633 research outputs found

    Culpa e pecado na religião grega

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    Application of Chinese Jun-Cao technique for the production of Brazilian Ganoderma lucidum strains

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    Ganoderma lucidum is a medicinal mushroom traditionally used in China against a wide range of diseases such as cancer and also for its prevention. In this work, commercial Chinese strains G. lucidum were compared to wild Brazilian strains aiming to determine the cultivation potential through the use of Jun-Cao. Six formulations were tested and the strains presented good response to the applied method. In general, the mixture between the grass and wood was well suited for the basidiomycetes, contributing to the preparation of substrates that generated better results in Jun Cao

    Babassu aqueous extract (BAE) as an adjuvant for T helper (Th)1-dependent immune responses in mice of a Th2 immune response-prone strain

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The aqueous extract of a Brazilian palm-tree fruit - the babassu - (BAE) exerts a clear immunostimulative activity <it>in vivo</it>. In the present work, the possibility that BAE can promote Th1 immune responses in mice of a Th2 immune response-prone strain - the BALB/c was investigated. BAE itself, and preparations consisting of <it>Leishmania amazonensis </it>promastigote extract (LE), adsorbed or not to Al(OH)<sub>3</sub>, and in the presence or not of BAE, were used as immunogens. LE and Al(OH)<sub>3 </sub>have been shown to preferentially elicit Th2 immune responses.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The addition of BAE to LE-containing immunogenic preparations, adsorbed or not to Al(OH)<sub>3</sub>, clearly promoted the <it>in vitro </it>production of interferon γ (IFN-γ), a major Th1-dependent cytokine, and not of interleukin (IL-)4 (a Th2-dependent cytokine), by LE-stimulated splenocytes of immunized BALB/c mice. It also promoted the <it>in vivo </it>formation of IgG2a anti-LE antibodies. However, immunization with LE by itself led to an increased production of IL-4 by LE-stimulated splenocytes, and this production, albeit not enhanced, was not reduced by the addition of BAE to the immunogen. On the other hand, the IL-4 production by LE-stimulated splenocytes was significantly lower in mice immunized with a preparation containing Al(OH)<sub>3</sub>-adsorbed LE and BAE than in mice immunized with the control preparation of Al(OH)<sub>3</sub>-adsorbed LE without BAE. Moreover, an increased production of IFN-γ, and not of IL-4, was observed in the culture supernatants of splenocytes, from BAE-immunized mice, which were <it>in vitro </it>stimulated with BAE or which received no specific <it>in vitro </it>stimulus. No differences in IL-10 (an immunoregulatory cytokine) levels in the supernatants of splenocytes from mice that were injected with BAE, in relation to splenocytes from control mice, were observed. The spontaneous <it>ex vivo </it>production of NO by splenocytes of mice that had been injected with BAE was significantly higher than the production of NO by splenocytes of control mice.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Based on the results described above, BAE, or biologically active molecules purified from it, should be further investigated as a possible adjuvant, in association or not with aluminium compounds, for the preferential induction of Th1-dependent immune responses against different antigens in distinct murine strains and animal species.</p
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