lic solution. X-ray crystal structure analysis determined that the configuration of the new chiral center in the title compound was R

    Cementing the Vena Cava

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    Sharia Compliance on Mortgage Product With Ijarah Muntahiya Bittamlik Contract in Islamic Permata Bank

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    One of the differences indicator between conventional bank and Islamic bank is sharia compliance. As a financial institution based on Islamic values, the activity must be accordance with Islamic rules. The purpose of this research to determine how the implementation of sharia compliance on ijarah muntahiya bittamlik contract in Islamic Permata Bank. This research used primary data through interviews and questionnaire with a population of 100 respondents. For the sampling used purposive sampling technique to become 80 respondents, because the sample in this research only the mortgage customer with ijarah muntahiya bittamlik contract in Islamic Permata Bank. The method of this research used descriptive quantitative approach to describe the characteristics of respondents and interpretation of the answers from respondents about implementation of sharia compliance on ijarah muntahiya bittamlik contract.     Keywords: Sharia Compliance, Ijarah Muntahiya Bittamlik, Mortgage, Islamic Permata Ban

    Praktik-praktik kriminalitas pencurian di Afdeeling Malang pada tahun 1930- 1935

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    Abstract This article discusses the conditions of theft crimes that have occurred in Afdeeling Malang. This condition is the impact of the world Economic Depression. The crime of theft became a serious problem for the legal authorities of the colonial government because of the impact it had. Even though theft crimes also occurred in other areas in the Dutch East Indies, the criminal conditions that occurred in Afdeeling Malang were certainly different. This raises the research question: What is the form of theft crime in Afdeeling Malang? What is the general modus operandi of theft in Afdeeling Malang? What are the efforts to overcome the crime of theft in Afdeeling Malang? This research uses historical methods, in the writing process primary sources in the form of archives (newspapers) were used. In this research, the author discovered the fact that the condition of theft crime in Afdeeling Malang had an impact on the community, thereby encouraging the emergence of initiatives to overcome theft crime.Abstrak Artikel ini membahas tentang kondisi kriminalitas pencurian yang pernah terjadi di Afdeeling Malang. Kondisi tersebut merupakan dampak dari terjadinya Depresi Ekonomi dunia. Aksi kriminalitas pencurian menjadi suatu masalah serius bagi otoritas legal pemerintah kolonial karena dampak yang diakibatkannya. Meskipun kriminalitas pencurian juga terjadi di daerah lainnya di Hindia Belanda, kondisi kriminalitas yang terjadi di Afdeeling Malang tentunya memiliki perbedaan. Hal ini memunculkan pertanyaan penelitian Bagaimana bentuk kriminalitas pencurian di Afdeeling Malang? Bagaimana modus operandi pencurian secara umum di Afdeeling Malang? Bagaiman upaya penanggulangan kriminalitas pencurian di Afdeeling Malang? Penelitian ini menggunakan metode sejarah, dalam proses penulisannya digunakan sumber-sumber primer berupa arsip (surat kabar). Dalam penelitian ini penulis menemukan suatu fakta bahwasanya kondisi kriminalitas pencurian di Afdeeling Malang menimbulkan dampak bagi masyarakat sehingga mendorong munculnya inisiatif upaya penanggulangan kriminalitas pencurian.

    Critical Study the Application of the Principle of Profit Sharing in Syirkah Mudharabah and Musyarakah in Islamic Banking

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    The existence of a syari’ah bank in accordance with shari’ah principles has answered some of the problems of the banking system in accordance with the wishes of the Muslims. In practice, there arose suspicion and dissatisfaction from customers of the Syari’ah Bank which had not fully implemented the Shari’ah principles. The application of accounting to Syari’ah banking institutions currently still faces obstacles caused by internal and external factors. This study aims to find out whether the principle of profit sharing has been applied in the preparation of financial statements as the basis for profit sharing in syirkah mudharabah and musyarakah. The research methods used in this study are qualitative methods with critical theory. The study was conducted on the application of the profit sharing system applied to financing with the Mudharabah and Musyarakah contract in Islamic financial institutions. The results of the research show that the concept of profit sharing that is applied is revenue sharing, the use of revenue sharing method is based on the existence of the principle of conservatism applied in Islamic financial institutions     Keywords: Syari’ah Bank, profit sharing, Quality of Financial Statements, Musyarakah, Mudharabah

    Optimization of copper for the improvement of in vitro plant tissue growth of Solanum nigrum

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    Here was investigated the incorporation of copper in MS medium on growth, and metabolic activities of Solanum nigrum callus. Copper up to 75 µM increased the growth, and thereafter a decline was observed. No considerable alteration in MDA, H2O2, bound phenolics, flavonoids, ascorbate, and copper content was observed with the existence of 25 µM copper, then levels of these parameters were raised with rising copper concentrations. Similarly, 25 µM copper didn't induce a considerable change in lipoxygenase, superoxide dismutase, catalase, peroxidase, phenylalanine ammonia lyase, and polyphenol oxidase activities, however, high levels stimulated these enzymes. Copper at 25 µM didn’t considerably reduce amino acids and soluble proteins, whereas higher concentrations reduced these parameters. Copper treatments reduced the soluble carbohydrates accumulation; only 75 µM enhanced this accumulation. Copper at 25 µM significantly increased the potassium accumulation, whereas higher concentrations reduced this accumulation. From these results, it might be contemplated the optimum effect concerning copper. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.284864

    Declining needs for total joint replacements for rheumatoid arthritis

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    This millennium brings new views to rheumatology. Total joint replacement surgery is needed less often as active treatment strategies combined with availability of new medications has led to more effective rheumatoid arthritis control. This was beautifully shown in a recent issue of Arthritis Research & Therapy by a Swedish study that uses data from national registers and compares incidence rates for total hip and knee arthroplasties before and after the establishment of biologic agents use for rheumatoid arthriti

    Model of strategic planning in active systems

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    Annotation The work is dedicated to the mathematical formulation of the needing for strategic planning in active systems. At the same time, the possibility of the TAC (theory of active systems) for an assessment of conditions of effective strategic planning and development of an active system are shown.Keywords Active system, strategic planning, condition of open management, condition ofNDA, TAS