4,113 research outputs found

    The Urban Anthropologist as Flâneur; the Symbolic Pattern of Indonesian Cities

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    Cities are places full of symbols. In the past decades, Indonesian cities have become the cradle of urban symbolism studies. In this article, the author presents the results of these studies. The cities researched differ tremendously, ranging from the national capital to provincial capitals and small towns; some of them, such as Jakarta, are purely colonial in origin, while others are more or less traditional in character. Some of them have a top-down symbolic structure, largely the product of government activities, while others have symbolic configurations which have a more grassroots character and are based in the religious domain. The methodological aspect of urban symbolism fieldwork is explored by the introduction of the concept of flâneur

    Pengamanan User Account Data Belajar pada E-Task UCIC Menggunakan Algoritma Caesar Cipher Berbasis QR-Code

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    Pandemi Covid-19 yang melanda Indonesia memiliki dampak pada proses pembelajaran mahasiswa Universitas Catur Insan Cendekia, dimana mahasiswa belajar secara daring menggunakan Learning Management System yaitu E-Task UCIC. Dalam penerapannya, E-Task UCIC berisikan materi pembelajaran, absensi kehadiran, tugas, dan ujian mahasiswa yang hanya dapat diakses dengan menggunakan Nomor Induk Mahasiswa (NIM). Penggunaan NIM berdampak tidak terjaganya keamanan data belajar mahasiswa, hal ini dikarenakan NIM bukan merupakan data rahasia, sehingga dapat diketahui oleh banyak orang. Maka untuk menjaga keamanan data belajar mahasiswa diperlukan metode Kriptografi pada user akun mahasiswa, dimana hanya mahasiswa yang dapat mengetahui kunci akses ke akun tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengamankan user akun pada data belajar mahasiswa dengan menggunakan metode kriptografi. Dalam penelitian ini, data yang digunakan adalah data link akses langsung ke akun mahasiswa, serta kunci akses ke dalam akun. Selanjutnya data tersebut akan dilakukan proses Kriptografi dengan menggunakan algoritma Caesar Cipher. Hasil dari enkripsi dan dekripsi algoritma dikonversikan kedalam bentuk QR-Code dengan menggunakan Python, agar dalam pengaksesan aplikasi lebih cepat dengan proses scanning. Maka pengamanan hak akses menggunakan metode Kriptografi dengan algoritma Caesar Cipher pada data belajar mahasiswa di E-Task UCIC, mampu melindungi data belajar mahasiswa untuk tidak dapat dimasuki tanpa menggunakan kunci akses dan QR-Code dari mahasiswa tersebut

    The urban anthropologist as flâneur; The symbolic pattern of Indonesian cities

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    Cities are places full of symbols. In the past decades, Indonesian cities have become the cradle of urban symbolism studies. In this article, the author presents the results of these studies. The cities researched differ tremendously, ranging from the national capital to provincial capitals and small towns; some of them, such as Jakarta, are purely colonial in origin, while others are more or less traditional in character. Some of them have a top-down symbolic structure, largely the product of government activities, while others have symbolic configurations which have a more grassroots character and are based in the religious domain. The methodological aspect of urban symbolism fieldwork is explored by the introduction of the concept of flâneur.KeywordsAnthropology, urban, cities, symbolism, Indonesia

    Data Mining Prediksi Minat Calon Mahasiswa Memilih Perguruan Tinggi Menggunakan Algoritma C4.5

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    The city of Cirebon has many diverse private universities and offers a variety of majors. Due to a large number of existing private universities, the competition between universities to attract prospective new students is very tight. So to be able to compete with these universities, the campus needs to predict the interest of prospective new students by knowing what factors are driving prospective new students to choose colleges. The purpose of this study was to predict the interest of prospective students in choosing a college. In this study, the data processed are the results of a survey conducted on prospective new students in the D3-Informatics Management Study Program. There are 25 sample data as training datasets with 5 assessment data. The data will be processed using the Data Mining process with the Classification Method. Furthermore, with the C4.5 algorithm in the Classification method, iterations are obtained up to node 4 with 3 assessment data which are factors in determining the interest of prospective students in the study program. Furthermore, the results of data processing using the classification method with the C4.5 algorithm were tested using Rapid Miner Software, which obtained a 100% accuracy rate with 120 testing datasets. The final result of using Data Mining with the C4.5 algorithm has been able to predict the interest of prospective new students based on assessment factors in choosing universities

    Vectorization of code generation in CDMA

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    An Investigation into the Adverse Effects of Oxidative Stress from Exposure to Bisphenol A and Its Analogues

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    Oxidative stress is a physiological event caused by an overaccumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) within the body. While ROS are a natural by-product of oxygen metabolism, too many can lead to cell and tissue damage and contribute to many etiologies. Bisphenol A (BPA), a component of many plastic products, has been shown to induce oxidative stress. While the industrial usage of BPA usage has lessened, the safety of its replacements is unknown. This paper will primarily discuss ROS and mechanisms of oxidative stress, the usage of BPA and its analogues, etiologies associated with oxidative stress resulting from exposure to BPA and analogues, and a proposed experimental design to determine oxidative stress from exposure to BPA and its analogues
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