300 research outputs found

    Component-wise modeling of articulated objects

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    We introduce a novel framework for modeling articulated objects based on the aspects of their components. By decomposing the object into components, we divide the problem in smaller modeling tasks. After obtaining 3D models for each component aspect by employing a shape deformation paradigm, we merge them together, forming the object components. The final model is obtained by assembling the components using an optimization scheme which fits the respective 3D models to the corresponding apparent contours in a reference pose. The results suggest that our approach can produce realistic 3D models of articulated objects in reasonable time

    Controlar para educar? O poder como forma de construção de sujeitos na perspectiva dicotômica dominante-dominado

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    Este estudo refere-se à análise da sujeição presente historicamente na educação. Propõe refletir sobre o papel da educação associada as diferentes concepções de poder, a relação deste com o saber, com a construção do sujeito e sua instituição no sistema educacional. Um dos aspectos a discutir será a relação estabelecida entre o ato educativo e o controle, o qual determina comportamentos e atitudes de educandos e educadores. Deseja-se questionar modelos tidos como naturais que apesar da “modernização” continuam formando sujeitos dóceis e disciplinados

    Algorithmic Performance-Accuracy Trade-off in 3D Vision Applications

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    Diplomat: Mapping of multi-kernel applications using a static dataflow abstraction

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    In this paper we propose a novel approach to heterogeneous embedded systems programmability using a taskgraph based framework called Diplomat. Diplomat is a taskgraph framework that exploits the potential of static dataflow modeling and analysis to deliver performance estimation and CPU/GPU mapping. An application has to be specified once, and then the framework can automatically propose good mappings. We evaluate Diplomat with a computer vision application on two embedded platforms. Using the Diplomat generation we observed a 16% performance improvement on average and up to a 30% improvement over the best existing hand-coded implementation

    HIRDLS Observations and Simulation of a Lower Stratospheric Intrusion of Tropical Air to High Latitudes

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    On 26 January 2006, the High Resolution Dynamic Limb Sounder (HIRDLS) observed low mixing ratios of ozone and nitric acid in an approximately 2 km vertical layer near 100 hPa extending from the subtropics to 55 degrees N over North America. The subsequent evolution of the layer is simulated with the Global Modeling Initiative (GMI) model and substantiated with HIRDLS observations. Air with low mixing ratios of ozone is transported poleward to 80 degrees N. Although there is evidence of mixing with extratropical air and diabatic descent, much of the tropical intrusion returns to the subtropics. This study demonstrates that HIRDLS and the GMI model are capable of resolving thin intrusion events. The observations combined with simulation are a first step towards development of a quantitative understanding of the lower stratospheric ozone budget

    Estudio prospectivo de maduración, desarrollo e incidencia lesional en balonmano formativo de élite. ¿Puede el estado madurativo ser un factor determinante de la incidencia lesional en balonmano?

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    El objetivo de este estudio es describir la relación entre incidencia lesional (IL) y estado madurativo de jugadores varones de balonmano formativo (BmF) de alto nivel competicional. Se analizan durante 2 temporadas la incidencia de lesión deportiva de forma prospectiva en 133 jugadores, los criterios de maduración biológica y la carga física de exposición. Se siguieron los criterios para estudios de epidemiología lesional según el consenso UEFA. Las variables utilizadas para analizar el estado madurativo son los estadios de Tanner, la pubertad, el pico de velocidad de crecimiento, el volumen testicular y la edad ósea. Se registraron 190 lesiones para un total de 34.222 h de exposición. La IL total media de todas las categorías fue de 5,6 lesiones/1.000 h de exposición. En competición, el valor fue de 21,8 lesiones/1.000 h, y en entrenamiento, de 3,1 lesiones/1.000 h. No se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre IL, la edad cronológica y los diferentes estados madurativos por ANOVA. El análisis estadístico multivariante registra cierta tendencia entre las asociaciones de IL en competición para categoría (p = 0,07), y en la IL en entrenamientos para Tanner (p = 0,091) y pubertad (p = 0,021). En conclusión, si bien no se detectaron diferencias significativas en la IL por edades en jugadores de BmF, sí se aprecia una tendencia real en determinados estadios madurativos mediante el análisis multivariante. Esto deberá tenerse en cuenta para planificación entrenamientos y estrategias de prevención de la lesión deportiva en el contexto del BmF

    Le Piante endemiche della Sardegna

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    Questa linea di ricerca, portata avanti in collaborazione tra botanici di Firenze e Sassari da circa 12 anni, ha prodotto le prime pubblicazioni nel 1977. Scopo della ricerca è quello di approfondire le conoscenze sulle piante endemiche della Sardegna pubblicando il risultato delle indagini in maniera uniforme sotto forma di scheda. Lo schema di trattazione comprende tutti gli aspetti di un'entità, come andrebbero proposti per una flora critica: sinonimia, descrizione, identificazione del typus, etimologia, iconografie, numero cromosomico, tipo biologico, fenologia, areale, materiale d'erbario esaminato, ecologia, note e bibliografia. Ogni entità, inoltre, è sempre stata corredata da un'iconografia e da una cartina di distribuzione in Sardegna costruita per punti solo da exsiccata revisionati

    Estudi prospectiu de maduració, desenvolupament i incidència lesional en l’handbol formatiu d’elit. L’estadi maduratiu pot ser un factor determinant d’incidència lesional a l’handbol?

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    L’objectiu d’aquest estudi és descriure la relació entre incidència lesional (IL) i estat maduratiu de jugadors homes d’handbol formatiu (HbF) d’alt nivell competitiu. Durant 2 temporades s’analitza la incidència de la lesió esportiva de forma prospectiva, els criteris de maduració biològica i la càrrega física d’exposició, de 133 jugadors. Se seguiren els criteris del consens UEFA sobre estudis d’epidemiologia lesional. Les variables utilitzades per analitzar l’estat maduratiu foren els estadis de Tanner, la pubertat, el pic de velocitat de creixement, el volum testicular i l’edat òssia. Es registraren 190 lesions en un total de 34.222 h d’exposició. La IL total mitjana de totes las categories fou de 5,6 lesions/1.000 h d’exposició. Durant la competició, el valor fou de 21,8 lesions/1.000 h, i en l’entrenament de 3,1 lesions/1.000 h. No es trobaren diferències estadísticament significatives entre IL, edat cronològica i els diferents estadis maduratius en l’ANOVA. L’anàlisi estadística multivariant registrà una certa tendència a associar la IL en la categoria competició (p = 0,07), i la IL en entrenament en Tanner (p = 0,091) i pubertat (p = 0,021). En conclusió, tot i que no es detectaren diferències significatives en la IL per edat en jugadors d’HbF, s’aprecia una tendència real en determinats estadis maduratius mitjançant l’anàlisi multivariant, cosa que caldria que es tingués en compte per planificar entrenaments i estratègies de prevenció de lesions esportives en el context de l’HbF

    Algorithmic Performance-Accuracy Trade-off in 3D Vision Applications Using HyperMapper

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    In this paper we investigate an emerging application, 3D scene understanding, likely to be significant in the mobile space in the near future. The goal of this exploration is to reduce execution time while meeting our quality of result objectives. In previous work we showed for the first time that it is possible to map this application to power constrained embedded systems, highlighting that decision choices made at the algorithmic design-level have the most impact. As the algorithmic design space is too large to be exhaustively evaluated, we use a previously introduced multi-objective Random Forest Active Learning prediction framework dubbed HyperMapper, to find good algorithmic designs. We show that HyperMapper generalizes on a recent cutting edge 3D scene understanding algorithm and on a modern GPU-based computer architecture. HyperMapper is able to beat an expert human hand-tuning the algorithmic parameters of the class of Computer Vision applications taken under consideration in this paper automatically. In addition, we use crowd-sourcing using a 3D scene understanding Android app to show that the Pareto front obtained on an embedded system can be used to accelerate the same application on all the 83 smart-phones and tablets crowd-sourced with speedups ranging from 2 to over 12.Comment: 10 pages, Keywords: design space exploration, machine learning, computer vision, SLAM, embedded systems, GPU, crowd-sourcin

    Application-oriented Design Space Exploration for SLAM Algorithms

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    In visual SLAM, there are many software and hardware parameters, such as algorithmic thresholds and GPU frequency, that need to be tuned; however, this tuning should also take into account the structure and motion of the camera. In this paper, we determine the complexity of the structure and motion with a few parameters calculated using information theory. Depending on this complexity and the desired performance metrics, suitable parameters are explored and determined. Additionally, based on the proposed structure and motion parameters, several applications are presented, including a novel active SLAM approach which guides the camera in such a way that the SLAM algorithm achieves the desired performance metrics. Real-world and simulated experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed design space and its applications