12 research outputs found

    Identity parameters on traditionally used Antiurolithiatic Herb - Scoparia Dulcis Linn.

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    Introduction: Scoparia dulcis Linn. locally known as Manithumbe Gida belongs to Scophularaceae family and used in medicine by the traditional practitioners for the treatment of urinary calculi. Materials and Methods: Matured plants are collected from Udupi district and authenticated. Macromicroscopic features, physico-chemical standards, HPTLC and secondary metabolites were recorded as per standard guidelines. Result: TS of leaf has shown the presence of mesophyll and bi-collateral vascular bundles. Outer cork tissue, a layer of cortex and conjoint collateral closed vascular bundles and central pith are inclusions of stem TS. Pitted and reticulate vessels are characteristic features of plant powder. Physico-chemical standards and presence of alkaloids, carbohydrates, tannin and coumarins were indicative of its chemical nature. HPTLC fingerprints are a record of its different chemical constituents. Thus the quality monograph prepared on this drug beneficial in future research

    A review on molecular techniques employed for authentication of Indian medicinal plants

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    Traditional medical systems are advancing to the level of modern medicines in treatment and preventive aspects. The increased trade in medicinal plants provides income source for herbalists while substitution of rare ingredients with cheaper and more readily available species is misleading the end users. The prime cause of the problems associated with the standardization of medicinal plants is complex composition of herbal drugs used in the form of whole plants, plant parts or extracts. Deliberate adulteration of intended ingredients are posing difficulty in distinguishing the genuine resources. Authentication of medicinal plants by recent molecular techniques is inevitable for herbal drug industries, researchers and academia. Of late, herbal genomics, molecular studies of medicinal plants and powerful next generation sequencing techniques have been emerged to transform the current knowledge. A compilation of various molecular markers used, their efficiency in barcoding for the purpose of accurate authentication of herbal drugs has been attempted in this study. Data were collected from previous literature and online repositories like NCBI, Pubmed etc. There are various molecular techniques that can be exploited for authentication of medicinal plants such as Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP), Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD), Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP), Sequence Characterized Amplified Region (SCAR), Selective Amplification of Microsatellite polymorphic loci (SAMPL), Simple Sequence Repeats (SSR), Inter Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR), DNA barcoding, Next Generation Sequencing Techniques etc. Some of medicinal plants were reported having molecular data useful in plant identification. The genomic data of poly herbal formulations helps for scientific validation and universal recognition. Even though the challenges associated with reprehensibility, primer designing, amplification products of molecular markers and troubles related with DNA isolation and purification, become the major obstacle in front of researchers. It is high time to focus these novel strategies for proper identification to ensure the fidelity of traditional herbal products and there by promoting a step towards the global acceptance of our indigenous medicinal systems

    Fingerprints of two medicinal species of Alternanthera – A. ficoidea and A. sessilis to facilitate differentiation in dried form

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    Amaranthaceae family members are of folkloric importance. Present work aims to evaluate differentiation between two species Alternanthera ficoidea and Alternanthera sessilis. Plant samples were collected and authenticated. Powder microscopy, phytochemical, physicochemical, HPTLC photo documentation & fingerprint profiling (n-hexane, successive chloroform, successive ethanol) and HPLC analysis of both samples were performed. Powder microscopic studies of both species were carried out and the characteristic features were captured and documented. Physico-chemical investigation divulged the different ash content of two species. Phytochemical investigation revealed the variance of secondary metabolites in different extracts of the samples. Photo documentation as well as fingerprint profile by HPTLC followed spectral comparison and HPLC analysis confirmed the presence of common compounds in different extracts of the selected species

    Antimicrobial Potential of Helicanthus elastica (Desr.) Danser - A less explored Indian mistletoe Growing on Mango Trees

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    ABSTRACTHelicanthus elastica (Desr.) Danser (Loranthaceae) is a less-known medicinally important mistletoe species occurring in India. It is used to check abortion, and also in vesical calculi and kidney affections. There are no detailed studies reporting the antimicrobial potential of this plant. Based on the traditional use and the rich phenolic composition of the whole plant, the antimicrobial property of the alcohol extract was analyzed and the results are outlined in the present paper. For the analysis, zone of inhibition, and minimum inhibitory concentration were used, and the total activity was assayed by standard methodologies. The antimicrobial activity was studied against bacteria like Aeromonas hydrophila, Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Streptococcus pyogenes, Vibrio fischeri, and a fungus Candida albicans. Of the eight tested bacteria, the alcoholic extract of H. elastica was found to be active against K. pneumoniae, A. hydrophila, E. coli, and V. fischeri at concentration ranging from 250 to 500μg/ml. C. albicans showed inhibition only at a concentration of 2000μg/ml

    Quality Standards for Caturjata Carna Evaluated with Official and Substitute Ingredients

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    Background: In Ayurveda, single or multiple herbs mixed in a particular proportion are used for the treatment of different diseases. Caturjata Curna (CC) is a popular Ayurvedic medicine with therapeutic application in tastelessness, diseases due to vitiated Kapha, poisoning and discoloration. The present study is an attempt to standardize a polyherbal medicine CC. Methods: CC was prepared by mixing an equal proportion of ingredients including Tvak (Cinnamomum verum) - stem bark, Ela (Elettaria cardamomum (L.) Maton) - seed, Tvakpatra (Cinnamomum tamala (Buch.-Ham.) T.Nees & Eberm.) - leaf and Nagakesara (Mesua ferrea L.) - stamen in equal parts as per guidelines in Ayurvedic Formulary of India. Macro-microscopy, physico-chemical parameters, HPTLC fingerprinting, and spectroscopic parameters were determined according to standardised methodology available in Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India. Results: Caturjata curna is brown coloured with a characteristic odour and aromatic taste. Powder microscopy showed the presence of diagnostic characters like horse shoe-shaped stone cells, perisperm cells with volatile oil droplets, paracytic stomata and endothecium layers of anthers indicating each ingredient of the formulation. HPTLC showed 13, 13 and 16 bands each under short UV, long UV and white light post derivatisation respectively in ethanolic extract of the formulation. Physico-chemical standards like loss on drying at 105º (10.39 %), total ash (4.1 %), acid-insoluble ash (0.90 %), ethanol- soluble extractive (10 %), water-soluble extractive (8.77 %) and pH of 10% aqueous solution (4.58) were recorded. The presence of cinnamaldehyde and 1-eicosene was confirmed by GC-MS and NMR studies. Conclusion: a monograph on quality standards for CC has been proposed which would serve as a document to control the quality of this polyherbal formulation

    Pharmacognosy and quality characterization of Balanites aegyptiaca (L.) Delile fruits

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    Fruits of Balanites aegyptiaca (L.) Delile syn. B. roxburghii Planch (Family Balanitaceae) is considered as source of Ingudi of Ayurveda. It is a thorny tree with ovoid pulpy drupe type of fruit. In Ayurveda, Ingudi bark, leaf and fruits are said to be beneficial as blood purifier, diuretic, in leprosy, poisoning, ulcers, worm infestation, leucoderma, anorexia and constipation. Seed extract is hypotensive and the seed oil is used for burns and freckles. The unripe fruits are cathartic and the ripe ones are used in whooping cough and skin troubles. The fruits are also reported to possess antihperglycemic activity. In the present study, systematic pharmacognostical evaluation of ripe fruits has been carried out as per standard methodologies used for drug standardisation. Macroscopical, microscopical and physico-chemical features of the fruit have been documented. Preliminary phytochemical investigations indicated presence of carbohydrates, coumarins, triterpenoids and saponins. HPTLC fingerprint profile has been developed for methanol extract of pulp using diosgenin as standard. The result obtained from standardization of fruit established set diagnostic tests to authenticate genuine fruits. These parameters can be utilized for rapid identification of the drug as whole and as powder

    <span style="font-size:15.0pt;font-family: "Times New Roman","serif";mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";mso-bidi-font-family: Mangal;mso-ansi-language:EN-US;mso-fareast-language:EN-US;mso-bidi-language: HI" lang="EN-US">Pharmacognosy and quality characterization of <i style="mso-bidi-font-style: normal">Balanites aegyptiaca</i> (L.) Delile fruits</span>

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    40-50<span style="font-size:9.0pt;font-family: " times="" new="" roman","serif";mso-fareast-font-family:"times="" roman";mso-bidi-font-family:="" mangal;mso-ansi-language:en-us;mso-fareast-language:en-us;mso-bidi-language:="" hi"="" lang="EN-US">Fruits of Balanites aegyptiaca (L.) Delile syn. B. roxburghii Planch (Family Balanitaceae) is considered as source of <i style="mso-bidi-font-style: normal">Ingudi of Ayurveda. It is a thorny tree with ovoid pulpy drupe type of fruit. In Ayurveda, Ingudi bark, leaf and fruits are said to be beneficial as blood purifier, diuretic, in leprosy, poisoning, ulcers, worm infestation, leucoderma, anorexia and constipation. Seed extract is hypotensive and the seed oil is used for burns and freckles. The unripe fruits are cathartic and the ripe ones are used in whooping cough and skin troubles. The fruits are also reported to possess antihperglycemic activity. In the present study, systematic pharmacognostical evaluation of ripe fruits has been carried out as per standard methodologies used for drug standardisation. Macroscopical, microscopical and physico-chemical features of the fruit have been documented. Preliminary phytochemical investigations indicated presence of carbohydrates, coumarins, triterpenoids and saponins. HPTLC fingerprint profile has been developed for methanol extract of pulp using diosgenin as standard. The result obtained from standardization of fruit established set diagnostic tests to authenticate genuine fruits. These parameters can be utilized for rapid identification of the drug as whole and as powder.</span

    Total Phenol Content and In Vitro Antioxidant Potential of Helicanthus elastica (Desr.) Danser-A Less-explored Indian Mango Mistletoe

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    Natural products are an important source of antioxidant molecules like tannins, phenolic compounds, flavonoids, etc., Helicanthus elastica (Desr.) Danser (Loranthaceae) is one such plant belonging to the category of mistletoe, and grows commonly on the mango trees in India. In the present study, an attempt has been made to assess the antioxidant properties of the plant. Ethanol extract of H. elastica growing on mango tree was studied using different in vitro models. Shade-dried whole plant material was extracted with ethanol by cold percolation. Fifty milligrams of the alcohol extract of H. elastica was weighed and dissolved in 10 ml of methanol. The resultant 5 mg/ml solution was suitably diluted to obtain different concentrations. Total phenol content, reducing power assay, and scavenging of free radicals like nitric oxide, hydroxyl, hydrogen peroxide, and 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl were studied by standardized in vitro chemical methods using ascorbic acid as the standard. The total phenol content of the plant was found to be 1.89% w/w. The extract showed good reducing power as well as scavenging of free radicals (nitric oxide, hydroxyl, superoxide anion, and hydrogen peroxide) at concentrations ranging from 5 to 100 μg/ml. The study revealed the antioxidant potential of H. elastica

    Quality standards for Hutabhugādi cūrṇa (Ayurvedic Formulary of India)

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    In India, herbal medicines are mainly based on the Ayurvedic system. The main drawback of traditional medicines is a lack of standardized products. Standardization of any herbal formulation is essential in order to assess the quality, purity, safety, and efficacy of drugs based on the analysis of their active properties. Testing of Ayurvedic preparations using scientific methodologies will add to quality and authenticity of the product. This article reports standardization parameters for Hutabhugādi cūrṇa (HC) used traditionally in the treatment of Agnimāndya (digestive impairment), Pāndu (anemia), Sopha (edema), and Ārsa (piles). The formulation was prepared as per Ayurvedic Formulary of India, and it was standardized by organoleptic characterization, macro–microscopic evaluation, physicochemical testing, and thin-layer chromatography/high-performance thin-layer chromatography profiling employing a standard methodology. Results of the experiments conducted provided diagnostic characteristics to identify and standardize the formulation prepared using official ingredients of HC. Based on the data obtained, a monograph on quality standards for HC is proposed. The monograph based on the present investigation results would serve as a document to control the quality of HC