517 research outputs found

    An Intelligent Tutoring System for Teaching Grammar English Tenses

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    The evolution of Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) is the result of the amount of research in the field of education and artificial intelligence in recent years. English is the third most common languages in the world and also is the internationally dominant in the telecommunications, science and trade, aviation, entertainment, radio and diplomatic language as most of the areas of work now taught in English. Therefore, the demand for learning English has increased. In this paper, we describe the design of an Intelligent Tutoring System for teaching English language grammar to help students learn English grammar easily and smoothly. The system provides all topics of English grammar and generates a series of questions automatically for each topic for the students to solve. The system adapts with all the individual differences of students and begins gradually with students from easier to harder level. The intelligent tutoring system was given to a group of students of all age groups to try it and to see the impact of the system on students. The results showed a good satisfaction of the students toward the system

    An Analytical Study of the Reality of Electronic Documents and Electronic Archiving in the Management of Electronic Documents in the Palestinian Pension Agency (PPA)

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    The study aims to identify the reality of management of electronic documents and electronic archiving retirement in the Palestinian Pension Agency -analytical study, as well as to recognize the reality of the current document management system in the Palestinian Pension Agency. The study found the following results: that the reality of the current system for the management of documents in the agency is weak and suffers from many jams. Employee in the agency understand the importance and benefits of the management of electronic documents system, where the application of electronic document management system provide important features and benefits most of which reduce the loss of documents between departments, illustrates the flow path, the speed, accuracy, transparency, and reduce the proportion of damage and destruction of files. Furthermore, the electronic documents system cost will be less than the cost of the current system and it will reduce the tasks assigned for the staff. The existence of a clear adoption of the agency for the policies and procedures established for the application of electronic documents management system. There are weak plans for training and developing of staff in the agency to raise their efficiency. The study found a set of recommendations, including: increased interest and awareness of the need to implement policies, mechanisms, and procedures to ensure the success of electronic document management system through benefiting from the experiences of other organizations and the private sector. The agency need to increase and develop its services for retirees in order to encourage the private sector, universities, and institutions to join the agency, and open the way for all segments of society in Gaza and West Bank and enhance its competitiveness between international social security institutions. The need to focus its attention on developing and publishing appropriate clear plans and specific goals about management of electronic documents and the agency should be committed to apply them. The need to focus on the establishment of a public management of archiving in the structure dealing with all technical operations and having competent and qualified employees in the field of electronic document management. The need to focus on the Palestinian National Archives and the follow-up with the international standards by the International Council Archives (ICA)

    The Reality of the Application of e-DMS in Governmental Institutions - an Empirical Study on the PPA

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    The research aims to identify the status of the application of electronic document management system in governmental institutions – the study was applied on the Palestinian Pension Agency. The population of this study is composed of all employees in the Palestinian Pension Agency. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, the researchers used the descriptive and analytical approach, through which try to describe the phenomenon of the subject of the study, analyze the data and the relationship between the components and the views put around it. Census method was used due to the small size of the study population and ease of access to the target group. (108) questionnaires were distributed to all members of the study population, were (65) employees in the Gaza Strip and (43) employees in the West Bank. All questionnaires were recovered. The study found the following results: There were no statistically significant differences in the members of the population in response to differences in the study about the reality of the application of electronic document management system in governmental institutions - case study on the Palestinian Pension Authority due to the age. There are no statistically significant differences in population members in response to the reality of the application of electronic document management system in governmental institutions - case Study on the Palestinian Pension Authority due to the variable nature of the job. As well as there are no statistically significant differences in the members of the population in response to the study about the reality of the application of electronic document management system in governmental institutions - case study on the Palestinian Pension Authority due to the variable of specialization. There are statistically significant differences in the study about the reality of the application of electronic document management system in governmental institutions - case study on the Palestinian Pension Authority due to Qualification variable for the benefit of members of the population study who are holding a Bachelor degree. There are statistically significant differences in the study about the reality of the application of electronic document management system in governmental institutions – case study on the Palestinian Pension Authority due to the variable number of years of experience for the benefit of members of the study population who have experience between 11-15 years. The study found a group of recommendations, including: the need to focus on the establishment of a general management of electronic documents in the organization structure that takes care of all the technical processes in it an contains scientifically qualified persons in the field of electronic document management. The need is for the attention in developing strategic plans, policies and mechanisms of action commensurate with the electronic document management system

    Relationship between Human Resource Management Practices and Perceived Performance of Employees in Jordanian Hospitals

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    The relationship between human resource management (HRM) practices and organizational performance is an important topic in the organizational sciences, but little research examining this relationship in hospital settings has been conducted. This study aims to quantify the effects of HRM practices on employee performance in 5 hospitals in Jordan. A descriptive survey design was used, wherein data was collected from all the staff of each hospital using questionnaires. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and correlation and regression analyses. The results demonstrate that HRM practices have an impact on performance, that Jordanian hospitals do not have effective HRM practices, and that compensation has the greatest impact on increasing an employee’s level of performance. Keywords: Jordanian Hospitals, human resource management practices, hospital performance

    The Reality of the Employees Performance in the Palestinian Cellular Telecommunications Company (Jawwal)

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    The aim of this study was to identify the reality of the performance of the employees in The Palestinian Cellular Telecommunications Company (Jawwal), and to find the differences between the views of the study sample on the variables of the study according to the variables (age, scientific qualification, field of work and years of service). To achieve the objectives of the study, a questionnaire was designed and developed to measure the variables of the study applied to the company's 70 employees. The Complete Census method was used and 60 samples were recovered for analysis with a recovery rate (85.7%). The SPSS statistical package was adopted. The study reached several results, the most important of which is that the degree of approval for the job performance of the employees working in The Palestinian Cellular Telecommunications Company (Jawwal) is 81.56%. The results showed that there were no statistically significant differences at the level of α≤ 0.05 between the average of the respondents' opinions on the performance of the workers in the Palestinian Cellular Telecommunications Company (Jawwal) due to the following variables (age, scientific qualification, field of work, number of years of service). The most important recommendations were to increase the efficiency of the employees of the company using the equipment of their work, and the need to pay attention to the development of the skills of employees through specialized training programs to improve their performance. And focus on moral incentives because of their role in improving the performance of employees by spreading the spirit of cooperation between

    An intelligent tutoring system for teaching advanced topics in information security

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    Recently there is an increasing technological development in intelligent tutoring systems. This field has become interesting to many researchers. In this paper, we present an intelligent tutoring system for teaching information security. This intelligent tutoring systems target the students enrolled in Advanced Topics in Information Security in the faculty of Engineering and Information Technology at Al-Azhar University in Gaza. Through which the student will be able to study the course and solve related problems. An evaluation of the intelligent tutoring systems was carried out and the results were promising

    Classification of Age and Gender Using ResNet - Deep Learning

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    Age and gender classification has become relevant to an increasing amount of applications, particularly since the rise of social platforms and social media. Even Nevertheless, contrast to the large performance improvements recently reported for the closely related task of audio. In this research, we show that performance on these tasks can be significantly improved by learning representations using deep convolutional neural networks (CNN). where we get in the ResNet the training accuracy was 98% ,validation accuracy 95%, testing accuracy 96% .Testing dataset organized into one folder (age-gender-test) and contains 1676 audio files related to 39 of age and gender categories and 40 epoc

    Classification of Apple Diseases Using Deep Learning

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    Abstract: In this study, we explore the challenge of identifying and preventing diseases in apple trees, which is a popular activity but can be difficult due to the susceptibility of these trees to various diseases. To address this challenge, we propose the use of Convolutional Neural Networks, which have proven effective in automatically detecting plant diseases. To validate our approach, we use images of apple leaves, including Apple Rot Leaves, Leaf Blotch, Healthy Leaves, and Scab Leaves collected from Kaggle which is part from the Plant Village dataset. We generate a comprehensive training dataset using techniques such as image filtering, compression, and generation. Our model achieves impressive accuracy scores for all classes, with an overall accuracy of 99.93% on a dataset of 10,000 labeled images

    Does systemic anticancer gemcitabine compromise oral soft tissue wound healing?

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    Background: Numerous types of cancer are of substantial medical and social concern, posing a major challenge to modern medicine. Chemotherapeutic drugs include the use of nucleosides, which are composed of nucleic acid and sugar. Objective: This study aims to assess the impact of systemic chemotherapeutic drugs at a therapeutic dose on the wound healing process of the oral mucosa. Material and Methods: 30 healthy rats were randomly divided into two main groups based on the study material, 15 rats in each group. Group A (control) was given a single dose of normal saline (1ml/kg, intraperitoneal), and Group B (study) a single injection of gemcitabine (50 mg /Kg, intraperitoneal). After anesthesia, a full-thickness soft tissue incision (0.5 cm length) on the right side of the buccal mucosa was made in the animals of both groups. Each group was subdivided according to the time of sacrifice into 3, 7, 14 days after surgery, at the end of the experimental periods, specimens were collected for histopathological study, and samples of blood were obtained from retro-orbital venous plexus and collected in microfuge tubes and levels of antioxidant enzymes were measured by ELISA. The data were analyzed statistically at a 0.05 level of significance. Results: Gemcitabine delayed the onset of wound cascade (inflammation and re-epithelization) which lead to worsening healing of the oral tissue; it also resulted in a decrease of the antioxidant activity of glutathione peroxidase and catalase, as well as activated caspase 3, which induces cell apoptosis. Conclusion: Gemcitabine showed negative feedback on oral tissue wound healing through delayed wound healing cascade and by inducing apoptosis

    Eight-Element Antenna Array with Improved Radiation Performances for 5G Hand-Portable Devices

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    This study aims to introduce a new phased array design with improved radiation properties for future cellular networks. The procedure of the array design is simple and has been accomplished on a low-cost substrate material while offering several interesting features with high performance. Its schematic involves eight air-filled slot-loop metal-ring elements with a 1 × 8 linear arrangement at the top edge of the 5G smartphone mainboard. Considering the entire board area, the proposed antenna elements occupy an extremely small area. The antenna elements cover the range of 21–23.5 GHz sub-mm-wave 5G bands. Due to the air-filled function in the configurations of the elements, low-loss and high-performance radiation properties are observed. In addition, the fundamental characteristics of the introduced array are insensitive to various types of substrates. Moreover, its radiation properties have been compared with conventional arrays and better results have been observed. The proposed array appears with a simple design, a low complexity profile, and its attractive broad impedance bandwidth, end-fire radiation mode, wide beam steering, high radiation coverage, and stable characteristics meet the needs of 5G applications in future cellular communications. Additionally, the smartphone array design offers sufficient efficiency when it comes to the appearance and integration of the user’s components. Thus, it could be used in 5G hand-portable devices
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