281 research outputs found

    Rime e prose di Giovan Battista Donato. Edizione e commento

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    Edizione e commento del canzoniere plurilingue del veneziano Giovan Battista Donato (1534-1604), con componimenti in italiano, veneziano, friulano, bergamasco, latino maccheronico, lingua graziana e pascariell

    Produtividade do amendoinzeiro (Avachia hypogaea cv. Tatu-53) sob adubação foliar com fitoreguladores

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    Two nutrient foliar sprays, namely Ferti-Foliage (21-21 -21) and Wuxal (9-9-7), were applied to peanut plants under field conditions. Both were applied 23 days after germination of seeds, at the beginning of flowering, and during flowering. Other treatments were application of NPK fertilizer (9-30-16, 250 kg/ha) into the soil and check (no fertilizer). The experiment was carried out on a latosolic B "Terra Roxa" soil, sowing being made on March 6th and harvest on July 10th. Statistical analysis showed no significant differences amongst treatments. However, certain treatments had better yields. For instance, application of Ferti-Foliage showed a tendency to increasing number of pods per plant and number of seeds per pod. Same product when applied at the beginning of flowering had a tendency to increase production of seeds and of forage. Application of NPK (9-30-16) into the soil showed similar results.Para estudar o efeito da aplicação de adubos foliares com fitoreguladores na produtividade do amendoinzeiro 'Tatu - 53', efetuou-se ensaio em uma Terra Roxa Estruturada, na Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias de Jaboticabal (SP) . O experimento constou da aplicação, em diferentes épocas, dos adubos foiiares Ferti-Foiiage (21-21-21) e Wuxal (9-9-7) para NPK. Para isto realizaram - se os tratamentos controle sem adubação, aduba çao no solo de 250 kg/ha da formulação (9 -30-16) para NPK, Ferti-Foliage aplicado 23 dias após a emergência, Ferti-Foliage aplicado no início do florescimento e Ferti-Foliage aplicado em pleno florescimento. Além disso aplicou-se Wuxal 23 dias após a emergência, Wuxal no início do florescimento e Wuxal em pleno florescimento. Devido á fertilidade natural do solo utilizado, não se observaram diferenças significativas entre os tratamentos. Verificou-se porém, uma tendência de aumento no numero de vagens e de sementes nas plantas tratadas com Ferti-Foliage nas diferentes épocas. Ferti-Foliage, (21-21-21), aplicado no início da florescência, tendeu a elevar também a produção de sementes e de palhada do amendoinzeiro. Aplicaçao de NPK (9-30-16) 250 kg/ha, no plantio, mostrou tendência de aumentar a produção de sementes e o peso da palhada

    DigiDrum:A Haptic-based Virtual Reality Musical Instrument and a Case Study

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    This paper presents DigiDrum – a novel virtual reality musical instrument (VRMI) which consists of a physical drum augmented by virtual reality (VR) to produce enhanced auditory and haptic feedback. The physical drum membrane is driven by a simulated membrane of which the parameters can be changed on the fly. The design and implementation of the instrument setup are detailed together with the preliminary results of a user study which investigates users’ haptic perception of the material stiffness of the drum membrane. The study tests whether the tension in the membrane simulation and the sound damping (how fast the sound dies out) changes users’ perception of drum membrane stiffness. Preliminary results show that higher values for both tension and damping give the illusion of higher material stiffness in the drum membrane, where the damping appears to be the more important factor. The goal and contribution of this work is twofold: on the one hand it introduces a musical instrument which allows for enhanced musical expression possibilities through VR. On the other hand, it presents an early investigation on how haptics influence users’ interaction in VRMIs by presenting a preliminary study

    Influence of EEG tonic changes on Motor Imagery performance

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    © 2017 IEEE. In Motor Imagery literature, performance predictors are commonly divided in four categories: personal, psychological, anatomical and neurophysiological. However these predictors are limited to inter-subjects changes. To overcome this limitation and evaluate intra-subjects performance, we tried to combine two groups of these measures: psychological and neurophysiological. As neurophysiological variables tonic changes in resting EEG theta and alpha sub-bands were considered. As psychological parameter we analyzed internalized attention and its correlates in lower alpha. We found that when internalized attention doesn't decrease, Motor Imagery performance outcome can be correctly predicted by resting EEG tonic variations

    Analysis of the Inner Fluid-Dynamics of Scroll Compressors and Comparison between CFD Numerical and Modelling Approaches

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    Scroll compressors are widely adopted machines in both refrigeration systems and heat pumps. However, their efficiency is basically poor and constitutes the main bottleneck for improving the overall system performance. In fact, due to the complex machine fluid dynamics, scroll design is mainly based on theoretical and/or semi-empirical approaches. Designs strategies that do not guarantee an in-depth analysis of the machine behavior can be supplemented with a Computation Fluid Dynamics (CFD) approach. To this purpose, in the present work, the scroll compressor inner fluid dynamics is numerically analyzed in detail using two CFD software and two different modelling strategies for the axial gap. The analysis of the fluid evolution within the scroll wraps reveals unsteady phenomena developing during the suction and discharge phases, amplified by the axial clearance with negative impact on the main fluid flow (e.g., 1213% of average mass flow rate for an axial gap of 30 \ub5) and on the scroll performance (e.g., +26% of average absorbed power for an axial gap of 30 \ub5). In terms of accuracy, the k-" offers good performance on the estimation of average quantities but proves to be inadequate for capturing the complexity of the unsteady phenomena caused by the axial gap (e.g., 1219% of the absorbed power in case of perfect tip seal). The need for considering specific geometric details in design procedures is highlighted, and guidelines on the choice of the most suitable numerical model are provided depending on the analysis need

    O ensino de Transformações Geométricas: uma análise dos cadernos do aluno e do professor do Estado de São Paulo

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    Geometric transformations are a relevant mathematical content, because they can mobilize in the students numerous reasoning abilities, besides propitiating introduction and understanding of other mathematical concepts. This article has as guideline question: How is the mathematical content of geometric transformations presented in the curricular materials of the State of São Paulo? and aim to analyze and discuss the approach used to teach the geometric transformations in student’s notebooks and teacher’s notebooks of the State of São Paulo. These materials are briefly presented together with the Official Curriculum of the State of São Paulo and the discussion of the teachers’ relationship with these materials and how this relationship can interfere in teaching and learning. As methodological procedures, two learning situations of the notebooks and four criteria of analysis were selected. Results from the analysis of the learning situations  - one for the Middle School and another one for High School - showed that the student and teacher of the State of São Paulo provide a few subsidies for teachers to explore geometric transformations content and demand the use of other didactic materials; proposed tasks, although related to other mathematical contents, are not an investigative task and create gaps in the mathematical content learning of geometric transformations; and that other research, courses and teacher education groups are important to broaden their knowledge about approaches to teaching and learning this mathematical topic.Las transformaciones geométricas componen un contenido matemático relevante, puesto que pueden movilizar en los estudiantes innumerables habilidades de raciocinio, además de propiciar la introducción y comprensión de otros conceptos matemáticos. Siendo así, este artículo tiene como cuestión directriz: ¿Cómo se presenta el contenido matemático de transformaciones geométricas en los materiales curriculares del Estado de São Paulo? y como objetivo analizar y discutir el abordaje utilizado para la enseñanza de las transformaciones geométricas en los Cuadernos del Alumno y Cuadernos del Profesor del Estado de São Paulo. Estos materiales son brevemente presentados, en conjunto con el Currículo Oficial del Estado de São Paulo y la discusión de la relación de los profesores con estos materiales y de cómo esta relación puede interferir en la enseñanza y el aprendizaje. Como procedimientos metodológicos, se seleccionaron dos situaciones de aprendizaje de los Cuadernos y cuatro criterios de análisis. Los resultados de los análisis de las situaciones de aprendizaje -una para los años finales de la Enseñanza Fundamental y otra destinada a la Enseñanza Media- mostraron que los Cuadernos del Alumno y del Profesor del Estado de São Paulo proporcionan pocos subsidios para que los profesores exploren los contenidos de, transformaciones geométricas y demandan el uso de otros materiales didácticos; que las tareas propuestas, aunque relacionadas a otros contenidos matemáticos, no son de cuño investigativo y crean lagunas en el aprendizaje del contenido matemático de transformaciones geométricas; y que otras investigaciones, cursos y grupos de formación de profesores son importantes para ampliar su conocimiento de enfoques para la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de este tópico matemático.As transformações geométricas compõem um conteúdo matemático relevante, pois podem mobilizar nos estudantes inúmeras habilidades de raciocínio, além de propiciar a introdução e a compreensão de outros conceitos matemáticos. Sendo assim, este artigo tem como questão diretriz: Como é apresentado o conteúdo matemático de transformações geométricas nos materiais curriculares do Estado de São Paulo? O objetivo é o de analisar e discutir a abordagem utilizada para o ensino das transformações geométricas nos Cadernos do Aluno e Cadernos do Professor do Estado de São Paulo. Estes materiais são brevemente apresentados, em conjunto com o Currículo Oficial do Estado de São Paulo e a discussão da relação dos professores com estes materiais e de como esta relação pode interferir no ensino e na aprendizagem. Como procedimentos metodológicos, selecionaram-se duas situações de aprendizagem dos Cadernos e quatro critérios de análise. Os resultados das análises das situações de aprendizagem – uma para os anos finais do Ensino Fundamental e outra destinada para o Ensino Médio – mostraram que os Cadernos do Aluno e do Professor do Estado de São Paulo fornecem poucos subsídios para que os professores explorem os conteúdos de transformações geométricas e demandam  a utilização de outros materiais didáticos; que as tarefas propostas, embora relacionadas a outros conteúdos matemáticos, não são de cunho investigativo e criam lacunas na aprendizagem do conteúdo matemático de transformações geométricas; e que outras pesquisas, cursos e grupos de formação de professores são importantes para  ampliar o seu conhecimento de abordagens para o ensino e a aprendizagem deste tópico matemático

    Description of a multidisciplinary initiative to improve SCIP measures related to pre-operative antibiotic prophylaxis compliance: a single-center success story

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    Background: The Surgical Care Improvement Project (SCIP) was launched in 2005. The core prophylactic perioperative antibiotic guidelines were created due to recognition of the impact of proper perioperative prophylaxis on an estimated annual one million inpatient days and 1.6billioninexcesshealthcarecostssecondarytopreventablesurgicalsiteinfections(SSIs).Aninternalstudywasconductedtocreatelowcost,standardizedprocessesonaninstitutionalleveltoimprovecompliancewithprophylacticantibioticadministration.Methods:WeassessedtheimpactofauditingandnotifyingprovidersofSCIPerrorsonoverallcompliancewithinpatientantibioticguidelinesandonnetfinancialgainorlosstoalargetertiarycenterbetweenMarch1st2010andSeptember31st2013.Wehypothesizedthatdirectphysician−to−physicianfeedbackwouldresultinsignificantcomplianceimprovements.Results:Throughphysiciannotification,ourhospitalwasabletosignificantlyimproveSCIPcomplianceandemphasisonpatientsafetywithinayearofinterventionimplementation.Thehospitalearnedanadditional1.6 billion in excess health care costs secondary to preventable surgical site infections (SSIs). An internal study was conducted to create low cost, standardized processes on an institutional level to improve compliance with prophylactic antibiotic administration. Methods: We assessed the impact of auditing and notifying providers of SCIP errors on overall compliance with inpatient antibiotic guidelines and on net financial gain or loss to a large tertiary center between March 1st 2010 and September 31st 2013. We hypothesized that direct physician-to-physician feedback would result in significant compliance improvements. Results: Through physician notification, our hospital was able to significantly improve SCIP compliance and emphasis on patient safety within a year of intervention implementation. The hospital earned an additional 290,612 in 2011 and $209,096 in 2012 for re-investment in patient care initiatives. Conclusions: Provider education and direct notification of SCIP prophylactic antibiotic dosing errors resulted in improved compliance with national patient improvement guidelines. There were differences between the anesthesiology and surgery department feedback responses, the latter likely attributed to diverse surgical department sub-divisions, frequent changes in resident trainees and supervising attending staff, and the comparative ability. Provider notification of guideline non-compliance should be encouraged as standard practice to improve patient safety. Also, the hospital experienced increased revenue for re-investment in patient care as a secondary result of provider notification

    Congenital pouch colon associated to a cloaca malformation in a syndromic newborn: A case report

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    Introduction: Congenital pouch colon (CPC) is a rare intestinal anomaly usually associated with an anorectal malformation (ARM). Because of its low incidence, there are no guidelines on the correct treatment. We report the step-by-step management and challenging surgery of a newborn with CPC and cloaca to ensure the patient's best quality of life possible. Case presentation: We describe a case of type II CPC associated with a complex cloaca with a retrovesical didelphus uterus in a 1530g preterm syndromic female. A preoperative cystoscopy identified a urogenital sinus with an anterior bladder and a posterior vagina. The abdominal exploration done on day 1 showed a dilated CPC with the cecum ending in a large structure extending toward the bladder, and a proximal diverting ileostomy was created. Eight months later, the CPC was mobilized, and the common wall of the bladder and the pouch colon was excised. The 8-cm colonic pouch was tabularized by a triangle resection resulting in a colonic tube used to create a colostomy. Because of the syndromic nature of the patient, the consensus has been not to proceed with the urogenital reconstruction and the ileo-anal pull-through. Conclusion: CPC malformations should be suspected in the case of a single perineal orifice. There is no consensus about the best surgical approach to CPC. The operative reconstruction must be tailored to each patient in order to ensure the best possible quality of life
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