549 research outputs found

    Capital structure and value firm: an empirical analysis of abnormal returns

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    This study investigates whether capital structure is value relevant for the equity investor. In this sense, the paper links empirical corporate finance issues with investment analysis. This study also integrates the Miller-Modigliani (MM) framework (1958) into an investment approach by estimating abnormal returns on leverage portfolios in the time-series for different risk classes. For most risk classes, abnormal returns decline in firm leverage. Descriptive statistics, simple and multiple regressions are used to test the hold indicator significance. The results reflect that the designed measures are the negative relationship between returns and leverage could also be due to the market’s pricing of the firm’s ability to raise funds if need be. Further avenues for research in this area include examining the stock return performance of companies based on the changes in leverage of the firms relative to their risk classes. It would be particularly noteworthy to examine the rate at which the information content of said changes is incorporated in the share prices of companies as well as in their long run returns This study encompasses all non-financial firms across the five sectors that cover all the various classes of risk. This study investigates neither the determinants of multiple capital structure choices nor changes in capital structures over time. Our main goal is to explore the effect of capital structure on cumulative abnormal returns. This study also examine a firm’s cumulative average abnormal returns by measuring leverage at the firm level and at the average level for the firm’s industry. And also examine other factors, such as size, price earnings, market-to-book and betas.capital structure, agency cost, firm value.

    Capital Structure and Market Power: Evidence from Jordanian Banks

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    This paper provides new insights into the way in which the capital structure and market power and capital structure and profitability are related. We used sample data of fourteen banks listed on the Amman Stock Exchange for the period from 2005 to 2008.We examine the dependent variable, which are expressed by total debt deflated by total assets, while the independent variables are Tobin Q, Growth, Profitability, Size, Ownership, Risk and Tangibility ratio. The OLS estimation results indicate that, at lower and higher ranges of Tobin’s Q, banks employ higher debt, and reduce their debt at intermediate range. This is due to the complex interaction of market conditions, agency costs, and bankruptcy costs. We also show the saucer-shaped relation between capital structure and profitability because of the interplay of agency costs, costs of external financing and interest tax-shield. We find that size tangibility variables have a positive influence both on capital structure and on the other hand on growth, while risk and ownership variables have a negative influence on capital structure.aknowledge, competitiveness, firm performance, knowledge-based theory

    EyeSightVR: An Immersive and Automated Tool for Comprehensive Assessment of Visual Function

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    The complexity of the human visual system enables the rich sensory immersion we have with our surroundings. When neuro-ophthalmic conditions ail this arrangement, it also affects the function of the eye. For early screening and effective progression monitoring of sight-threatening diseases such as Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD), glaucoma, and Space-flight Associated Neuro-ocular Syndrome (SANS), the visual function needs to be checked regularly. However, current methods to measure functional health of the ocular system have prominent limitations which include non- conforming lab environments, lack of trained personnel, limited data collection, and uninterpretable perceptual assessments. Furthermore, there is a growing need for a tele-ophthalmic device that would help eye doctors monitor patients remotely. This work surveys current visual function assessment tools that are portable, immersive, and affordable for use in remote, austere, or impoverished areas. We implemented a binocular virtual assessment system that tests different variations of visual acuity, contrast sensitivity, and metamorphopsia in a standardized setting. Additionally, we propose and implement a novel perceptual modeling scheme that uses the Amsler grid to localize, parameterize and suppress the perceived distortion within a wide field of view. We conclude by discussing the crucial limitations of current virtual reality technology that should be addressed in future studies

    Perceptual determinants of consumption philanthropy donation intentions: Consumption or philanthropy?

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    Consumption philanthropy is the concurrent consumption of self-interested products while contributing to a charitable cause. Although this overarching notion has been widely investigated in the context of cause-related marketing, there has been little work done in marketing or other disciplines in its alternative context of donor giving behavior. Thus, the current research conceptually develops and empirically investigates a model of consumption philanthropy donation intentions (CPDI) where a potentially valued gift is offered in return for a monetary donation by an individual consumer. The conceptual model integrates three fundamental frameworks from marketing and psychology, as well as incorporates a multi-disciplinary body of prior research in investigating the theoretical relationships between the determinants of CPDI. The measurement models and hypothesized relationships are assessed empirically using survey data and partial least squares structural equation modeling. The focal construct of interest, CPDI, is further evaluated using electroencephalography (EEG) and its accompanying methodology of hemispheric asymmetry. The conclusions and implications of empirical testing are discussed, and areas for future research are suggested


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    Perkembangan teknologi informasi yang sangat pesat mengakibatkan beralihnya media periklanan ke media Internet. Electronic commerce (e-commerce) merupakan salah satu metode baru dalam berbisnis melalui Internet. E-commerce dapat menghubungkan penjual dan pembeli yang berbeda tempat dan tidak akan menjadi kendala dalam melakukan transaksi. Calon pembeli dapat mengetahui info mengenai produk seperti harga, model, warna dan sebagainya. CV. Japuran adalah sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang furniture yang terletak di kota Tegal Jawa Tengah. Perusahaan mengalami kendala karena terbatasnya jumlah tenaga pemasaran (Inmarketing) dan biaya pemasaran. Oleh karena itu CV. Japuran berencana akan memasarkan produknya kedalam internet untuk meningkatkan produksi dan memperluas area penjualan

    世帯・コミュニティレベルでの災害準備 : バングラデシュ海岸域サイクロン常習地帯のケース

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    防災学プログラム / Disaster Management Program政策研究大学院大学 / National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies論文審査委員: 竹内 邦良 (主査), 小池 俊雄, 大原 美保, 家田 仁, 園部 哲史, 立木 茂雄 (同志社大学 教授

    Dream images

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    Please seek out the real purpose of this report in the photographs. It is with these images that I have tried to communicate what I have thought, felt, and dreamt. My work is experimental in technique. The images are created as fantasies juxtaposed with the tradition of design, figure, line, planes of dimension, and overall composition. By using color materials in a non-conventional way, I am exploring the range of photographic possibilities with color, form, drama, emotion, mystery, and life. Photography functions beautifully for these narrative elements because of its ability to transform a real event into something mysterious, removed from , but still a part of, reality. During the time the thesis was developing, my emphasis was directed toward recording visions. Daily passages of nightly dreams were remembered and recorded in my journal (the journal and pen remained bedside) to facilitate remembrance of color, actors, and stage settings, the dream theater revealed. From these performances, I formulated the direction of characters, colors, textures, and setting to be presented in the photographic medium. Beginning with the blackness which is essential to the dramatics, the pictures are wonderfully colorful, filled with intentionally chosen spaces, line, light, and mystique that surfaced on the print. In this way, I have tried to fill this photographic space with life and color in hopes of enhancing visual awareness