17 research outputs found

    Nutrition of patients during radio and chemotherapy

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    The most common method of cancer treatment still includes surgical treatment, which is also the oldest way to fight cancer. Radiotherapy is currently one of the basic method of treating malignant tumors [1]. This method uses the action of ionizing radiation. However, the radiation does not work selectively and also damages healthy tissues. Chemotherapy - the youngest method of cancer treatment - consists in administering to patients cytostatics that block the basic life functions of the cell, mainly by disrupting the ability to divide and multiply cancer cells. Each of the mentioned therapeutic methods may cause side effects in addition to the therapeutic effect. Anorexia, vomiting, nausea and diarrhea or constipation are most often observed. During radiotherapy and chemotherapy, patients observe changes in taste, dry mouth and the possibility of oral irritation [2]. Through the occurrence of side effects of radio and chemotherapy, patients are exposed to the development of malnutrition and even cachexia. For this reason, intensive counseling and individual diet modification should be used in all patients undergoing radio and chemotherapy

    Why the Mediterranean diet?

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    "Mediterranean diet" is a concept that defines a certain range of nutritional behaviors that cannot be faithfully reproduced in current times. The prototype of this diet was created in Crete in the 1960s and spread mainly among poor populations of fishermen and shepherds, leading a lifestyle substantially differed from modern one. The Mediterranean diet is characterized by high consumption of vegetables and fruit, cereal products, legume seeds and olive oil, average consumption of fish, dairy products and alcohol, as well as small consumption of meat, sugar and confectionery products. The products recommended in it contain a number of pro-health properties, among others, thanks to the content of omega-3 fatty acids, monounsaturated fatty acids, fiber, and antioxidants. Therefore, the Mediterranean diet allows to develop good eating habits for life and prevents many civilization diseases

    Malnutrition of the oncological patient - diagnosis and prevention

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    Introduction: Malnutrition is an important medical problem which affects more than half of patients at the time of diagnosis of cancer, before any treatment begins. Deficits of nutrients in this group of patients have enormous impact on the course of the disease, tolerance of anti-cancer treatment, quality of life and mortality. Weight loss is observed in 30% to over 80% of patients and depends on the type of cancer, location and its severity. Abnormal nutritional status is also one of the causes of a weaker response to the applied anti-cancer treatment (both local and systemic) and, consequently, probably worse prognosis and shorter survival time, and more frequent occurrence of adverse effects and severe complications of anti-cancer therapy that force premature its completion. Patients with malnutrition occurs increased incidence of infectious complications, which worsens their prognosis. Worse healing of wounds after surgical procedures is observed, patient stays longer in the hospital, and the date of commencement of adjuvant treatment goes away. Cancer cachexia may result in feelings of weakness, fatigue, and increase the risk of depression and aggravate the general condition. The aim of the work is to present the essence of the problem which is malnutrition, especially in oncological patients. Summary: Proper nutrition, adapted to the current clinical situation and covering demand, is still an underestimated element of treatment of patients. Properly conducted nutritional therapy in oncological patients is an important element of treatment, because it creates optimal conditions for recovery and reduces the risk of relapse

    Fournier gangrene - diagnostic and treatment

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    Fournier gangrene is a rare, progressively necrotizing perineum inflammation, often leading to death of the patient. The infection is caused by a mixed oxygen-anaerobic bacterial flora. Treatment is based on immediate and radical surgical intervention supported by antibiotic therapy and intensive general treatment. Adequate, quick adoption of curative and caring activities is one of the factors affecting the success of treatment. Depending on the dynamically progressing disease process, it is necessary to efficiently identify problems and modify treatment and nursing care plans from the stages of treatment

    Zesp贸艂 wazowagalny jako przyczyna wypadk贸w drogowych

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    Zesp贸艂 wazowagalny typowo pojawia si臋 u os贸b w pozycji stoj膮cej. W pi艣miennictwie jest niewiele doniesie艅 o tym, 偶e utrata przytomno艣ci mo偶e wyst膮pi膰 tak偶e w pozycji siedz膮cej. Jest to szczeg贸lnie gro藕ne dla kierowc贸w lub pilot贸w, kt贸rzy powinni by膰 poinformowani o potencjalnym niebezpiecze艅stwie omdlenia. Opisujemy chorego, kt贸ry by艂 sprawc膮 dw贸ch wypadk贸w drogowych z powodu zespo艂u wazowagalnego. W leczeniu zastosowali艣my z powodzeniem trening pionizacyjny — kontrolny test pochyleniowy wypad艂 ujemnie

    Zesp贸艂 wazowagalny jako przyczyna wypadk贸w drogowych

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    Zesp贸艂 wazowagalny typowo pojawia si臋 u os贸b w pozycji stoj膮cej. W pi艣miennictwie jest niewiele doniesie艅 o tym, 偶e utrata przytomno艣ci mo偶e wyst膮pi膰 tak偶e w pozycji siedz膮cej. Jest to szczeg贸lnie gro藕ne dla kierowc贸w lub pilot贸w, kt贸rzy powinni by膰 poinformowani o potencjalnym niebezpiecze艅stwie omdlenia. Opisujemy chorego, kt贸ry by艂 sprawc膮 dw贸ch wypadk贸w drogowych z powodu zespo艂u wazowagalnego. W leczeniu zastosowali艣my z powodzeniem trening pionizacyjny — kontrolny test pochyleniowy wypad艂 ujemnie

    Problems of multiculturalism in the polish health care system

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    Introduction: Medical staff in Poland increasingly take care of a person representing a different culture. Aim: To know nurses' knowledge about the customs of people presenting different religions and cultural issues in modern health care. Method: The authoring three-part questionnaire was used to assess the knowledge of multiculturalism. Nonparametric tests were used for the comparison of variables: Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA and Wilcoxon pair order. Results: The overall level of knowledge of different cultures /religions was 8.00 for the whole study group. The highest level of knowledge among nurses was knowledge about Buddhism (1.00) and the lowest level about Hinduism (0.40). Conclusions: Most people did not have any lecture on multiculturalism in medicine during their education. The basic concepts of Judaism, Islam and Christianity are very well known. The knowledge of customs in different religions is small. Adaptation of multicultural education curricula in medical schools is an essential factor to ensure patients and their families appropriate conditions in the Polish health service. There was no conflict of interest

    Perioperative nutrition according to the ERAS protocol

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    Protocol ERAS - "Enhanced Recovery after Surgery" - is a modern multidisciplinary formula of perioperative care to improve treatment outcomes. Over the past few years, many attempts have been made to implement recommendations for the management of patients in the perioperative period. They were primarily aimed at improving the results of treatment of patients undergoing surgery, and thus shorteninglength of stay in hospital, and - as a consequence - reducing the risk of developing complications and even the number of deaths. One of the first author who noticed effectiveness of multimodal treatment for a faster recovery and a shorter stay in the hospital was Professor Henrik Kehlet from the University of Copenhagen. He emphasized that in order to understand the nature of complications occurring in patients undergoing surgery, the basis of the factors responsible for the response to the surgical trauma should be known. In the late 1990s, Kehlet postulated that steps should be taken to introduce a comprehensive program including, among others: effective anesthesia, early rehabilitation of the patient, reduction of surgical stress, or quick restoration of nutrition via the gastrointestinal tract. The comprehensive perioperative care protocol for improving the treatment results requires the need for cooperation of specialists and all medical staff related to perioperative care - not only a surgeon or anesthetist, but also a physiotherapist or dietitian

    Alcoholic fetal syndrome - a problem of the 21st century?

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    Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) is a disease entity that occurs in children who have been exposed to teratogenic alcohol durning fetal life. It includes neurobehavioral abnormalities and changes in the body structure and internal organs. The only reason for the occurrence of this type of disorder is the consumption of alcohol by a pregnant woman (even in small amounts). It is estimated that in Poland about 30% of women consume alcohol in this period (also in small amounts), while in the US every year is born about 40,000 children who are diagnosed with FAS or related disorders